Only Short Tim Hart Manateetom of Midlwrst Dies at RVH oust inst 1mm Enaiandabout seven lira Robert Maud Inddiedon Friday July it 1956 at RoyarVi ria ital Barrie Show born on an 19 1891 at Bacup Lancashire Inland daughlzzof the late William Ind Sarah led and had beenlivinl at Midhurst The only surviving relatives are an only daughter Mrs Howard Anniaof Mid hunt and two sisters Mrs Nora Hindi and Mrs Berthawflklnaou both in England The funeral service on July was from Jennett Daneralliome conducted by Rev Gordon King Anglicanminister at Midhurst and other appointments near there Burial was in Mldhurst Ceme lery and pallbearers were Reg hissed lvan GaimsffrankFranb com ZBat Frankcom Arthur Smith and Garnet McEschren Sympathy of the neighbors In the vil age was fittineg expressed by vely flowers Nooh Roy McLeanDlea Coronary Thrombosis 26 Years With County Formany years resident of In nislil Township Noah Roy McLean died on Sunday July time at Royal Victoria Hospital where he had been taken after coronary seizure The funeral on Wednesday July 11 was from the Jennett Homer withscrvice conducted there by Rev Ccci Brenn minister of Central ted Church of which the late Mr McLean was mem berand was on the board for numher of years He was amem her of Tottenham Masonic Lodge For the past 26 ayears he had worked for the County of Slmcoe on road work and for It years had lived in Barrie lie was born on July 1893 in lnnisiil son ofthe lateMr and Mrs John McLean Bractieally the only surviving relative is his widow who was the former Susan Margaret Coffey interment was in Thornton Cem etery and pallbearers woraall iriemisof Roy McLean Sentlo Ball George Whitesidea William Newttin JackSharpe Russell Me Cauley George Winierbum Lovely flowers expressed the sympathy and regret of friends and relatiyesand of Simcoe County friends of deceased milliv prnent Gallo lawn madama distanceii autonme For many 5an lumber business ILIV and later in buiiding construction in Barrie John Davidson flatten died on MpndayJn1y Born on 1391 in Tor unto ha son of the late William Hatton and the Hénry femur lflss Margaret Davidson and had lived in Toronto from lWltqlMinIvyfromthenio an audio Barrio up to the time of his death In 1904 his father movedta Ivy andsstablished wholesale lumber business whit in Qatar years wasoperated under firm name of Haiton and Sons On Oct 301918 Mr Hattons mar riago vvas isolemnized at Ivy the homepf the bride who for merly Miss Reltta Macho ald They came to Bhrrle in 1928 and Mr Barton established him selfas building contrpetor and built many fine homes in the town and surrounding distrch In 1942 he enlisted with the Works and Buildings Division of the RCAFL serving succasfully as officer inohargaof that division at Air Foree establishments in Monetan Victorlaville Rockcllfle and Camp quden where he re eeived his discharge in 1951 reliatton then joined Central 14 gaze and Housing with which firm helovas employed until Marehvof this year and until his death wasassociated with De fence Conatruction Limited as in Epcctor of new construction at amp Borden When younger he had played baseball and badmin tonand later lawn bowling The funeral was on Wednesday July ii with service at the Jen nett Funeral Home Barrie con ducted by Rev James Ferguson minister of st Andrcws Presby terian Church Barrie where Mr Hatton was member andhad been serving as an elder for the past several year Burial was in Barrie Union Cemetery and pallbearers were Dr John Warnica Wllliam McKinnon Homer Henderson and Howard Handy of Barrielhomns Ball of yeanin the whole Lodge AF AM Stroud WMato Orlilia ndfnrd Betty of Tomb Moore Joan ofNaaoouver ind son MacDonald Batten of North villo bliss Helen Hutton and an Betty Armstrong one alster deceqed Eh Davis of ivy There Is alaoone hrotherWilfred HI ton olrIvy OZ lnniifll Pioneers Thomas Donnell vDIOI AtDownwiewAge 81 Con ected with one ofthe first families to settlo in Innlsm Thomas Donnelly died on Sun day July 1959 at the home mi daughter 18 Apple Tree Court Downsview Born onJuiy 1875 on Confi lnnisï¬l he was son of the lite Hugh Donnelly and Rebecca Wray Following his marriage to Jennie held in 1909 they hadresided in Richmond Hill for almost eight years and thenirhoved tmthe old Donnelly farm at Lefroy in 1916 remaining until 1930 when they moved to Churchill Thanmi Donnelly was an An glican and wasa warden in St Peters Church for number of years He wasalso member of LOL533 Churchill and Minerva lhofservioe on JulyAlz in St Peters Church was eonducted jointly by the rector Rev ftowe and Rev Newton Smith Burial was in Steters Cemetery with the following pall bearers four nephews John Don nelly Stewart DonnellyDouglas and James Reid and two grand ward Holden Flowers were many and beattti ful from relatives and friends and from Churchill LOBA 575 Church ill 101 533 Ladies Auxilla of St Peters Church in erva Lodge Relatives friends and neighbors were present fromthe district and also from Gormley Collingvtood 0f the family eonnectionsisr viving are four daughters Mrs Reive May Churchill Mrs Carter Dora and Mrs Torontoaod sons Thomas Donnelly and Eds Baysville Mldlnnd Torpnto and Pearsoï¬ YEdlth in Toronto tilE Heavygauge steel construction ï¬iuiinodndiw