lid entnnoe nilo rhono PA moo nuhed hnt Indeoltl write gtEXCAIATING nd lu Boo31ml mono PA mu aloolsa Itr mints IyIo IaplltAvl Burnt ansmm mu nlrul Phoao Fit In so OIIIIKIIPING noon mh ï¬ts55h to llple Ave ldull APAIIMINI at so Dunlap 51 run APPLY lfler p111 rhqno PA rooms lully mulllied Phnno on Au74w 1an APARTMENT Iurnisnea or unmrnirneo Apply Apt 7n 31 um st 15471 uuNouow large rooms and no room so on 51 We Phone PA 11 Ibvllt Annmum large rooms in tuned Kllchtn end ixdroonl Centrei phone PA 54056 l56911 spoon ArAuTMllfl self contained nneh Phon lmy un an IOOM APARTMENT unlulnhhedr he ed AVIUIN lmnlcdlslely Phone lb1l11 rulrniehea III Ailliable July mm liolisitlullrlna soon with hoi and epic wuier rheu PA um 15111 uoomsuniunurhed so no tram Inks Adults us monlh ealed nyl rtro Fhono PA W7 1570 rlvulo bath ilooMs uniurnleheo sIIn tnlfl gushed 35$b1ï¬ia highii ns°°lotinalf$i ill lirirlonwhver Innings disRd RMMVAPAWIMENT with both In uned mmlshesflvlld or un Centrsl Mepie live 157111 stainr nunems no rovefilie lL1In 300MB APARTMENT llnllrnlllled emu mm the when Theme wit ménmlyrhonov PA um lonm nousmurmn eIulIN rurnished or uniurnlrheo pdvllc entrance hell ed hydro olld Phone PA lln onrnplele Cenlnl rumsinm uuullooiu vs slooArltnmm leim Itlncllvo heeled oeuplliuimioeslllloxnumod huming Irep one no Room APARTMENT Ipaolaul reli conlllned unlurnlshed Ireled heavy Ph FA W56 wlflll VCenlnl one 4m ruooMuu ArsitTMuNr Iumlshed nine luchilon poligï¬opurkhuusnvraevsss no couple pres T1 noom lumlshed ulppedwlth In Sullahlu Inr Wurlnl couple hie July Phone PA slam uuNoALow rooms Ice 5w manlh Nut neevy wired rte uioru In replyan In Born winch 151112 WAREHOUSE huemenl 1060 nude oll und level lselow Ernies urnin Solo 119 nunlop 51 noietts Electric 151l72 MUM APARTMENT central MD om No leotlon to bus 1th he lMIlnell olller Sh Phone Pit Iowtt APARTMIN living mm ropm kitchen bathroom prtvu our tron lsnge stove remseruinr Phone on cam Roo APARTMENT wllh Itllchen elieAvaiIhle my ngnl wulor end hell Business couple proierrea PhoneJA um lit7 riooMgu AIAuThlsNT girlefl AbnInen No children hope room Luncheon Agltnrnm lurnuhsu upperxiloor utshle ror working ou le Ahstslllen rurhwuy um 122Mulcaster5l 151112 tur 11 noNT 1100M1gtrltht turn hodwith mom couch run elteelc Iliso use punio st wast poi Imus lonx RENT hedro n1 hunglow In hood Joellllun Protonhum Iii1L1 on on 4pl lZlIi 1571 Ilenr Modem 011 Nlfllfl ELEcrliiniiCs mirrors 545 es PA 34975 PA 81581 Electric MOlois lnfltus 5t Bmis PnoNEPA 35307 ROOFING Aaphslt shingles lselol Roollnl Fm Estimate Morrow menusla Plum FA or 335144 Blfllo 5421 cutt Musicbe WELI DRILLERS comm liven drilled end used or licensed drlilus INoUmim Ta Imx Til uiilrln EXAMINER sn ELECTRICIAN unann smclmr SERVICE wmmo mo RIFAIns RADID AND TV SMITH ELECTRIC PHONE PA 84210 swn FLOOR COVERING Arrnitronn Floor Covering unoloums onuhher Ind Alpmllt Tile UPInil wumio litterm suppued and Installed he mlrnelu ng WOLFENDEN 211 Toronto st Phone PA 55135 5th Qilyson Automatic Oil Furnaces A180 GILSON COAL ELLWODD FURNACES BALFE set Baylield street shone PA ism EBIWI ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE rnr7 New Motor Needl Rewinding Ind RepIra see HAROLD HART herri Isleelrle Nolols 53Owen St Pll PA 8220tl hsti arucumzun VTRVIM WORK mumolnousls COMPLm RECREATION ROOMS sun NcuBOAHDS REMODELLl NG horns sillNoLINo IHMEDIATE