altxed no mtw Tne ed is bauu Minter met af Mr viomirocmmui vnnm Mrs Mensa tans rrra ommuman MONDAYr mess if Mansion pointsflith $30 at eta ss 1A 721thSS 11 Bill 8812 70 The schools and yardrwere judg was mom nonoauumuotnn your borne Mnlloyd Patton Wayn arleton is visiting his gave report of the picnic cube uncle and aunt Ids and Mrs Cripphd Children Camp Blue Brock Menuhin Miss Culley of Elvean mterestlag edges he 31301 mm and 311 work in tauCommunityruie on sn thirnamén held on local green on Tuesday evening brought rinks homharrie Allantale and Bee tcn After three erdoyahle guinea Mr JohnsonsIrinb with Mrs Maude Simmons and Mrs Hazel luyncr wonf the first prize for three wins Mr McFadden Mrs Mrs ward of Petérbord withthe tanner sister netnice Xopna Kenneth Frallck df Waterloo with his parents Mr and Harry Praliek Mr and Mrs SJ Lonzford and children of Balti more Costa of Aurora Dara Carleton of Creemore and Mra edinMayfanda ainJunem Dedicate minim On Sunday July if in Min eaing United Church the uew electric organ was dedicated by he pastor Rev Veals It is 1nsialled in memory of those from Mr and Mrs Harold Smith Mr and Mrs Adams and Ladlne and Miss Donaldson at Toronto spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Alvin Smith Miasï¬adineï¬dams was guest soloist in the United Church Sunday morning die Murdock Envision with hergmother over tlu ion at Vietcrlajsmiare Satori new and an Sflhlfliim re ane McNIcollkholldiying wi liar lid erG Mm McFadden and so Boyd also of Allandale won three games too Bill Stevenson Mm Wict ind Mrs Palmer were high foi two wins and Boyd Mrs flalkem and Mr Wire high for onewin The Late road Bullen John Bullcn of Port Credit Innof Mr and Mrs John Bullen of Totienham and twin inother of James Bullen also of Tottcn him passed away in Toronto ®Gcneral hospital on Monday July after long illness Filo eral service from Skinner and Middlehrook Home on Wednesdai was attended by many triendi from here interment took place in Spring Creek Cemetery Clark son He leaves hiswidoiv the fornier Edith Casscrly andscven children to whom the cummunltv contends sincere sympathy Win District Douhlcs Mrs Orma Simpson and Mrs Hazel Walitem won the doubles forDistrict 18 of the Provincial Ladies Lawn Bowling Associa tion in Newmarkct Monday last Congratulations All are hoping these two young women will con tinue and win for the Province of Ontario Had Tonsillectomy MrsAgncs Walsh has returned from Alilston hospital where she had tonsil operation on Satur day last Planning Board Meets number ofthe businessmen rom here attended planning ard meeting held inBceton on Tuesday evening lost Old Weaver Building Down At iasti The citizens of Totten ham are glad to see the aid Weaver building being taken ilown This building was one of the oldest in town and had for ii mother MM Henderson at Mrs JiA MoCagu Limeol writing Mr and Mrs Jack Dunstan and visiting the latters mother Mrs Galbraith Mr and Mrs Roy Barnett and ainily and Mr and Mrs Jerry ilovanelij and children Toronto yorerecent visitors with their iarehts Mr and Mrs Thomas Iarnet Mr and Mrs Jack che Toron and Mr and Mrs Mervin Dale ichomherg were Sunday visitors it the che home Mr Thomas Barnett spent in with friends in Toronto Miss Martina McGoey spent ew days recently with pronto Miss McGooy Toronto and Genevieve Lonergan of End tt Ne ork visited Sunday their brother and family and Mrs McGoByL also cousin Mrs Lchanc of Mom eaL Mrs James Henderson and daughter Mrs Creighton who is visiting here spent Tuesday in Cookstown with Mrs Creightons laughter and family Dr and Mrs ton McFarland Mr and Mrs Rance Delaney nd party of friends visited re ntly with friends in Goldwater Mrs Jean Gilchrist and family hforonto spent Sundayat the es mum Holiday hvdaying In Ottawa with their gflmdparents Mr and Mrs A5 Judes WA are holding THORNTON in sale on WednesdayJuly25 at istil Park The members one children of Montreal are friends in convener of sporta bonds and Maria Mallion are Carol and violin Mrs George cCIxile Sr bar Witt Mrs aimd