Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Jul 1956, p. 6

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HELP WANTED Wm filed lxpefluaced ll lan In Lind Good Iue APPII bflllv Norman rill Dianna 14 ldullla E123 to Apply wt reierclsces to 111 Llln one evening she Hill 1153 Rink noi emailL Bin Burk lotl hookuxrllt wanted mud palerred Rod Martin ninry er WOMAN to do light houichee inn and watch children in uchlnle or room mm bond plus unail remuneration PhonePA om louti CmAnPlfl I0 illtl departmtnl In interim DPAKI wghrauclhvse Wee On In Bin name mariner ludo twice STATION Attendpi Year round wont Ilnlltlly pay Experienc returned not essentia Kzll ulen boo Station crown Iitll luast orrlcs ctnlllt iemale required lmlt medlhleiy nylnl and our account lar experience esssnt Ability to handle cash an asset lie lybyv let ter In awn handwsiunr ssitnr are education uaunrstlons and marits latua Pquiie Utilities Commission arrle iHM 152 lac5F mvacéllrulmgnurlo llnrrie being the up manholecentre Territory is wcu esabiuhcd ior high volume stale qualtiicstlona and remuneration er kdefl Cl llctssenllllltidllxiafléell est Saddlery Lint ee 0r ouzn Ont lnot is YOUR lN equal to your neodsl Your or spare time hours are worth $200 to $100 each it you Ihle Ind willlnfl 11 work and M5 pl surrealions Thu is sales Ioh Conuciinl established retail custom err our merchandise is nationally adVerused in Readers DIuest Ayply in writinlo Mr Granger so Roch st Montreal ue 1714 MAClllNlfiT ANTEI mulnlennnre Ioreman to also charge or machine lth in locn manuiaclurln plant Mun he rapaoie oi Instslin and maintaining varlcly oi mac laory nno mechanical equipment Appli cant must he skilled in llcelylenll wwnldlnl lathe operations electric rt patrs and the tlsi or general machine shop equipment should have the ant iiion and ahlllty to develop and improve equipment to meet increami denlands Joli security liiqunluyllml ppy nw as onion lrMBS production with top Wu llclnl llclllns lad llarrte POSITIONS WANTED HANDVMANIwishes pcnnmcnt post lion or will accept temporary work Phone PA iitotlo 284 RELIABLE thow In tomes clean nunSmoker ahstatner desires paste tian housekeeper Good plain cook No ties on anywhere ion in llarrle Sualuiiter paws WANTED HIGHEST PRICES PAID SCRAP METALS BATTERIES Phone PA 06331 or PA 66487 ell Ipes heams analcs nnals nail rclltlnrclnz rods INDUSTRIAL IRON AND METAL Dunlap St West relnflflld Phone PA 88331 or PA 84204 ddeii Barrie Metal C7 Salvage DEALERS IN SCRAP TRON METALS mks Hinds BAGS BAIIERIES FEATHERS LIVE POULTRY trucks willvcllll llI hest prices DEIId Special prices plug chIVered PhaniBilrrlu PA HDII lor st or Bergman MAX PUSHKOFF AND COMPANY Yard and Office 204 Tlmlt st 315 also new Eccles st 30284 DEW waltlvls WANTED worm pickers APPIY 74 North itth £7 PET STOCK count PUIS or sale Should make good cattle dogs Phone Zlnlelrouds LABRADDR EETMEVERS hiaclt or eilow months registered Donaheo 45 aamiar reorient on on Can as 1= Binder Twines Phone SAL FILL TOR SOiL GRAVEL EXCAVATINO GRADING DENNIS MORAN Phone PAIkway 82907 rnti RUBBER STAMPS Manoloottom WEAYMOUTHS BOOK STORE MOBILE HOME