agencieflowman mambo miZgt4I Collier street United Church decorated with pink and white flowers was thesetting for quiet wedding on Satur day July 1958 at three oclock in the alteration when Miss Catherine senorelowman daughter of Bowman Barrie and the late MrsBowman was married to Alan Keith MacDonald son of Mrrand Mrs Nell MacDonald of Barrie Rev3 Emeat Lewis officiated at the ceremony Wedding music was played hythe church organist Lloyd Tufiord who also accompanied the soloisthMrs John Sturgess in the singing of Ill Walk Beside You while the and Perfect Love during the bride was entering the church signing of the register Given in marrlege by her fath er the bride was wearing gown of French Iace over taffeta made on simple lines with bateau neckline appliqued with lace roses and long tapered sleeves The long torso silhouette was ac omim studio MR AND MRS ALAN KEITH MacDONALD SPECIALIZED SERVICE ALL MAKES or IIIIIlII TELEVISION Every lnstallallnn penned by our technician moraines REFRIGERATION CO llil DUNLOP ST Phone PA 82059 FRANKLY FRILLY Fashion Is going frankly fril iy this fall Big hats top almost everydesigners creations oltun dronping under feathers that ex lend to the shoulder MINI ALL YOUR IIIIi PROBLEMS to Barrlea Local Exclusive lnrrier who makes and mile on only LARGE SELELHON TD CIIOORE FROM WIIIGINS IIIIIS BARBIE TORONTO 25 DUNLOP ST Repairing Remode Cold Storage Cleaning REASONABLE PRICES SATISFAmON GUARANTEED 194 liar intrusion oRuo sroRe 56 Hayfield Next to boblaws WEPICKUP sunbeam YOU PBEBCBDIION Ilia ans6421 Mom noses BREAK pTHIS WARM WEATHER Take home supply of ovcritfresh hairedgoods from The Dutch Pantry why let Mom stand over home baked pastries pies bread at hot stove when you can buy from us Owingto pressure of wort iii thgt store and Zbakeh use we have been forced to susperidour delivery service ful thoughts Mrs rented with straight panel down the front of the bouliaut skirt which was gathéred in fullness at the hipline Her tingertip veil of silk illusion appliqued with lace roses was caught to ban deau headdrch encrusted with pearls and tiny rhinestones She carried bouquet of white gar denias pink sweetheart roses sle pbanotis and ivy Her attendant Miss Marilyn Haslett of Barrie was wearing gown of pink lilstre taffeta with allover lace imprint styled on similar lines to the gown worn by the bride with round neck line and short sleeves Her ban deau headdress and mitts were at matching material and she was carrying bouquet of white frenehed carnations and pink sweetheart roses Douglas Manchester of Barrie was groomsman and the ushers were Gary Baylias and Leon Per Ilard ol Barrie At the reception at Baystairs Dodge the mother of the groom received the guests in white lace over rose talfeta wearing rose accessories For travelling the bride chose slecveleu dress white silk bodice and full skirt anda dus tercoat in rose nub linen Her actressorlcs were white and she was wearing corsage of pink sweetheart roses After wed ding trip to Eastern Canada and the United States Mr and Mrs MacDonald are making their home in Barrio Outofiown guests at the wed ding were Mr and Mrs Weir of London Mr and Mrs Moersch of Guelph Mrand Mrs Tannahill of Brantiord Mr and Mrs Prentice of Middle hury Vermont and Mr and Mrs Groves of Lindsay gor loié flnfld flourne Miss Lois Anita Bourric daugh ter of Squadron Leaderand Mrs Bourne oi Albourne Acres ihorntonwas married in Trinity Anglican Church Barrie to Henry lohn Leadlay sonof Dr and Mrs it Leadlay of Cockatownlev Allan Read the rector and Rev Bevan Monks oflvy officiated at the doublering ceremony Wedding music was piayedhy Mrs Crosley of Orillia who also WI chariéring Bus To Affehd Qwltï¬as The Julymeeting of Silver Mm pie Womens institute was held at Mrs Allan Johnstons home with 20 members and three guests present Roll call was answered by an exchange of Ilower slips The motto Give to the world the best you have an the best will came backto you given by Mrs Goddard brought many heaut amBich ardson gave report the trict annual Plaps hos rm Friday July the quilt and ru wood and ian of interest Mrs mm ova that the nch give ztbe fence posts und theschool coat of to attend in Cbilina Milth accompanied the soloist Mrs Jean Smith oi Jhornton Given in marriage by her father the bride was wearing gown oi handmade Frenehjace styled on princessc lines with standup collar trimmed with small pearls and long pointed sleeves The edge of the