Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 18 Jul 1956, p. 1

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IllE HORSE WAS AT EASE rider sits at attention eyes straight ahead these RCAF bandsmen sigtheeing in London find that the horse at least is at case one of the airmen administers friendly pat that the animal doesnt seem to mindat all The airmen all members of ppreciation to Public the Tra Kiwanis President Tells ThcEditor he Barrie Examiner sn first letter to the editor editor please accept my thanks on behalf of the club for the line support oIthe Work of our club by The Barrie Examined it is our opinion that youriine ag gressive newspaper is very portant in the phenomenal growth and progress of ourscoriimunity But the main purpose of this letter is to express the apprec July is 1958 tion of the KiwanisClbb of club no to the people of commu ity and district for thizir generous support of the work of our club May therefore address myself directly to your readers You people of Barrie and dis ct arm and village people military personnel have support warm heartedly and generous ly our fund raising such as our saleof Peanuts and our Thrill Drivers show that does the service work pixi and we sureiydoappreci We are proudot the re lub raises money and spends think youd lik to know briefly about Kiwanis and how wevworkl VKiwanis is Internationa Can rada andthe United Stat was privileged few weeks ago to vs the inspiration of attending our International Convention in san Francisco whbreWe welcom our 250000thnicnlbe operate exactly the am way as each of the 4200 other ney for the Its your money 0f ClubWork Th cottage is complete fwitb landscaping and all furniture and equipment to handle eight kids and two counsellors Everyvthrea weeks all summer new group mes iirWc are payin¥W for this cottage but believe me the wonderful holiday our cabin makes possible for at least 24 kids eachyear is amhle repayment for your money and our timcmoney and effort These kids really make it all worthwhile Kiwani ans painted this cottage them selves You bought over $3000 worth of peanuts from us onwhich 40 Turn to page two please First Barrie fWinner Loblaw Picture Game rlhe first Barrle winnerr the Loblawslroduct Picture game which appears every Wednesday in The Examiner is Mrs Sbinner 92 Eugenia St The local resident won pair of baseball tickets by Tor onto Maple Leafs Mra Shinners name was in cluded in the fourth list of winners just released total or 2814 prizes valued at 41431 is heingotlered during the 12 weeks of the game Her winning card was taincd at Loblaws Store on Bnylield Street operation of our club is en irely sep ated yoni the public service money you people help usralse ur 90 members paydues cover nilclub expenses andmeals nd weekly meetingcoats Every centofthe money raised through the ervicework by committees club serves lone or rim of xthese committees andfzivesbi his time and talent to their work ommitteesl are Boys GlrisW0lk Key Club at BDC Vocational Guidance Rublic iind usiness Affairs Support of Chur ches Agriculture and Conserve tion The service work of these gt inmittees requires about $1500 per year Finally ourmain committee is Medante can yetio oz Muralamen hmmonn tartan AgriculturalRepresontativeiRLeports Thc gram WATERFR Barrie waterfront will sparklet ith aquatic thrills this coming Saturday as the Junior Chamber of Cdmmerce stage their annual gatta in conjunction with the To ronto Speedboat Club gin at oclock will be mainly speedboat races featuring most at Ontarios best drivers with half ing Conimand Band wh toured Eng land and the Continent recently are from lei Sgt Pogue Barrie Sgt stun Sgt VHaggart Victoria comb Conncaut Ohio Hart Palm Sgt 11 Ho Farmers Union Protests Medonte Grant to Federation MOONSTONE an members at Medonte Council were present or the July meeting letter from the Farmers Un ion local branch protested Conni cil giving grant to the Federa tion of Agriculture and notmak ing grant to the Unio No ac tion was taken on the letter for the present gt ark Amount or hledontgs equaliza tion of assessment for county pur poses was $31435 making total township assessment of $1489 283 Medontes local assessment is lso higher for 1056 Sheep Killed By VDogs Sheep killed by dogs during the past month were Leo Barthel otte one lamb George Brother ston one sheep Mervin Farts two lambs Boyd Miller two lambs Clark two lambsAl bertSmith two lambs Total cost of reimbursement by Councli $164 Council applied Itor grant of $69807 under the Warble Cont Act Aecounts passed for payment were Township $182558tcla phone $114584 roadshsgilsfll Drainage Problem Cecil Orton discussed with Council drainage problemion his land and outherroad in front of it on the 13th