TRAILERS oi Barrio ONeu Low Down Payments Chelpfl mun Ellen lncllld lnlt Iurlnm Ior till term your cam tract tip to years Trade In trailer car ntrnllurc etc Parisian Inna will he sunhis or yarn Chapman Trailer Sales Cohort ItVe IlwyrN Ann Out RENO LOCAL MANAGER 7loM05 BUY CANADIAN BUYHCOCKSHUTTi SEE CAMPBELL rm Barrie Flinn xiii 0n tunwry mllu South FOll COCKSHUTT FARM TMACHINERY IRRIGATION PROBLEMS HOWARD ROTAVATORS Insecticideh Myers Sprayers l7 stratlans Gladl Arranged mo 74981 sTRAIGln RAzOlls Lawn Mower and small Roulette Phone PA Mm 78565 TWIN BABY CAanAGE Sunshine like now Best olier Phone PA 075 7Mdu REFRIGERATOR Wcsilnnhnuae cu Itoscellent condition 3100 Phone PA Hm 18486 FRAth BUILDING 20 tent in nood rc air Would mnku good drive shed one arm Barrio Talos rnAlviia BUILDING sheet It 20 it near Craichusst A81 to Crlllil phone aulrza ra ghunl 7w CEMENT nnxlzlt iar also ilea driven mount tral er Frank Canning Rll mo Phone warn lt 434 HOT PLATES Mt beds with in ner sprint mottlesse chests drawers Chili rohe miscellaneous ta blcs Apply Feel street 77 CHESTERFIELD sUrlE 3picce rea sonahlep also Williams Piano excell ent lone Walnut Bullet Phone PA 84717 or apply 29 Pull St 78485 CRAIO lluNTnlt can give you service on Master Feeds Frost Fenee Steel and Aluminum Roollnll Baler and first Strand 70mm RUGMAGIC Save up to onehali on heautliut hroadloom run mm In your old carpets woollens clothing etc at decara vc shades Phone PA 52585 Tuti mu mGus scrima TRAILER rooms sleep persons Will sell for low down payment and the balance in monthly pa ments as rent Will rent to respons ble people Phone PA 83670 alter 5dr 78284 NIGHTCRAWLEBS au Awomu raised easily indoors solilus Odorlm method RC Bait Bags the revolt lions hail Containeravallahlc ior Immc ate llhlpglnz Worms pit run and select alt hreeders YOIIIIK and CI Best selling warm hooks avallah 50¢ brings envelope roll or Irsstnlcttona samples data prices Ontario rhrthworm Farms ii ith Avenue Gait Ontario TIIoo ROOM tr BOARD as motor on so her ed PERSONAL wtll VICTOR KEfloE or anyone Knowing his present whereabouts please clonsmunicstehwlth ggx 31154411 Dr her or one Ill8284 wouw ANYONE witnessine erions automobile accident on No way between Dinvale Ind wasan Beach around am sundy is please contact Mr Be PA 05507 or PA ll 57 hone 038585 Cnnlt nllt Mania Well Speclll at by man Establlhhed is Over 0000 July Itqu AND BOARD Phone PA M757 ltoolll AND lloAltD Dunlap and llradiord District Phone PA woos 1234415 ERUIT VEGETABLES AslIIERRIdEs FOREA who 51 ave is Too an rout ra srry season Rliy banlea in rail hoxos miles eastoi Thornton at Cluverleuf Plume Guzley Stroucl isrlz 208186 7M for gentlemen 1H4 at PA mil Bardc Call CLAPPSRION gt Phone nanin PA ill ouow The Trend in Barrie Buy Sci ThrillIn Eldon Real not bid Public confidence Ind Ilidout Rut rotate Ltd Canadas LIIlent Kenton 8500 SOUTH OE TOWN 82000 down three bedrooms wry lune cornblsuuoa livInI and dining room modem kitchen Tlhl yur Old hum LI Oil handrailme Rb Ilrld but lot Carrie 85 gnllihly Cull Ir Wnflhlnlnl gt HIGHWAY PROPER MILES FROM BARRIE mm 7mom blink haul ltd our left at with