Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 Jul 1956, p. 4

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3be circuseslias long been and will remain an important part of all sport promotion At the moment people of Ontario in general and of the Barrie area in particular aregettlng an education to just how large part bailyhoo plays in the boxing game Let it be kept to mind however that there is every justification for the use of ballyboo by both the circus and the boxing promoter They put on the biggestand best show they canvastemble gambling eve ing on onentght stand For promoter manager and boxer there is much to gain but there is plenty to lose Hence why should they not bend every effort to hit every potential customerand hard The Examiner has been close to the bailyhoo of the ParkerMoore scrap to that staff members hive handled allyes all the photo phic and press releases emanating from both the fight camps if writer Sam Mackncss currently on vacationis spending ahnsmans holiday as the public relationsrepresentative for both camps writing reamsof copy for distribution to newspapers all across the continent These include the James Parker story and the Archie Moore story which are being carried by The Examiner Bruno Red Favero staff photographer has takenall pictures that have been taken in either camp and these too have been appears ing in newspapers all across the continent under distribution by CanadianTress and similar news services Meanwhile thetumult and the shouting is building up to pre fight crescendo in other quarters the bestsiich blurb coming from Andy Nicderreiter of NewYork who is promotion directorof the fight He has promisedamong other things models as usherettes red carpet at the ringside where ioimal dress is to be worn by pat rons bands color parties RCMP patrols flags hunting and corsages in short Andy will rock the patronswith production never seen before in the fight game He ased that those in the press row go formal even ifhe has to provide them with soup and fish an offer which has miffed Jim Vipond of the Vipond retorts that press men count formal dress as part of theirroutinc equipment Sports writersarc taming out plenty of copy on the tight with odds of some to on Moore but no one seems to bcignoring the factors that could lead to an upset Moores age gtParkers congider able advantageln sire and reachvslongwith the knowledge that this is the chance he has been working for Ted Reevo comes up With his usual whimsy He points outthatMoores strong points are pace and rhythm and suggests thatParker could upsethla rhythm if he could learn to whistlethrough his teeth Fightcircles in New York are sulky about the whole thing still scarcely able tocredit the effrontery of Jacksolomons in staging such show right on their doorstep At first they ignored the whole thing as if it were an apparition that might go away More recently they have niggested that Moore will back out and almat fall bout with Patterson who will be readytheri But barring an accident the apparition is real It will hold no terrors for them if Moore comes through but dont lets ask themrtocven ihlnkrbl Parker Victory It could mean their coming hat in hand to Mr Solomons Possibly thellvéliestclintroversy hascentred round thejuse of the term World Heavyweight Title fight alllthe boxing associations either sidestepping it orelaiming the title is not at stake Moore himself has supplied the best answer to date by saying lm claim ing the title and whoever wantsit has to take it from me ectator orts and entertainment generally can never afford to neglcgt promotilhn and other fields tnight well take leaf from the books of the boxing and wrestling moguls Not that rowdyism can ever be condoned There were two near riots last weekend in Toronto soccer With the referee walking right out of one game The Games Arleock sebto and Duke Sniders brawl with fan cannot be said to add anything to baseball But oftators havi arlghtto errpect excite ment in somoform along with ad play on they turn out With this in mind the baseball and softball clubs operating around this area might find some explanation as to why this yearscrowds are down Tuesdays baseballgame Barrie vs Lisle produced some good ball but if you except Bowmans pitching effort and his double the action was strictly routine Mlnesing have good softball material and they are good crowd of boys maybe too good Their failure to field full team on Mon day and their willingness to accept defeat in the late stages of Wed nesdays game suggest that they need firehrand lfWen Downey had thrown his glove on the ground and stomped around bit on Wednes day when Bill Ilare called Steve Hines safe on aclose one at first it would have added to the show more than the exchange ofknowing smiles Dr George Miles could have pulled Dory Funk when heand Huffmn tangled in arundown between home and third Legion Catclr or George Ranieri did grouse little at some of Earl Marshalls