concessionlnear Stati Council Will make aninspectio waiter Orr presidcn of Cold water Community Centre Associa tion told Council of efforts being made to build community can tre at Goldwater Council decid ed to consider grant later after Goldwater and other eouncils have consider the ass tanca nuani Dcicnce anoin hour intermission entertainment by Ja and Betty Shand water skilng artists who hold the East ern Canada doubles championship The races will take place off the St Vincent Park waterfront where onemile loval course will be marked bit with eight buoys The and fines will all be over lie distance The boats in the races are of thcstock utility and stockhydro types which at tain speeds otbctwoen 50 and 100 miles an hour on this type of course Aside iromshcer speed such scheduled to be BL LMOSisms IOBARRIE on SATURDAY raccs are accompanied by more than one type of thrill Crowding nd sharp turns can result ln up cts against which each driver cars crash helmet and foul bros lite jacket In raceson June 30 at Picton Jinn Riggs whowill be entered here and who holds the champion Iship in the BStockliydm class was thrown rom his boat The drivericss cratt ran wild across the course and ran ashore serious damage resulting This waa somewhatlless thrilling than thcinstancc in Calilornin last year vhere such runaway boat slitheb ed ashore to Come to rest in the idst of posh garden party that Was in progress On Saturday heats will begin at 515 with events listed at 15min ute intervals Water skiing will give the drivers rest from to 30 after which the race finals ill begin lasting until approxi mately 930 MIDLAND TELERHONEVSYSTEM CONVERTED r0 DIALBY BELL Dial telephone service came to Midland 301am on Sunday July 15 when the towns entire tclophone system was changed over to the new method ot oper ation in two minutesor less The changeover which climaxes more tbnntwo Years ot prepara imarhmw men one pans wa carried ou vvithyin tually no nterruptlon in service and made according to closely coordlnated procedure hichre quires splitsecond timing With the changeoverhall tele phone numbers in Midland were other figures The new umbers are inelii in the new Barrie Midland directory distributed re cently Tolephone served by the West theywill he maklngtowards the community building Defer Wage Request An increasenin hourly rate of pay was requested by township employees but this who deferred as the budget wasalready set Reeve Fisher Ganton and De puty Reeve Dalton Jemey were appointed to confer with Flos Council regarding the possibility of establishing In small park at Orr Lake on thetownline MrsPercy Oakley as appoint edscbool attendance officerfor AreaNo succeeding Albert Cook ho reslgned gt Mrs Mary Robins asked for weeds to be cut on thelath cpn cession Next meeting wil be on Aug at pm tiny Municipal Telephone System andthe Mountain Telephone Sys tem wero converted to dial oper ation at the sametime and be me paroithe Bell Telephones iietwork gt Four noted summer resort areas north of Midlandgzttttfle 01 195 thinweekend when radio link connected to the new Midland long distance centre wentinto operation Fublictelepbones are located at Cognashene Island Six Mile Lake GloucesterPool and McLean Lake or use bycottagcrs and other residents of these areas Later this summers pub lic tel phone will go intovservics at Go nineBa Two groups men one tloncd in the old exchange on Kinglstreet and the other in the Turn to page two please Order Irigvuestln Traffic Fatality West of Eimvaio COLDWATERAn inques has been ordered into the death of of Orillia kille July 15 near Elmvale when his ear crashed headon into an auto police said was ven by John Dankiw of Toronttil Mr Jermeys wife was taken enetang hospitalwitbj severe in figies but two other passengers in Jermey car Mr andIMlsl Har ry McIntyre were caped wl id tohave es injuries shame ONTARIO CANA AWEDNESDAYJU RVH Expansion Plans Adopted Ianrinciple Preliminary vsketcbcs or the proposedIaddition to RoyalVic tori Hospitaldrawn up by the Toronto architectural firm of William Somervillc McMurrlcb and Oxloywerc adopted in prin ciple bythe trustees on Monday The plans have now been sub mitted totba medicalstall or study and the special building committee of the board under the chairmanship of Rev James Ferguson has been aiitborized to study idc for financing the ex pansion The addition would increase hospital accommodation to proximately 225 beds The architects plans were pre sentedto the board by the build ing committee chairman AGRiCULTURAL SERVICESUNDAY Simcoe County Federation ot Agriculture announces that the 1056 nondenominational outdoor worship service for Agriculture will beheld on Sunday uly 22 at BassLakeCooperat Park Speaker will be the Rev John Fralickxulnister