lronln on No II it hway or 350 and Miss on nun conreulou road or Thll ll an unpuopal commercl comer or den rm For mflhlr Inlan out on contact Mr NnrlnlnEtlcllwell VILLAGE OF STROUD ASKING PRICE 31000 down plyment binned on an open mortars at GE Serulmndnrn tivomm bumllovl enullllilly 11m acnlzed Nina inru shade trees Gals ads Low taxes close to bus and shop Inf miles ironi Barrie Just on Ill wtiy No II Fnr runner in rotmaton contact Russ Conan at PA mil Bdrm BARRIE TERRACE HEAgIIlUL LAKE thOlrrPllormlY CorEplctely modern bungalow can aid Large bright rooms niaanliiteni view or the lake mil basement and Iorced air all hutlnl Thu Ind reca 5531a MrNOrlIinn Sheuwell oocii Dame $09DO CODRINOTON SEPARATE SCHOOL um dawn ior room stucco con structlon In and condition through out tuli concrete hascment Excellent location wllhin watldn distance oi down IOIIn Cull Illr orlhlrlglon ll 1000 for we llcrtl 1nd line Fins lllv ed for dllry fiscal $25000 Iar loo acres al Sillymlr high l0 Calm bulldliild EDD for llcre Tot on roperiy must he seen to be For iurther Infillmlng PA Chill FARMS FOR SALE old luwny sumo tor Ibo acres on 27 Highway or 150 acres 41h Flos with Stock Implemenlfi reducing unit or 50 lent It ElnIVllc ex Sll Or IIx Icrcs Chlcken arm and store on roperty Iehwa No to Mr Elilnll Barrio mil $10500 DONALD ST 32000 down only yelll Old TM brlck huncalow with all large rooms willmcnn real value to you in every wily Three large blItIIil bedrooms 2x3 hilchenmnd dining area Low in athly repayment schedule Call Mr Worthington at PA oodll LAND FOR SALE saw tor itch lot on llichway No 90 II It Call Of LEI SW lilI Or lot on 10h CDn DI nnlslll 5th sldcrohd 500 Or acre On 14 13011 at lnnllfll JIM or lot District SEW lor 71 acre wltli modern llolue miles wllleJl narrle llmlls $15000 or 40 Acres with brlzk Veneer haule burn 14 30 Ulrea mile north OI Barri On Ill IIWIIY No 17 Contact Mr Elllou 411 NHA RESALE NORTHEASTEND OF TOW 10330 down modern I5ltr00ln bun slow with garage Three bedrooms not living room and kitchen Full loner merit Laundry lulu Oll heating Carries IOr ION than rent including taxes Owner transferred Tomnto For further lnIOrmilIIdll conflict Rlull Carson at PA 56411 BIrrIC COTTAGES GEORGIAN BAT $4000 int room insulated at Wasaga Bench $8000 iar lovely Woodland Reach sum lurloroom home with cellar and turnacc Balm Bench 13500 for cottage in zrollp Balm each good income or iiuildlnc Allandaie landscaped cottage 326000 for Grill and Cabin at Wuaza Beach extra lnrne income on Invest inclit $100000 or large arnulernent centre at water iront Balm Beach 35500 or country home On Highway No 27 in Wyehridee district Contact Mr Elliott BartIa PA Hill iCOnsulr Ridout ON ALL REAL ESTATE RAID UT CANADAS LARGEST REALTORS 1684 HERB SILLS REAL ESTATE OFFERS ROOM HOME an hway ii mues south or Bill He wo bathroom car garage loo urds reinbits Ind store Largo lot 65 by 175 it $2500 dow jTTALEX HOOD Fendlx Whether Buyingor Sellingl or as cld st morn slam launch My mate Im Snitlrddyl Lllh lvpm BEFORE You nevi fLA CEYS No OBLIGATION PHONE PA S5293 email OFABM oqolmlzitcml ya small3 PROPERTIES 1M COUTIS Real