in and mail daughter Sharon ol new Sash are Vile ii the torn era sister arr Wilbert Holmes Sharonfiuriibull ofBxtprVil lted few days with her aunt add ï¬nds Mr and Mrs The Kerr families attended the Legato family reunion at Sunset undiy Sunday Schoo Picnic Burns Sunday School in plan nlng picnic lnnlsfii Part on Friday July 21 Mrs But chers waaappointcd convene of the lunch and Stewart Dermott Mrs George McCague is ing with tho Simcoe County Bec reatlon Service swimming classes this month rry port tht Billy Corrigan has he ski and that Donnie Switzer met with sinful iaccident on Monday when is clothes got caughtln th pow ertaireoff We BIB81a part he was not scrip We wish both boys covery Eveam Walter Brown of apeady re Madeline gt Induction Service Iuduction service was held in Prlduy evening San coexPresbyiery opened the meet ing Rev Smith of Creeiiioro took thedevotional MruSanders vice alter which hymn was sung Meeting flpsed with prayer delicious uch was served by the ladies Barrie Visitors gt Mr and Mrs Alf Pearson Bar rie visited the farmers sister Mrs Joc Gordon and Miss Clara ï¬eirson on Saturday Home From Nuva Scott Gcorge buff Mr and Mrs MacKay and family and Mrs McLeish returned after Visiting friends in Nova Scotia Mra Dcering Toronto visit ing Mr and Mrs John Barker Mr and Mrs Wilson and daughters of Markhani earned on Mr and Mrs Mumberson on Sunday Miss Joan Watson Angus is visiting Mr and Mrs Vernon Wat son Miss Margaret Bates Barrie spent few days with her parents here Attend Orange March large number from here at tended the 1501 March in Cree moreon Thursday Mr and Mrs Dchlde and of Everett called on Mrs Laughlin Sunday Mrand Mrs Plaxton and aryn Angus called on Mrs addiann andMrs Allenby Sun 3y Mrs Mothers Vancouver calledvon Mrs Speck Friday ear Down Buildings The steel shed has been moved fge lilackwell of Georgetown and Mr and Mr Jack Shepherd of Everettyirited Williams Thornhury all at Mr and Mrs Victor Millars Shower For Margaret Srlgley Mn the church or RevE Clarke on Murray Re is Mrs agarreaming chairman arson Sunday andMio Swindicys with ti es took charge of the induction ser my nu Mrs7 Roe spent the weekend in Toronto and Ar Wright on Wednelday Mr and Mrs Reid and fam Iiyof Guelph visited friends in Toronto last wagku Mr Reid was in the Contin uni on School Mrand Mrs Julsurns Tomnto visited friends in town durin Bauevtng Teller Vlsitjarmep Teacher Mr and Mrs Paul Mclynchuck are visitingrelatives in Winnipeg weekend armor teacher Winnipeg Visit for several weeks Larry Coleman and Betty Mae Mitchell won the awardsgiven by the Womens Institute for the pupils with the highest marks in Grade of the public school in Beeton This is an annual award given by the Womens ilnstitute June Dr mi in am Graduates in Mediciiie Wiggins and Kc Keeymfvtton were recent guests of Graham Mrfl Thompson and Mrs Legge were ghosts of Mr and MrsJ 11 Laird Hamiltonls rciiev log telier ln the Royal Bank while Miss DLBrown on boll dayg the Malcolm Urquhart was amongthe graduates in Medicine atthe University of Toronto in He will interneat St Michaeis Hospital for one year and will start in practice with his father Dr James Urquhart Aur large number of friends and wellwiaheu filial the Orange Hall last Tuesday eveningfto hon or MisdMargarct Srigley wit shower prior to her marriage on July to RobertflMason Man garet received many beautiful sud useful gifts Here From Ottawa Mr and Mrs Stanleijords of Ottawa are spending weekwitli her parents Mr and Mrs Leigh ton Adanis at Peters WA St Peters Church WA met at Mrs Stanley Frallcks the Antler bersand twoviaitors were pres ent Mrs Holley lst vice president presided The pres ident MrsGeorge Crawford was presented with tho slivchA pin AftertheWA prayer and Litany and business the devotionaipart was taken by Mrs Harry Fraiick Mrs King read chapter from the study book Mrs Dusto gave anaccount of the Deanery meet ing inCrccmore in June Rev Gordon King closed the meeting with prayer and lunch was served by Mrs King and Mrs Fraiick For the benefit of