IRHOUS 31 FRIDAY SATURDAY THE ENTERTAINMENT EVENT THAT WILL SWEEP OUR HEART AWAY Continuous Saturday 230 pm most beloved ofall 6A ORDON MacRAE SHIRLEY JONES CAMERON MlTCHELL ediï¬cpr 55 PLUS LATEST FOX News MONDAY TUESDAY ZlIAYS ONLY AEVINING snows 650 and MIL JEAN SIMMONS GUY MADISON in HILDA CRANE ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Srsnrs 230 PM wannrsnnr Tilllll airs Tasman JDHN SUSAN WAYNE ILléiYWliRD CONQUEROR NianDn CIN MASCOPE koxY EAMous PLAYERS TH TRE GLLTHRIE7 Presbyterian WMS Presbyterian WMS met at Mrs Blacks for the July meeting Mrs Robert Campbell conducted panel discusisonon early religious beliefs of India some of whichiare making comeback even inthis country Mrs Black anders Besse served delicious lunch August meeting at vMrs Robert Besses Bells are Ringing Wedding bells are ringing loud and long in the community this month Congratulations to Joyce Camp 3=bell and Mary Andrews whose weddingsvarc on the 21st of July Western Trip Mr and Mrs Ellwood Black left this week on trip to Saskatoon aandpoints west Wl Holiday Week Mrs Gordon Caldwell Mrs Rattle Mrs Cameronland Miss Kate Graham are attendingtho Womens Institute holiday week at OAC Guelph Mr and Mrs Lloyd Streetar vey and Darlene spent weeks holiday in Northern Ontario Mrs Woodman Saroia spent the weekend with Mr nd Mrs ACampbelL Mrs Campbellgand Marie pent aday in Toronto last week Kirk Sunday School Picnic Presbyterian Sunday School was held at our Memorial Park on July 14 There was wellplanned program of races and events for everyp Sampson and Mrs serve much credit for planning and carrying out the progra bountiful supper and plenty ice eam concluded the day Misses Catherine Cuaig spent theweek with Mr and Mrs Ross McCua Sarn Orilha and Sarnl John Caldwell spent the weekend with Jones at Cochrsnc DALSToN community Picnic rRemerober the Dalston com munity picnicon Saturday July 21 at 0m Beach There will be races for all Mr and Mrs Ed Pedlingham spent Wednesday and Thursday at iTilsonburg and attended the weddingoi nephew there MaryAnn Pédlingham visited at Jamiesons at Ealnswick last week Severn River Cottage Mr and MrsZHandy and chil dren and Mr and Mrsi Watson and children spent Sundayflat their cottage on Severnlliver Dinner Guests Lt Harry Mayne Mrs Mayne and David of Camp Borden and Mrs Waliwinof Allandale were dinner guests on Sunday at thehome ofL Handy Sr Brown Reunion The Brown Moore Wilson Watson and Williams families at tended the Brown reunion at Springwater Park on Saturday Wedding Bells Arc Ringing Mr and Mrs Brown and David of Hamilton spent the weekend at Browns Mrs Stranaghan and chil dren of Hamilton spent few days with her parents here Syl via and Garry remained for few weeks Frank Wood and son William GEOrge Rev and Mrs Fournieroi Hudson BaySaskatchewan via spentthe weekend in Oriliia Hand als titherrpicnic ongSntur 201956 EuomincnStotf Picnicln Park Following staff goli tourna men at the Allandalecourse in which some rather hatastic scam were made and after which in order to decide the manner in which prizes should be awarded according to KenWnlir con aultalionhad tolbe held in the cars and the party proceeded to the pavilion at mnistii Parkfor supper Walls welcomed the members ot his staff and their familiesmnd although thc evening was cool he hoped that all had enjoyed themselves The Examiner may take con slderable credit for theipnrk at the lakeside in Innlsfil When the matter of purchase was being discussed throughout the town ship snd vote was to be taken editorial comments from The Ex aminer some years ago may have ed the voters to support the pm iect Since that time through this column in The Examiner many worthwhile improvements have ualiy been accomplished On behalf of theJicoplc of in nisiii we pass along to The Ex aminer and staff welcome to the the privilege but we of Innlsfil also do this every time we go to the big town few days ago we went into store togct change for parking motorstaycd few minutes to chat with the propri etor and returned to our car to shield The Barrie police force do not put excessive wear anyway on the seats of their pants vFirc Call Moder To Boil Ewart The tire equipment made is withboth machines about ii Wednesday to Belle Ewart fire in chimney was ut when the lgdulpmcnlt1 arrived voluntelehra esc ten do ouEEreaiE aThisxffigftgéihen checkwto see thatthere was not likely to be fresh start piece of fire fighting equipment in that area The run made in about 15 minutes from Strcud would be better handled from truck intheinunediate area which could be manned with volunteer crew as the one in Stroud The best plan might be to put the present small truck with some of the equipment on it at that end the central area at Stroud Cookstown hasa truck of th in that is needed foran area which Cookstown will re onslble for an area ofr Innisfi we of the 400 Highway and no bto Thom erty rooting on the south town linc across the GRENFEL jMaster Joey Hadley of Barrie visiting his ctmsins Sandra and Bobby Walton Hilliard Meredith Barrie spent couple of days ast week with Mr and Mrs Wilbur Walton Mr and Mrs Scott son Lorne