EsfoteBroker Owen SFeet Barrie CONSULT US ON IAW Downrsynsent Hound mp catchpro OI Properties NaitonaiI llousinc ulnar pincomd Propertlet llulllll ODuslnen ilpportunitlait Properly Management For Rentals call PA lZBfl any hauls PHQNES Ollie PA qukfivcninl PA H591 lon rnit PROMPT and nillbluunlca in °ll sios Imm3ltg ri hosc an rt sitar WE DO llAVSI cu WRITING lHllI PROPERTY FEOR RENT VOFFICE SPACE Approximately lm Iaet In new build In Very central Located on Collier Street Phone PA 32151 or apply ll Ciapperto Barrio loTitt OFFICE SPACE hulidln no Owen street ESTER tor doctors ctr Stays Immllctllnle APARTMENT rooms centrally located unturn il lltdt Adlllll Sulllbll Illa unlined girls etll Availahie August ls PHONE PA ROOM AT rannALlr Ap ly 00 Maple Ave liarris 1L6 Iht sexes inr Adults giggmlhun PA $3269 lsszcu llOUSDKEBPlNO ROoMscenira lo ILIOII Phone PA 828 5175tl LARGE llOUSEKEEYlNG ROOM jun ished Apply 00 Mspls Aves léMti BEDROOM iurnlslied with light home kcelling Girl prelerred Phone Pa 825 human rooms heated class to partners arcllon Adults Ahstatso era 24 hots 150qu rumination BEDROOMS Arena lrici Phone PA M7 or Applyyln Dunlop st West 534 hugh unliyudrniahedI lparlanegll llrl vote at ro wa or an ea eluded Phone PA 35040 lsoati APARTMENT rooms uniumlshed Melted Ital Wgtar henv wired Ad nits only PA in 155435 BEDROOM trottie housenlnrulated near Stroud sail monthICharies no ers Real Estate PA 68337 1502 FURNISHED Bedslitln cooln very central IIus ra cite so olltrig and Phone Mod lsaIad ROOM sell contained apartment verandnh laundry Iaciiltlei heated Phone PA 82059 or PA 7157 ibMu MODERN OFFICE mu oilCla per ms atmet Avagnblfi deluly 1hr cg 2253 or onl 51 APARTMENT lvlfldble Alli on Bradford St rHea whtel llrlll ht suppucd Adults Phone PAJHS 158385 Phnn ROOM sell contained apartment new 70 monthly Available Aug Cent PhODDIMr Redd PA 82578 158244 zsltoom uniurnlshed artment cose to our continuous hot water at hit Campheu Ave must rooms at Lisle heavy wir ing filth acre land month Georre Turner 78 Victoria st Anus ton léIlldd UPPER DUPLEX hrdnd new bedv rooms modern oath and kitchen lln ed BIEJ ROOM Apnrtlnantjlld bulb halted lsoind no him do kne SUMMER COTTAGES IIIMMSKI AGE BU HIV NM In run run Ill to an Indon Pholu PA Im MISCELLANEOUS CAMPING EQUIPMENT Jon hm Oldntlr ICamp cots iocunl stoves OPoruhic lee Ila nAltltI TENT AWNING co noynrld st PhonoPA wit PHONE PA 920 DAY INNISFILELECTRONICS TV AND RADIO REPAIR Bull BmeylCon Inflm COLLECTIONS Na collection No fitrle Bllru olllsrric Phone PA 712 at st llzu MUSKOKA WELL DRILLETIS COMPANY Wells drilled and cared by ucensed drillers INQUIRIES To BOX Ella BARBIE EXAMINER Bnll Gilson Automatic Oil Furnaces Also GILSON ICOAL WOOD FURNACES BALFE SON llayiield street Phone PA Hons HUSH ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE F0NW Motor Needs Rewindind and Repllln HAROLD HART Barrlemcinc Motors 53 Owen St P11 PA 32208 oistr FLOOR COVERING lAnDstrongd Iloor Cavarlnz ounoieuma Rullher and Alpha 1110 lllitlc Wall flla Materials supplied and installed WJA WOLFENDEN 2th Toronto St Phone PA Miss owu AuIrlioltlzDD SERVICE AND SALES