members not present the August meeting will be held at Mrs1loyd Srigleys WI Plans Bus Tour Womens lnstitute re charter ing bus for trip to Coiling wood to the Quilt and Rug lair July 25 Those wishing to take in this trip call Mrs Stanley Fra lick You will have an enjoyable afltcrnoon and an inexpensive =Attention Horticulturists All schools ianespra compet rioun of July 11 Thirteen men Minesing district who gave their lives in the two great wars Mrs Hilts andMrs Luck the iormer having lost son and the latter brother unveiled the con solo and Orval Tracy veteran of World War No read the names of the fallen afterwhich abriei silencowas rved fol lowed by praym Whilrme organ is dedicated to the gioryfotrGod snd ihe memory of than who gave their lives forthelr country the memorial plaque itself does not contain the names of the de ceased heroes immediately lol iowing the dedication ceremony Mre Grant the organist played Ihe doxology and the regular ser vice of theday began We wish to thank all the members of the organ committee who ionmany weeks worked so faithfully and well traitor gt so and Mrs Emil Chelisk and ed baby St Catharines spent the weekend with the latters mother Mrs Noble New Arrival Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Max Hoiland Jr onthejrrival of their second son born in York County Hospital Newmarket Fridapruly 13 Home from Winnipeg Mrs Grosc Gwen and Sheilé have returned from three weeks vacation in Winnipeg Mrs Gmscs sister Miss Bertha Scott motored on The Reynoldsfamilies held re nion at JacksonsPolnt on Sun In Mrs Mundy spent fey days with her son in Torontog Church Picnic The ladies of the WMS and the Mission Band children enjoyed picnic at Mr and Mrs McLeans cottage at Big Bay Point on Wed nesday Celebrated Twelfth Some from here celebrated the 12th iuCreemore and number attc ded the celebrationin Arthur on aturday FreeChest xny Dont forget the TB free ehest Xany in the Park on Monday from RBI iss Maryvhiclienoi Toronto is spending two weeks at herhome here ï¬Pfl back with them fora short visit We are glad to hear that Mrs Walter Allan is home from the hospital and feeling much improv 415i Anniversary We would like to offer congratu lations to Mr and Mrs James El liott who celebrated their dist wedding anniversary on Saturday July 21 KENTVILLE NS CPLTh Scots nary Union Church establish cd in 1856 has just celebrated its centennial The church now is used by Advent Christian United Baptist and United Church of can nda congregations woo You SUMMERTUNEUP the week tsi will save you onyourvaoation trip Have your Plugs Points Timing Cooling SystcmChcckedbyiex perts for trouble free driving at smegmaa IMOTORSJV LIMITED ofa Malcolms wife is the form er Lillian Melynchuk of Benton They have young son Clyde ALMA our3 ca Que hec company will begin arton agraphic survey of this north eastcrn Quebec centre and its outskirts shortly Mayor Poul Leyasseur said survey in Ingin tho Vespra Horticultural robin shelter competition must have the shelters handed in to one of the dirctors or Mrs Cyril Jackson by Aug in the school ground competition that was spon sored by the Vespra Horticultural Society Minesing SS No won first prize having 98 points 55 No 15 was second with 94 and into the park grounds and the town hall has been torndown to make room for hewcommunity hall to be built in the near future Welcome Minister and Wife We welcome Rev and Mrs Clarke ln our midst and wish them cVery successn number of years been an eyesore as well as fire trap Weunder stand an oil companvaill be lo an Venn QSkEd 19 eating on the premises wk Mr Es Jenna VA Tue gt evcning comes urses Miss Orian Abernethy dauin iw°°kend Gus ter of Mr and Mrs Leonard AbA man McKay Of 0mm crnetiiy has taken aposition as weekend wflh it angrcciafe hdonations from aicsoteconca gr 00 presentation party was held in Bu sSchool for Mr and Mrs RoiiyMdnroe and family on Wed sday nig July 18 Mrand Mrs Mnro have been faithful workera indBurns United Church sincemoving to the farm of Ross William here Mr Spent