oi Elmvale An glican Church Hewill beasslstg edgbydtev Wesley Glazer of Wye vale United Church and Rev ingellf mglhim at dlandllres In will be under the direction Bert Churchill Barrie The Coun ty Federation wlll be represented by Gordon Caldwell Shanty Bay this years preaiden The service willyget underway at 245 pm with period of hymnainging under the direction of JA Hancock Elmvaleflwith Mrs Churchill at the organ All irural people of Slmcoe County are cordially invited The Cooperative Park is situated on Bass Lake short distance west of Orillia and may be reached from Highways llorlz Weather Today Mes lyfssnnv antiy Warm latterthe oi laargtlhursday mayday weather has been moder ate with temperatures below tbe nsual4nlyiloval and high oi 76slnce July first odayindfiatos sunny and no eels Wt Two Sectionsl6 Page Bummer resort operators may not have bceilisplehsed with the weather of the paatvfew weeks bunt hissheen boon to most farmers as it has proven to be an excellent growing season So muchvis this the case that what started out to be disastrous year in agriculture appears now to bee tremeiy promisingln many respects the the moment being for some clear weathérto vesting the lushcst hay crop inyears Ma or Greer In Hospital llarrles Mayor Eldon Greer tound himsel the niblcct ot concern on Monday night when he became indlsporcd following the committee meelv logs of town counciL Enni tnation by his doctor showed no signs at urlnna trouble beyond the apparent need for rest trom too heavy pro gram Asa precantio he was or dered to Royal Victoria Hos pital or weeks rest and air servation Latest reports ind cate that he is feeling tine Protection For Cookstown Essa Township Council is to pro vide capital loan of $3200 to Cookstown tire area The area to receive fire protet tionis outlined as Lotsil to 16 in theeastbalf of Concession the whole of Lots to 18 in Conces sions Band 10 the west half of Lots to 18 in Concession ii and the east halt oivLots to 21 in con ester 11 This includes the Thorntonu Tbe bylaw lug prepared to Villagei of seven years repayable in annual instalments to be levied against defined township properties is be as sent to the municipal board for its approval being urged to retrainiromiear marketing of their 1058 crop Fell lowing meeting in Toronto last week the Ontariofllhelt Grow ers Association Edgar rti president said at the ass tioirtbrougb its county org lions willbeadvlslng wheat ducers across Ontario to withhold as much as possible from market ing their 1956 crop during the liar vest time market glut MrMartlnsaid that no thohasis of reports it appears that the 1958 wheat crop will be below last years 20000000 bushelscLate seeding excessive rain and oven quick ripening were major factors incutting downthe current crop The actthauhz nocarry from last years gr cat are Mr Martin saidMcoupledwith sm er wheat crop this year and light crops inother grains it is very apparent tbatthero will be good myketior out 1056 wheat makeuha loanat flvepb cantfor greatest need at in the philosophical words at Stewart Page Agricultural Representativefor North Simcoe seasons have habitot trying to balance themselves out and this be very much the case Long To Be Remembered lssswill belong remembered for its springlate cold and wet and it cannotbc denied that it took its toll Some 20 Sim coe County farms will produce only limited crops this year All seeding was late and some acre age was nevir seeded while much reseediog was necessary as much as 40 some cases Some heavy land lacking porous sub soil will be total loss notably in they Flos area On the other side of the ledger some areas with light soil in the Oro and Vespra districts are pro ducingtbcir best crops in years perniittiia har Spring crops are alldoing well and the clovers and grasses in particular ave thrivedVin recent weeks Pasturage Excellent Pasturage everywhere is exnel lentI and whatis possiblymost important the pasturage sown this spring promises to restore the countys acreage to the quiredlevel offer its depletionrby Hurricane Hazel in 1954 and tbei drought 01 1955 This 15 particu larly good newsas pasturage be tbamu simian ran ereiore should not rushont themarket itJaévest time pric Ontario hold the or pm should be highly satisfao rice for wheat throughout the 195651 market season Mr Martin said that last Year farmers were urged to hold back their wheat marketings with the result that only about 20 per cent of the harvesting tion helped pr es said was ev an by he 25cént perbiishel is heat ver there harvesting threeiweek period in the midst oi in order Mr Martin adviserl thattliey put it in storage and se cure advancesfrqm elevator com panies ortheir ankers

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