nls FRAN Ideal for Suburban or Countryliving noons ssvlzlv window it the mini wall flciulll iinilnooms rlmnn lhe pom arc is wo oc points of interest in this living msms room and to them loco much of 700356 the credit for thecharnl of this DIMENSith 65 33 203131 mm Measuring or 32 The Fran 89th by door from the on has cubagc of 32000 feet Imus momma well by one Amao minimum lot is recom from the hallsy the den or bed mended for building the house and attached garage clspboardcd exterior as in the illustration carries out the simple architectural lines of this typeof house and would be par ticularly ideal if lhc Francis to be built in the country or in suburban residential area Large Picture Window The recessed porch offers wea ther protection to visitors to The Francis There is noJentry hall included in this plop for the front door opclls dircc ly into the large attractively planned living room Tllc fireplace in the back wall and tile beautiful picture Gilli log out on the front yard Measuring ll 10 this room con tains large closet in the corner where the front wall joinstbe right wall With equal easé this room can be used as den or bedroom if preferred you could reserve it for overnight or chkend guests The attached lavatory makesthe room especially suitable as guest bedroom Long and narrow 126 in dimcnsiorls thelkitchcn is care fully planned tosave the house wifcs precious steps The work ing counters with cabinets above and below are arrangcd in lshape extending from the door way to the utility room in tile right wallalong the back wall and up to the entry tothe break fast nookin the left wall Actually room by itselfgthe breakfast nook can also be used iASTOPPEDU lTsvégh for family luncheons or early 5NK JUST suppers for the youngsters thus saving the dining rooln for more formal occasions lSNT FUN CALL us WELL as Dining Room Bay Measuring lé the dining room accms larger tllan its actual dimensions because the bay in the back wall gives tlleillusion of groatcr size this bay alsogreaily adds to tile decorative appeal of the room from botll the house interior and exterior Your din ing room set should be placed near the bay to takeadvantage of tile view as well as the ligllt and sunshine coming through these windows The further left wing of the house is occupied by two bed rooms separated by the allmod crnbathroom Measuring 134 11 in dimensions the back bed room is assured of goodlighting PLUMBLtgS HEATING 84 DUNLOP STREETWEST yotone 3770 Planning home of your own Allandalc bar can give you complete building service from drawing the plans to lifetime maintenance program Come imam inquire about details at no oblig atiop srscll TlllS wrrll ollul TONGUE tr GROOVE FLOORING AND SHEATHING lOVzc BOARD FOOT 58 KB DONNAQONNA SHEATHlNG sq foot 8c UTl LAC ENAMEL PAINT qt $190 CELLAR wmoow UNITS complete ea $650 SEE nun BUILDING iilllISIlLTIiNT lrlquire about complete plans or alterations to designs by our Eualified architectural draftsnlan graduate of Rycrson Free stimate om SATURDAYS UNTIL 500 pan llilllllolllr UMBER tarsal lllllln Plltllllilli ssssl insist on we Prtoaucts Solid ens stone think brickY Made ONLY by Angelatone Ltd For Evesyjnildlngiurpnae in CKJIISHLIIR For traditional elegance SorDramatll Solid Appearance aad unequalled Economy rm Rustic World Charm Sériicé astihg Beauty almanacg TRAM BROS unions oourliaorons roorn contains one window look Sunday ghter Franees of Toronto who have purchased Earl McMasters ghter Gwcnrof Guelph were Sun Ki alums RM and cross ventilation for it has windows on two exposures Largest of the bedrooms the front bedroom is 134 13 and has two willdows one in the side wall and another in the front wall This room should be the master bedroom There is gen crous sized closet in the lck wall of the room At the right end of the use are the laundryy lity room the porch andthc garage connected by the central hallway Utility Room bright cheeriulroom re ceiving ligllt and ventilation through two windows and three doors the laundry utility room is ll in measurements Direct access is providcd to the back yard The porch which can be screened or glasscd in if desired is located next to the laundry it nlcasures 12 and