The marriage of Miss Shirley Annabelle Todd Reg dau ghter or Mr and MrsJiarry Todd oi Churchill tocharles Wood at Barr son aim and Mrs hip Wood Por Dover took place on Saturday ltaiie and 1956 three clock in the alternoon ln Churchilluunlted church Rev Sanders ofï¬ciated at the ceremony Wedding music was pleyed by Mrs Robcrt Sinclair of Churchill aunt of the bride who also accom panied thesnloni lil Joy spur rel Toronto Given in marriage by her fatherfltc bride was wearing gown of trusted whlte uylon tulle over satin with rows ol matching lace styled with ted bodice and deep hoth back and Dth were short and putt was wearing lace bowlength mitten lighMiiil stillopeii headdress or nt sequins heldher tingertlp veil of illusion net and she was carrying horse shoeshaped bouquetoi red sweet heart roses with liyol hevalley Her attendants were her sis tar Mrs MirinvuiEarric as matron of honor and Miss ï¬areeu Bagiey Reg NandMiss Helen Andersoniteg olb oi Barrie as bridesma Their identicaltieréd gown powder blue lace were styled with strap less bodices and lace bolero jack ets The skiris were an ennui zlhey wore ahortlace mittens and matching handerux and the nshe arried nosegays of plus daisies nlerWood nr Tillsanburg was groomsniau or hlrhrother and were Faria Sinclair or Sordid lace with inserts or blue cren charcoal and White iiier hat and tan renewal it necessary to growth Canadds flmjladyot calm the American inauranccalinjia Grace Nich oils told membenfnitho liarrte IoduglJhstaflation dlnnc in Communityiiousc on Thundiiy We eannot lace ou llcnge ll Soropiimlsts really unlllwe crow uindividua slated the speaker wh is past president of derilionoi Sor iiptimlet Club we ha one come integrated persona lies and need conatont ncing our challenge She described nm oi the clinlr lange in theyorda oi theCan Churchill cousin of the bride and William Wood of Port Dove brother 91 the groom recap nn dule lnrï¬grdrh mother oi the bride received in rosewood crepe with lace unver ert The grooms mother who adlan poet ilsoii McDonald who wouldv have strength but not the banks arm thatiin its strength oigo to lovoand be kindlf The va able quality that Sumptlmlst should possess in the ileld oi human relations was the ability to sit where other peoples and so to understand more and not to Judge Among the inspiring pieces of writlna which she had iound helpiul to growth was Anne Moi row Lindberghs Gift From the Sea 500k which Alli cit every woman should own international Convention Miss NICholls confined her tplk mostly to discussion oi the torthcomlng international conven tion in New York this summer when representatich ol 23 coun tries whoro Soroptlmlsm ls iound ed will gather She also reicrrcd to the regional convention being held in Barrie next spring Sister acrvlcccluba and linrypreridentr ln tlend were JEN Gerid Woodlfl the LadlesAuklliary iothedll Club lira Charles cwtnn womens Auxiliary in be 1r wanla Club William lock man thKlrietia and Proiculonal Womens Cl and Mrs Wilfred Wager oi the Senior Citilcnl Club whichix apansored by tho Soroptirnlsts Mrs RobertiDelaneyrreriruc ed the inner Wheel of the Rotary club and Miss Arny Lee v1 prsidentwas guest from tb Venture club Club gursia Ilse included yeamld Robert Riccia Grade viil pupil at King Edwird School was heard in lthreo eclectic OI Man River Water Boy and hortnln Build Harwas accompanied the piano bythe supervisor at music in the public fchgola oitown Lloyd nlf singsang led by Miss Wilda Culbcrt with Miss EV Rumble Il the piano followed dinner New Executive The retiring president1 Mrs Hugh Wallacepipresided at the dinner Participating inzthe lnstlllaliqn ccrnlnnnyby lighting the undies symbolizing toicr ncc sincerity wisdom irlcndshp service were Mrs Charles Christie Miss Lucretia Rowe Miasbona lions bcrger Mrs Mary Wiscman and Mrs William Pratt The blue of Soroptlmism which tho members at the creed candle from $3 tivov lighted their vcendler oi lice was Iltby Mrs Sarleant Mrs LE yancodrinew pres ldent oi the service clubhuldugl an executive compnsed of Mn Earl Cox istviceprcsldent Mrs Robert Clliloll 2nd vicepreside illnrnrey Webh treasurer Miss ll MRS 93 VANC These gatherings symbo local and international