and Mrs Charles Harris spent Scott Aurora at United Church Camir Alice Cole=Noreen Ford and Marie Ford are attending th Sirn coeircsbyterycamp at nd Point thiswec vihe LateEdward Travers Sincere sympathy is extended to James Travers and all bereaved in Edward aatTiilsonbur Th July 12 Mday been the influence which prompt been suggested whlchhave event park They may have paid for finds ticket decoratingtiiozwind This brings out the need forya and purchase larger truckfor included hillsandlong hauls ton and also including the propz snnday with Mr and Mrs Alton As master of ceremonies Mr CHRfsmp THANst wili ing with the Willy Biol Hansorr troupe of dancers at the Barrie Collegiate Bonds third annual summer prom con day evening in the Arena Although only nineyears of ag Shela an accredited professional dancer performing in three ofthe four umbers to bepresented at the opening ohd half of the programxchrlstllotis of In donesisn stock and will dance and the Candle Dance in the au Dancel HOLLY ilad Appendectomy We are pleased to report Mrs Downing is improving favor ably After having an appendee tomy in theRoyal Victoria Hos pital andhopes to come home this week Mr and Mr Brown and Connie have returnedhome aitcr holidaying in Balm At Crown Hill Wedding Mr andMrs Ray Slessor and Glen attended Marjorie Gonghs wedding inflCrown Hill Church onJuiyld Visitors with Mrs Keil re centiy were Mr and Mrs Garrett of Kingston Mrs Broolunan an grandchildren of Mrs George Lewis ofJOsgood nd Mrs lenof Stayner tlcndmrty Several from this community attended party at the vhomeof Mrand Mrs Edward Johns mg Bay Point on Friday evening Mrslered BrownToronto is spending few days Mr andMrs Anderson WA At Mrs Elmertbyers The rWA met at Mrs Elm Dyers on July It at 230 pm with 15 members present The president Mrs Cochrane opened the meeting with hymn 24 Mrs Price read the lesi son and led in prayer Missalic Corrison gave reading entitled Mrs cali the sudden passing nuns brother Nov earlier Chicago be perrorm it on Map and will be hers the sec he Rice Kr and an Africanviolet with good wishes for the future Mrs Camp bell and MrsEDyer They both responded by telling the kindmf weather on their wedding day 30and 20years ago The next place of meeting will be in August at the home of Mrs Price 230 pm Committee Mrs Lackie and Mrs Lougheed Program Mrs Price and Mrs Mchrrison There was fa short business per ind followed by benediction and the hostess assisted by Mrs Redfern of Barrie served dain ty lunch Church IServicc 10 31m Service at HollyCburch will continue to open at 10 cm dunj ing July and August Under foresv management it is possible to takeVa harvest from the woods and still leave grow ing forest James ï¬eld of Bimini is in thentle Ballneseritual The can will ac company her playing the original music adnpoted for symphony orchestra by the uCsnadldn composerColln McPhee Barrie students of dance will have an opportunity of seeing talented performer whohas not yet reachedher teenstn twoe otlc num Spectal ticketsrviorchildren under 13 are available at 15 cents if the companiedmy ndults children are ac aa in 12 PA84427g5 GalliumCF the honieoi mind it Laionda Rom spent weasel on Lorna Streetnflr and Mn Ilth Hr Ind lira Lloyd Kathi rthwi to mu um Everett Whitby re of the late Dwinn my turned alter visit with her par Johna streehrsflu 19m has bought the formerhome of Miss ants Hr Ind Mr Walter Draper CARLEY Annlalockc on queen Street lira Horace Beard and daugb Legion Dumbod Service On Sunday July 22 the flank dian Legion Womens Auxiliary and exaervlcemen and womennf NY Bubara Crdzbtonfm Elinvaleare invited to attendtbe man Visitors with In Lorne lanninualElirumbrnd Sailvice It Or Beard eryonc pal unch and enjoy mm dnmmnu Mr and Mrs lvor Potts of Don the dgn spent the weekend with her me parerats Mr and Mrs Joseph Boo charge of transpo tinn arrange ments Those wish to attend contact him now Dress will be beretaand medals where possible Slnccre Sympathy Sincere sympathy is extended to the family of the late Mr and Mr Indzldn Bob wuson Pet Mm George lenl Severn bum we m9 weekend Wm Bridge in their recent sad loss 15 99 Utopia Vislnn wove v11 lifr and Mrs Thomas Exell Mrs Paul llowat Diane and Utopia were recent visitors with Danny are musing month Mr and Mrs Orville Armstrong with Mrs Rowatsv parents Mr and Mrsitobcrtsoh Hanover Mrs Gossling Linda and Bohbyare visiting Mr and Mrs William Watson Toronto Returns For Holiday Mr and Mrs Knipa Rich mond Hill spent con is of days with Mr and Mrs reenbank who returned with them for holiday Surgery Penetang The many friends or Mrs Tom on steam also and save 19 on your home in surance with our new Homeown ers Combination Policy It includes the most cssentiallnsuranco for your home all in one policy thus saving you 10 or moreover sep arate policies Call us about this money saving1lNSURANCE lull and let us show you how to ge the best Insuranceat lowcstcost EMINENan lonflmehsl rmmasiox any START éAsaIEl GObLEGlitTE BAND BLOKHANSON piChoraogrcphic ArIi tel RAFAEL manor2 rat mission 5M0 Advanced Reserved lion $15 Tl biainabldlat Weiymontbslbook sum in kson