Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Jun 1956, p. 6

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Dog Hammerslqold decreury photo or the Dnlted fit along the Hon Henry Cabot Lodge permunént representltlv ollthe Unlted States on the Bleho boumongthe speaks heard the onnunl conventlon or Lions Florlda this week UnltedNntloni and the an fly devernl Bardeltes attende Inwmatlonol ln Mlflnl Id leon vlcepreoldentor therUnlted Statu wlll Ilmlly party leaves Multan George Schoolvlo the ELobIcoke Alrport elrly tomorrow mornlnl Ituvonoclock to fly by momma Alrllnu aw New York Clty Ind IroInJthero to Mllml by Eulan Alrllnes nrrIv log Invtne conventlonclly atlwo oclock In IIIo Iltemoon lnIerm tlolul Dlmlor Wlllllln Glrntr the only Clnldlnn on the twin Ind Mrs Garner llld lIIclr dough tr Mn SlewrtEmml Ind her husblnd Ind lhelr son Ind do ghlerln Mr Ind Mm Ro ert Glrner wlll be spendlng tll enllro week In Mlnml relurnlns It mldnlght nut Tuesdly flter lull stop In New York Thelwo repruenuuves from the locnl servlce club Rowe and Noel Stephenson lenve Wed Ileldly mornlng to fly to Florldn Convenllon hudqulrters In the thulous new Footnlnchluu tel The Garner lnrnlly will nr rlve lomorrow just In llme for the Punrto Rlcon pony In the holelll grind bIIImoIn It Ive oclock In the afternoon It whleh Ihe lnternltlonnl dlrcclor wlll hove In opportunlly to renew lrlend ahlps wllh Llonx Club olllcllla he met durlllg hls tour of South Amerlca and Cnlrnl Amorch last year There are several lorran dIn hers on the agenda the Pacllle Northwest salmon dinner In the Blue Room of tho Delano Hotel on Tuesday evenlng the North Carollna dlnner In the Fonlalnt hlenus Fleurdo Ll Room on Thursday evenlng followed by Noth CIroIlllu Nlflhl at studded Orunge Bowl show and the Internallonnl Illnlly banquet In the Pavlllon Room or the hotel on Frldny evenlng follow ed by the International Night Re vue In the Orange Bowl Texls bullet dinner In the Cotllllon Ballroom of the DILIdo Hotel wlll precede the seven clock parade on Wednesday even Ing wllh the Texas dance Ind enterlnlnmunt followings Mr GIIIIEI will he snooker It the New England diatrch hrelk lost on Thursday mornlng ndl druslng around seven hundred Lions Club delegates from tho sectlnn ol theStates In Far North Two Burrle brothers are work lnan the for north Ills sum mer both among the Indlhns of Northern Ontarlo but nboul two hundred miles dlslant lrom each pther Donald wnrnlca who has been lttenlllllg Toronto Teueherx Col lege Ior the must your Is teaching In an lndlnn rnlulnnulrnnl at Mlnuseou east at MooreEIclory wherehls younger brother John who has just completed hle llrrI year In medlclne the Unlverélty of Torontd is work lug In the laboratory at the In leIn hospital They are runs at Mr Ind Mrs WlIlllIn Wurnlco 80 Wflllllll 5111 Don will hetelehlng In St Co nfry Club Dance Attended jByjLalrgeCrovvd Thejdadies June dance It the Home Country Cluh on Salunlly evenlngrwus attended by IIInoa 80 couplesn large crowd Veven or theenlargedeluh hnure incomes wlu Music or dnncihgwap provlded by threeplcee orchestra com posed at MnWIIIlam Roman Al lredsnepherd nndGeorgeFrleke run tlog III ImlthIJ IIlI returned Wednesday evenlnll from vneouver when they at tended legion the bleoolll ellmvenllon or the Camdho Lo gan They travelled well Ind hack on the Clllltlllll Pullle lullwaya Candun opendlng nlne dnya In VInoouve nod new War to Vnneouver Islno where they vlllled iormor Barrle mldenu Lleutemnt Chnrles Taylor the 110an Clnldlln Novy and Mrs IIylor Ind thelr Ion Jlmlny Recital Date Chclnged Becouso ol Elmvle Llons be In the due ol the Elmvale School Billet recltal ha been changed In Wednudny evenlnn Mrs sluws nlnnn punlls wIIl he pcrlormlng on the our Elam wlIh Mrs Roberls dune slullclltL IIle reelul being held the communlly holl slnrllng