New The Mllerilu wus It the home 01 India Prue Sutherhndon WedneIdIy June The meetioe opened with an to warship toilnwed bx nyer by Mrs Hand answered by IVeneon mauht by all who attended Mn Conn was in ehIrze or the study The Christian Minion Dittererlt belief and conditions were described bymemhen and solutions which Ire being uttered llnd hook thIt lmybe obtained Christ otters Inen strenzth Ind counlgc but does not promise use and random but strength Ind cournge ta Ice diltisuitles Ind pmbiemsthzy may Live to Ice tie promise them HII presence The hiizpah benediction closed the devotionli part orme meeting splendid Bihlequix wzl con ducted by Mr DNeiwn Mrs Watson nd ms Hulhu Issisi Tilt Stroull Womens institute will meet In the Community Hall on ThursdIervening June 21 nt 85 under the eonvunurship at community activities Ind public relations Thil is to be visitors night when Churchill Letlo and Belle Ewart Jre invited to be guests debate resolved that TV In dctrimentnl the Just interests at home In community Churc hill vs Stmud loll calgis childs humorous saying veryone we come Siroud WI rm lnvited to he guests at Pilins ck and asked to put on the shit The Majors Rn Ljnvcry At Rotary Convention Mr Illll Mrs George Muiholland and Mr llnd Mrs Denis Shenrd spent Inst week at Rotary CDlIs vention in Philldelphll Molar to West Mr and Mn Joules Campbell Ian on MondIy on motor trip In Western Canada and down to Calitnrnia snarmm Field my Saturdava Shorlhnln iieid dIy was ileldltzlhe Irmrot Mr and Mrs walll Glnmoutiu nlor highlight away Iinu Onlylo mnnug In pf wnrhu until wont 12 lovegiyinnturnl gt 0453 16 will with Roux ave your hair wilful II it co pendants Ivtour ntthe tIrnI Ind speller Lunch Ierved by the Pguiettn Eventu Auxil iary St PaulI Anglican Church Cooling School Dent min thb cooking uhooi xporlsored byvthe Pulleltes Even in Auxiliary of Si Plull Church in the Sunni Cnlnmunitthuon Frldny Junels number at Erin will be liven Come and ring your triends For further particulars see coining events Eiehnngeltuehen SundIy June 17 Rev Hell 01 Dundlik United Chrllch form eriy ot Cookstown wilt Dmeh It AliIndIle Ind ï¬troud Prelim iIn churches iie the miniIter ttev ltulr canducts Inni versary servites It Dundllk Henlorhi Service The melnnrlat unite to be held In the nth Line Cemetery on Sunday June 24 with Rev WInleu in chIrxe mixtedby REV Muerlnd Rev Mr Sanders Services on June 24 will be held in Strand Presbyterian Church It lIIm on Sundry June 24 to give everynne chInce to an to the memoriol service It the cemetery in the nttcrnuoh llnlidIy Acre Dpen Members at council Ind their wivu also members at slut and their wives or husband were guests at the opening at Holiday Acres on the 9th line at lnllixtil Tum Pnttendens metultra sup plictl music for dancing Ali re port an enjoyable evening Recent Visitor Mr and Mrs Frunk Ayerst ot Moareiicid with their son Ind lnmiiy Mr and um Mel Ayem Mr lnll Mrs Kent Miller and Marilyn oi Cooksvilie at Dwight Nelsons Lyndll Scott of Toronto with her uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs Fraser Campbell Wedding Anniversary Miss Jenn nnd Wiisan Wice tit tended the 45th wedding nnniveb sary at Mr and Mrs George Wice nt lnllcnhnm on Saturday June Gnrden Te Remember the Garden Ten It the United parsonagan Wednes dny uttemoun Jlllle20 mm 35 oclock sponsored by the WMSI in the absence oi Rev pub ninth Conï¬ntuledomlo Slim mneer who 3512111 In on June 19 vlr Inneer enioyl rum clefllll timer um 0n uudny lln6drdnnllixheld tImily thellu in honor of Mn flixl inhenflnth birthday InnivemryV Guest included Mr Ind MrnWV Hill Mus Eltubeth liilL um RubyMlilst Ind Mn Humid and Emily Crcemare Ir Ind Hrs Mph Millup Blln turd MHorenee Fink nu run In Alli Flick Ind Ily San bnrn MY Miiisap and in Mary Illilsap Creemnre Mr Ind Mrs Oriey Arnold and family Dunedin UMMWMS and WA There um 10ml Illendollcc at the United WES Ind WA meeting In the minim June