boufiant scalloped and swept into small in place by pearltrimmed lace cap and she was carryinga hou quet oi sweetheart roses stcpha otls and ivy The maid of honor Miss Cath erine Ranieri of Toronto styled th an offthe ric uflcr headdreks of cornilowers and carnations mat ehcd her bouquet and shown white gloves The bridesmaids Miss Geraldine Bourne of Montreal and Miss Beir ty Trace otvElmvaIe were gowned in pale pink taffeta and pale blue taffeta embroidered with gold and silver designs Made on princesse lines their gowns were three quarter length and they were dresses andjhouquets were of on flowers and carnations Miss Nancy Squires oi Tho too was flower girl in gown pink shot taffeta She wore run coArs have lllllltbfl vr eoata In In uln uultabll cor nunsmo or can be Iumral Ia mama so voun Local sunlilll xaa DUNLGP SY more an emu num emfmo mo am mmuoelemisp old shantung styled with long torso small white hat and white gloves and carried flower basket Dennis Tile Toronto was oomsman and the ushers were lton Trace of Elmvale and Bruce Bourne of Thornton RobertBourne of Thornton was ringbearer gt At the reception at the home ol the brides parents which was de corated with pink and white snap dragons caudles and streamers the mother of tho brichcccived the guests in French blue satin rwearing navy blue accessories and an orchid Corsage The grooms mother who also received was in dusty rose silk with navy blue accessories and an orchid Corsage The brides threetier wedding skirt was train Her fingertip veil was held wearing white gloves Their headA cake was decorated with pink ros cs For travellingthe bride chose Zpale bluc suit with darker blue accessories and white gloves and handbag Hcr corsagc wasof sweetheart resetsr After wed ding trip around Lake Ontario and LakeErie Mr and Mrs Leading are making their home in West Tolt ronto Outï¬ttown guests at the wed were the Misses Jean and 7w Mabel Leadlay of Hamilton Mr and MrsangMiss Jean Short Paul Marionpdlr and Mrs Bourne Mr andMrs Hunter and Mr and Mrs Jenkins of Toronto Mr and Mrs Woolsey at Detroit Mr and airs Bourneot Montreal James Demp scy and Hamid White of Ottawa Flight Lieutenant Hall Miss Mary Kelly Flying officer and Mrs Tyerman MrsKay Blair ward Prentice Mr and Mrs aries Baker Mrrand Mrs Gar field Hughes and Mrs Bro icy of Toronto Group Captain and Mrs Syme oforo Station Mr and Mrs Irwin and Mrs Woolscy of Angus Mr and Mrs Trace oi Elmvale Mr and Mrs Halbert and Mrs Dor is Smith oi Allisten Mrs Stanley Osborne at Newmarket Flying Of ficer and Mrs Hamny and Fly ing Officer and Mrs Neales of Camp Borden and Mr and Mrs Wcaymouth Mrs Harper Mrs Howe and Mrs Hattie Wallwin of Barrie CALL THE EXAMINER POIL 30th Anniversary Outdoor Services Ai Cavvaia Beach During July and August Sun day servicesare again being held under the pines at the Georgian Bay resort at Cawaja Beach The unique outdoor warship periods begin at it oclock in the more ing RevC Dickinwn DD at Torontoled in morning worship on the first Sunday July when an atmosphere at devotlonal Christian patriotism was stressed using the scripture passage Blessed is the Nation Whose God is the Lord msukAth PAYS 30 or ma cosr No matter hownnailthe co Iililon accident undezroh3 you pay on inï¬rm on the in use at eaehglon Above that amount Stltc Farm aye everything Call and an more about 8020 today in pays how you sure ram gran rurrcnnr cLU 80 Eugenia St YOUR PRINTIMG NEEDS Phone PA 84036 These services have now been Barrie inn Beam assumes mu my to 1556 held for almost 30 years lending Ih osphere to 01 make paint dol lars go farther You can dc nd upon them for the long co orfui life the sturdy resistance to weaiand weather which mean rue painieconomy For enduring beauty and protec tion use Cll PAINTS Choose from tempting array ofcoiors and make your home thebeauty spot of the neighborhood anisf DEAGLE HoWe um 65 as uranium e¢ was wearing gown oi mauve shot ndlng hlllat an in Niagara nist expert leaploln privately other amouu can be yours quicklyg 0g KGInsured nl nnexma can Bnick is beau fui th is beauty that In many amountsrslea ah lower at more than at eepand protty inviting Exteriors are eyecdtc the heavenly color harm niea interiors will make you want to sld Buickisbeauty doesnt end therei tgoe to the Heart of the matter Lior gt with yen for power beautythat strain the bud goods plan gt order your coal at Summer ARET KLEEN CLEANSCREENED¢ BUILDING FUEL OIL BARRIE COAL SUPPLIES WW 46