61993 £691 II léppFQICIVeIS July Ir or VCo enlan vilhyaurmical eland amp nonrmmcmm miniMime girie Ellnheth new MrKinaiehadthreehoyllnd aluminum Continued from Jilly gram Mary never 5w 1qu and In Rillqhnstonfleedflnry Andrew thezlnoc pheilda htaro Tnemotherdledatthelxra UP°m Mwowereml emEIn 113 afï¬ne wed Don erucmmmed Am gt on euhrlopie Obtain honor whdwere married in the Preahy Preahylerimrchurch last aid nonlama They had Inniin Evans their limbs Addie Barrie nd to Lieutenant vor Conargtulalmng to Rain terinn girl here lut Saturday by Rev unit at three 1th ArchiBC Ind Ros Bruce John died nd um on of the Sket lm Wright on winning human in his Annie This llmtl went west in when he was Zlyurs ofage Ross 10 wnre mm mm third as at Unlfeesily of Tar so We uan enlarge new ll IIB I9 VI on Io lt gt hrloaIIaimrrled Mlle VIIIIldeEoIlI he sensibility if 110 Egnemualyjo lllj 133 eer course on ewuvery cling ermo 93 In 53535fdfm the having died wlIien they were °sl°°msm varlain ampsaml lfl YDWIE The Mlle VIII very Staci Bumbag ï¬x the ball ligation BibleSchool llarf Vera Nunri They in their active mn rialt up to the In 90 rdon and am my Webb ed on itanduy thir weekjn the family meiyn marriedAllln lean Bruce McMilhn rimled 511 the tales Ind Graham meat levy Unitedhurch unawiu continue mm ha mm mu VernJIit They hId two boys Brian They bouxht Ipdllve on Int week with the ruler unIiLAIu 32 women ï¬lmed we Rim gammyW commons onehaJonRoss an rune gr gt $33133 IliIiLHIIeIIlIIdISaiIIalibogt by thoIInmpl Janet They are Mary lrahiim married 1i Jenn For pet The United Juniorahdulsiltlgr Ewe mg My boy 1mm both married and hive 6001mm Simon better known as Dow 3m no of may Ind mu Mrs George Ayrea lnd he WA heldmtwokuccessf it 35 Ml nun19d 55 no at valuable landand keep large They hndmur children two boys mu have ma mm mothorr Mrs Petty Mt early role in township par art m°n The hidno mm herd of Hereford cattle Bruce Albert and Frank who has one Memnfumdo 5mm mm in Salim milmlna on Illp to Week They Senior WA made Imam mm was ham Heisman died suddenly on July son Donald th daughrtfleresa MAnlbel om Wm gt mrnlpegjo visit their auntaml plans lax other l51955 and Gladys ma ex on mm Margaret Emm Currie who is now deceased 39 mm we iii it in 1890 They had three children When Danncmnm 33 die with his min at Palshn Large Convention verge of being married his lli Mlfllllc mam gt Mph of Men milky Mu NHL Jgogtleigmagnfiogtggiflï¬aqt tended met with lnéic dank USA 81 EV Pmm if houand otlIIIioiIonto vtaited Mom of limee5ï¬ï¬i°letéifidï¬ï¬ 33 He sold out and went West and Who dlellyflull mo my wi ed wade m7 died out there He never mar James Ved inUS Mr an anheit Kendrick Sunday awning ween nu mm rielt MalcolmandAmliinnever indium mflmeï¬ï¬‚mon arevliitinglir North mixind lie Gard Wank Eight ngyh £03291 $116213 married Flor Graham married Del Ban uh less comï¬letedga series of live meme ey nett who lived at Edenvaie be 10 910 ll 51 01 ill splendid sermons ontha inlereat they and anomnn nnANcn fore going west Family Party my grmgggngEg trip west mg 3001 of Jonah Glenn Murray Stewart married Wmeylmed 11 at m1 Ruby Moie hey had sonKeli poms ER Wm Am Mn and Mrs DJ Sunmind rare mus cnl few ays don flfld Mull Who minim ML an Bobh lied thin ed It this service Sev ah Slew The om ME calWham daughter PearoeJ ng itIiIldnh USA tine Emmy Bellnd vIlthirgAtieIeI Ilast TueysIdlyIs ayral vgcul solos were sung by hers of the lnlly were Mexnndesi Janet Mccufllg and John Campbell children of onusville visited Mr Jenna Pengeny of Torcnm wml gt ronyqur own Glen 39 Kenna KP mweulex Gnhnm about 1833 ennettewas the mustpros id mI IEmeW mum WeekendAt Collage lWarren LMacLean of Barrieas gt manual and Kem be Wins Em 13m We fhn mild peruu5andunlodate larrner nny rI Mrs Campbell spent the pimm