lwiih Mn McLean presiding the WMS opening devotional period was men by Mm Reynolds including the scripture raiding and splendid talk on me Fear to Faun The htzhlight at the program war the intemtlng and iniurmI live report or the recent Presbyteh ill meeting in Orillin given by Mn ll Goodteliow Beelhf Mn Whales sang very sweet the beautiful hymn Hnw Great Thou Art The roll call was Inrwered by scripture verse an Feiinwshipund plnns were mile for garden tea lit the pnr sonlfle onWednesdny uttcrnuon June 21 Fnliowingthe W3 allan bits LOYDS la PLUMBEE EWUEJHEUOB YDUWLLGET and Mrs ll THE ENGAGEMENT is Innounel ed of Miss Catherine Lentil Bow mIn daughter ulThorru Robson Bowmnn Ind the inte Mn BowmIn ot Slruud In Alan Keith MacDon ald sun at Mr and MrLNeil hiIcDonIid nl Barrie The mm rinzu will uke place quietly Suturdly July 1956 It three oclock in the Iiternoon in Collie street United Church Barrie Smith75tndio inns martin was hultl by the WA with him Booth presiding Some new mumbelswere welcom ed and committee repuru receiv 1d PlIns were nlndlylor quilt Ing on Wednesday June 21 In the 55 room and ameninynbie half hour with lunch Oomphted the meeting rl nd MrslVA var nd Miss Elisabeth Kneeshnvrot Toronto Ind ll Deifmrner at in yard Sunday nleitl ol Mr Mrs Grenville Kuhn Manonhip iuik our school tea plenum weellend ill ho trip to Port Dai her rifle nJIVI my vtnr Mnnrileehrrner ntWhiin then head with Mrs Neiity EIAIIING YOUNG it it being tound more and more tint tutti ater per mm to be renin etteetive lnust rurtytth the younl people Nat those in their late teem neeuur Iiy but even the ynuwten at ete mentary Ichool ueAtllmlun Ont Progress fittin Bellut SUNDAY Jun 71958 involved by norm lnun stun nan 23 um sireel nun Au Annwmcmm mans SEND ME rum rnnncmnshnour YOUR SCHOOL yvimour ANY OBLIGATION DNMY pAnr DATE ll GIRDLE All EXAM luvéragsnndfllu hi ï¬gures Slie 3242 up $49 MORNING SERVICEVUNLY gt nvnnvpnnwmcom qLAmlruInIé In Nemnolulm brgInist Mn SHAWANM gtChoirieader Mrs Srnetnunt IllaHOLY ColllfliNllni ll urnMORNING PRAYER AND jsuNllAY saloon Dénneryhchnnlao Pulpit PREACHER Ml connonlmn prunelug pm nougconllmmon EVERYONE wnuconn SUNDAY JUNE 17 1956 945 unfliureh SHIle AzesBnntl up 11 LILNIH ll AKinderuulen lt unV THE THINGS IllT ARE MORE EXCELLE REV 51 HELIX MA at Knox United Church Durham Ontario Remember tha vary Member Cnmmunion SundayJune 24 at 11 Int Everyonu Welcome néslalvunon Army Citadel an Collier sum gt SUNDAY mm 17 1956 Imlrormlzss Mm N0 eso pHunuArVscumu omornunm pmrEvnngetlstic Service warm welcnlrie nwuiLr pm at jlnmsnvnunn Army col tailST TED gt Mlnllter Rev Lewis MA Bl Omnlst Indcholrmuter Lloyd IIttiord SUNDAY JUNE 17 less 11 Mahmudml Jonununion rnn ClIUItCR sbnmn it In Junior Senior and lniemediItéV Deplm ll Lm4Kinderurtenjlnd Prilnnry Departments ll munIN WILDMAN HQUSE Nursery Depï¬andlnby Slip ting tor PreNursery Children tunEVENING SEIIVKCE Andrews Presbyla an Chute Owen nndWorsleystn REV JAMES FERGUSON Mlnucer ulun FAIHERS DA we ElmEVENING Vsnnvrcn Muslc by the Junior Choir Miss Eileen rslulmmons Accbrdinnist The nlnlster atlmth munTHE cnuncn ervices CHM Align mull gnaw scnoor 1100 munANNUAL cuvncn oo pnu41veiuouz Hermon cnnventtdn nnv mill 5W5 11mm uoanNa smich on Indnunén 24 Collier Illï¬lm 11 mum InnHOLY comn 930 trimMORNING Am SERMON ARADE ST JOHN AMBULi ANCE CORPS BROADCASTl ulllque Society ijheï¬evahttnnnend Speclulnlsrlonury Film one the East gt mnrrynnsr ANGuCAN JMISSIDN 1cm sum 930 IntMurmur Prayer Sermon run nnv ALLAN mu Junlnr Suhdny Scrum 045 fuéSenlnrrqundy henna MATERIALISM Fiel MusB up or Angus United Uhurch Junior cnnzrgzaun muncn scnoor lloLY companion Asm you lift clrlmcn goo niynéld at raw nnlam SUNDAY mun use is full lrreacnln er eetingevery Well It oclock EVERYBODY wmqonn Chppertonsl at Wotslay REV ALUCK BA BB Minister MISS CLOUGHLEY Organist and Chair Leader SUNDAYJUNE17 1956 950 mphSUNDAY SCHOOL 11 um wnnr wn Alli DOING utroyntnrio and Quebee