Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 18 Jun 1956, p. 3

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Two artists who wereuborn in this district are making news in British Columbia qnevis young World War II vet eran Irom mnlsiii TownshlpLGordon kWobb andithe other adeseendant Shanty Boys first family the late Lucius Richard OBrien who bechmc one or Canadas most prontin cht palnwls Young Mr Webb Nelson BC school district employee is earning his artistic reputation in phat is usually considered won mans worldneedlepoint ms malor creation Colonial Tomi scene from the past of his own design measuru thirteen by tweniyeight inches it required over forty thousand stitches WA petlt point export as well he has now turned to fiveyear protect the reproduction of Fields anions painting The War In silk on twostrand gaune But he doesnt coniine his tal this to needle and thread woodcarver at considerable lame he Is best known In craft circles as cabinet maker who has ex tended his workmanship beyond practical furniture making to inlt in tables cribbase boards and such decorative pieces as work lng modnls of colonial spinning wheels resident of British Colum bla he also carves replicas oi the provinces totem poles in his remaining spare time he is now working with metal ll latest venture is model oi steam threshing engine in brass and copper only twenty inches long Mr Webbs Parents Mr and Mrs Alfred Webb now reside in Toronto Heused to farm with his father an the twellth cono cession of lnnisillTownship when he attended collegiate in Barrie During the war hevserved In the Royal Canadian Air Force First RCA President haul historian Fred Grant places Lucius Richard OBrien as the son of the late Colonel Brien oi Shanty Bay Born there in 332 he became the firstpres ldent oi the Royal Canadian Acad emy of Art In ISM and held Lh iiifice for teayears Just recently one of his works watercoir impression of Rowe Sound painted in 1888 was pre sented to the British Columbia provincial archives by Arthur Penny of Quebec City it do picis three lndlans idling in their canoerlose to the shore Particularly interested in the enery of the iiocky Mountains and the Selkirk Range the artist was commissioned to paint CanA adlan Menes by the Marquis of Lorne and Princess Louise while they were in residence at Rideau Hall in Ottawa The painting is the first by BoysanebuH SpuihSimvcoe Won Lost Points Knock Alliston District industrial League Softr ball Igamc Torgis Automotive buried Police under anvavalanch oi runs Final score was 318 Turgis were behind 14 at end of the first inning tonkthe lead 21 lathe secondthenwe wild for 11 runs In the third hing eight in iheiourthiive lll thélifth in the sixth frame rites liy Morrow audit the artist to be added to tho Ir chive collection English ViSitor visitor Iroin England in town or the summer is Miss Adelaide Allen of Ealing London who is lpcndlng three months with her brother and sisterinlaw Mr and Mrs APE Bert AIIEII 46 To main Street shc flew to Canada vla BOAC and will be rctunilng gzme at the beginning of Septem Mr and MrsAllen and their Visitorareplannlng trip west to the Calgary Stampede at the beginning of July Miss Allens vlsitlssomelhing in the nature ol family reunion it Is the first time she and her brother have seen each olher for thifly seven years Honored At Dinner The Barrio district stall at the Metro lllan Life Insurance Com pany onored one of its assistant managers John Barkey at dinner It Baystalislodge onthe 25th anniversary of his lolning the company All of his service has been In lhe Barrie district He served as an agent in Parry Sound and HuMsviile and was promoted to assistant manager in 1934 Assistant Manager William Kin ton expressed the good wishes oi the staff and made suitable pres enlation Manager Eric of Pope also spoke oi Mr Barkoya contri bution to the districts record Mrs Barkcy received lovely bouquet spring flowers Guests included the wivcs oi the agency staff the ofiice staff Group Supervisor George Squarehr ggs at Toronto and Mr Barkeyé sonin law and daughter Mr and Mrs Prank Murphy and their shn Gregory Return From Florida Mr and Mrs Morri son and their daughter Carol havoreiurned to Harris and are residing temporarily on St Vin cent Street beloro taking up resA ldence on Highland Avenue They have been living in Dade City Florida for the past 10W years Theirdast trip home to Barrie was brief visit last summer Leaves For England Ambrose Rivett leit Satura day afternoon by air for England where he will he holidaying for three weeks He flew to New York by TCA and from there by BOAC While abroad he intends to take motor trip to Edinburgh and make flying trip to Paris ENGAGEMENTS The engagement is announced 01 VEiflll Georgina Hubhert BA in stroud younger daughter at Mr and MrsnGeargeHuhbcrt to John Rex Mamuls oi Leiroy sun at the lateJiir and Mrs Marquis the marriage to take place in July 7o CANADA MOST NEWEPRINT Prior to 1925 the US ledthe world in newsprint production now has only onefifth or this countrysyproductio ere cveryoaewweraih erho our rst real summerheat spell asnt been getting you down me their erroru sk quiltthe simeoe county Arts and pram Association entry in The Star Weekly Canodlana contestwere Mis Kenneth Cavonogh left Mrs JCMonkmnn cen Any douse the quiiimindrd women of slmcoe County may have had about the superiority 01 their crattsmansidp his dis appeared Consideredtnps in their trait ever since thu county aria and traits association be gan sponsoring ialrio display their works at art they have taken lint prize in nationwide conicst sponsored by The Star Weekly Judges were unanimous in lhoir choice of the Northern Night