As smallsan My cigarettes mm Mm ff where He went west one season Mrs AdiliWeir and June are mama win her hratherinluw predation 1mm themngregauon with Edwinmomwn Alamo nn ary sse all and tho westemfever tool hold spending some time inToronto and sum Mr and Mn Clmmd Mrs Pingamm resented WmI son Ethels Brother 111311le Jan oihlm He came back and adver June is in hospital no at their mmge Bu manna bonquotnl roses Roy Good at Good rhey hun six ill their John Graham mmiï¬dflm Gfl tisédjeverylhing tor sale He had me or ormm lsylslgln he service femur Maiwet Morrison mar Mist ugh Willm Gil awondertulerie One liroodmdre and Mrs Craig 335335amfmggym 15 he giedeohiihDodglThely lind Iiitkgieii 355Egrfï¬fglxgggfiIéggggf soldier $900 ï¬le312mg lateiily cialg cbfldï¬n buythe er David Ens mm NI cut HIV 0an Ivanwest ut no no go nan inn no en nillnllg mffi2if° ro orriso AllIIllan Stockwell Their family SBv Kim Elev hs 339 $5211 yousfrll sitliIIng on in ofIIIIlhe 30 hams We Carol and Brenda at London are surveyed lay air and groundecrewa consisted of Beverley and Clifford Wile said my ought 10 have world be content George Sniderwas home from visiting the lormers soninlaw or hydroelectric power prolecls ï¬ne MI DI 31 N6 TI VEflCWWf gt Emmi Morrism married John mm 30 59 John Graham married Mily Toronto for the weekend and daughter in and Mrs Ken Three oi the possible sites are Mude They hadrfour of tnm lhey HEM Well they were McAflhur on Station may £11 Ageyrd51nnlgddh 32 allAtlherel Alvin ltlrlltinlilusselll george gt can one unison marr exnn er ns son mnrrie Ro Thomas on mane Jenn mile gel Betty HumanJhey had three Mary McCunig They had three fanIlllly Jennie Ken Lester and flung 31 glmï¬ 93 weeks holiday with their ruin children ketty Tommy and Allan daughters Flora Hilda Marjorie Eveline Gordonmarried iamlly Oil allow Wu line Jon my Alice lldorrlspn married Murray Margaret Graham namedrhnm Marjorie and Joyce John Donald on Nichol Their family consists of 35 Ross near an sum They Ross Harold Russell married inIt And Rug Fair Kenneth and Janet had our children Alex victor family Brianp Rohert Allan banlr NonnumA married Kilian Juslavremindelktliat the iin Annle Campbell Morrison was Flora and Hughcna Floramar Georgemarrled lamily twoboys Lomalr Heda enlistlivlng inunual Simeoe County Quilt and born in1881 and dled in 1950She rled¢Alex Currie aim in no son Thomas married family Linda Hamilton Flora married George Rug Fair is to be held in Colllng married Joel Willson in 1888 They Ross who married Evel Moran Cliltord This family live in Sas Downald lawyer in Onllla one wood Exhibition Building from had five in their family James iey They linve one daughter kPlchYvan SflnfGlIhlnL 30m marrielt Wednesday July 25 to Saturday Wellington their son was killed Judy Jessie Graham married Norman KMellmh ev wtetlnary twor July 28 The first prize quilt Bradley léss maniso miles from here gt The nailedJury Thedmm me will Lyenn and Wayne Ferguson re th we in 1917 Stanle Jo Armour banker in Toronto sonarlaulnandKenh deg ned and made mambm finneIaI twiIii brother died £1927 T13Egggntï¬ilmsgfltmgimhvï¬at Kal Graham married George Angus Graham mangled Miss of tglie Simeoe CountI ArL and Walter Willson married Mar mauled Audrey Luster one Sign Show lived out west One girl Bailey three children Annie cram Assucmiun Wm ha om ietta McArtliur They had two Douglas Frank mnmad Vern Lizzie Graham married Archie MaryIesaleAnniemarriedMr display were TM qum won in childrenLBrant and Corrlnne Cor Aldredztwo daughters Joyce who McDonald three boys Harold MorrisonioneaonrAnguaMorrisog Nmmnuonwnhm enmes rinne married Kellemianand their died very young mien who Graham andsGeorge whoï¬aspne daughter ery family being Lyconne and Join Donald Graham sun of Alex rledllh Cameron