Thrasher grungy ENING suowa 545 pin Fountain MM ADVENTURE TO SIAGGER THE IMAGINATION mun Em ass MONDAY TUESDAY EVENING snows AT 650 pIt1 MATINEE WEDNEsoAv AT 230 pm AMAZING ITS OUT OF THIS WORLD gt PRESENTS iN COLOR AND CINEMASCOPE avcoNriNuOus SATURDAY Noting Hours JOHNWAYNESUSAN ed gold koystn theirieontribution It the schooy HAYWARD coucuenon CLNEMASedpï¬ canroon wennesoaro PLUS News mun rm saw WEDNESDAY PLUSlFALL GUY ANDCOLORCARTOON ZEENTbRTAINMENT sinuous ssrunjmv nan EON NEw ORLEANS UNcstOaEo with IiURFFRANZ AND KATHRYN GRANT EyENINGSHOWS AT AND 835pm tinueto practise in Barrie al though he is the scion of noted and active Toronto law family His grandfather the late Alexander Mills KC tivas for many years well known in Tomato law circles His work is being continued today by two sons under the firm name rot Mills and Mills Paul mat oc father at Peter Mills senior partner in the ï¬rm and Hal Mills QC Peter is waa born in Toronto where he attended Lawrence Park Collegiate and Victoria Colic prior to entering Osgoode Hal Aside from his chosenproicssion he is interestcd in sailing skiing and music having for the past two years been member of the bari tone see oi the Mendelssohn Choir un Sir Ernest Macmillan He hasaisohcen aalactivo mem ber of St Georges United Church and Sunday School Three and onehalf years ago Mrs Mills married the former Dana McWiliiams of Toronto who has continued her career as so cial service worker with the Chil drens Aid Society oi York County She plans to continue in this ca pacity until August treatmentsparticularly the use of new drugs which are quitceflec tive against TB The girls were also shown ï¬lm on tuberculosis education Meanwhile the so boys were shown through Harvester plan One of impressive settrons of the wa the foundry where the different parts for the machines are made The boys were very impressedby the amount of power machinery be ing lied to do the tasks which MON truss wsn MHTINEE WEBNESllliY 230 an EVENING snows AT 640 ANo9pm SEE THISGREATBASEBALL STORY WITH JAMESSTEWART ANDJUNE ALLYSON ems STRATTON STORY PLU CARTOON 30 MINUTES OF OTHER TaEATST ADA FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRES previously would have taken sev eral times as long Each person working in the plant andeach guest being shown through must wear glasses as safety precau tion There were many posters throughout the buildings pbasizing safety such as You can easily get new glasses but you are on your Iastvpair of eyes After having supper in two Ham ilton restaurants 3he group board ed the buses for home having spent very interesting and en joyable day The tour was organized by Miss 4H Members North siméoe STri JOY on Wednesday July11 150 4H Club members aud leaders irom North Simcoe travelled byhus to akville and Hamilton on theanv nual trip In order that the buses couldleavéBarrie at some of the club members its home quite early hus loads wasthe Ford plant at Oak Title tillers théhhoyshnd girlsnggL owed ears ownthe asse nes the od on one line the hassis on another and then the we being joined together and coming off the assembly line at bout one per minute The group went onto Hamiltod Dundurn Park where everyone ate box lunch The group met Marrittagriculturalrepre andiiaroldl3utikgas sociate representativ or Went worth County who didmuch oi therworkyorganizin trip Mr mitt formerly of hlS co welcomed the era nd nu rm AGENCY Wu 1604 PA84427Q5 09IEIrmtCN amllion Oakwlle lined the itinerary the next stop being the famous Hamilton Bock Gardens The Royal Botanical Gardens operates 16 parks which cover sev eral hundred acres and employs 83 men each summer Twenty years ago the Rock Gardensl Was =aanaéconeea byBAitRlE cITIZENs amp deserted gravel pit but new it is Ruth ShaVerand William Kell of the Ontario Department of Agri culture Barrle with assistance tromthe icultural representa tives in ilton ohe oi the must imaginable in the telnoon the group divid ed The 90 girls climbed the Hard ilton Mountain vto inspect the Sanitarium They were shown through th Hailhrook Pavilion where most of the patients were Eskimos In the iecture room Mr Yonngr supervisor of educa tio explained the methods of teaching in the educational pro gram tor both children and adult intendent told about the medical patients Mr Lee assistant super beautiful spots llAL The first military hospitalsare believed to have been the infirm ariesbuilt for soldiers by the eient ltomansg groundsbythe ioha These are ad from local The Thebicyeie program prelude to the being conducted onthe play police department starts on Monday as fBicycle Rodeo week of August Condition or bicycle road rules and skill of the three sections 01 the rogram flhe other event at the moment is scheduled or the third drama igstival to he liursda Aug at 730 pm in St Vincent Park with playgrounds participating The total enrollrient at ailparks is now 270 compared with 12M at ihe same time last year Queens leads with 314 registered and0alrley Park issecond with reaixtration of 270 Other lenrol ments are Codrlngtonziz Shear 205 Lions Brock 88 Nelson SquareYEi haleadersvreport SHEAR PARKla holdingup its tradition ln sports In hard toughtvgame with Queens Karen gt flare pitched shutout andmade The yourig barrister will con 51 home runs triple playby eter NorthoverWarren Masters andGrcg Little won the game against Oakley Park andthe jun iorboya were viciorious over Cod rflnglon With score 021845 We also who our basketball game by basket against Gunn The smaller children ve en ed creative activitiesmaking panesc lanterns asbestoscov ered jars containers covered with string and painted designs 1and paper hats and splatter paint up 0ur playgroundtsi attendance has been high and we alWays fill our quota for swimming lt BROCKRLAYGROUND started its week oiiwitha ike on Mon day morning At about 25 of the older children headed out with supervisor along innlsfii Street After considerable walk ing suitable place was found and fire was started Lunch consisting of beans and corn and wieners cooked together in pot was served to ch The hikers returned to the playground by one oclock to go swimming in the aiternoon jAnothec exciting fevent oi the week was Indian Day on Iri da The children were divided iiito our triialesBiacicieet Mo hawks Sioux and Chippewaeach oi which washeaded by chief tcstavnta from each tribe tered dlllercnt events and relays At the end oi the day it were added up and the under chic Ted Emma were Win nersa There were also prizes or the bestsquaw and the best brave Janet Barney and Leighton Porter This is station Lions hlgning on with news or the week 01 July It to 20 Grails played major part in the activities at LIONS PLAYGROUND thisweek along with very special day to pagelumen please pain Sioux INSURANCE may win the game ior YoUltoo When the unexpected happens it pays tdhave insurance which FULLY COVEESyou It iswise tOhaVe an iNSURANCE SPE CIALST advise you about your insurance program In order to get the most insurance at the low su seam maniacs seeosvrmsi pr lnanraneoplï¬mims 95 Dunlop SLE There wil beapublid meetingin STRouo minimums TussbAY Jun 31 or the purpose of discussing the ercetion of new it Community Valet46 oi tittiiwasï¬nsiuiit KMA LGOMSONS Chosen as GENCYg rr some PH PA83735 estcomparable cost Call us to hungry reason ester cemetery But friends too no ETIQUETIE ROCHESTER ALMS or We dontlike tbaman who has WheniJohn Kalymchuck died in his secretary all youan he farm accident he was buried keepyoufvaitmg prienslgmzliinlyéls won ose in an unmarlted grave in Bach but overlooking r39 fast math up aj collection and bought is taking up our time marked stone HURONIIAg