sincedt is at the back of the house this porch could easily be used as an dutdoor sleeping rooms Since the lallndrygis locatedin first floor utility room in The Francis the only must instal lation in the basement is the heat ing equipment This should be placed under the living room lllus in this plan youll have plenty of basement space to use as you sec fit Blueprints Available Complete plans and specified tion Homc ofthc Week designs are available at moderate cost uToPlA flay Crop FarmersLale having consider able difficulty saving the hay crop doc to the inclement wco thcr Visiting Parents Mrs Ray Mills and children of Coldwpter spent few days with parent Mr and Mrs Fred Mc Cann Mrs Borden Jennett spent few day Vwith her parents Mr and Mrs Frank Chappcl Min csing itencwing Acquaintance Mr and Mrs Harry McCanrl Collingwood were callers with Mr and Mrs Fred lllcCann and Mr and MrsChnrlcs Mills during the week Vislting Over Sunday Mr and Mrs Hector Turnhull were with Mr and Mrs William Gauley family at Eaxter on Mr and Mrs Mdnonald and Mrs Miller were with Mr and Mrs Fred McCann Mrs Miller remaininglor fcwdays chkgnd at Golf Course Mr and Mrs Richard and dau farm and are anticipating form ing golfcourse spent the week end on their farm Visitors from Gublph Mr and MrsB Riley and dau day visitorslast week with Mr or this house and all athEr IZUXQU The Flrst Column Continued from page one But just about the time the girls of EcaussinesLalaing Belgium were staging their moderately suc ccssful drive one attractive young lady of this community really hit the jackpotthe most conï¬rmed of the confirmed bachelors in fact would call him the chairman of the board It therefore shook me no end the other night at the golf club when thomost confirmed of the confirmed introduced me with these startling remarks Meet my future wifethe wedding will be in October After the world series Nevertheless hearticst congrat ulations and best wishes One can hardly go wrong in marrying nurse llowevcr thcrc rcniain number of bachelors still at large in this town Accountants seem to head the list but weknow of several printers Maybe Yvette is still available As if Prime Minister Anthony Eden hadnt enough worries what with Cyprus and Ceylon now along come the girls in the British Army objecting to the type of panties is sued by the defence department For popularity it would appear ï¬g and lilrs Frank Elphick and lilrs Elphick Collingwood for Weekelid Mr and Mrs Fred McCann spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs McCann Collingwond Sympathy of Community The commllnlty were shocked to hear of the suddendcath of Eric Brooks and the destruction of the Angds Cold Storage and Lockers by firecariy Sunday morning The lockers rendered splendid scrvice to the families in this communityand will be greatly missed Oursympathy goes out to Mrs Brooks andtbc three young childreh DIFFICULT us f55lmc av It 411 75 as HEATING PARKS3 Ila MULCASYER sr canals AT oua COMrLsTrljvNswwolszllo 139 llllliE snlclzr We Sp clullzeinstcel and du rial andbuiiding needs for our requirements If HONE iili lillii walla llllllltll rry chmplete shall be happy torouote 414 iii it lilllflllllli GARAGE lRrcXIBo the fastest growing winter sport for particlpationis curling new club has just been formed in Aur ora with plans for rink Brad iord curlers who must walk up two long flights of stairs and have restricted season on the third storey of cold storage building are getting pledges of money to build their own rink Cookstown is planning curling rink and there is silnilar talk in Alliston and Film Vale Herc in Barrie the new rink which llas completed only three seasons is about the best layoutl in Ontario with only couple of exceptions outside of Toronto It is expected mcmbbrship wilt have to be closed in two or three years at present rate with debt being paidoif steadily and applications pending Didnt hear myself but local radio station daily broadcasts fun eral notices and the other day no body happcncd to pass away it was reported the announcer said fl am sorry to announce we have no iuncral directory today SALARIES UP IN MIDLAN Midï¬nd basic salaries of mun icipal employees have nearly dou bled