ELECTROLUX CANADAI LIMITED Also lteconnltlaned Machines lteasonabty priced BRANCH DFFIGEI 31 VPSPRA ST PH BARRIEPA 33392 54 PARKERS CHIMNEY SERVICE Chimneys re aired rebuilt re filllied Flue lnel mflllled ROOFING repaired installed FOUNDATIONS waterprooied um 81 sTtlccomG All worlt guaranteed FREE ESTIMATES CALL PA 85270 5794 smcmzdn TRIM WORK ThIMMlNG Bursts COMPLETE hacnnATION hooais BUILTIN CUPBOARDS REMODELLING PORCHFJ IsmNGuNG wiVIMMEJIAIE SERVICE Em rOIiitAtr wantun Old GunER NO re PROPERTY WANTED none and nlhbl Jeni In Elfin itll5 HAVE CUE CHICKS POULTRY um will on Deltth production tired chlch IMM 1h CIICMAP Omar ndvl or Summer Illd Fill dIllillrys kl ll RIP IItll HIV Lotr polllg problems Cflll Ilnlcr Elma SEED AND FEED MIXED AV minim or Illa Phone alter pan PA DJ lDGaM M1an luv ior sale In no lulu Ron IIDDlIius phone Ivy MIXED IIAY 0r ule ltlnlllnz Phan an Noon p111 PA LIVESTOCK FOR SALE ll FIGS watt unit or PA ANnD Plus Geddes ltll phano PA null 370 as watts am vigilugh phone giro lals piglet Ionitaltittlr Moat months old Apply lluueti Pnrlrldxu Mlaesinn phone 32 304 szNzD tomsPA vBhIrlc 94w lalndrnre Sowl and Balls lllII Ti mans Creemoru till Phone on Hits YORKSHIRE Pltlll Bwtrkh old AI iywtliisrn critic lien lmt Co ro Townrp MAllB ANn COLT years old per icctiy quiet Mooly Timur Thresh big Machine good condition No mrlher ass Ior It An iy loim Fltm lnll inh Line Sunnids Till Stay rich CRANDAILAI Toronto Western llos ltal on my It not to Mr and re ltooert ll Crandali inee Pran ces Craig non Iilohert lef DAVCRVIltuAt the lloyslVleoria lloa ital narrle on July 2i l950 to and Mrs William Daverveui WIIllllln st sister ERASAt theRoyal Vlclagln llos tel litrrie on July at it to and Mn Nicholas Era lllla Dar ria son llllclurd Paul IIOsllllal ISllilii an Illl 1956 he RDYI Vlciorln In Ensl ll um ll Illlynl Victor to and Mrs Fred McCartney oz Harrie On VANNAHERru this Ila al Victori IEI Cllln erland SL dnuflhlcn nnrrlc on July 20 IBSI daughter TuttiLee althl AYIIE uddenly at the Rille VIC tan lard 5L ilrrle beluvrd Glenn OI Toronto and dear slsler FNANCAlsAt ihn lloyal Victoria in Cpl and Mrs lionsl Francois Wonley st son Michael John Ila on luly 20 lost to Mr an kennth Lem 29 Dunlop St IllcCDNKBYAt Hos ital Dorrie on my 20 lost Purrt st son OIIVltltAt the lloysi Victoria lion Fail ul Ii mil to and Mrs 70 lbw tload son llosnttai Barrie on In It less to Plexa Mn Douglas Vannaller Katherine Ellen WilliamAt the lloyal Victoria lios Finland Mrs lirlllon lValhy Somme lilvd Cain Dordc osnital on Sundly llelen iane Andrews and Brad wlie oi Edward res dear mo thcr oi Allen and Corie oi Dorrie oi Jessie Mrs Chcesemanl oi llnrrie Restlnxnt the Jennelt run and Igoilrlczlgorrlez Serviceon Tuni Iy ll Pm 0n Bllrrie tilIon Cemetery APPLETONOn Friday at Toronto Almlra 52 Ridge Valley Crusoe Valley in her 04th year wtic oi the gluten dearly on oi ll Bletan at Toronto al1 earl llnd Elmo at Nonpan ll Wicc arrie llestlng at Ithe Turner IPorter mineral Home 436 honeesvaues Ave Tor unto service In the chapel at it tun Mondair Cemetery oranto lAitYAt sunnyhrooii Hospital Tor onto on Friday July 20 loss lino ert