or dustrlal and building nee to yourrequirements snï¬d aspeï¬aily for homo owners Garage lMENSlONS louse Overall Altrnetlvcly compnc IPPWP once The Arminglo present ed to day by the Home pt the Week Plan Servict is thorough ly modern oneslerey house eon Inlning six rooms While combinuilon ï¬nish is used or the exterior oi lhe house saltclad as an illustration plsln masonry or shingles would also be attentive Measuring 25 by 50 feet the house has cubagc of 25000 incl Cubnge oi the garage is 6700 icet At least it Bflfool lot would he required In build the housean attached garage No Space Wasted Every inch of space inside this parctully planned heme ls put to good useyet there Is nothing cluttered or ed about the In terior No housewiie couldiong or more closet space tthan that available in The Arminfltnn There is both living room and dinning room provided or in this house Builtin hook shelves are suggested for the left living room wull it you tullow this suggeslt ï¬lm you could utilize this section oi the living room as library Two regular bedrooms are in pludcd in this house And it you desire thirdor guest room Ilte den can serve the purpose very well All bedroomsand this includes the denarc well lighted and ventilntcd Double windows Carefully planned the kitchen ts so arranged that all appliances work space and cupboards are within easy reach The double window over the sink looks out on the back yard The care and skill you use in planning and car ing or your yard and garden will letermlnc the pleasantness at your cw tram these windows From practical standpoint the windows will enable you to keep an eye on thclyottngsters playing in the yard Slnce no space is nlluted ill the house proper or your laundry Equipment or heating plunt these must he installed in the basement of the house The former should he placed under the kitchen the latter under the living room Alistorage space nvenleut iy loeated too The spaclous china cupboard in the dining room and xthenllpurposo cupboard tn the connecting hreezevvay are two dis tincttve storage features in this plan Blueprints vallable Complete plans and specifica lions tarthls house andsllothsr Homelol therWeek deal ll ArtEms $1th grin 6° Hmm Cd Richmond not visited lrrt Sstur day wl Running msnyyegrs David Kiernsn wss horn nu lot is Con IMuimuron June 22 lMiho too the lair iism Kisrnsn no Sunnxwhlte early pioneers Hefwss one at hnsily of six nonrandthree dsult ghters oi whom bnly lwo sisters survives Be our gducsted It the public school osorhishoole be iuu one the isst scholars to attend thst school ills saw much at those uriitdsyn and helpedto clrsr the pine 1735 the isnd then known ss Camp and Wilsons Limits Mr Kiersun was Presbyterian In laiih Put Mules LOL 784 Put D01 District Muster Ind in politics strong Conserv ative He served the township hslns sssessorior number at years not inJhe council for one yesr and was Reeve in those into sesrs oi World War 1917 Ind 1915 his Kicrnnn wssa mnn oi strong convictions and most gen erons in his million of any good chum His in loot remained keen until llll lu lllneuynd ho could be counted as roliubl source at information regarding events of sunny put yerss on married Julia Elta St he on third daughter of the late Ms Mrs Stephenson at Glen Four sons undrtwn dsught ware horn Alter their msrrlage Mrnnd Mrs Klernun lived or so yard on homz EH Can then moved to the adjoining tsrm to the south whlclrlor the put 44 yearsnlu beeu the Jamin horns Mr Klernsnwssrnost islthiul to his lodge 1nd even lsst 12th of July morning It his sdvsnged age he met with the brethren Survivan are his wile two dsughlers Mrs Herman Solomon Bessie Roselnont and Miss Glsdya Klernsn at Toronto three sons llny at homeGordon at Baxter and Russell of Thornhury The eldest son Hennan Willa paid the uprento sacrifice in World WIrl 191418 Also sur viving are two sisters MrsMaude Wilder or Moose flow and Mrs wtlllnnt MeGiil morons at Alliston sud nlne grandchildren and nine groatgrandehildre Funeral was conducted phleev Burgess MA assistedrhy Rev Downéroi Duntroon at the Presbyterian Church The choir snug Beautiful lsle