plate calls witlrbis team leadi he remained the gentleman Le on were not invincibleya couple of their fielding plays and Huffmans seven walks suggested this atleast 0n the other hand more than one fielding chance got awn on Mlnesing throughlack of alertness while there was lackof spirit at theplate In contrast to this was the late surge of theBradford team against Dthlbiss on Tuesday Their cause looked just as hopeless asrthcy came up to their last turn at hat but they gave the crowd big lift and came very closeto pulling the game out Lets play it for keeps boys who knows we may even stir into action some of those satiric magma fun than the game itself ust they aresaccused of sity sophomore pulled cg alworldsprint re tbetlstional Collegiate steps He is him in as he came hr on the nine again at Rochester in Ifill ll mum mm may win the fight for Parker mhahy the offspring of the iateflamented Big on thls Morris Whitey Bimsteio fight trainer extraordinary arrived in Toronto this week virtually un heralded and unannounced but possessing the gimmick with whichenarries James Parker may win ranking as the top heavy weight in the worldby defeating Archie Mooreor so Whitey claims was in the dressing room be fore the Rocky MarcianoArchie Moore title fight saw the fight was in the dressingvrooms alter the fight said native New York er Bimstein and Ill tell you this Moore is very clever fight er but he has weakness that well take advantage of In fact Im not giving out what it is but its on the level Parker has terrific chance Whitey was brought into the Maple Leaf Stadium battle picture at the behest of those controlling Parkers destiny They think that the greatest fight trainer of them all camput the finishing touches to the Barrie Blasters epara firms for the bout of his li Bimstein has been in the rig business for over 44 years start ing as bantam and featherweight fighter The fioyeamld master of the handling dodge wouldnt consider anything butthe best for all his charges and in his time has worked as corner man for thous ands upon thousands of greats near greats and also rans Just the thought of Whitey with his full bag of tricks and kit of phyl sicians lmplementsand unguents working for fighter has left op ponents one strike down to start with According to allreports Parklt er is the finest shape his the top trainei ndltion was all he needed Jimmy always had the punch and the natural ability one hits harder and lllhaye say he has chance are so manyfis rt riders coining hungry man helluva opportun Whitey has worked with numer ous svorld champions including GeneTunney Max Baer Jimmy Braddock1 Eenny Leonard Barney Ross and Rocky Graziano The latter middle Parker has head where his lefteye was stI len out all proportio ver dollar whic he still is pocket to press down tb savellingwithvand then silt the edge of thé abrasion with scalpel Rocky with his mainly restore the championship Whitey is represented tally lie motion picturethat biographa Grazianos turbulent careerSomehody up there likes overthe world Bilnv old has glled iiiconjunction wt huhis chosehttade tall tales gbte ghts in London home wasin the latte entre that Whitey handled Pa borne these days that young and Says Moore Has WeakneSsf Noted Trainer 5WhiteyffgBimslel Figures Gimmick lOlPillkelWllli Carnera Primo won the match whichjnded up in riot with Bimstein under the ring flooring Bimstcin also emphatically ed that Hurricane Jacksonwa not the burn that writers and socalled experts made him outrto be Whitey says that thc whirlingone his shortened his punches and looks better in general The only fellow to really hurt Jackson was Parker in training camp livelynotes Bimsteinx Hardest punch himstein clai he ever saw thrown was the ne that Louls crashed into Uzcuduna law in their 30 figh stopped when Lou blow ve the Spaniards teeth yinwards th hisjaw requiring surgery te the battle to cutthe molars out With all this in mind Whitey Bimsteiu is good man to listen to for advice on prospective win He Barker Legion Extends Softball Leda In Senior LOW Barrie Legion strengthened their hold on Jirst place in Senior Sofball circuit at Queens Par Wednesday night by fiounc tailend Minesing 164 kluffrnan pitching for Leg oh tried to ea contest outof it by walkingthe first three batters to face him arid setting the vial tors off wth tworun lead Howeverrhs mates thought oth erwise aslhey came lands in reg half of the inning to score runs on Six hits an error and walk Dhnny MacDonald in lead 17 otf spot opened with doublie Then every fotherman inthe Le gion lineup stepped to the plate and got before Dandy flyto right gt nipped me while on the base paths Legion scoreddnr every inn but the fifth with burst outcome twasinever in doubt ha Huffman et Minesing down i1 most as hepleased At times with he result that gt cl twodoubles ea Dision wro Blleld triple ilv thumping home vVeteian lieorge Mile tw ofMineslngs five ts one aadouble but mevaevbot gtMinesing had