Charles Jury in his oath year son or the late Mr and Mrs Arthur Jaryof Craighursl and dear brlr iher oi Audrey Patrick or Barrie Resting at Lloyd and Steckley Fu eral Home Barrie until day runeral service in JoItrlo Anglican Church Craiehunt on Tuesday My 14 at 220 In termen In olning ceme eryI HASTINGS tIthe home at his daughter Mrs Marshall Mayra Dun lihg on On Fri rJuiy 20 1950 Samuel Hustlnf or Carolinel=otec and deal fathnr oi Vera interment Mount Terart Cemetery July STAFFORDAt his ham1l1 Gowsn st Barrie onsaturda lul II will willinm Alircd gunk In his 60thyear dear father oi Willi ired III Charics lteynoids Grace Mrs Thomas Pope Ronald hnd Fred staiicrd III or Torontoiirs Eleanorw Morgan oi Anr and Florence gun Whitelor Dorrie Hosting Lloyd and Stockle nin erai Home Barrie ior serv on Wednudhg luly 25Iat pm terment srrie nIon Cemetery WHITNEYAt the oyal Victoria pital Barrie on Saturday 055 Frederick Whltney at he late Ellen olHeam 67tll ear Resting at the Lloyd itl ey thergl Bilme Dorrie ceolt on dy at Interment Barrie visillln Come Beloved Illle Ernest Edwin AP loved mother o5 liar ndale Norman the late Vi Agrlcton sister July hush in lily 20 l955 Wice ol Plumber interment Parlbhwn Deluved husband ml ll vCKVRTV CHANNEL auction JULY Low srura rd Ibnu PM rlD Plan and MIMI ran Inllod no run the said nlhk aIxO was Intcl whl Sm IIuIll OMWm Mb line no nos tus Today to till An Anemooa gou itIll 40m 525 Dimh BUNK CW 530 II no lnlildl Diana aaa Godot near 300 Nel fienlinu U132 hm mlkel SW 51 Ill uo huuetin Bonro 700 Ntl Hudllnu 07 BIIDIELIQ lo EWllI Clltfld to hit rarads Tennessee 8m Show T45 flfll Th Arun llth Tn in mm attain ntsit XI canrrrt VIII moitur UJU 0H7 loo Neil 905 Tell the Town III IlldVIIIhll IQW Neil SW 00 New EMU I100 NI Ind WEI runoltv It 675 BIKE Oh no strepto Par Th my 015 NEW Illlllttl Clock allow 700 rtrm turret mean Neil un gremllht Aporu area 010 Operation adieu Or Plslur fill at ll radar to urns wumuluir qurfas heir Lilo us leert lum rteup been no not Time In tiltstein Yrtu All loon on Weather SE IRISH SE Tamed nor liar Inau un coor sin Dinner no lint tenthrid lv Mlle Ems in Cu so on Did rosin In cums In Cu Vivn lids Today in nuts CKBB PROGRAMS DIAL 1230 IONDAV no no mood Weather 50 Canada Im 00 lg on 305 Douhle unborn 1061 at shunore mil Mldntrnll At work ealtn various lone Nan tom nomemurro Citlit loan mus Pan iloo News 05 lioner nint 10 heinous JO Music Country ltrlo rm luoo News Apollo 1200 News Apart Deon and Illother wntlnlutv KI l2 Olga ad sirenLu rumba and Hen With no Musical Cider show 700 Farm Market Report 715 News 120 overuirht Inert Beam lio nerloaal Wrathr ruupAv Ed Irishman on Inn anm prmt Eillylrnfimélmmdm illnrann Marni ltenort no Ncrcm ma NII not Tradlnr Put in News lrl no menu Brain dim es LOO Didiiiln so no rare re re $5339 no use rsnn Reporter moo Nousrt uo Betcha has Hnmrmlklrl cupid L45 All i040 Trndlnr rni iioo Newscast 05 Good News Dsst iuo Interlud luo Marlo Country titsle Part WEDNBDAV ioo NIII lteadllne i2 02 Lllndlwrl loat in sport nicest l5 Form MAIch papalt IIJO Nnwut 1257 Nsucllesdilnec LW nulletlaI hoards 105 rarm Features JD 30 