Av Jr mu Its hard Io Imagine such prclly blouse at so low price Cute sLylcs cu to be con easy In launder These blouses will be nice to lake alnng bn ynur Vï¬cnljonlrlp this summer Walker mldc Imunite purchase these new caning Here bï¬y 100 apun shown In wldc range of nylon soclanncy designs color Ind dealsns wlll make nnd Vuflnug color or the up Into children and wo Annwcnnw saw mm 9°01 up Mme nlce saving for men dressa aids1 snn suits me Danni of Inablnallng places to choosemm nono warn =1 Nylnn curlllnsymeany av wow hem Hurry keep fresh becaumlhéy or hue Ilï¬lcuvu muons Sale ends Saturday butIts wlsc In shop early for Hume canons The prlces are so YOULL NEED law gt In seven not length ï¬gured weighty hark clolh with nch pleats and hooks Thcsu ah good looking bullet tapes usuillyï¬old at about $1295 Spcclnl purchnsp nu alkcrs Annivcrgnry Sale ankm save ynu money all euy drnpmooh the low sale pm Yrs qluuï¬e lie very scrvlcenble amends for hams or cob uy of nests mgm Ilnen gt lt tage Be sure to see thls blg valueon ma wwol mm dime gt gt the Anniversary Sale Eon cooL sgmman ELIgGANpa usyALLnggï¬a SALE ICE and glass Marcspuran dry Woven witnmum HEW 44 035 can mm mm wuhx Mnku thcsc sinarl dress crepcsnlohafle um red plumpten of ycunw gt mar dresses he ï¬gured dnsflgns are very smarL pmdomlnauhg Bl xurc In See them gt GRAND £061 coon non SUMMER BARGMN BELIVERY gpod quality hgd sheets Large 51 for douhed beds chntainsvng starches or Illllngveryvlmle shrinkage as me favorilé wilh home snwers Im its gt wovan Lo glve yearsaf satIstactory Wear union righlnuss Linen he weavc crease reslst ng WALKERSEANNIVEVRSARYV SAVES you gggngmmannnhmn cw spud washable gt calmea spreafls wash may or useiagain Mghbnreven rake of the nan Thialowpricc makes them ml in humn usg an qqllage hne clos allluvs hInged coxalien wmu only 54 inches léng Full 3sz dustpmoi head him Washable cationtapns MYLAPYS gt smgbnnnnwnnexnasnoug syMMEK TIME PYJAMAS Fcéturéd plain crepes very llllllfllflllllllll ï¬luummsm WWW II II 28 to 34 Canon cgepc wullz 36 toys8 pwqiï¬tncgknndvylnevu CAN bus Pawn LIFETIME CREPE SLIPS Gu amnentorgone an nyionngg rcinrced Vu ni sznrorima anel sizes 321 92 vmnr pop LAR ANNIVEnsAnY gnu VERTICA STRIPE KNTIES fqrvsnnnnér these rayon pant or annivhflary