Misses the nurses aid at St Johns Conval and M3 escent Hospital near Toronto for the summer months on July ttend Funeral At Port Credit Many friends of the late John Bullen Jr were in Port Credit for his funeralon Wednesdaysdad Visit Friends Here Rev and Mrs James Dorrian She started Mrs spent Chari Porteous of Dundas irdsy with her brother 05 only and Mrs Henry number of old On Twelfth Julgy visitors with Stewart were MI and MWamos Stewart Mr and MW Stewart and Mr End 75 Stewart all of Town and rrows Stewart of Barrie good nu tended the Or Creemore on 2th wins an Trinity WMS As fhe parson age wadnesiflyternoon With good attendanc The subje chosen for the meg gola which was bad by from here at celebration in troupe of European actchats brought along with themto support them in their US ciogusiqur 66foot taper aluminum towerAtop this rot me 26foot iiiomrdrlves ladder on which they go through Mrs Barnard Mrs Mrs Thompson Se ox and ihg letters were rea sionsries in Angola Word was receivese hm week of the death of er Thompson in Hamilton July 11 Mrs Thompson was mm resident ofmhomton United Church Picn Dont forget the United picnic at lnnisiil Park on day July 24 EDGAR Monroe was employs Mr Mo roe willalso begreatly missed in the Pine River Ramblersarched tra in which he played an ant part It is with regret that welo couple and family Holidaying Here Mr and Mrs run Lee of Sim one are holidaying at thehome of Mr and Mrs Calvin Haddock unlitrs on am nmornu riilspiumt nos37 an 321 on M0 ounian so Mn and Mrs DDay and and Mrs McDonaldJnd in of Toronto spentï¬sundayrrak Grimes cvcrytli holding it up Wis plenty sir that in ght metal would make muchlcasierwork gt of electing the contmptio were pleased thatthcy like so many other peoplefound just ivhai they wanted in thislight strong versatlo metal Whe turning Motor TripWest Mr andMrs Dave Duff have left on motor trip to the West The first stop was at Fort William tofllait the latters brother and his wife Mr and Mrs Matthews thenran to Calgary tovvlsit the farmers sister and her husband Mrand Mrs01iv mart They may go to thoicoast beforo Sympathy goes Mrs Ida coulter and family inthe pass ing of husband and father Mrs Johnston and family of Hamilton Mr and Mrs Red smouan er Mrs Arnoldiof Hamilton visite Mrs Everett on the weekend andMrs Cecil Dicker Toronto were iio daygueats of Mrs Dicker Mrs Jamieson of Elmvale Drysdale of Hamilton Mar garet Campbelllslay Alberta and Mrs Cockbnrn of Toronto were visitors this in We reréyeént slaw ringéd mot is 24 villa pegsooner ifyouylike ner illoan repaid the isss it from 550 to $1000 mad inono OSTEOPATH son cameraman eek at Stra McArthur of terms ygg Select you borrow froth HFC select path of Nottawa spent Sunday wlth Mr andMrs Ivan Duff ECTOY Lanai Boys assessor or now lallciton Notrice rum GLADSTONE CUM QC urnm nos Solicitor Tonto LIVINGSTON MIKE5 asnarsraas RISOLICITORS ldBColller St Phone PAVE5454 BARBIE Manage Hydrotherapy ah bamps rantiii anyJ monsoon mom and THEORY Pill mvtfld for ninth MAI Conservatory of no in man ipoioamr an mire st phone papers MuLEAN 1am in UEHRCMPII outrte VETERINARY DI so In IDA AIIIED HABIEIS carnagulagowac Inn ran3 essential for town planning pur poses SS No third with93 Follow ing came 4thSSl7 with as ServiceDopt 65 Collier PA Bacall HERErsvvavi HI Yongetthe right capacity in sorry the loud Whateveryour payload manta Dodge trucks areUEJob Ratedmtoilet you haul more at loworrcoat For exam adore you choice loadapaoe In 19 Dodge three bodies 78 x49 90 x154 08 54 togive you jushï¬ght creased groas vehicle ex weights on medium and high tonne emodels fitn widerrnnge ofhauiing needs than over before Yemen the righrsirongih to shovido th lend truck has to do Frames springs axles ariateamed in juatw right eombinati no for the roads andloads yourtruck must co with in everyday operation to moveth load Eur lighter duty page mode are You got theright power Dodge om powiared by the fa one 1254 rsapowerDod Stxknn world edi nag models of horsepower in the V8a in the mo it it 656mm roverot GcW