room than all Sylvia Jamison and lrIG Turn to om all tee ua in thnvvveekend saith awnings atten ed chatting with leadrrnblp achooia and bnspilIla being hand Oakvllie ed over to the native Christians and Ian David oi Toronto and Mr Despite thll there ll great need in Kr and Mn William Boyce oi It and Itrrhek hood week to spend the summer montbrwith HT and Wood Ind other relatives in This monthemoetlnl special oneLIyIarbeldin the basement of this ehureh with anavaraga attend ancoauunentedoonaiderabiy Sev Ind Mn Joseph Hood and family larim an at Slayner Altman visited with Mrs Addinn HaeKeiniereeenlly Idr and lire Art Ovens High land Creek were recent guests at Fred Jobnalona Mr and Has Monrrik at near Mr and him Alex Wood at Ed Rosemont spent Sunday with Mrs montoll lllbleru arrived last and Mrs Evert nuttera for Canadian missionaries in Id dia also trIlnedyoiin¢ people teachers norm in tields ml the Hubert coup were ol mimflure Iiin Kiipatriek mu on with WW 19 m3 Wv asked tho congregation to pray or mu mm mm maturingI mm here who an lam All 11 I119 01 lorvlhose who servo and nei um mmmunm the km noome ol Ihllygrï¬rular on Jema Name and prayer by hm um mm mm sum Era Crosble inflationary news chm any so to be my be Herb Denney necenrvmwfl InkIr presented waa in two letters mm long Indllry Mn Harry and iamin nt Maple mainmum ilam Sharpe Su ay wlihNephew litre Scythe spent lira Alfred Sgncer were Mr and luck at Niagara ll Mn Corbett oi Coohstown and Mr and Mn iamea Spenoer Mia and Mn William Cornea of Hamilton wernup lately with the iItters Plflnll Mr Ind Mn womans Anodatlon were pres Mn Cecil Bretbet had charge 01 the meeting with unit Hem ry secretary The worship service consisted at suitable hymns pa er on Menage or Anxious Days byMn Henry and vocal solo by Mrs Parnell CIR The business part was tho lan oing nl uveralitems ol wo to Wil last miulnnariu Misses Lillian Tny lor and Phyllis Croebic Roll call wanerponded to with van containing Obey Boutinc business was transact ed ind Williams praented the elimu at tho study books tor the year in Gilchrist was in ebargu ollbe worship oervico which aim around the theme Mrs James Mccague presented tho Scripture lesson andlMartan Gil Thechoir conlributed the an them take your sin to Jesus Wedding Anniversary Mr and Mrs Elmer niaknly were pleasantly surprised on Thursday evening Juno when relatives arranged gathering in their honor on the occasion at their 15m wedding Innivumry An enjoyable evening was spent in mill tlma together and the bride and groom ni 15 years ago Sunday with her nephew Roy Me Clean in Barrie At RV Graduation Several from here attended tho graduation ol the Royal Victoria Hospital nurscs exercises at tho BDCl Buniaiistweck Sunday Vlalt iiir and Mrs Vorner at Hamilton Visited Mrsr George Wreggott on Sunday were artsenior with lovely gilt crystal Birthday Party Mrs Sullll entertained low little oil on Saturday allcrnnon honoring her son Allnli on his seventh birthdays Quite number mm this die trict wore in Camp Bordon on Saturday or Air Force Day Sunday Visitors Sulidly Vlsltors at Mr Mrs Russell Hood and Mrs Thomas Hood on Sundoyinciudcd Hood or dinqu be started at once and completed thins moiuh ory very ex rionced woman in this branch 31° church work told at her many and varied experiences which contained much wit and humor The one main thought permeating her address was that in ite of all existing conditions an experiences we must not givn up but press on Barr lgthelgnainsul or us by the llile Graduation at Toronto spoke briefly mxmmugh Mrs Fred Gmat and Mrs The Ioeiai ho including rc tlmo or the children alter which Luck attended tho graduati on elsos oi Torontoï¬eneral sawmill ms my Mble gt Schooi of Nursing Convocation Evening Auxllllry TOWN STRANGER AND THE THINGS umvenio otlomnl The regular may meei HE DOES TO lTS PEOPLE ESPECIALLY THE mm md flag saney spaor WOMENL Mira Dorothy Kllpatriek itmaria on Tuesday May 29 Moira on was on he 93 with In attendance of 14 members turned missionary from Northern llllll Iildressed the girls and graduates receivinï¬w oirdlpiomu andvisilors The resident Mrs and pins Moira Don Sentt Preside over the wor boysyin tho SundaySehooi scsv alon and also was speaker during stun service lie them being tho regular worlhip service ol Lite is trust that tests Ilsr Burns United Church on Sunday Inn was sung followed by the ï¬turs marlan by Mrs Meguay altarnoon Miss Kilpnlrlck in leasing mannan pointed program was in chargenl rs Altman secretary oi temper nco and Christian citiunshin who out at there are some things very line paper on thebari that time has changed but also ng oéliquora venising by radio mini um never Wm change luring to India as Ci 99 wonderluliiand whose azeiessness law on ehurch extension stress Mn no our newcomers will never change Speaking ol em Givi 111 th Ithlngs that are beginning it Mrs lg Biaclthand an china it lnvg Dalisionjï¬v tln men on oman pu e51 WP and healthand agricultural methods The meeting closed with liynin literacy is aim betas wenomc ndvprayer by Mrs Barnard Re ondvchildhood is becoming more bmenhwere served and so nl or tlr gt aw In loath thriat tnntrlbuteda lovely piano solo The meditation by the er concluded with the poem and tho meeting closed with the Ilnglng ol the hymn Jesus Savoy and prayer mini hnur loliowed the adjournment Baby Band Theï¬aby Band sponsored by BurnaWMS held meeting at tho homo at Mm Vander Zaag last week with IS mothera and 23 oreschool children attending An intemllng worship scrviee was conducted followsdb social nurscs resideneot nn MIy JiIiiEisiii JollllliYaliiiliiill COLOUM JOAN CRAWFORD STERLING HAYDEN cAiiTooN CAiifiiiirao W5 ammo niniNa wnu BUFFALQBILL cusp 10 rigerntor need Finn INSUR NCE on it Theres wiso Eskimocovering his new furniture with INSUR ANCE Wllill about YOUR lllllli tum Is it INSURED for enough to replace it in case of morehy pedestrians using ourst ilnnyone notieing nstreet lightburn it out or broken will notlly us or telephone No72525 MEGSrho Swaalhoorroko The AttorneyGeneral of the Prdvincepf Ontario hasiuled that yingaes lotteries and gamasofEharice wilina Iangerbo tolerated and slaps will be taken by the above aUthoriiies toéee that such gln order to carry out itsmany community tIVIV ies and id ie or work theK Wanis Club must followa dif ise money in 1954ana 1955 the cob of eanuls Reasonable