Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Jul 1956, p. 2

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Visifing in Town Mrs Gordon Dunlopand her four children John Ida Nancy and Paul have been visiting in town with her moth Mrs Lay Blake Street and her sister Mrs Oates while Group Captain Dunlap was finishing his course or staff college in Kingston They left8hturday for Mooseaw Saskatchewan where he is taking pver command of the Royal Canadian Air Force station ms Dunlap who is the former Jean LayL and her family have recently returned from Sweden They wereresidcnts of Stockholm fbr three years while Group Cap tain Dunlap was serving as mil itary attache for Canada in the Scandinavian countries BridoIjEntertoinments Before her marriage to Allan lloy King of Toronto the former Eleanor Atkinson was entertain ed by manyfrlends in the Barrie district and in Toronto Mrs iSeaon Ellis and Mrs Craig were hostesses at kitchen shower held at the Ellis home on Brock Street before the wedding and community show er was given for the bride by Midhurst friends at the pavilion in Springwater Park In Toronto miscellaneous shaw ers were given in her honor at the homes of Mrs Grant MacMur rayand Miss Eleann MacKay and Mrs Ronald Morden entertained at miscellaneous shower in her honor at her home in Port Credit Mrs Albert Charlton of Toron to sister of the groom entertain ed at cup and saucer shower Parkslde Home and School As sociation in Toronto presented the bride with an electric kettle and the staff of the elementary school made presentation of crystal The groom was presen ted with pressure cooker by the staff oi West Glen School in Toronto Mrs Adamson entertain ediat tea in honor of her daugh ter athei home in Midhurst and Mrs George McCoukey entertain ed the dal party after the re hearsal aher home on Toronto Street Honored At Parties Entertainments held in honor of Mrs Donald Tomlinson before her marriage Saturday to Gerald Rp herts included miscellaneous shower at the home ofMrslAllanv McNabb in EdenvaleAbout 20 neighbors and friends motored out from Barrie for the event The bndetoba was seated undl er ii pink and white umbrella and gifts were presented in decorated hamper ms McNabb also made the pre sen ation of lovely floor lamp from the group Games and refreshments con cluded the evening The hostess was assisted by her mother and her sister Mrs Lennox and Mrs Elliott The members of the euchre club of which the bride is member gathered at her home on Owen Street one evening in her honor Onhehalf of the members Mrs Geoffrey Glenn made presenta tion Later midnigbtf supper downtown was enjoyed Mrs Aikens Clapperton Street entertained at Sunday luncheon for the bride num ber of former school friends gath ered to make apresentation delicious buffet luugh was served Holiday Trips Miss Florence Babe Sim left Malton on Friday tcvisit relatives in England and Scotland and will be touring France Bel giumGermany and Switzerland She will be returning home on August Mr and Mrs Robert Farrow and mm uni1a pay in Shirley Avenue have returned from two weeka motor trip through eastern Ontario They travelled to Ottawa and Man by way of Algonquin Park an Golden Lake stoppini oil in Cora wall and the Thousand Island and at Beaver Lake in the Haliburton district on their way home Mr and Mrs Clifton Ward Blake Street are home after sav enahousandrnile bus tour of Wes tern Canada They left two weeks ago for the westconst travelling via Chicago Salt Lakacity and Seattle to Victoria and Vancouver Their return trip was through the Canadian Rockies to Hanfi Cal gary Medicine Hat Winnipeg and Detroit with several stopovers for sight seeing Guthrie Institute gt Flower Show To Be held Aug 29 Mrs Harry liieCuaig was hostess lo Guthrie Womens lnstitutothls month Roll call Bring an Old Snapshot was answered by 20 members and three visitors The WI flower show is to be held Aug 29 at GuthrloHall Any member wishing to enter was asks ed to get in touch with Mrs Pear rall as early as possible Flowers are to he in place by 12 oclock noon The Twecdsmulr History was again the topic of the meeting The history of farms in Guthrie was discussed with Mrs Campbell in charge Members enA ioyed recalling memories of the past gt contest on prominent people in the news was won by Mrs Cameron The next meeting will be held in the community hall on Aug 29 The committeein Charge is Mrr Mel Hastings Mrs Charles Sander son Mrs Mel Jamieson and Mrs Gerald Rattle Roll call will be Name flower starting withtha firskletter of your mime RURAL THEME ATANGLICAN CONFERENCE The Rural Church in Chang ing Age was tha theme of an in teresting twoday conference con ducted recently by the Anglican Cburcb at Niagaraonthtulialre Oneofiihe two leaders of the com ference was the Rt Rev Ernest Reed Bishop of Ottawa and chair man of the Rural Church Commit tee of the Council for Social Ser vicewho delivered