WednesdayAug Flower sho prim list Iiihie from ell see relaxlea MHorticuitunl Societies miniu most bentcedtytiz District Manager ls Appomted noon lozan Picnieiunphl oon pavnon rw rmn omI lumber nt the Anglican perish IudImiieit No mh waving Ind lesthgurcnic Ind es oi the Denneryotiwmsmgcoe recent PHILll Buried Ilsa ltudied woodworkinz end mil be addressed by the Vault Tedu Sm mm ha been amujmu can Donn MA DD Archdeacon of pointed district manger bythe The hmdlcnits instructor re EOMCOKG Ind MID 0515an Dlnte vy 011115 71 on tutor Norwich Union Lite 1mm So port that hérmimo pupils were Mh WW91 Slim AIS Ban gt clet SninI is mtive of experts thlhe needlework field on him It Crew Community thetn 13mm on Strndnrd at normm very bus Coiiinguood joining the Norwleh wen muting dom ete rne nuin Pu WWW Time ninth mgmter ï¬ufmfgmdunzwhkhbendud company there in 1949 His new mnieriil they used in curving Urns hngifï¬fiï¬wul go ï¬g 50¢ 33 bluk ts positionhere placer him incurs soapstone but they did use some ï¬fe pm in flwcfney Dont forget Ithedannuri Hard nd infannflnlnwllwmu30m Examination lbounded lash81 ivorytwain tum be Imam under lhemncuon of lifiourdnment Ultopie Camus men bum Mom xiiiuth Ingetom New nuudlne 19 mm shes cubsen been mum Show who in recently mink uux Ynunehs Irrivni the 51 gem Iwurfl giggindpgï¬ï¬‚hhï¬iex mt ï¬prnlugbmng gokafbï¬ï¬ Iv nII 05 IIIEI to mum min néiiiii Enlnfuï¬ 5901 Thu MIVN 5° milk Ailt brim his than Mission Barrie St Peters Mine dance invarening 8768 cm in mm he °P°1 mm Itog SLIPuie Midhum cm months time 100ooledl Church wisp Irozqump Annual meeting and flower parking or customers 88 tion being built to the scum Vot Rh show or Ontario Horticulture the present structure will be res um Cm gt mum Chmh Emil Climb of the arm Clopet The Church of the 50mm sump ROSS ELMKWEI The new building will complete Redeemer buntmonp st Pauls Good Shepherd Stwner The The accident rate in the Soth ly house the in and monuiac Slpxhurhptan Huron Hem Chum on Magma sunnidale IAniun Air Force has dropped in turing operations ot the hundi The church of the Prince of titre your from 153 per 10000 um um craft department The space lor en léés Icluuynrj but Peace ngn Eeaeh Petehs flying hour to 39 serum tiniest hMilAllSitsCl imngflzwflimgéeduhgdhgyaÂ¥hbï¬n avian ONE cumuuflon liieigvoodï¬d the nae missign WFW adxï¬gzgeofgflkilgge Dne oi tbeImsin futures otthe sum misleuh Th in ml no miiswm Wee Cell gt An Sons Limited the Kitchener rim ye cme Cm mm the desire oi Rtltev Wilk ln Lhe new Hill the expand 1be getarm an imon MILMA DD BM17 Willz Lettuce Meyomninr 1m handicrafts division will in 30 esaiuriai nrfd Suiotieaï¬ln mm IT°I°° ma SERRA nusuretehslrenmiined preraï¬on nouns from to live oclock fféï¬féhï¬nspï¬xvhmiflcï¬g Willi1 WI Speed mm 1° the Entries WK hedlsylyed unit of uvsngeismAn loans have sprcmt Its mnny customers The two the public in the companysmnin 35c been asked to seek to know storey structure Will house the omcel Thus view dls fwnufacludflnfi climax 101 holth play in choosethefilgml Entries °ke Hm km chn AsI ing P01 31 to be shown at the Con dian Grove linethe prntins do National Exhibitionby haliqot Em mm 3T pimp oAuv adopting the programto its local Mr Swain is married and the NIHmamd dunsmgmngrhandt 323mm mud and needs children Diane 18 coivmg emf en 0C decorated purses ore displayed flowing Sunday picnic at 100 Wt Get the tall 001 in Barro each year many the who graduated from 2001 in June Cream Wm be shun pm in the commercial course and rgï¬rmte 79 50 Wm 15 work prisonersjn Penuenmr grum ms 1I In taken ies orssnntorium patients Cosh Efï¬ggigmghWï¬unï¬mm 5L Miss Yusuniiks will be inIcharge prizes are swsrded to the top thggptvgl Lgaï¬nghngg N70 ultleulr 29c Goli and fishing have been Mrf ofl retailh and Ovehclgflep Competitorg airflow dflnks so grounds gt gt 990 snesin enewcra II gt hismithignshdinhfgeliï¬izgdeluge Her actual position is that oflalszA Printing Demnmin chlckempflaukeu pmvde xc emu Mxed cnmpnny circular carrying the sistont to Garnet mu