give Ihe none Helpergrunting oL howls wn help flmmflr InlI the churchsundnySchool horn Mrs Russell Innerva rided The Scripture reldllll loci 1mm wrs given hyMreWiliinrn gleflhardsglnrgg win byin urp MmTtvrnerutï¬ Introduced the speaker anEd Itcclnnz at Elmvnie end are eve very tnlerestlng talk on the ruin IiilhuI the Bible Hm Jimey Johnston closed the meet Inz In prayer Lunch we served fl by the miles Farewell Party frrewcli party was given on Ind weekend and lingo role byline liar ï¬r Wanna Ind Ibr pretfihompson Apreeenlretmn rilverelke lainm ind yszo and muurpiy They and their piesure at Irecgvlng the minivan llheleekendx Hr end Mmhldhwiot Toronto vIniled Hr nnd yrsmrrIe War mature and tmin vmnrn no llld Dnvid ruldtSundnHarj to thenï¬nvtn Victane CIiIlini TH Frednwm tookuvendut the boy on camping trip nver the ellerontolvhi during lheweehend ed Mrhd riZ Arthur Dunn on on lint Sunday or All numbers starting wlth or add PArkwny EXAMPLE 3110 becomes PAfltway 34110 All numbers sunlng with mid PArkwa EXAMPLE cogs become PArkwny snag on LOCAL cnuzs only the Ive ï¬gures need he dlnled 0N LONG DISTANCE CALLS the Iull number IArltwlly and live figures should he used heuned on printed memrnmu signs BRING YOUR BLUE BOOK OF TELEPHONE NUMBERS TODAIE hut If you have ï¬ends In MIDLAND keep your old telephone honr untleIuiyisth ZThejhree ghrukbnlnfl In St Yohnr Church Iuthundu were cunfzury Bee thevchiidren IrendlnArn Th Predmzriln cemetery bee aid Mchcken Jothurtln got hlseunu It trip Vuflkynndil taking summer Job with the civil eryice to ill In Dirty was held for wards the end of this In nth urn WWI rum NUMBERS should nlsy Ind Knoll mlivotOnueylilenarIIted gt Fawn Mrs Hountnin with Mn Toronto Cur their horn minimum nnd 11 uldhnrst my eclend Mr Ind HnEm Culnn visited In Toronto In Vney no the weekend MnBertCuton was In Toronto Mr Ind Mn Leth Cerr spent oLdnyr nit Udaeï¬im were recen km vlnlton uAPortCredih Stanley Dian will be held June In the hilar nonnL All who Ire Interested try tn come Fishing lrtp flax HoydSlntoni IndSterling Ile Mlnl Summer Job Cruley were north on tubing Surprise Irnrty inn Hodgson on the 0e France Ann an of Thornton mion oi her ISIh birthday June mm Sunday with Rhoda like Her Illnily Ind their children Shlnnnn gunned it the homeo Mr Ind urn Thom Hodanr George gt Recent vtuum Mr and Mrs Kr cnwtordfnnd llan otDerlmrn Mien IEI Mrs Edwin Richardson To Wm Pem rmila telephoned birlhduy greet George leith were presented In membunhlp ller At ninehuhweaalu ur and Mn June antnrd Toronto luteeket tending their dlulhter lurtlyn wedding on Saturdny June neuery Exeéotive leean Mrs George anlord ind Mm GDusto attended aVDeAnery 2x ecutive meeting It Mn McCulcheonr Creemore Sheep Ereedcrl Convention wI munflzounx Dnendlh Eric Johnston and Inlin of Ian don with parents Mr Ind Mrs Georue nhhston Hardin Clnluenre Hr andvjlrt Ilin have been In Toronto the pulwe¢klr Vuil mendlng eminence Birth of Dlurhter Congratulations mu Ind Err Bumhh on the nrrlv daughter Qntvot Ilospilxl Irenk Vancleef wnr ahie tn relum hume Irom Salurdnyr nnéehrlrievmt Mrs1 George rellives In Bracehridge and Hampton recently Writing runner Mrs CInlphelI Toronto hu been virlting Irlendshere Int Whilehero rhn the Womens Institute meeting In the Drank Elli on Wednud were In veseuhle al lob nospiul lut Minering er Gran at Snynernttended the sheep hreedera convention held It Guelph but mm which was week gtlended he literan while My oi Cookslown visited with Elm Bruce Wk can on hnIIdny north and he dlugh few days wlth his nephew Ed Ingr Mm Hndgsun was given Gibbons and tnmilyr twgrbouqugls oheoi rosehud and Mr and Mrs Bruce Wice and Inoflter oi snnlnlrnglmsv lion Mr and Misrii Shlnnml visited with other gittr Best wishes with Mr and Mrs McDonald Guelph Sundry Sundly vnn The Kcicey tnmlly spent Sun day with Mr nndMrn Howard Kelcey at Toronto Harry Keléey is suing tn spend lrfw more diyr with his hthur and family In the city Benn Blnquet Several families from Knot attended the Scout and Cub hul quel nt traud recently Correspondent Blthn By Dog Your cnrrespondent had the misfortune to be hmen by Viclour dog lit the McCarrol home on Thursday altemoon Ind hid to he treated by Dr Shlnnon at Barri mad ï¬rst hm on are unliy uirement is your ingwgoi This rs the same in ndlydependahleIiousehuld menu that ho unmannedinmakirig gt odayvmorc ms All for the normhi retail price Wélfaré Work veto quarter0mm VA thanfrolnnny lhercompany PICKUP ANDDnVn 1mm nu nnmr HARKKIE mam new utsnmonArrn Finn at on the cooper err Eithglemmjlpn keen moi or WI diurletum hegth ltd thigh writan Observer WW Mon and the economy urn Carntvnié nnd Lotteries other ï¬gmes ox ohnnce were not to hekcnrrledfoll by nnyKIwun dluh ta onrry them out we will be arid gtti1e ï¬rooeeds hseci irt 1m 1an the 10an pfchirr and District the orthoamtn yenr3 All goods are This lelt its out hn linl more or less and as oommitrnents to the Town of name and Districtan shah that we have to have money conducting this Sale in Comp Borden on following nights limom It Is 51 1clerely hoped not when the Kiwaninn Club uterimet on is at your door yonwili greet him most ordinuy indpurchase your supply of Vacuum pn Led RIEEXA