sullvxcz BRUCEicAMERON ghon PA66382 en duo Iuly uunnmo HE litLury Eleclriclllnlel airsmun nor oursfl eullrAu7a 14m IDIII Illa Inï¬ll I4 men 11 siro AV 9119 PA lwll Imwm don Younl LIVESTOCK WANTED cllwu WANTED 11 rxeulln uur we no In 421171 ï¬ss Accommodation Wanted minimum llousl would to renl tor runny urflvlnx Irvin billnou July Phone PA ems llins uuNotcow wmnu or or wanted to rent in DanIo Ioneou with enllure Apply Box In use rlu Eliminer lrosn WANTED uy wolesrlonll nun end who unturelsheu apartment or will uuy modern linen bedroom oouupnncy siroul nun is Iunlculsrl to Box 71 ismI ner Niel until non wontetl lor well behivetl buys 11 null 12 years rutnil vnrnllon IoiJ nronlll nI Iuiy3 no pm of Aulusl Hiollo Wsugs levwz or write 1m Empcy lln slnynrr 111111 house the II Viclorla Ilospllnl llnrflc on June in ma to Mr and llurhldle Its daughter Ilieldl seen tho Iiuyni victorlr It horn on June In mo in Mrs Ilohcrt Iieilell r1 It hurt the no violo on Io Mr nna II unyileiu John Inrh thidIero son Victor DIED RKTIIELOTIESflrlllulllh IIIIME UIOPIII on lv54llary Home skolley iï¬VLIgutekllsd of II 10 Tilflmlll Ben our run or IIISIIIIIU Itlrll III link ï¬lulmemitunl In null It 15le lilo unity of infIi rrennes uu Vnrcoe or Butno herland yen the Itll hinerlli Home lulfll PHI crni ll Sl hiuryll Church or requi em MISS Thurfllll June II Inlcnllcnt SI Marys Cemb et her Charles Mar inn Yulv ®gt IN MEMORIAM BAIIBEnvln loving rilenary oi Jumcl wabcrnwllu passed away Juno Ia Pv rnmenrueroli nnrl sadly lnlntel Ivy molncr null smslouu loving memory at my or Mr nrel Seymour wlto pin nwisy une Is 1252 Wu whoJoveu you any mus you As it dawns nnnther corp in our lonily hours lhinking Thoughts or you nro cvcr near iovlnply rumcmhcred by Ilsth link and ll vnm loving memory or dour nushuml Imd other Churlel tag who passed nney June In There Is It link rleslh cannot rover love snrl Nulemhlunte Ian inrever sonly missed and ever remem hemd lty wiro Lottie rnu nunlly Towysnlr or INNIsm Ileslricllilg llreli Byllllwdllt 30 Notice orooy given In rniepoym In the Town or unirte with nhultlng on tho hounsury lwnenlhe Township nr lnnlsrll und Ihe Town or Harrie tnut lho cumin Mullch ul Board has pointed F11 suy Iwentynlnth oy or Iune lssil ot the hour or two oclock In Ine ulternoon Imul Time st th cornmunily iisll Churchlll Ontrip ior the herring oluu perils lntereolT ed In support oi or orpaslnl the up llootlonior Ipprovl oi Ihu By Coplesoi the DyLaw will he nvuiiuhls st thoTownship Clerks Dulce strolls upni request by IntorAcsm es undersigned hn instruction refit linenssson Lotll co ILOroJw yours milking on red on 5yeus put us 3imil4mlklnz nilhred noirte yours due no es Holstein Is 55 Holstein er yesn ilolrloln Iiellerr years not hroo in Ye lln EYoun lleir ll stock on mono owner going on Tinllus ASH LAW edfhuéu motion ulpyiln hm owowm erV ltnom hviuto cal to lsce pinin nllreu rest In vii noun new si police was tint on May 25 at 1250 nilum RM hr sidlng ly altolldslloewu redecorated court room In polkwhltooelllugwuh mun wills oi two toner hdu vdee had over chimes on pulling and court was conclud ed II Inc aItnrnooa Cocos Teo pleaded gu ty hlrgcs of inonintiou In epuhlic piece were convicted Ind tilled lit with varying costs flora to 53 Villa serious case meant 515 with costs of 32 underhsvlnt in us othtr lint were $I5with costs or $430 to $5 One young man Ip