trivo cm by 3n Parl andharcelona It in hiagmatchy dur summons agpinatth colrfirilefi Doug Cockburn summerres iden ShantyBay sndmemher ofBarrie Country Clubtforisonie years yesterdaywon the Senior Mens Championship with an 84 onthelocal goifrcourso Eight golfers all admittingover 50 years young eed off early in the afternoon The Twin was the Cliff rown Trophy and the do himself competed scoring Gockburn was consistent with imc around the 38 par layonl He parsed four of Jhe last We holes first nine and three on the stand nine along with birdie on the sixthi LaaLyears winner first time the trophy was up was Rodgera who this year carded 88 iorthlrdplaee The other com petitoraund theirscores wer Corby 95 Haslett89 1100 Cecil Polkinghornc Rev Dr David Gallagher Secrel taryjof overseas Midsions United Church of Canada former mem ber of West Toronto club deliver edan interesting talk to Barrie Kiwanis Club fMonday attheir weekly dinner meeting in Central United Church Hia to ic jwas Liferin Other Lands meet ing was under the Key Clubgcom mittee andchaired by ob Arm strong The Lientenant Governor of Kii wania Division 5EdwinJ hiph of Downtown oronto elub In tidalVisit Batrl waniahshtt MonIJAy mintreduced by Fast Lieuten it 811 uni5 the fourth so thét ole trendof on its so epends on play in shaping the ants in atlhe right dir espectable 87 for second place Rarqlsufé Service Sunday At Bass Lake Theannual nirai itfe service sponsored by Sirncoe unty Fedr oration of Agriculturen be held at Bass Lake Conperatlve Park Sunday afternoon July 22rat 245 ucloclr Previous to theworship service Hancock of Elmvale will he assisted byt3ert Churchill of rBar ric to conduct ahymn singing per lod Revw Glazer of Wye valc assisted by Rev Self of Midland it lead in worship The mains or is Rev John Fralick ofElmvac Ge Ca well upresident Vof Simcoe Conn Federation of Aeri culture will speak briefly and make the announcements During the service special music and accompaniment to singing will be and2f the direction of Mr Churcbll All rural and town folk are in vited to participate in this service EssajPaysjlovor $5005hesp Cl ms or aspirin er $50Q in sheep claims at its tulv meeting in Utopia Community Hall Payments were made as follows lvanSpeers two lambs killed $40 Thomas Exell one lamb killed $2 Maurice gtMillerthree lambs killed $60 Erwin Miller one minkilled and one Islamb in no doubt It is welcome news to wrestling fanr that mouth workianoay Morelti re urns to Barrie Arena next Tiresday night for the first time this season Moreover he bringsjwltb him the Junior Light heavyweight Championship and theJobn Labatt Gold Belt And as if all that were not enough the challenger be has agreed to meet for therein feature bontis none other than our incorrigible friend Dory Funk Morolll and Funk will meet in the final of Tuesdays card in beatutwo of three fails wrestling under championship rules rWhat may mean is rather vague but it seems still to be good idea to stand well back lnthc opener Montreals popu lar Louis Papineau the quebec Hardrock will meet Haruo 533 aki of Tokyo quietprelude After thedust settlesfromjhis sr PAULs At Creeniore Orange Rarade Mr and Mrs Noble Hanna and Dennis Mr Paul Stunden attended the Orange celebration in Creemorc it was wonderful parade but the rain really spoiled the day Sorry to hear Cyril MacDonald is ill We all wish for speedy cave Midland Transfer Russell Stunden has been trans ferred to Midland by the Bell Tele phone Co Mr andMrs EwartJennett and famllyvlsited Mr and Mrs Ross Chipchasc Thornton recently At Cochrane Reunion Mrs Hubbert Holly visited Mr and Mrs Jenncttglast week They attended the Cochrane reunion on Saturday Mrs Richardson Drake Cathy John and baby Peter of Barrie are spending the Week with Mrs John Drake Sorryrtohear hubby Hiiuwies hastho measles and hope he will soon be feeling better WOochrane seven lambs killed $140 Wilfred Daivsptwo lambs killed 330 Relief accounts amounted to steam with son of th chargeable to another mu pal ity One hospital account in the amount of $7088 was presented the councilrorpayment Around $900is to be spent on tweed spraying by council th to TherTcntier or awmmn Wood Preservers terial required for the second line bridge was accepted price of $1182 subject to approval of the department of highways am RENT TRUCK By the HOUR DAY WEEK LOW RATES INCLUDE one new face will appe horizon in themesson of Sims1wlsohaiiafxomEl Pens and is making his vasion of the an era c1479le lsdiiaforancn naiastiezncep win this bout as hiéugepponeaf 35 mm Kirklfid Lake and Mrs Bill Rey nolds and Marilyn Mrs Joseph PrattBrianDalc Marth and 01100 yerhockeyvstar wh is some baseball playe second bar for Simcoe thveday has be field and won gamefléq his tellnover Walslnghana with be run Arinedllrorces an at Cheques Payable Ce twinning Club KtngSt 9513 toss 775s IN ARRIE Reservations Taken JACKSONJ GIan Mthostlbflfcdl

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