rlendship whichis corner also received was inpdwder mm min of Somoilmisnh The ulher aer tiavelling the izrldis chose airllght wool tweed ensemble ln cornerstone lsservlce1a mental attitude pioven by concrete ac tiori This latter quality gloves wereiwiiitebnd she wus wearing olive green shoeswarid cayying matching handbag Her corsage was oiéred sweet heart sea After wedding ennessee Mr and Guests from if distance from Toledo Ohio Winnipe Braccbridge rile bride is graduateo Royal VictoriaJlospilal Sch of Nursing Horhushand is former rn ber oi the Flyers Hockey Club RU Soap should never be used rugs it leaves fa min which ate tracts fresh dirt and rugs Vtreated this way have Vrvuhvwï¬rwï¬ww the wholeestruciurb and back bone Soroptllniain she termed kiltul blending the th heart ith The BA Pilitzkexcordlng seem iss Wilda Culberh core responding secretary and Miss Greta FlnleyLMlss Ernin Phil polls Mrs Bcrnlte Johns land Miss Hilda MVCDnnaiddlrectofl Misa Edna Wed thanked it in ale Bonus mm Librarians saytbat where book borrowers read ior pure escape and light entertainment circula lion drops on with tile nrlventot TV Serious readers keep on read ing and fluid that heir interests reading habits re brondeged selectl er RRIE whose line bass vnico Barrie Bob Ronsonr or St Lida Bearrush oi BirPauls Moulihn oi Barr of St Paul he bride und groom Donald Jnh pm Barrie and Glen brooks Seated leit to right are Miss Pouls Miss Miss Norma farmer Lorna Florence Mchllan daugh ter of Mrand Mrs Kenneth McLellan oi Barrie Her husband isllthenmn oi Mr nners veimcr Beanilshoi St Poiil lirnr1 ll Rook gm Florence ircLeilan ughleroi Mr and Mrs Ken ieth McLellan oi Barrie was married on Saturday June 2nd 1953 It trucethirty oclock in afternoon inBurton Avenue Unllcd Churdf to Stewart Ever 3t Beamish son oi Mr ahdMrs VeirnEr Beamlsh vi St Pauls Rev Fifi Trimbloand Rev llluir ofliciated ai lhe one man gt chdingmusic was played by church organist It leis oi Driliia who alsoac companled tbe soloist Mrs donRoach oi Darrin in the sing ing nllThe Lords Prayer before tho bridalzparty entered the church and Walk Beside You during the signing oi the regio ter Given ln arrlage by her thnr the bride was wearing an impurlcdigown oi aloud white tulle and guipurc lace the bad ice slylcd with curved decol letage oiisct with lace rosettes in basrcliei and short sitWes made with ioldcd tucks The skirt wasa full sweep and her fingertip veil was gathered ton pointed crown ot shined net necked with pearls Shercarrled white Bible with acorsage oi pinkuros and st mers at tcr Barrio as mild ni honor and Miss Lid Benmlsh St Pauls aisler oi the groom and Misl Donna Goring and Miss Doreen Spcnrn tilBarrie as bridesmaids Their imported govins oi lolue white flowered organza over crystal hluetalicta werc styled with square dccolintagcs oliset with matching talieta sashes end lngin hack bustle how knoL The bodices were sleeveless and the skirtswcre very full Their Hunters werc pink roses and white carnatlnns onrrlu was flower girl we rig gown oi crystal bluctaiieta slylud with short pull sleeves She carried basket oi muma sweetheart roses and stepbantr tis Donald Johnston of Barrie was gioornsrnan and the ushers were Paul Brennan oi Barrie and mgr ert Ransom and Glen Brooks Stiraul reception Iollowcd in Ithc basement of the church where the motifér oi the bridereceived in rose talleta wlih rose lace everset Heraccessories were white The grooms mother was in pink taitcla undergrey lace and was wearing new access qth wore corsages Miss Bonnie Joyce Kennedybi lawn powder bluu tailored Suil ttlilh navy accessories and corsagc of pinkroscs VOn their return Mr making their home in Barrie on airiStreeL Outoitown Huerta at tile wed ding were from Ottawa Uxbridge Preston Micheller st Catharv incs Hamilton Toronto Scarbom Gravenburat Cache Bay and Dartmouth Nova issotia iijgzliitiinl alon facilities limit the bride was wearing and Mrsl Beamlsh will be rd Inth 71 ill Yoi the womenrchrtniap pernee union was held arthd oi lid Gxningman Cook diord In vice dengrprulded tanninit introduced speakers ReVLR Trinihle Burton venue Ignited Cbiircb 82 Gordon WankLia troud Mn Trimble gavethls lturevreading with com en