no family Saturday Nuptiols who married Joe Strong They had I51ï¬fgï¬tfï¬gï¬tflzhxfli52 and Mary GrahpnIi Jeaise married Van Luck tli Congratulations to Vic Belton rig funny 33 Kathleen Ben Harrie died 1892 Married Barbara ltossflboysjandthree They naval and Louise Davis who were mar Catherine Willsou the dough GemEa Rubens yes in 0mm three ï¬bildlefl Joan to Townto and n0 mceol rled at the United Churchpub ter of All it an no ills Alas 33¢ d3 60 mg urns pg ie em married ElIInaM school teaiï¬r Tali hadtlireg 35 19 3111 Allde hm 55 six ilaf family James girls and oneson Eucan married Jennie married Thomas Gray McKinnon Jimfamlly Ceci or gauge on Si new gt gt on Theresa and Allan three children Russ Donald and Agnes daughter Anyone haying flowers is re Russell Sceltmerrled Jean They gydï¬ï¬gmggï¬elfï¬gmeg Mariam living in Orill Marlon Meir and Mary Campbellï¬rnha lliinded to give them extraqu had two girls Annie Marie and M3115 and Murray Alex lives on Gray married Mr Ber one married Alex Watt had six chi alcare in order to show them Bailbarn Jean JamesWellington 133055 homesteai Barbara Jean dren Mary Annie Agnes Alla at the flower show sponsored by 5cm munled Hilda Their family Mm Ross sun of Marga Alexander Graham Jr married Alex James Annie married ll womens Institute to bogheld consisted of Carmen and Cliery daughter of John Graham live jCatherme Mactale four children Greenwood two boys Arthur and in theecomrnunity hall at Slroud Galdun Scan munled Dorothy on he adjoiï¬ing am on the he No Alex Norman deceased ï¬oward Arthurs lanuly Alla rv Wednesday Aug 22 Prlze They had no family Theresa concession View manind Lima Maryflnd Margaret decwsed Arthur Joan Agnes maflIEdD ate my be obtaineddromflrs Scott married Frank Watkins 3311 school geachen They had Noe Alex married Annie Beat0n Nil 05 Tommi film Eulche or Mrs Hand They had in their family Brian ï¬ve chfldrenmda Maï¬a Flora our children No Alexi llur Mary andeila never married ed Rune Raymund and Clifford Joyce and Thomas whb is very man Flora and Catherine Alex and James lived in the Stat WAllleetlngCanre1l Alan Scott manled Helen Duncan active in Junior Féme work He Alex married DonaldarMcKen ex As far as know the Wat Thar Unitedv meeting for They had family three Garry and fan farm and 10 com zie family of three sons James tainin are all dead August la cancelled The WMS Brenda and Heaehe sidemble trucking Thomas mar Ted Donald Alexi works in Tobeconï¬ned will meet on Wednesday after ried Barbara McDonald ANDTEER Elda married Wallace Goughi Annie Campbell daughter of They have three children Ross Janet andJohn Campbell married Janice and Terry Ross is the Archibaht McMillan They lived seventh generation of the clan who inEast Gwilllmhtiry nearKeswick came to Canada Marionmarried Theyehadfaui boysand four girls Beverly Gough hrotheroLWal namely John Dan Malcolm lace one child Kathy Flora mar Flora Janet Elizabeth ried Stan Hull one daughter Jo and ry Flora Mrs Frazer Ann one son Stephen Joyce lindtli gi and one boy Janet married Robert Straclmn one son TflieteisIgo nobtttliat earéfnl drivi isyonr greatest proteq viiononthehighwayjntexpens jagrenhatthereareumewhen evenztheméspcatefulgdr er must call npon sudden st Before yougoeBill q£povveirforsnfety qu Lhosesplit sec nds Shell mums GirgerjAle is dtirefriierhrciiy PgemiumGasdline with CP cragH iciousian reres ing gt Whenever you have callers serve gill25 yongteater atgcelera on them shuttle orwnsona msanlly You compliment our guest by servingthebestl Always link for WILSONSrhecause visit yo anopoorflomlm nbrancli soon and ask to yourcopyqf fselectionfro Canadian Yesterda Readnboutl Women oldie landownersme yo sauna frbm Cdnndlan serum Sbjplatrtoplck llpynur tree copy sooaneadahout LauiaIRleld daring my Comnlo nonecm