three address esr kv Sharing theleadership with him was Floyd Grie bach secretary of the National armForum and nativevof Collingwood who led the two main discussion periods HevAllan need of VBanie was chairman of the provincial committee which ference RETURN T0119l2 Fsshion has returned to the 1912 erafof Edwardian elegance Elutt chitlons long slender gowns fur and feathers are predicted for av WT monthly amounts riur am Semefldallon lsrvlts mume and am aaiumd on at rio are can to not For you labia Phon fiut to or to today planned the con Itrain dresses 1m much Misi Shirley liar accessorieswcoiivhlte Jun lira mania malnupui of Barrito Douglas Robert umb of Edgar aonof Mraud uncos don Lamb of Weston took place on Saturday July b1195 atéyxo oclock in the afternoon menu officiated at th ring ceremonyin than minimum Church Given in marriage by her father the bride waawearing ballerina length gown of white lace over taf feta Tier fingertip veil gather ed to imallwhlte hat and she vaa carrying cascade of deep pink roses and white babys breath mi AND unis ROY me mrriea Miss Eleanor Jean Adamson daughter of Mrand Mrs Adamson of Midhurst wasmar ried on Saturday July 1401 J56 at threeoclock in the afternoon in Mldhurst United Church to Allan Roy King son of Mr and Mrs Roy King of Toronto Rev Veals officiated at the douv hiering ceremony apd WEdding music was played by Mrs Jcbn Rahson 01 Toronto who also ac companied the soloist William Day of Toronto in thesluglng of TheInrds Prayer and Perfect lava Mr Adamson gave his daughter in marriage She was wearing gamutmist whiteailk organra made with low decolletage formed with wide band of self shlrring flecked with péarls The long sheath sleeves formed points over tbe hands and the houffant skirt was endrcled witha match ing bindnf shining about the hipllne Her fingertip veil Fwas mnxhtrtox mhtdflnydouble lban deau etched witli pearlshandmshe was carrying cascade of pink sweetheart roses and white esther reedijaisigs Attendants In Blue The bridesmaids Miss Patricia Adamson and MissPeggyAdm hon of Midhurst sisters of the bride were wearing gowns of copen hlua crystaletter made on princesse lines with matching headdresses andshoes They car ried cascades of pink carnations and whitévesther reed daisies Miss Diane Charlton of Toronto niece of the groom was flower was of copen blue crystaletta andshe was carrying nosegay of pink sweetheart roses and white pompon mums Thomas Overton of Toronto was groomsman and the ushers were Donald Banks and Albert Charlton both of Toronto Forestry Hall Reception At the reception in Midhurst forestry Hallthernother of the bride received the guests in ale pink duster ensemble weari mg matching accessories The grooms motherwho assisted was in navylace and was wearing corsages of pink sweetheart rose budswn Guestsweré present 363 Sal nia Uxbrlrlge Stratford Tomato Port Cradit Kirkland LakePoint auvBaril llarlowe Guelph Cale wood and Lo Angelea California Laurentmnlhloneymoon Leaving on awedding trip to the Laurentians and the east lte dress with white red and wli On their return Mr accessories and Mrs thei homein Toronto BLACKANDWH TE tion in feminine fashions hlaclt andwhifeis impossible to escape since Cecil Beatons black white Ascot scene in the musical version of Shaws Pysmvalion My Fair Lady currently th girl Hershort bouifant dress anvil Mauritius rim RANGE or wa of Gordon furniture Compiiigiquipme hit of Broadway matching accessories Both wore coast the bride was wearlng King will be mak smash ller maid of honor ltisngyina Synnott of Barriehwaa wearing ballerinalength gown of pink cry aulette with pink nylon head awesome as John qumeynrw is Vflimheld Auriga in pm Attila realigned bud it my 0° bill your saga81 Homethoaiotarofthobridern Thomas itill azais availsblb eats inidarty pink whitFwd for the horticultural bua iourto and my go deep pink mu shit Moa WedAmos manly as mother was 1112 go wernmatianflmhchicmifi 91 saga as will firmflri distri ctrFor travelling the codename brl chosea blue and whiti nylon Among the new looks far all ia dress and white hat with white mortar and corsaga of tally 33 Guerta were present from Bar mJll mm El bird rla Orilliast Thomas and West iw look byioeana of do 09 bed acket fee Examiner Radio Column imm agaln it looks asif were tins getting some ofthat well dsserved summer weather weva all been waiting for Congratulations to louls Bris tow of Barrie who was the first winnerof the lucky cash register draw Mr Bristow was presented with his $100 voucher last Tuesday at the old post office square it was lovely day and there was large turnout for the fifstulraw Remember this draw takesplsce every Tucsday throughout the sum mer at 230 pm andif your name is called you must there to re ceive your 5100 vouc er favorite of young and old School 55 Innisf Promotions Killyleogh To GradeHorma Campbell Peggytldtxiherry Charles Patter son Po Grads Mary