Mr at an Danny Johns Chum PHONE 5943 24 moms not nor iman on IBM Worthy Mr and limitationWorthy and tomato attended Sb millsmt an ASuntinyithen Wayne Dianonnd 5944 mo ncurcry Within 56 unit tilrd Air and In Gordon icy weer odparanta tar Dianne The gucxtn More entertained lor lunch by Mr nndMn Roy Ile cracken at OrnlghunL ortiey VII In Toronto on Saturday nae2 and attended the opera igoleitof in Maple Lent Gardens Position lnOttuu hn Worthy icitltor Ottawa on Saturday to tnheup position in that city Lodge Banquet in Toronto Mrs Bowman was in Town to on Monday June where the attended the annual llilton hlemnriai Lodge banquet Gnndmuthln Evening The Womens Institute meni bcan were hostesses to the grand mothers the community on the eveningoi June at their reg ular meeting Prizes for oldest grandmother went to Mrs Brawn youngest Mrs Miner and grand mother with the most grandchil dren Mrs Perkins Mrs Simp son won the lucky cup nd saucer Close Earlier Than Expected The Girl Guides and Brownies brought their meetings to close until all rather earlier than was anticipated due to the proximity at school examinations the evening oi June with sev eral parenu and friends in at tendanee There was Flying Up cer emony for three Brownies who had passed all their tests and were old enough to join Guides They were Sharon Blnltey Kath ryn snccr and Lynda Murphy iLintia Taylor was also eligible tor jicr wings hut was absent due to Golden Bar badge nd cnilectors badge were prcsentcd to Marguerite Kort and lrene Syzperski received her second stripe to become sixcr oi the ry Six They ere Collector artist thriit alhs Vlete nnil knittcr Three Guides Gull lionshergcr dieselnary Raikcs and June Fisli ér received their Second Class adges Laundrcss anti neediewomnn roiiciency badgeswere awarded hath June Fisher and Rosemary allies whiio Rosemary in addi nun earned hcr cyclist dairyrnaid nd swimmer badges After the more serious part ut he program the girls demonstrat fed games and all joined for en piire concluding with both puidc and Brownie Taps All Had Mumps The Taylor family have all had umps as have Carol Atkinson moss Cameron Jack Kendall Murray Dingruan Jimmy Wood lid Susan Jacobs Visiting Son Mrs Oliver is visiting her son family Mr undrltlrs liver for month tittyr and Daughter Banquet VD Oliver and her Mrs Sarjenntdot maintenance program come in and inquire about details at no oblig ation The livo groups mat together Mrs month in Toronto withhei dau idirs naihcs Mrs Cold Ghanas i9ogtuto it soon it 3321 it writ Measuring 33x27 icet ihcniuin house with garage has overall measurements at 52 feet Cuhage oi ihe house is 1900 tent of thc gamgc 3000 out Quite large lot would hc required to hold The Meirose with at least 35 £th oi width rcouired frhc simple iront entrance opans directly into the lBGxli4livlt ing mom with its 20 small glass panes the large picture=window inrlhe front wall admits light and sunshine into the living room while servmg as ti umtivepuint of interest both inside and outside the house Smaller windows flanking the hrcpiaccin the right waiiui the room admit iiehtand sunshine irom this exposureand also give view otthc side yurdoud nearby countryside The spacious closet at the roar ol the room can he used or hanging up guestsi coats also too storing your iamiiys uln brelias runners etc nccausc thisroom does receive so much light it lends iisoii to ghtcr bnliquet at Collier st Unit cd church on June Mrs Sar ichnt is one of the leaders Month in Toronto Spencer is spending ghters Itccent Visitors Mi es Joanne and Susan Ellis nt Toranto were recent lots with Mr and Mrs Oli er Diocesan Deanery rMeeting well Mrs Lighthourn and Mrs JOliver attended thenjo cesan Deanery meeting in Eagle ne the working counters cupboards and cabinets are amhgedvin the breakfast nook Reached bya hallway thezporch provides direct has another door at the endof the back yard window in the Just about anycolor scheme How ever neutral colors arc us see great deal at use and are with Iheir many likes nnddis likes Youlldish find that attra tive furniture arrangement in present no problem whatsoever in the living room at fihe Melrose door in the centre at lett wall leads tothe l4le room which can he used as dini room den or bedroom dcpch ing upon your preterence in the matter It you decide touae this room asa hcdruonn youitap prociatc the spaciousnoss oi the side the stairhay to the cellar Ito ever hould you docide to use this n1 as dining and oasiiyeonve closet into large chinacabinet with driiwers underneath for sfo ing linen etc Regardiins ot the use to eh you put this room the doubt wn one at the most attractive features the lung unbroken int wall wii facilitate turniturn arrange ment in den this walrwouiil put recommended or rooms which the living room For plumbing economy have the laundry lnrtaii oceupied byn variety oi people ed under illdltltLhElt or bathroom is shot Tin Queen from Africa gt still and Dalston dows initsrlrunt wuliwiil ruinuui on Sunday the hplo in the cellar at flhe Melrose heating equipment undur Blueprints Avllllbie Compiete plans and speculu lons ionthishouse and all other Home of the wee designs are valinhie ntmode to cost Wm crown Hill Womens institute members will hteetai the och closet located in the leit will be Olil