ri 15 iii in oil WI 790 Nut wtth ulnhardo Sliul nation Cain Burden unort To Firm Door llildllnu Market Report rt Score no Albernoon wmt You till 400 News News sxusie country Hull mu Matinee p00 News lirddiinor us Camp Burden Sport 50 News 540 Prelude Th Dinner Rudime Ah case It to curndlr Parade rssee nmt sho leads ai tilts 00 on stocks cha liter lleii An 105 to AUCTION SAL will for Lot2il Colt oi Strand 1111 Bitumfls lintlsellnld CI acts Church street lwrl lltid Au er gEKk gt NOTICE T0 II Pursuant to the nrovlrio Mechanics Chapter 227 signed will sell the roll recover lDPallls es aner this notice in roe issues at The tell Chevrolet Sedan 712llmm l0sa license MIN1 32387 KITCHENS RAGE l7il mil lloud AUCTIO SALE Registered Oils Cattle Farm Sloc mPIemenls and Housld Effects The Indus well hreil June Holstein ears al er outcln Ca it months Yorkshire Sow due to tan st or July Yorksltlre Saws ddlo oi Junll9 storePigs Hampshire hens In Hampshire ltocit Ichens 215 months FLEMFms and condition Drill ll disc Spreader IllC I7 It DumpRah cut et at Drag ter Water Trough Ila slim scantI ha oo on Bennh fie HOUSEHOLD Tu Imp emauta and Much IrS CHEAP TOUHAVE YOUR TVPEWRITER ADDING MACHINE on CASH REGISTER SERVICIJD REGULARLY DONT WAIT UNTIL IT BREAKS DoyvN fConsult us for Rates on Service Coltrack Iarrn 21 Auction roe liowrn llaii lnnla cast Terms crIt So at Srmule Ancilone 8051 Jul at Auction in at tor Yiusvi Tuneup Jul No Tcrntr ah or Lien Act Emmi Section Wm appeared rrle Euni rlal number Barrie and has received 1mm from ST or aTltouD huc Auction on JULY 27 pm slIARP D57 FOLLOWIN AIILE Dean 3rd llosaz 1951 nred artful 19 to ndolier illth as Bimnld Issoalhorn May lost to Blackbird BandoIIer ai Bonule neon 5th trials 1955 Bonnie ueen or light hard 13 Cow years mllitingwell ilereiord Cow years ec Set tip detonsengainst this rqhher with the most re seam proven Fly Control Program on the market TDEPURINA FDY CONTROL PROGRAM is désgned and reSedrdllf MHcfiflfifffif ed to aliy flyprobleml Tooth Culttv Sold 0D Money Back Guarantee1 VI Burnt Flinn Stiwa luIIna Chows hred Nov i955 rs hred Dec mOntliI Here Rock cross mt Ford Tractor Buck Ratio tor FolO lPlC Trac Drill hoot Sculfle arrows sectluluzcut Car gullcy rope Gal ru Rotarylilm vw ork Cream Sc an or EFFECT Quebec ter BoATS MOTORS 20 DOWN incl month buys 1050 Mercury Out and Motor or Nip lasingi Boat at Provincial Til co zl ary street Barrie iadelns acceptedt 31W OUTnoABD MOTOR or sale ll EVIDrtlde cruiseaday tdnkyzellr on pp lurlvboartl conditlo Privately owned Will sell in rea sonahle otter hone PA ham alter 4502 AUTOMOBILES ForLlvcstoc Poultry Surge Da Equiplllellt 17 Mnicaster St PA 8298 BRUCE CAMERONI persona IN MEMORA Phone FAG6382 fittest will TomTE Ever remembered by and Iarnily KELLInlINIn memoryol son Joe Ke whO July 24 1955 We littldiin knew whenswe The cosrow the daywoui the call wududde severe To portwlth we dam Sorrieimcs its ledlta Whyl nmttlll1 have But lnIIlIs wls nln Go Beyond our pawectoI Save as strength And eauis to hear outwhat meant NITginglywllluiggrfikn gen tars hrothers alsth Im EXTENSIONS Can that lieater Dil Heater Kitchen