of somewhere The sérvlce at the graveside intthe adjoining come Navy was conducted by the min rrcmo Afr homo razenmmmwoh The BARRIE and Mrilorleyvtinney and Orilih isltrd on Sunday and Arthur Bonhnn Barrio unsndssnstvtnmmumd gone at the right Whollhound the Mullins Collin imlï¬rnz mus Mdtlnlgy In It the Command mduntlon Juno ltsta pm number as thsyounx peopln were guqu It the party in this evening olthe lmzrsdustluz donol theColilnzwood hospital It the Collegiste institute Col iinzwood Bsptinsui Service Th young jdsuahtar at Mr snd Mrs Bgrt Katharqu bspliud in Ellie Anglicsuchureh luno 17 It NIL Btsswhtrry Putin The Anglican Church straw berry lestlvsl Junozl ssllsd plltEl strawberries ball gun snduood sprognm ailer wsrds gt Quilting 32¢ The ladies at the Anglican Chureh WA hsve been quilting in the basement of the church quilts to be or sale in lhehlzalr at the strawberry testlvsl June 27 motored to Nobel Mr and Mrs JarnflaCole and Mr nndiMrs Bell motored to Nobel Sundsy to spend the day with Rev Florence Hunter nnd hernsother Recent Vlsltorr Mr and Mn EarlAwdsloy oi Toronto were with Donald Coults for Fathers Dsy nollday In Kendra Mr and Mrs Dempster and Billylcit todsy hy CPR to spend two weeks with Mary Mrs Otto Olson in Kenton ntlrut or Fsus Ball inns are finding the school lsier undathe LOX brethren oi the district Pallbearers woreD Gsilaugher Jsrnes Henderson oi Orangeviile Alex Asmstrattz El nterlleid HowardBstley and Ernest Synott 0f the many henutllul floral tributesa law were seutby the Presbyterisn Church LOL 784 Rosentont WI Manstield WI and Simpson Sears where Miss Gladys has been employed for msny years nearing the flowers were other neighbors and iriendsnl the lam ily Friends attended the tuneral horn London Grimahy Guelph utopia Suyner Orangevllle on Mr Indhtrs Boy Tuty in Ban rte ntly HrJnd sin Everett Rump at Mr and VMrs Géorse Mrsnd Mrs Thompson oi Burlo spent the weekend with Mr snd Mm George Rugmsn Mr ltd Mrs Ralph Carson and Sunday in Joronlo Hr Ind Hrs mm Bidwell were in Toronto on Sun in see llrs Gromeiildwell wit pat lent in Tomato Genus Hospital visitors with Al Hulohlnson tor Fathers Dsy were Mr and Its Len Hutchinson of st Cothlrinr Lu Hutchinsonsod Mrs Wsylsn ot Barrie Manna Mm Bsr tholontcw and family Guthrllr Smilhand erlorie of Onngsvill villird on Sunday with Mr and Mrs Ed Hutchinson and Mrs Eer ohltstnn oi Mr rid its stk Beard Elunor snd luylorrloul vutedylth llr sud Its1 lius nctt st Weslonon Sunday lt1 Willilush maroon Mr and MnHDnuzr Eh daughter alHnrnsb visited on Saturday with air an Mrs Percy Bonnw Mr Ind Mrs Stan Sham lWu s13 Marie oi Mitchell Squirt v19 it on Stutdsy with Mr Ind In Party Bonn Fete Newlyweds Last Friday Evening was held it Edgar Community Hall lry honor of Mr lnd In Notmm Clsrke nee Josh Ben ham The bride reeeivrd many besutllul snd uuiul slits shower Betty an at Barrie visited recent ly wltler and Mrs stendc Mrs Fraser visited st oshsws on Sunday Miss Heather mum or laid hunt visited with Miss Helen Fraser during the weikeud Trip to Guelph Dlle Fraser Ind Pele Johnston were on tho Junior Farmer trip to Guelph on Saturdtly Fort Erie Mrnnd Mrs RH Perkin spent two weeks at Fort Erie return home wlth their two sundchi dnn John and Gloria Calnhm mm lwlnsr Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Frank Cslshro nee Beryl PEP kin oi Fort Eric on the birth or twins boy and girl Sunday Visitors Sunday visitor with Mr and Joseph Belcnurt and tamliy ol Anton Mills Reynolds and family oi Barrie Miss Theresa Mnrchildon of Bar rie Miss Mary Townes of Grillis At Thornton Reunion Mr and Mrs Ernest Bidwcll bsll game very interesting our loan pupils won 53 from Alliston but really took wallaping Mun day night trons lvy The score 186 smugr Sympathy Sincere sympshty is extended its lheJarnily of Mrs Barthe lolte who passed away very sad denly early Monday evening tn her usual health the family had heenhome to spend the day with ltsr Sunday Mrs Mnrchlldon Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs Clill SEEtsunami crowns collimator SEEfDAIiNGPRitiilOM minus Oililstir stun pussy to Milli sun uuqm