at elshl oclock At Atlantic City Mr and Mrs Funk ll Boyer returned Itlloon Iodly mm AtA lontle Clty where they have hecn nllendlng ure lmperlll ennven tlon Also attending convention suslons was Fred McConkey Lebve For Hol ibu rton Mls Plrlcla Harnllton Ind Mlss Pllrlell Bayes lelt thls nlom Inn for Holldly InnI Hollourlun where they wlll he working for the summer months Visiting In Town Mr and Mrs Lloyd Corby nl Dullon Ire vlllltlng Mr Corhys brother and slsterlnluw Mr llld Mrs Ll Corby Clapperton Sunset WlI 10th nrerno nl mo All Silhonr Anal v03 nrred June Iw Ind urn zpn Andrew who glued Iy Imil 33 Inllunemhnnea remem red by oulord PRESLEYIn lovln Inelnoly or der lnuhnd lunar so and nIw ncn lslged In 59 led lendrn ylllnly muted ll Io contenLl Iddung lol BIIra onflfi log seer El eel Bum Elmvllly all when 83 rec on ont anurIn untll mo nnn libsl Wednesday Isl Fllnly lpeelel lulu and tender form my be dblInca Iran the Arenlzecu by Genernl Contnelorl only on de pollt WM wh=h Ill be relundod on retunl oI theadnwm IndJ eel IIeltlof lion llon on the Icerellryr hell SooreJn xIrnvle nd Blinder Itchlnl will of MN oldBonn In In Io Elmlovnhtrlet Morin Kremlin el Welllnmntnetwul Toronto om Itll Dirty on Thunday even AND MRS ROBERT MeLEAN were morrled In St Andrew An llcun Church at Alllston on Saturday The brlde ls the runner Wllla Icon aomervllle duughter or Mr and Mrspelmae80mer Into elrim MnmurmAl anl Irn ILII Borne on Jun 214050 hrl 34 II Imam ll 1o £fifl HakimAt on Lax wm rdlu ler TAVIA me no nl morn Hoo RIII Irvleon nos loss Po AMENHIIllAl Ina Hananl and nnalunl lo Am en CLARWAI lune Ho II VI lurll ll gilll nuns on uno Frederick Venn anal dnulnter new urlak lllLl Hill Roy Vlrtorla ball Ill Blfllll nII Jun 15 lo na um rnnrnu Illll Jr Dunlap SI Well du htu MeNBlLM Inc VItIorlI loo llll Dlllln on 21 Ind Mn In the llmt nlno moollu 1955 Income tax plld byJCAn ldlon eorpontlolu totalled 51212 lhllllon complred to numb Inlho some pulodoldsst the New England and New York they wlll be memos then hme Vlelbru iii 55 our mission an mvauadenly Ml hornn Inw Polnl on Murplunl alarm money nu hum or hum Donohon our Innr nu In or IInIvnlo Bequ In mafia um mm moor or Mo louom Imr am my ol Bond Held el gm Ham or orlllln on In Ken sum nonnlo rnd lonn hum lnu Ilh Rullnl ll thl Jermm runenl In la Yunornl urqu on Hand nrna nt 1pm Interment AIuton Cour euuKIpauadrn the Coll wood OmarI 1Ila Morin on Solurdly Inna nu ndr CurIle waved Idle Rev Don Ilfl Cum stIYYIVP llld dl molhorzor DonIa HI curri Toronto rnd Inn and an curm of lamIa flaunt her lllo ml dome Inner Ior uNIeo Handy DalHo on Manda Menu maman cnurcn Stlyllll Unlon Cemetery aaofl There fire Inllllon more Can At eadlng my to lnBorrle nn Koch oynl Vlrtnrll Mo on may June In her In In suyner moment Idllns wIIh sons todlythan gown um 21 an nubhefisum elephone hook Ius nu In um rno Innn conInn vi Io Iland norm um rm Elli waved durln Iney Elli Andl Erna new uupml 7m uceann ColcloughCupSoueerPlotc Set Foley Chlna 165 L85 Royal Albert 155 651135 Vletorla Chlna 295 325 Just few ds leflfIo go good buys left coma nnow Heavy dutyfalr blegnerpjlower link filter ezcye glass Inhed In lpeelnl two tone green Air cond Ollan hunter custom GM radio power ateerlngelectrleally eon trolled wlodows directlonnlJlgmle alde view mlrrorsapeelal nylon lnlerlar lrmL AW letpr $5235 lied to Pupillenter no euxomraon can on llagfgleiM 4way eleétrleKeentleontroI electrlpally operutedwludowspower bro as poweretoerlug nutomatlertnuxmlnalon Flnuh In tw to allow your pm 32 yeynnr elloICe or on one or 011 mm SPOTLIGHT armour zsllnllll Smart light blue llnleh no condition heater cllslom tenured sun covers Llcenso Aswan SEDAN rwo Ionejgreen Edulpped wlth heater sllp covers One of thermost popular Im In on the road Lle M4902

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