since 1948 Mayor Parker has redcaled Public works cm ployecs are now receiving $05 per hour as against 55c in 1943 Teachers averaged $1870 in that year and are now getting $3350 The police chief drcw$2310 in 1948 and is now rewarded for his services yearly with $3700 SATURDAY JULY Fresh vegetables and fruit were the fastest selling produce items on the farmers market on the weekchd Leaf and head lettuce green onions new beets and cab hage peas both sbclied and in the pod and pie cherries and strawberries were sold out Icarly in the day Signs Of Summer other signs of summer were nllnt for spring lamb ltlo cents bunch and the promise of rasp berries for next week Rhubarb was it cents bunch High Egg Prices Egg prices were seasonally high with jumbo bringing 08 cents dorcn Prices for other grades were extra large 05 cents large 03 cents medium 00 cents pulicts 50 cents pccwees 35 cents Plants And Flowers Good looking tuberous begonia plants sold at 35 cents each and potted African violets were 50 and 15 cents Bouquets of Sweet William and cantcrbury bells were 25 cents Vegetable Prices Leaf lettuce prices were 10 cents bunch and two and three bunches for 15 cents llcad let Iuce sold at 10 cents and two heads for 15 cents Grecn unions were mostly 10 cents bunch but large bunchcs of unwashed unions were five cents and onions were twobunchcs for 15 cents at some market muntcrsk Beets were 10 cents bunch or three bunches for 25 cents and cabbage was 15 cents head Peas were dollar basket or 25 cents quart with shelled peas selling for 35 cents pint and 70ccnts quart With new potatoes going to be scarce becauseof the wet sum mcr weathen raid potatoes brought 75 cents basket Strawberries There were few strawberries for sale at 35 cents quart Pic cherries were 25 cents quart and cabbage and cauliflower plants forthc lute girlfdcnpr sold at 50 cents for 100 Fresh strawberry pies and rasp berry nnd cherry pie were 50 cents gt in addition to the variety of cookies ctci on the home baking counters there were assorted homemade relishes and pickles and buttermilk at 10 ccntsa jam LONG CHRISTIAN The Amharas leading race in Ethiopia were convertcd to Christianity lathe 4th century Two Hi it lusr ARRIVED newFLOOR SANosns designed espeeiollyI foil home others APTO Congratulations Congratulations to all the school children who were success fat in pusing theiPexaros and happy holidays Hunt Club Picnic Mr Mrs McFadden and others thehunt club to which the men belong enjoyed picnic at liaiiburton on Sunday gt Visiting cousins Mr and lira George Dempsey Robert Craig will leave on Wed nesday July 18 by CPR for Van couvcr for months holiday Mrs Edgar Kerr Camrosc Al berta has been visiting the past weekend shall with her brother and sistenlnvlaw Mr and ltfrs Fred Webbgdl Sophia St East not moor Procut ready to assemble sliding shelves for conven ience llide unsightly garblt agc pails protection from dogs and wind Without shelves$l395 With sliding shelvcs $995 29 Bradford St raone PA 35943 000000 acres of fordstcd land but only 55900300 acres is consider ed to be commercial timbc exam Marinas mYis19SGVZK andifamily of Sudbury visited their cousin Mrs Richardson ad family Mr and Mrs Mchrmntt son Don and daughter Geraldine of Alliance Albertar visited It Meloddens ha AUSTRALIAS nonraer Australia has on estimated 102 MANY FIRES SHE CAUSED BY FAULTY WIRING Ploy it Safe Call WELLWIH ELLKTRIK tlllS complete llcrkmp lllltl ltcsldlllt ll illiillalrlill lfillL ilttdit Work Lighting lxtllrct call it latlnns lllllltill2it £o Oil llLRVE SFlH it Plidlll lli 33230 Shop 51 Sophia St HUS li Hayfield SK House protectyour home and odd to its Reasonable Prices nEnls js ameliorates lion theoulsidcvlvirsi crooks looks are costly When cracks and leaks first appear that is the time to act fast and save costlyrcpah jobs later Install new siding which will ATDENS ISHEARDS Yle GET Iiigb Quality litatcrials Expeilonced Advlcjc Efficient Delivery Service Convenient parklag and loading it you pick up Easy accessibility to Town and Country speciallygood Time Payment Plan to approved accounts HEARD LTD PAINSWICK Miles South of Barrie on Envy ll yPhanc Stroud oilColleen appearance and resale value