rhre lolhiamib tn llyedln in er in the township Irktglndl two olfwhlchhad been Juvenile court tor liraking ind entering over douncoiugcs have been placed on probation and allowchobe taken undcr the jurisdiction oithnvcourt by their gran ntrtn ListoweL ill bo requircdvlo report regularly as to SlmcomCounty probation oitlcerr Whilo them two boys age seven nnd10wcrc awaiting the decision oi the court and while under warning by the Judge they man aged to get an expensive boat into the water and take trip across the like The lad that the motor was governed down speedwarrimpossible perhaps an ed them ram being drowned They had to push the boa the slip and get it into the or teat thought to be equal the slrengthoil man They were dis covercdby police in the hunt near Simeon Beach uiterhavlng been iich the like Constable Dollery crs ock 41th are still cdliages being mind that have appearance of hav ingbcen entered Bicycles ware also taken and candywaa top Entry being made by breaking until they werctinallyroundcd nk Rc her intends To hHoro Earl Smith has 1ch than innnth to move his mink ranch out of the town ulBarric having been glvenlihis time so asnot to dis turh the mink while fliniitlens are you H2 haspurchzised place of pro party including the tanner Cook residence on the arm at Pains wlclr lle has sutticient land at the roar oi the frontage on the highway to conform with the re maï¬a ukultlian 117 llynyas gt mmlttho passing its inelnembers Miss groggy Mao Intosh ln St Andrew Hospital Midland on wednesdry June 13 Miss Macintoshcsmq trern Scotv land to Canada somcyears ago She was inhor 75th ear Flin leral service tookplae nFri day Junelï¬hfrom Barrie and Sons lunernl homevin Midland with Rev CharlesCarter olï¬civ atlng interment in St Andrews Cemetery Wyebridgo Werlicndv Judy McCluné spent the weekend with herxaunt Home lor weeaénd Jacklakley and Cecil Townes of Hershurnwerea their respef tivshomcs forjthe weekend Douglas xPlumbtrenr returned homo on Fridayyto spend the summer here sender Attendrsuyiee anemone and inher ss Church No Tiny attended the enter eanodihepherd in body rnlng he torm oi scrv diory childre wmtakeh Birth on Congratulations to Mr Mrs Robert Luilmln all the lam onrlunc 12 with reintiverin the villagel vWeehend At nun neuh satin Beach Brunonavth Dario gt Mlflnflflon Service alt noon ner Mrs Robins Fmrnaoronto Allan Shaw oi Toron th weekend with his paren Mr ndMas Bedsha Rev Mr MeGinnis on sundry rival of baby boy Robertgwnle Mrs Frank Drinkwineni Tor Adeie Jackie and Wayne them the weekend at The Cedars at by samu folk songs and dances Wyebridge ball teant won the guided against Allenwood on Mondayevenlnth the community numheroi Anglican parish lonern attended the confirmation service at Wyclilte Anglican in Elnivalo on Sunday Marion Downer Toronto mu Arkshy of Toronto spent tow days withher aunt preachedhthe afternoon servicmin St Andrews Presbyterian chmeh el quiremcnta as statedtin the new laylaw A440 and although Hats Entertain Pupils oi the Simeon Reereatipn Contre indoors Williams expressed the appnintion to the leaders and lun was sertled was caterlFor nnnquet lie llilleh tBurna WMSQ red at tlie Wardens banquet Value oi Eyngeunn Revs FJ Shillonstxessed this vdlue oi ospital Ir so that high brou ht the boat back totho own the chic object of the search al though viluahlee and lnnncywcrc item Tho places were ransacked window Police had hilsy time he is being reinstall building permit hillllhl told some at the township oitieialsthai he intends to move Fralick gpnke on on to the prope which was in children and According totha bylaw that was lion he purchased thé conductodgroup games on the lor the children followed held in the Communityilall ul the Memo almnn last Wednesv vingeiism in the lite ottho church in his sérinonfat gm the weekendwflh map theregularserviceol Burns ni ems Mr and Mrs Ann Dow ajniotnr accidentjat the Burn Churclr corner on Sunday moved to Slevenspn ilston suiteringtrom light concussion sbrasions and bruis Barbaras many iriends wish for peedy nnd complete re property permit was not re nus etl for agricultural usedbuil He claims he was told by town ship oltlclal when he discuss log the purchsso tlIa tthand eorridxh used tar thla purpose The oil se in bylaw ï¬at regard lng torhearing nimala states lhat buildingm not balsa tha 100 cot