Eieeirie entraiice at him on Wednesday Junc 13 for tourot the building This will followed Missiohnryrï¬omMriea Mr niislionary spoke to men congregations Weppler Guests at Grad LhThe ighcs wrégnestsut no on make the ideal lncatiounior huilt evening Dr gr up Sunday ooidgo was the Mil Queén silty any 29 the coir under cadrnhipoillflu Doris ii entertained their mothers band lMldhurst milted arch Sunday Schnol muting with the banquet were girls vwhnse nouns neiior tafltavi gouits Guest intent Watch secretary in Minute CGlT duhalnd Rev andltri Vcair no Alter huhquet Doris hia prnposcd toast to the followed by to to hunt proposed by Linda Marshall replied to by Rev Veils Th1 was followed by In athnr toast inadeto the Mothers hy lean ODrahe replied to by him Lynn Russell There was short ningsung while theCGlT girls were pre paring tar itpuppci show on the atoryrol Babyjloses The Ex ploter girls dramatized part or Minionnry Story which they had taken in the years course Everyone then moved into the church The Explorers opened this part at the evening with worship service and then had their dedication of the treasure chest for Explorers in aiiiiiltlnn withihoWMS ThEACGlT touowcd with their Atiiiiation rcrvice with Whis Each oi the girls receiv ed World hlend Crest at the time of afï¬liation Rev Mr Vania closed the evening with benediction Charch News 1311 Cutler was the speaker at the regular church lervico on Sun day Juneio Rev Veal was altending the Toronto Confer ence Junior Choir 1mg Fathervwntson in organ iting junior choir They met at130 Sniurday alternoun for practice rruiu rotunto William Day and Mist Allen of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Day Miscellaneous shower On Friday very pleasant ev elgng was enjoyed by the com nity when Norton Farraghai and Jack Marahnliwere given miscellaneous shower prior to their wedding June16 The evening was spent In dancing to Art Boyds orchestra Nomaand Jack wereiealled to theirth and Mills Darn Kellogg read an address to the young couple on hehnlIof the cnrnmun speaker slides were shown and explained during the evening Mr Melreilau WA News womans Association met at Mrs ii Goughs onwodncsday at pim Thedevutienai was taken epsaké from my grand Tea hostesses were Mrs Drury and Mrs James my Crccinore Visit Mr and Mrs William Switzer visited with and Mrs Will lam Manning in Creemoré on lira In our harm ol ldhurrtwerecroccnt wickend Congratulation to around at luk soon ut Toronto on ihc arrival at may hay liiToinflnioV Mrs ll Miles spcnding couple at week with her daughs ter Mrs Art Boyd in Toronto iua upliai Mra lrwithnnpp ls inRoyIi Victorialioapital Wewish tier speedy recovery ulnary rn On Tuesday Iiiernoon Mrs 11 Priest ntertaincd about 20 chil dren and 10 IdtllLl to birthday party fol hurvso Billy agES The children had very happy uma together and all enjoyeda ruost dcilcious iunch short visit Mr and Mrs Bud Martin and ity Misses Phyllis hon Mine ring Miss Forget Candies and MuriciSpcnce carried in the gills Norma and Jackhath replied tineg nnd thanked their many friends Annivcriary Services Midhurst vUnitédfhurch nnni venury service will he heldon Sept 18 Rev Paul Field of An gus wiillhe the gpeakc palnt gaes aiterlhe trials at winter weather via torswitn air Induil SCok not mineral spring with mod lelmlquaiiticl vlmgtou St Christopher one or the British Wentindies Leeward islands inng way in amanenlng up your hntno and home repatraanu inllllovunentsuï¬ vitally necessary to protect such it large in vestment no your own home are at Denls Sheards have all the material you need and are in lioittionvto help and advise you with youre pair needs Al bumssnthtnos youGEft nigh ouuiityhlutcriuiu Reasonable Prices Eiinerienéed vi laElflcieht Delivery service Convenient parkinga inadiusu you pick up racy ucccrslhiilty tuaowu and Country speciallygond Tim Payinent Pl to approved aceountl in book shelves Directly across the central huii way iromthl multipurpose rou is the ad rn hathl wh large ehollgh to hoid both ituli and air shower To the left oi the bathroom in thevweiipianned lilteilén hich shape along the back andside walls Tire retrigeintor should be placed at the end of the Working counters agnius the right wait while theatove can he placed her tween the line at Cnbirietslnthe centre of the left wall The window in the nt wall looking out on the porch provides light and curly morning cheer tor door iron the end or the central access to the garage attached to the left end of thehnuse Measuring 19x11 the garage ille right wall which leads into centre at the lett wall lights the ndnlso openingroil the central hallway is spacious clothes closfltplqclted hack to the equally largeï¬lnset the 114x106 hedléflmw Double briginntad as gned and prayen in éanada hest port hie adjustable doehltovoiutionnry principles Easy to watervdeptiis nght ï¬nd sturdy and can he dismantled and the simplest and design andbasic IdJuatlor different and changing and as all space no huts boltsorelnmp screws Adjustment to telant water levels is made by special huhper type Jack and the entire secti In laliltéd one while standing on the Dock end at Mine in matter of seconds into place and tho exclusiveanchor mg rods secure the legs to the bottom while leaving the deck tree to lift The run parlour inH