Corbett rey lileinvaldp Robert Patterson Trudee Sierps Marilyn Sutton Muriel Sutton Glenn Legace To Grade lLindalatterson To Gmdo BnTeddy Corbett Shirley Arthur SZTo Gra 5Donald Bedford Juno Corbett Wayne Gcorge Patterson To Grade 4Angus Henry Lin da MISherry flo grade zLloyd Csrripbell DianneJlenry John Henryglgtiaa no Mosherry Arthur arm onthlorue Robby Noon fohnson now lulth own halfhour show on CKBBevery Friday night starting at For all houiewlvea have problems why nol haveI them solved by calling the Homemakers Clinic which canbe hEardevery morning Monday through Friday at l005 At this time Mary Ellen Young and Billflarrington are on handtopass yourproblems along to other radio listeners who in turlehoue iii solutionsf in no time at all your problem is thing of the past And thats it for another week Goodbye and happy listening wanrim new when BEARINGS SHOULD BE REPACKED everyz 10000 Miles seized front wheel bearing can guarantee an accident heck YOUll Mileage DANGERFIELD Morons miner skivice nepaémiane =4 creamer St PA 82487 DANJEL names Teacher Always good color combiria vilnie modern food way Nowadays its casier because Ill insurance pp lwo changes HorrySIiou ulge is glad to see may Harry Shoubridge gt Selfservice has made buying quicker and ier New departments such as frozen foods have brought wider cho ce of products Package designs store arrangementsaud lighting have all linen modernized and vastly iniproved Another change benefits MrShoubridge and his family Ina personal provide finanqal security for families are much more flexibleflever before plans beerisawidez fijlflllnfllcle represea iiv rtoo rervree in thescleetii7n of pica tom in vidual family needs TodaY through In insalmceready fundsai provided for emergencies for This new method of home treat iiienHor saving and growing thicker hair will be demonstrated In BarrleLOntarlo on Wednesday ONLY July 25l958 These private individual deml onstrations will be held at the American Hotel on Wednesday ONLY July 25 1956 London Ont July 11 1956 vln an interviewhere today Wil liam Keele internationally fam ous trichologist and director of the Keele Hair Specialists said There areJlB different scalp dis orders that cause most men and women to lose bair Usingcom momsense aperson must realize noione tonic or socalledcureall could correct all tPese disorders heexplained Guaranteed The Keele firinhrecognizing that most people are skeptical of claims that hair can be grown on holding heads offer antes KeelEalid gt Once person avails himself of sure this we offer this guarantee If you are not completely sat isfiedwitb your hair progressat the end of30 days your money will be returned Hopeless Cases Disconraged Elist thetrichologist is quick to tell hopeless cases that they can nothehelped Butfiueuflwopelessi casesarefcw On an WWW completely shiny bald is hein this lost category if there is fuzz no matterliow says food store owner re Jiridi Giiarofiiéés If Damdnstrotions to he haldiliere shiny the Keele treatment his skepticism immediately disappears cTo in Famous TricliblogistWill DemONSerQHQW T9 Grow Thicker Hair triehologist makes no charge for this examination and no appoint merit is necessary After the examination the person istold the required length of treatment and how rnuch if will cost After starting treatment the person makes regularreports to tha Keele firm in London to check the progressof the home treatment lo spread theopporfunity of normaliliealthy hair to the throne ands whoire desperately looking or helphindependent trichologista are Visiting various cities through out Canada to conduct examina tions and start home treatments No CureAll We have no cureallfor slick baldness Keele emphlt assizes If there is fuzzthe root is still capable of creating hair and we ca perf what seems tube miracl There is one thing Keelq wants and woman toknpw if appears at the temples begins toshow up on the ahead there is ionis lf clientsdollow our direc tions during treatment and after they inish the course thereis no re on why they will not have hairsllthe rest of their lives Koch said Our firm is de itely baiiidtfiisfireatmentri dependsonthe individual clients faithful observation of few ple mics education for safeguarding your home retirement In these andgflirr ways the irisz remnants In Caiiada In step with Flintbrllfllflgbllllfi to prop In all walks ulilel or you ym light thin or colorless the Keele udws nfln treatment can perform wonders Ed complete private examination 35 isgivergby hologiht to deter fig mine econdition 25 in Barrie 0nt12lnoon use it his hart will filing mm Thepublicds invited EXWMW Youvdo not need an appointment This examination gt Theexaminations are private gh and highlytechnical VZQJAVLSO inut panamdsourrmamnon our macaw access are may mi it saw us lniwan and it you will not be embarrassed or Th obligated in anyway

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