Thurman3 Final again wait thanairs event of the Mints atJhr Ar last nighL it look for wrfla it liar Tornado vomit hemmed to Iam pull at wind manrenew immatures on the mound tor Bradlord gar bliiy two inga beture DeVilbiu raad lorry at 10 into runs Sonammo along the line venerable Pat Poland strode to the mound but the rally wentrightonuntii it ran outot atcada or its own accord Arm alto took over from Poland and his ruthpaw otterings held the ï¬rs inch in check to the end But mage wasvdon Biiiiord answererr ham ail enllflcanwhiie and they picked up respectabletotal otsil riins by the and at five innings at which point hirnbuil replaced Mscdonald on tile moundior DeVilhissti Cline the cvcnttui ninth and De Viihlgs were coasting home with comlvriahle no load when Brad tordJound the range on iurnhull whilh his teammates tossed in couple at costly miscues with one run in Giiien rea touched oil the firearm with towering home run to right at centre with pne than on Keddy was on on an ciroifand Carter and Armstrong iollmved with clean hitsrrthstirst two gcbring as DeVilhiss kicked the all into centre Armstrong wentoutcrowding his luck at the plate and the rally ended as Greg ory Illuntcd weakly to Turnhtill For DeViibiss Bert Pomona singls and two doubles the tirst of which opened their big iiining Getdcia had double and single andikoddy and Wanamaker two singles cacti amen aindrord third baseman asthc poiverhousc or the game etting three slugicshcsides his big hombr The Bradford team showed on interesting mixture at until and experience and with ittle more precision in the clutch spotty wii command plenty ot re spect their entry into the Barrie circuit brings no little color to the scene Bud Knapp and Art Kneeshaw handledtlte game and had numer ous close ones to call on the bases some of Which drew meaty co merits from the players Kne shaw at the plate wts struck in the ear in the early innings and cut painfully He insisted oilcon tinuiug however Prahiisii Damping Garbage That an Be Burned Eissa Township is concernch about the state oi its garbage dumps At the July meeting of the municipal council caretaker was named for the dump onNo 25 Sideroad at the ninth conces sioit and the road supervisor Was oitdm the ihitd talk The wire fence that was round ther fill madden wastlie dadnlall ot Mommy ya when tiewin ppiyiac the arm Mir oh Punk heim thicwn into in ropes and and rolled him up it like liabcaughtina neLiHe then Eipke one otthe posts that held the wire fence ripped it he and an hammering head with it lloherre was easi ptey then roe Punksdevastating M126 drops Intlieflrst all Roberre atlythle White had Funk desperately trying to get out or the ring Robcrre won this tall with lying drop kicksand the body pres lit the second all Funk dug deep into hishag of tricks and cairieup withva string ruin his trunks that hhdRobme iti veryl bad shape At last Funk did de JEFF k0 otthexelowns oi the are Black Dianioad thltfll 6n is uniï¬m at Finedest 8te cide to take the all but eviory sp timelthereiéree would get the coiint up to two hewouid change his mind amlE punish the popular Frenchman little more He finally won the tallat This will meanthat Funk will tangle with Tony Mnrelii next week or the LahatLChainpionship Belt which Moreili now holds lhe semifinal bout ofthe even ingnms taken by Gorgeous George Grant who was substitute for HamuSasaki injured on Monday night in Sudbury Grant put on quite show with his blond hair tiedup in ribbon He detected Ronnie McKay the up and coming it Scotsflian when McKayv in the process of throwing drop hick missed the mark and landed heaw iiy on his hick Grant then plied topspreadto win the la In the opening bout Marco Folo wonagï¬ln thrungh disqualiticr tion he Elephant Boyatter tak ing quite going over from Polo started using thong that he had on his ist which he rubbed across Po eyes Thereteree stopped the bent at awarded the match to Pol crowd of 1109 wereon liand to witness this rough and tough atch instructed to put twotler hog tench on the southtide The control of garbage dump ingin the township is to be torcedin4he future hylaw being drawnup imposing pen alty for dumping any material that can he humed at home paper material wood material of any kind or old clothing John Hoggarthhaa been en gaged as dump caretaker CALL THE EXAMINER FOR YOUR PRINTING NEEDS harukhunk aaiger tipWhit Rag Va ue SUMMER cuss Puntes as in as Beige or White WaistVania 095 195 SUMMER CLEARANCE hrobhé and den iii nd Mrsfv Jackv attended the wedding of their niece liam iitonron Saturday Liiieii Shower wer hostesses for nen shower on hursday evening Miss Neta Archer whose will Diade anuiy 28 Jills hcocit and family anr rieu are letting it and Mrsi Peaéoc dayiing with her sister Mrs ei gt Summer School Stï¬nmer school closed on Friday at the Church of the Assumption Theta were as childrenattending watched for waited tar women ur T05 oksssss sHOR1issl Séasons best boars famous man Hrs mat Reid Eliaaheth Mks ll KMnan Toronto is holi Special Clear Rozelle can flit 1m killed when the maxilla gt afloaan 1W CN gain in passenger lflorth Bay to mine an eroasi iota presidï¬nti other ldwdt Legion meigberakll pran in elled Couvcnt Barrie is aiid liq gig ï¬lyï¬orh my thousands ol nitric and in trich Lives ions venousr0 2193 VALVES so 2m VALUES r6 3495 dawns 7n $99 specially priced for vaums io 21m th an mac Ogl and Joseph 511 We ltd mam gammy as sass AiiS 5ch BllLiONHAIRE SilD SARDINES 2433 Hma mm Mimi AYLMER APPLE JulCE srscuu nan MONARCH MARGARINE snciav QUAKER CORN FLAKES SPECIAt BLUE SURF we rkozenrooas EEIAIJ oiisoqmru geriiielu Mononsflucqro Welds Grasp minimum Beans entrain Moor coauw Malxlra avuxs roa aérsiisrmluiipshmgsaa Mics 70 uh House as We wrm eueur aunromr nucl IleinaWIifle hogan Jock Itnd Jillileqnlfl Br llér Gr Inslsyvae2lMiiiedzPiclias Robin Hood GoldengtIiikeMix liltiiys Spagheit YELLowLFLesH Feelsrou PEACHES lARtlEyTHICKSHELLE calsr CRUNCNV canny rants ONLY Pass livorySoup ewitncvissf clatl LcaLAwa 1125 diamiii gnaw aisturrs ll nuns 1013qu Montana sav see PREMIUMS ON DISPLAY Alt toauwsroaes rummaging cum dinki Mullah Appla tu Food savor an ProximJVi MIraelI