peored Iirstiwlth Moi31 1hlrt prospective black cye but Ills moved or first ald heioro lleiuil lucd or Imblhlng uni Income Tax of live Chllie tor Isiilng to nulre an income tax returnrlsls by BiidlellBCMP Comp tw were withdrswu sud three DelmIrIleley Lloyd Pair tonun Johtl Hood were each lu ed 526 plus $250 in $350 In one Marker Trouble tlwo charges we laid by PC Furrell olBsrriu police lgainsl Edward Corner or tolling to reg Ister on car possession and tar huvlug another iioonse plqu on Ihe cur TileIluc was $10 plus $4 and $10 plus $2 on the other count FonAIliston The heilrnlg oI serious charge ugaillst Gordon Wilsou was ad journed Io June In hillstou Impaired Driving Evidence at PC Light of Burrle am he had noted the careless driving at Lewis Robinson who hld nilde two Collier and travelled lit 45 miles an hour on the Ian side oi the roldmnd was Idler contacted by the ofllcer who found that impairment wss the cause no will Iound guiltyunit lined $100 plus costs at end his license is suspended for three months Iar Costs Oils chargelald hvaSgli Reuc Bulsvert and wilh evidence hy provost officers Hedlcy Grib hair was found guilty of driving while lmpalred when his erratic driving in camp was noted by them He wus not the ovummi Ihe vehicle Convicted he was lined $10 with costsoi $5 Ind his license suspended tor twdmonighs Thrhe Yoth Held Three young men whites into serious trouble when they picked up ll drum containingon umnunt ni gusoiine from the equipment oi the lutemutlonul Watersupply on wn contactat Anne street This 285 was heldoveruntil Friday slternnen they urn allvun 18 One hlld previous convictions Tuuusuhv rims ll Magistrute Faster was pre wilh Acting Crown At tomey Livingston Lewis and PC trch HQ OPP Quiteafnuinh of adjournments wcrerequested and mute humheroi LCA Tintgas Igdinst Comp aorsduoiientlers laid by PC McCrone wgre handledjin group with arepresentlrlg otllcer hs prox Fines avarilgedsgo with William plea ed guilty to iriipuir ed driving on Mayj25 in Vespn allowing charge luid hyPC Stone oping south ntnight Scottusualruolrunothereor hen truck In trout ll slowed can own iii oIfIEel wa horC oerlino case Il wooiinegi 3121 with st $5M th thh on sway tn ofilnrouw home he stleuded the luflmmont Hall Friday Ilht or it had Ill1 Braden whoyerc all ur r1 The happy couple reooilied puny hesuuiul gills hndmoney trout the community In which they lived Alter tho present uon lunch IEWEdhy the women sud dsnclngeontlllued to mm by the Pipe Klver Ramb lers Farewell Presentation This Friday June 22 lhere will be presentation In tho Evlllctt Onnga Hall llor Mr Ind Mls Barney Feslherslohe and Iamlly fetalc they leave this commll ty All src welcome anddonations will be receivedflst tho doortor those who have not been culled on Stnwherry Festival Everett United Church In holdings strawberry festival and cold meatsalad pllllo on Tues day June 20 mm 530 to II pln ioiiowed hy play lllst Shes Man presented by Mumiield Presbyterian Young People ANTEN Mills Ball Teamwln Congratulations to the Anion Mills junlor hull team on win ning the game pisyed Vwilh Angus here on ilinndlly night Come out and support our young hoyr Back Iromliospltzl We are pleased to sce Mrs Krillpp home uguln Iroln hospltnl and much Improved Mr and Mrs Basil Dadds ilnd Billy ot Eortcmdit visited on Sunday with irionds here School Picnic The school picnic is being