log husband and father was gt of all of assisting others angina verymuch uteenr ed and rupected by all who in him faithfu member of United church elwaa ll forinsnyvyain is car at be was memberot theoriginal Methodist Church It Bethesda and was aetivrldsundlky School and oung mpea wor lhhse oi the family left mourn his loss are his widow the former Kiss Hattie Morris of ElmgroVe two sons Harold in Toronteand Alvin of Bond Head two anddaughtcrs Alice and Olive mithra sister Ida Smith all offload Head and brother lessley ofVictoria BC hurlsl Was in Thornton United Cemetery following the service on Monday June 18 in Bondl Head United Churchï¬conducted by Rev Love and Rev Burton with many friends Indneighbors attending Withthh family and relatives from the district were also number from Winona ronto stouffvllle Aurora wood and Odokstowm Pallbearers were Harry Wilcox Gordon Brothel Jackson Glass ford Wllllam Brooks William Watt and Arnold Rogers In addition to lovely fl wtis from relatives and frlends were also tokens from Bond Head Comm ity Bond Read four sons in Churchl and Wray of Sudhury Harvey Byard of Torontogand Francis of There is one brother Barrie Hugh in Lefroy two sisters Mrs honking in Canada but after is marriage to ervllinuliian Gray they Californis and he had KIM in business washesdon June 103 Phelpatoh vbeln all his life was spent attended SLPatricka Ro man Catholic£11m and was member of the Holyflame Society He was hockey fan Tor we lunarai on ï¬uradny July lzrrequlom mun at St Pat rioka Church was celebrated by Hia nlybrother Douxlaa Edit 15 Jligï¬ Mercy An In with 1141 Ion two weeks He found that his brother had been netive in the AnglieanrChureh work and tbatthp minister and ofï¬cials thought very highly of himanti had even arranged pro gram of prayers for his recovery Many of the leading citizens cali ed to see himat that time and the reimn he states was that Cecilqugh was wonderful per son kind considerate motto wasjthe quotatlo paasthis viay hutonce any good thing or any kindness can show to any human being let me do it now leL me not defer it nonnegiectitfor shall not pass this way again and he church the publicschool and Gir out ea Be ll Morrison Brothers of Ed Marley acted as altar boys William Leo Patrick and James ih four other brothers are Michael Joseph xlelei andPaui There are also fiveliners Mary eiien Bernadette Margaret An gela and Philomena Burial was in St Patricks Cem etery Bheipstnn and pallbearers were Dennis Senton Paul Shana han Edward Valende Laurence Johnston John Dixon and Kenneth Snider Many flowers in remembrance were from relatives nd friends lived that The funeral on July was mm the Greenwood San Diego or tulry hesides his widow 5804 Madison Avenue San Diego there is also onesister Miss Frances Jean Pugh at the same address and Douglas Pugh makes Shan at Bay his own permanent ad Budget need help HlTCpan help today advice about family money problems or loalnup to Slow Oneday service Up to 24 months to repay Whether you need money advice or cash loan you alwayswalcome at HECCanadal first and foremost consumer finanon Sloan Matilda of Saskatoon an of Souris Manitoba MrDonnelly was pre eeesse by his wife the former Jennie Reid in 1947 and by two daugh There are torn and one brother 21 grandchildren and even great Maximum thick Flbreglas insulation Edllygcountersbalancedlid op and easily with springloaded adjustable hinges gt Openlid andiinterior light du tomatically Alghtness Dividersandstoragebasheta in allmodeislt Easytbseevlemperature Colo troland special laatfreeze compartment Easyytoclean hairediaiDulusg glossy finish soft pastel colour interior trim Quiet amooihoperhting eon denser system gt Janeti switehes on cylinder lock ensures sir asvslreIEhedj Approx high inn xwzitzflirw 3390 DOWN an at Monthly Pay meats of 140 on is Jellidd lturormaflo especially for EATONS to to deluxeappearanceithnt Will ma facilitatepushing Streamlined box of finished innj natural arms wheels with ller bearings thick rub andlargalhub caps Box out35 Fomtj as messythan dinaiy int 15 needs no stirring or thinning flows on smoothly White St or iuond floor COINGWO°D°NI fill young Canadas erduper waggonulifourvstandout features Four jewel reflectorsltw No smoothly minerj pltonl use aw mgml to am on home again much timed health Ted Lune Thanbadlsly ex ea vpargn Lovisriglo and him mRobaon Barrio spen few days reochtly withtho formers sister andi her husband Mr and um Charlesgampbe The Prices motored loConL wlter on Sunday and met real ARRIVEDI Two new FLOOR saNoras designed espociollylfor lhomoownora macaroni RESERVATIONSfill illiliiliili new saunasnow THEDEMANo is new Another new lienialserï¬oo for iiometlwners and liq tractors by HARDWARE 80 Dunlap SLE Barrio Phone PA 87255 gt WE PEUVER need for ardwo stake sidesiu natural varnish finish with reliyenamel tri enamelied steel gear with tubular shaped handlaSolld ch disic wheels ru monthly on rulierbearings Large hub caps SINGLE wnena MODEL About 14 Each SINGLE WHEEL MODEL About so is Each DUAL Wuhan MODE About 36 15 Each IS IdlesAdfusiablavlonrher tacked fun and exercise with rolle skates voithwheéls of cushioned for comfortand withsturdy adju table to various aroh Special prleepair