made lathe lobbyls the owegse hlcb mntllnl the iir tire reduced By HInalleldClIlelJu ulyï¬ 1951 Guest proceeded upstairs to the ntoderniatii omega where lur titer welcome was utended bycurl Pollock secretarytreasurer the trimInd Mrs Pollock Mn Nettleton Mrs Thoma Smith and Mulllcbael Keegan mi inty melved lovely flower bouton rilere Illnt Orllnlntlon Iltr Jansen viceprealdentJnd plant nuno andE Ted Netuelon Personnel manager were In charge of tnur organisationmi this was Ipqumplished by dividing theviailors Into groups of Ibout 20 each led by qualiï¬ed fluldo lop explain the operation of the taetory The guides Included Thomas Smith our Isln agent Michael Kergun amuntnnt llKCun llllE chiet chemist Joseph Catrun chiei nngincer hloeKeignn plant super ndent Mn Hater tire technlc ll Doucette chem Ist Robert rahimhehlel clerk James Moore assistant In cnglnee inn Phil Sauvcpiunior aecountan and It Curhnmn whtiJs on mm the lolnpany Mnnsiie il Ohior =trunt oi the plant tacos High way 400 and it is In processor he in beautllully landscaped Wlth its brilliant spotlights the Mills lipid Company provides Inideai iucal viewpoint to travellers tinI demeath thebllicu Is the labora tory where cheiniris continually lest pruduch and cnnduct Expen menta in tiremaking Poweriul Stpain Unit Fiist amint of call was semi ale huii In tonneiside oi the big Ianttheboiier house and heat ing plantll is located the huge generatingplant where steam is prnccmd tor curing tires An other steam generator Is to be In stalled shortly One at these gon enlors producesenoughsteam In one day to heat 100 average town houses for whole year it was also Interesting to ienrn that the powerbtll 01 this Muns Ileld Company runs abuuLSlmo every two months That goes in to Barries Public Utilities mun Icipally owned and operated The tour itseii through tho main plant was most interesting as per cent at those present iind lit tle idol of the many insets ol the rubber Industry or how tires were They make them new in Barrie ram start to ï¬nish The process begins at thean hury Mixer where the raw rubber and other materials are combined then by conveyor to the mills tor turther heating and mixing Emm the mills the mixed materials are taken in either at two directions the treadtunil on one sidE tn the lubric calendar on the otherThen virom each side thsï¬mduct goes to the biasrutterun iour units of tire builders where the skill It tainted by the various operators was amazing nroeesaing Produet Xoho Lake nd router tumour Canadian Paulie allallway Rocky Moun In nsqrtrlmrnytimq used It stopoverr Intlnonr hmkeyvplaylnz exp oration tar tblmble berries choke cherries Indl hall to admiteven It thin date lpple ma hherry nup pllea Iron toms larmeit orchard Il welhousht he id ot see us tiongtit by Nathaniel Ian law years laterlNthlnlel Dy ment prominent lugnbcrtnnn oi Ba took over the pro erty as training ground for Is raec horsu allowedzby hissmu SI man and Albert and Iinlliy by tho lateW ll Wright which pretty well coversthe ground to theprcs ent time The propertynn said by the Wright Eslate Io Mansfield Rubber Co in lBSdr In the sportan line no one 01 the oltHImera needs to he told that some at the Kremier athletic field aquatic and orso ratlug events at Canada and the United States were regularly held In harrie II which all the leaders in their re spcctlve cswero entered Barries nee track at one time was the tiniest and one of the most complete tracks on the con tinent until the liamiitnn and Northwestern Railway ran into town in 1877118 blseeling the grounds and putting the truck as time rugs out oI business Bmoltdaie Stable And It was about 25ycars ago that the Toronto Saturday World in nature story on horse rac ing in Canada stated Ill the score of not tracks over which the Queens IIatewas decided in the early days not one remains as racing ground The nearest to that would he the course It Bar rie where Roddy Prlngles Mig nonatto won thepiale In 1873 It is now thetraining Khan the nrookdale Farm of Messrs Simon proceed to this spraying oven presses In 18 minutes the greens come out tinlrhed tires and alter ï¬nishing and inspection by ex ports at the job they are shipped out to customers These tire thetmaln ea titres frhnrc are many citra ciillies such as head winders main lenanee workers Ilrst aid rest room Etc Outside of the oltice all personnelare male of the rise ged tyne But the operation has been its tablishad and it is credit to those responsible tor Its inception and IL organization ally the guests proceeded to Barri Country Club or recap tionanil hultet supper They were welcomed there by Mrs Jansen Mrs Carron and Miss Simona secretary to the president also Mr and Mrs Nettleton and Mr and Mrs Smith who were nhie to get away lroln the plant alter Iii By conveyor tho gt groups had been embarked on the inspectiontour 81 3332 mi fairness ol Short and 116m Dynient interoi in Wright It the year previou have iviiouiim Bi°t° or it open re 1y meeton Junell2lmrgwithithmis ands of pearls In tbotwo pd stands and on horses ent Irom the best Itahlea in Cantu the United Statuflncludinz la Bel lmmone Kentucky total And In reportlnzth Lineetnlx the Toronto Globe Juno um nia1nirnit altozether the track ts without eieoptlonona at the but onthe continent and An polntrol Iuttline wil liker outahlne the one In ButtIo It would be well It some at the other racing associations would take int out at the ï¬ltrate Vpeopiea book in this nspttcL townsKin screen Itldlantt Iodhad bee promised hemd duriim tli afternoon by thiadltu oi hLlau Church or Fo Midland Road illecvn Gibban Ind Deputy heave SprouieJre attending the negation oi County Council Barriethla week There will plenlejln Million Wednes day and boatqu up the Going tan Environ Penetanxon Thurs Durinu an enquiry period Tues oepuiy Reeve Sprouientxed lbotlt $5000 grant mid to Mid land tor roads Hoteltthat the town had been yery Invisth treated tittyyear without their umma CP not lighting wildMllkmhï¬tyï¬ renamed children of pryunvoi Llllmtbt Butthefllttlemo was intuitIt Irwin nu hut incy viii preserve your your inrniinre yourtemper We are experts In tho dUiIeult art at running 109d nyninn insoptions Fathers Day complete in nuts It ng wnul ohoosaior iumseiiirpomiortnhie edvslacksgln your Rayonatnyion blend in bren Inlsh or study Rayon in worsted iinIs we ï¬t oroodcioth with riikyrnercrrizeri unish Saniorlzed Choose llods liworlta styleln nIzed or insert collars reruinrfo French cum white blue tan grey Included PolovShiris interinrf Crew néiihfshortlaloeves In