irom thr boundaries at Empnrty and 400 lcet rqrnvtha hlg way Ironiage It also aiaiesthat the location and use or lhclot tor ilrlx urporo must ho apsrovcd by counc The law an especially this latter ausc has not yet been considered by the Municipal Board Whén thclast similar hylavrwa batch that body they ad any clausu lowing the jurisdiction ol un cil to eilect any decision rcmov lit the mceilng oi tunnel Monday evening iho recvo lit lructleél the chic cop space an or tion and see that ndhreiclt townshl bylaw was commute ihiaflmm ovcr or it pro intuni my Original Homestead Destroyed By Fire The house which turned on he 8th llnclast Saturday was onc the tow original homesteadsoï¬th iownshig Built over 100 yea ago of cwcd logs it wuth home of the Bowmana and the em Sa rondlyndiaplays iploma 01 birthplace 01 men who have ed on leaving their him many members oi whom arcs Ili lnnlslll At the time oilhe iirn the arm was occupied by liohert Barton and tamily The house had to in gutted apart by thu fire lighters ntore the ire in this logs which were said borbc ol largo size cnuld he cxtnguished The Vol unldcrshnd to return early Sun In day morning when the tire thought to have been out started FE Rottlo ISrIoko Killed Locally Elmcr Pratt who Keeps bees and has colony on the 11th line wassurprisctl by largo snake that came out of some sawdust that had been packed around In her colony ally thosnakr seen around themselves onto sight asiquirklyas possible but this one satwith its head erect and looked threatening Mr Pratt look the cover mm bee colony and held it over the reptilers head ltwas then that thatail began to rattle ndMr Pratt realized that he was olding Ari enjoyable eyeninx wssspent at the school last Friday when the Home and School entertained thepuplls at the anhtlal qhiltllens onto spent Sunday and Monday pm MflToddlnfllA Bulng very dangerous object and quick ly ï¬nished it all Kebad been handling the ouï¬tf which the snake came ust previously and mlghteesiiyhava been bitten Tthe snakes are ye dangers nus and although the pa son from the Georgian Bay rattler said not to be total there is no doth that will cause sever ingest and pain smflHund n9 Lo While helplnga elghbun move some barn timbers Henry Van Loosen who worked on Cum ming was caught wh tiuiher tell the iloatasv was being loaded Mn yin Luesen had his fontryammcil by thotitnber and suflored pnlniul injury land broken toot Re 111 be under treatment tor som Newbory Toronto spent sceneryssin eekyn uncleandlau Mr and Mrs nud Howard on unday Mr andMrsWalker andld Smith of Creeuioresiiont undo with Miss Annie Swim wepkend adianjtaxpayers receive the years uroerlence in the lied tor hiaduties tnltb nip esse nrrie hospital alter her nanonon visit Mr and Mrs Kurd hallo go weekend Guests MID Strait and son DEVldWEIS Home Again one again Recent Visitors Mr and Mrs Pnynter and totally oteToronto yisitedldr an ldra Mason last aturda Mr od Mrs Campbcll and amily oi Willnvldale visited land Mrs Ala complicitlast Sana snphlyhtuie Lut ay Church inhonor of Fathers Day mnle choir supplied ythcmusic heir two numbers re Como ToThev Saviour My thin Nothing Less ltev Mr Warrs sermon was on the ought Lest Imyselie be castawayJud he showed how he to keep lornif spiritually Mrs Béltlam st Sundn Murray spenttb we kcnd with friends Toron Canadali uilt sabre Fightcr Wing Tannin Ma insr not rlcrtjiiss or ooh nreutltkrnlcs 45 Mei frAx RAI Hunsr Verri Farrell of Regina and Mr and Mrs Harvey Baldwin and daughter at Barrio visited Mr and Mrs Currie Baldwin ofou ciplaut oia Sal correctly identified beloro shipment tn nee of CAP aircraft he Cemetery bee on Saturday rune 71 in the titernenn nvwmmwamw Wellthartlr goodness we have TRAILEl INSURANCE iliyouhave any questions hbout AILEB INSURAN or call us to visit their son in Edmonton gt prize in the showCounty Schol Mrs Stephenson who was nursing in Toronto for the winten toriallarhour visitctiMr nnd Mr hud Mrs Thmpklns niad lsiilng Sister Mr and Mrsjnmeyneu and Linda and Mr and Mrs Hab vcy Whitcsido ot Alliaton viaitch withuflra cunnraiator Mrs Smith River in Ha Prize Winner congrnnrlatlons to Shlll Pearson for winningjho lanrth arshlp examinations torn grade eightlt nrrnuton Vialt endure Stewï¬rt Mr and Mrs Geo ge Miles and Karen Orchard of Huntsville at Parkern Mr and Mrs Howard Scott in murmur an