held at Midland Park on Thursday June 28 Sold liome Mrs Edllh Newton has sold er home here to Mrs Jones UK To ronto gt Back Home Mrs Miles returned home on Friday utter spending couple oi weeks at Art Boyds inrlprnnto byzrc Wilkinson rHuvlllg beer in 11 place other than the purchusers residence on May Slitnobcrt Anderson was in ed $10 plus $450 on charge lnId hyfPC shine OPP Charged hy Cpl Kellogg our on June IDJn laser with sup plying liquor to an interdict Alex Campbell was convicted and ï¬ned 20 with costs or $5 gt Long DuIy Charged by PCD hisooon rlrl with orrolcss drivingon June 13 in Vesprs Thomas Jenkinson Colllngwood plcilded guilty but detenoe ounsel Ash Thompson claimed at he had been ontluty as 11 steel rivetcrIor 129 hours in twoweeks to release another work gland in addition Is third of he mg Evidence oprIr Andrews OPPwas that he had been weuv ing Irolnside to side at on aver age speech Mr Livingston took Mu serious View otIhe cssehccause oi poo sihltt resultsqu accused hnd three previour convictions Although it washls 54th birthday on that court day Incline was $100 with costs of and license suspenued on one year Cor ll pitch when 9c 41 FMucDonhld OPP noted car in the ditch on May 14 in Oil 011 Highway 11 he checked on the occupants sguius Andrcw ut the wheel 15 with costs alidoo ernrlicles covsry Ill th Westawsy Lunch Angus Aprl guildls charg ed lt Neuthwa pollc woithiess ch 118 for 57P45iwlth the QAllun hardware on Aprii so Hurry Cameron slnglewaIound guilty and on Friday dune 15 was given six months determinate nd Burris six Indeterminate ontlle firs cou thesï¬ On probation re EIVent two Ilunyflr per the slowed mal ct utlvlty pound mldrnoruln Illholtlh art sales weregood maintaining tlgoodaelhng counters Em IMChkhull There ms lion in Iheeumarket extra Islgs selling ht doc isrgabec medium xcpulieudown to 40c and pet woel low as 343 Routing chickens were scaled down min 45 lb to ycamld bollins low It Vegetaban rottoes stayed ht60c bullet slnllllseed slut 40c Turlllps sold inrlnrli size In three inr 10c parsnip 50c husket rhubarb we bunch Sage and savory sold in the usual inc lots and curruls st to basket linmo unto There Was line quick selling nuorlnreoui cookies rsnglilg in price ruin 250 to we and home made bread at 20¢ per loatrhut ter torts were selling at 50c dozen with pies at site an soc uriry butter Wu 55 lb and buttermilk Iodhy ll quick ltem15c quart Dstc squire sold lit xix Ior 25c and good honey was on display at prlces ranging tram Me to $125 twill dsrk and number one white lile customr1 relishes 11nd pickles sold Itprlces rangingrimm 25c to we according to Jar size Hunts and Bulbs There were perennial roots reudy Ior jplnnung such Is for yiuvc columhlne sweet William delphlnlum Ind asters at 35c box Tcmllto plants went for 35¢ sweet Splinlsh onions 40c Pencil pod Seed beans sold lit 25c lb Among the iresh flowers tor Isle were Sundsy Guests Mr and Mrs Mooney and daughter Butty nnd MISS Viola McMIlsttr Barrie were guests at Bar and rs Mounoy on Sun tiny evening Attended Funerul Mr und Mrs McAlee attend ed the funeral Mrs McMoes grandmother ut Sharhot Lake on Wednesduy Mission Bund The June Int OIEnxter Mission Build was aid at the school Thursduy June 14 with 27 present This was the lust meeting for the summer After the war ship service the lender Mrs Men nry conducted some games of other lands