Cabinet Forks chains shovels and many other articles too numerous to men ti on All will he sold without reserve as pro detnr has sold his Iarm his CASIl Snrouie Auctioneer MiachER Public and Continuation vISChoOlg 31 MaqTIER Ontario Settled tenders will be re civellle tile SécretaryTr surer until oclock pail Tuesday uly3l 1956 for the construction Ofd two clqssro in addition and new toilets Septic Tank and Disposal Bell for elg tclailsrooms in existing school at 58 Freeman Township Mllclier Ontario Pldnsiand Specifications obtainablelrnmthe Architects Pellt II land and BakerthColiitr stBAlllllE Onlar on $338116le of tertlfledclleilite payable to the Architectsior tile amountof $5000 to be returned whfn plans rind specifications are returned to the Architects in good condition ABl Bond in thénlllilllnt oiszooo School liond lsrcqulregl williellclsflt llQl II Lowest lly tdndernlnt necessarily IE WIFISHEII ccrefilyéTIensulor MocTIER Public and Contln Schools Ma Tie clle ts rich and poor in rried alrea elyI Scrupuioua secrdcy Simmons limit 71 Dickens Post ice Winnie peg ailam DR EDWIN WILSON Wilson huiidln lzarris Ontario besides conductng Eeneral Osteopathic Practice been curlni tor Toot Disordersl igcllludtnz the removalhg Com an ouses more Myer Phone PA it doIIitm FARM EQUIPMENT DaniNO MACHINE earge White ijrlvo heit 24x45 Apfily Ken Giltor Phone radiord 395488 COMEINB with powentalse oil asfil all other ttachrnenta hushels buckwheat heed Phone Gear Dclb richsiren lurid 00355 lots citolt TitAcron MAC row crop ullc was with or VI ALL TYPES or leunANCn gItdlItgutA loaller Good cOntloitlo noa PHONE RAB5201 mm mgr Dunn ST EAST it mu vrlth IhrndI Eliminate On not you aid ill llJMwlt whxrdlrttlfh an 33nd limo aouoi RnrnmnNTArlvrr COOKSTDWN PHONE um loaut MCGOEY TOUGH READ ESTATE acallslrlrss BROKERS Competent heal Estate Servlea Excllulve and conildentlnl listlndr PrIVute and NBA tlnarscing plans Specldlty service on buy Ind Ielllnz yrlvntelncnme hull 3T0 selection ho dings Ohuaineas ro erties sold onLeonntl am new hath priv entrance he tonchooln ifOFFlCls 10 REPRFS St Sultahle Tor business ou Dick Steeles China shopIPI one out 1505 FRONT ROOM large iurnlahed Stilt married oupieno children Frlfia ranxeite waalslag machine 137 Mary St APAR SNT groundrlonrs rooind mallathle Agier 70mortzljlyhflflb ennn ox Examine ISanl lIOOM unIuiulshed apartment ova aisle Aug ll per month Incl in heat and ht Apply Ceri re tiarms and small Mr ROOMS lti oo a4 dear wned that EIeCrriC MOioIrSi MS sSthnirie HONEPA 85307 566 hocIt Ices upmilr privat loss Buying or Selling We ilnanceeuts model cars and trucks wery reasonable rate withcomplete Insurance STEVENSON planned tlt low llNTATIvm Alas macaroni To SERVE YOU Dmm APARTMENT unmtnldhzd floor modern rooms Ind tnl lOCItinn aell cantilnbd PHQNEPA 442 altoad up nowltni illicit ALTERATIONS 4H STOREFRONTSAND unhirniahed envy wlrln hone PA Elli Aul AduitruIPA 340 APArtTMBNTs rooms slak and eupoolrds $55 lntludlnu llh Available July 73 1H LOTON Cndrln Phone PA savor snow Todd Inrut rrunehouTe on llrlo lot Jilin op st APART 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