quilt designedby Mrs Ada Bruce Torrane oi Orlllia or the $500 Canadianaaward The quality movement and sym bolism oi the work at 25women irom all overths county was considered outstanding and in spired inspired nulgn Canadian loans with jet eyes the aurora boroalis and stars compose the pattern in greens while yellowsand black Mrs Torrance was inspired by spec taele oi the northern lights view ed at white Fish Falls not tar irom Sudbury She was struck by the peculiar green which was reflected on the while rocks Canadiana designto her call ed for someihing dramatic some thing encompassing the country from ocean to ocean and the aurora horealis emcd to meet this requirement Then she wantsd to add some thing that had ville to the de sign and since the loan has its nestins grounds near the north ern lakes and also on thcj Pacific coast ltseemed to bi particular ly appropriate Polaris the nor thern star pointed to lay the Big Dipper compleied tlio striking design Then came the search for the material Threocolors following in sequence on dry goods couaier seemed exactly right and so monochromatic color scheme of yellow and greens was decided open scareh was made for starprint for the sky and quite accidentally striped snow iiako material also related to the Canadian nor was found This print served more than one purpose since part or the grey stripe was pieced Into theloens wins and snow flakes were cut out and sewn in the centre at the stars Thus the print itself gave new ideas to the develop ment oi the design Thumb nail sketches showing diitereni ways 01 sitting blocks together were made and soon bees were held in various parts at the countyto carryout the initial aspectsof the Work Numerous unforeseen happ 815 presen 15 in no es offielected muslclrom the classics Sunday afternoons nounis lngs delayed the work hutiin ally the blocks were assembled and theJop was cornpleted and ready ior quilting Mairibers of thearts and crafts issociailnn came from dllferenl towns on dillercnt days to work The quilt ing which it hld been estimated would take about three days was so llllrieale ihatlt was not ishcd until midnight on the ll Local Warren ln Barrie the quilt workers were Mrs Kenneth Cavansgli Mrs CMonlrrnan Mrs Atkinson Mrs Caldwell Mrs Llew Beaver Miss Edna West Mrs John Stewart Mrs Carruthers and Mrs Palmer other workers irons various sections of the county were Mrs Wilson liirsHJ Duke Miss Ruth Lamb Mrs Murray Mrs Trask Mrs Blacker Mrs Douglas MISS Olga andsley and Mrs Jamieson oi Orlllia Miss Earl arll Cooper of Goldwater Mrs Spesring Mrs Gerald Purnell and Miss Emma Somervllle oi Stay ner and Mrs Marshall Menzies Mrs Cliifoid Metheral and Mrs Albert Stewart Collingwood on Display The Northern Night quilt is now on display in Torontohlong with othcr top prizeWinning Follnwlng more than week or hot sunny weather change common Friday with lrcsh hm andraln on Saturday sundry cleared v7 and was mad and today prov raises little change Spircas are cascading again every where Temperatures at Minets Paintwore June sune Junc June June June June June June tin statistics upon completiono oncghali oi the regular schedule The inllowing standings nellld games up to and includin Tu June 12 Eus Louise Granger Be an Parker Dorian MeLenaLorna Bowling Pat Wright Hazel McLean Beth denkinl Barb Clive eit Marsnaimr Anderson Milli quills and will be shown across Canada ii will be presented to Museum eventually but before that will Coucmcmng make one return visit to the coun mum to the ham Each Wm iytn he feature It elshlh have iLs own balcony private bath annual quilt and rug fair in Coll and television on of July Ontario brought usual large crowds to the it again and Ihe water is grad uallyibogoming less irigid The new limit it thopavillonMan agér William Albert oiToronto haszcooperated splendidly with the Property Owners Minion has inadi improvements to the pavilin placedtho boat landing and isearrying right onalong rimiiar linet to former owner 5am Stransvnan llarrie The As sociation iafigaiu having the grass cut in the park and will place the awirarningralt when it is repa ed and painted very soon LEACOCK hoist oiinn NewsLetter Formation of ncwcoinpany with provincial charter under the inn name of Stephen Leacock Holel Limited with head oiiice In designed by Mrs Ada Bruce Tor Orillla wasannorlnccd todayrho rance of Orillia won top prize in the nation newcompany wn own an open wlde competition andis being presented to and 01 the 599 the Royal Ontario Museum Lelch Hotel near Couchlchlng Park in Orlllio andelsewhere The the same time the announce mentot new company was made plans were announced for the con slniction of large new nttcnsiull along the waterfront or Lake to provide 50 new Conlplele with Spring Mattress ltgittsitcharm tun PauiRiriittr loo muchthe past weekor so Dur 405 youll hear in hour oithe Howcrolt fig lag those times when youre just worlds great music perfnhnedby Bishop Betty ii todtuckerod out Iromth heat to renowned artlstsonflawless ti Millenlpnmllw mm do anything hut relax think records now present ourSun Leaguestanding youllrlind that any one or our many andrvatied music shows would make ideal listening The nniinncing stair juggle little tonrtreo line pro BRlNGS been cancelled nutimins to and thenight showwl from five otter nineuntll in night Begiiining tonlglit Jack uttlc will be presenting music League tromtlie The sportspleture at Thisnewprogroin will vb design Stayner Tuesd ed to bring three hours oismooth listening withra predominance ot newreeords andrhll radars slur lag the final hours roadcasting ol the day plus news weather tim checks and ort

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