outdoors The meet Ing was closed with prayer and cookies were served Symplthy Extended The community extends sym pathy to Gordon Klemoll ln the death 01 hls other Dr Kicrnau Evnnafield Mrs Guully luthe death oi her sis or in Tacoma Washingtonond to Mrs Turn bull in the death hermother Mrs Johnston at Sharhot Lake numberrtrom hero attended the decoration services at Allisten and Angus cemeteries on Sunday niturnoon Ladies Aid Mectiul The Junevmeeting ol the leles Aid at Baxter Preahyteriun Church washeld or Mrs MeLrehiuns on Wednesdo June 13 with 131mm hers and our visitorsptesent Mrs nchuohiun opened the meeting and hymn was sung Prayer was uttered by the presi den Bible study questionsirom nth Ind lthchilpters or Mark pre pared Mrs Gluley unswsreil lhledd Ildupted Roll In verse containing theword Mrs Gauley Mrs mu gr res an article Quit Roses in the Hurt nos readhy Mrs Edgar and Lifes Lesson by Mrs Gauleylr altering will received and éated withiprayer Mrs Military Reports Irom th lckcommlttee wereglveh Soveru to beenmade Anulnher olthank you notes andcsrds wereread II eluding one Irom Mrs Rah generous donuti to the Business discussions on Final urrungemeuts were ride the lestivulron July CU Mrs Ruddiek onhe nit oi the Lou presented some umlna inthe letterIra NE on regsrrllugghe or use yehllgrsn Vsha asstfflment of tulips at 25c hurléh psusies 35c gt slighti price redue oBlrthotlIsusht¢r Congntulstlcnsto Mr dMn Graham Erosby on the rrlvhl of Weekend tht Mr and Mrs Walnutn at To und llnThomas Lee Le In Slmkhelln John Hummond und slsler ï¬rs Budd oISlrhtIord luit on Sutur day lulcllmax Sash Io Illend the Iuneral of their hmther le am Hammond Bach Iron Toronto Mrs Thomaslee hutjeturned trons Toronto uiter spending is couple at weeks with her tamlly In Toronto Flylng to Mullth Idra Bert McLean and her ulster Mrs Green at Toronto lett hy Isno orvRussc Manitoba tuvs it with their ulster Mrs Dunn Elflh oI Dlulhler Congratulsuons to Mr and Mrs Lyllll mum on the arrival or baby girl on at Clliudul worst disasters was ourdsy Great Inhesstonu in 191 In which 300 sehmen réwnshlp county at slum To By no or umnt Iaiued the limo ol the Towuahl oI lIlnlsv HI undernhll hind and of III nid eorponuorl Murlulflslo um dsy oi April um rule or land In arrura tuck In Township or mouth uni so Mus rt the Corn IIIIInIIy Hull VIII ol Strand It tn hour or two oclock in use uI new on the 21rd dun Alllufl 1955 unless 0er Ind costs sooner plld Notice Il hereby on but the Lot hndl or said or tsxel wu ubllsnod In flu Gunth on fllth duy ms and that copies the r1 my ollico 21rd un mourned els on Septemhersth lnuurorl omen thI Illhday mm loqu spent lho weekend withMr owlEJTILJ lull Uta nevir jcryl mu on vcm can IIIht heu lluo cu lune 111r lunenine mun so 1ng Jerryéoulnlln Aucunnu any lune fl Allrllon llll of III Including Huh flllVlr rallnlen In rrto st MORTGAGES Th Ioilowineury us Bound in Ill Town or home um GIVIS You IN 151 MORTGAGE AT was huAvlluu will MONTHLY Mm 151 MORTGAGE murmurs who MONrle For Iuthrr plrllculars oeii hm vnllTIiiNoToNrA dMil Ridout Real Estate Ltd Do you ellpect lot of worry hudbother Ill moving your svlunhie possessions gtan new hornet it so take tip lrum experienced movers get lawApproved North Amerlcun Vim Llncs move Easy pleasant silicl Campbell Ltd agents or North Ameriesn Vall Liner hiovlngtltstoisge l7o Burton Ave Ph PA oosss