Clarke dd Besides six catalogues Clarke er own 00 22 nuniop St nonm Clarke publishes Ihundrcdof we Him 19 SenIce 11 Phone PA um Rehsh ggédggggltggï¬olgï¬ knows 551sinnlgï¬argzmgfrwzaisgï¬ dilierent instruction sheets many he he in mm He dieï¬dwflgiwï¬elnemui sales 341232 lggrmmlfgï¬gï¬ Libbyslrepared Mustard Ice Cream corps urn Kits Are Popular ers in two languages and bulie nutrio ALLou Among Clarke Ciurkes best tins and supplements for both Drumo Ems 89c selling products are the Grove héndicnit und tunnery operations Board Approves gillsBaogflmgmggmgftgwmï¬ 10s10RE HOURSJ Wage Increase in of walletsxleneher ham or rnioAvAus3sao omio9pm Wit IFor CNR Trainmen hiiiifsiihï¬Ã©Ã©iiihï¬iaiflaifg Reducédfrom 1175 SATURDAYI830 oimio5pm 051955 similar to those used or small Iceï¬renm OTTAWA CPA ream eon 00 Child CLOSED MONDAYAUG cilintion board has unanimously urforiioii ifiiicigei 25 wsuuiséifirAXuo 33° 33o 12 crcn es iota in 12 or am menishers of an Brotherhood of hu PlaÂ¥mglnd sedfï¬sdem 52 CHEVROLET wrn runcnnsu Railroad hammen employed by omes or age custom gt gt the cunt DeLuxe Sedan an E5 Ilosuiws flhe threeman board proposed 773 inmnedretronctugevotnï¬niny Fun Finished two tone green Msugï¬isg 19 Equipped whitewalls air you you ive June 1957 They would be Fuseflotilla iiiiii in muending sexism WW nounnv enrolment sen icaies tihehoard also recommEnded gtX°PII WinttpI IIthmughou spscmu Nng Mt HUM AVAHABLE 100qu Now Availub an additional 20 cents day for Play the PRODUCT with to your Mmfly NMng loan vim prep up as LrUflOPFLAVOUR In employees on freight trains for Innk run you In gut nu friendly loan lubluw Store each 20 cars above 80 PICTURE GAME munum you bur Hou an lritportcnl tam for you HEAIINJ wun um 25 more Employees involved in the dis $41000 about Niagara Lonnie WA Box 53 pute include conductors trainmen In MOTORS LIMITED Whole Niagara Friendly EMFMYQK fï¬ï¬igï¬trtfldhgnTgiilhgsihfï¬hmy ifgï¬ï¬eï¬ï¬‚aleffd mm IPRZES NEED gtCAR nmsron on dnpwmimioriunanyuuq tho ubilitytorepdy IRED SEE PREMIUMS The board was headed by Judge Howmudreanbo hmwdlmflkap 1° CARDINAL UN DISPUY Anderson Believille Read about on 21331113 $500mnmgslmm mm mgmus wwflgnw IAll ra or IPINIDI IIMPTI FMVWR CALL EXAMINER FOR 9910 kly WM1 2° ItostAw srones YQUR PRINTING NEEDS inflame Tflggggltllgm mm orelust nwoi any dnsThaywiiig you mun dad of time phï¬odsaiiowod for ditfaront it amounts from to 24 months And for all hum 7v ream ribhave uneven hem duzinu on year we snowtiuke Frenchliiedloiotoes °Fr farmers and sdioditaachersspacinl paymnnt scheduled lieu muyhenrronged on loans dhovo 5500 II Ce all loci charges the KdrmitUpto $500 qbrveroF all yauIburrenemhuquigogw 64 with IMortonFrozéli AbplellIeI THESE hwrunee at no extro oo Above $500 thélrurgerrtha amount and the longer Jule tho timethe lower the rate Compareq ohm youll buy in re or loss tut Niagara Plums Ffln PE Sunni Waning urging Qn nunM OHS no umiy peaceo mn suture no extra NJ out toyou lodus $1500 Warfare life rad Boxer style gaze 59155110 faï¬my Bo mï¬zouserhis protection lira you honey ll styes wth co nr obit on dvolo lNo BEG $335 mm 295 ieldom doborriowérs prefer én dorsadlomdnd Ehvsamsxlgoay bonkable security of morsels not needed ILoaLAws our many ways ofborrowingdnthenfYou can use ony of these four Niagara lounfpluns On any ltEG 395 trucks ate only owner signs Hvsbaniiandwih WELL TAIWAN on fumlshingcgii On business equipmenttr On fdpn Reg 595 395 Jockond cquipmont have rival inlandWY yourinterview otNiapard wiii he prlvdla co newt qnd trio diy mm Fm JmspeoploIbonow ntonoyï¬rï¬ï¬‚eyhoasons red IV 10 consolidated grou fdtmulh btsyte rodm largo puymenh foreuron truek repairs to mod SEE 32 Pi ï¬g 5193 umrbmdos torepolrorimodomizehomisp to eniprgq big selection I1 rim53 as Milne for seed stockpfo for farmsrhnd to Inga M5 Ted Lipson hen cash is News 95 lirietStyl llulker Mutlatl IApylr mu 4A1 aim 695 Ail Wool iron alsI the group no your gt JZMHIIlljlfl REG 1ng II umiiddum II 20mm 555 town ure iusunrn AL no on NsClesiceimou irrs run sii