Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Jun 1956, p. 6

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Womenl Editor Autumber oi honorary members and guests imm Barrie attended the dance in the oltlcera messat theRoyal Can action Air Force station an Borden on Saturday even Ins iollowlrigvthehlr Force Day program it those present lrom lawn trch ilis Worship Mayor Ellitxn Greer and Mrs Greer Mr and Mrs I3 Craig Dr and Mrs MJnhnstnn Mr and Mrs Brennan Mr and Mrs Ralph Snclgrove Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs Walls Mr and Mrs Me Kenlie Mr and Mrs Rosa Ste phc ernnd Mrs It Empire Mr prlil Mrs James Simpson Mruanders ll Rodgers org nti Mrs Bigelnw Mr and Mrs Adamson and Mrs Larry Maves Mr and Mrs iioberl Huntcr Mr and Mrs liarvic Johnson Mina MnrlonLowc Douglas Stephens Miss WillaSomcrville Mr and Mrs Sinclair Mr and Mrs ChlrlesTicrncy Mirs Ann Wind sor James McKinnnn Bob McLean The feature ol the eveningwas presentation to Group Captain JID Syme MBE recently retired commanding olliccr at clock radlo and in comic vein pair at overalls since he has now Iaitcn up rurallite In Olo Towa ship The gith were train the Barrie honorary nlcmbers at the mess who also presenlcd Mrs Symc with huge bouquet oi red roses Opening remarks were made by Mayor Greer Mr Rodgersand Mr Adomson mado Ihe presenta Iions in recognition olthc kind ness extended by Ihe Syntes to the honorary member during Group Captain Symes command Attend Wedding Mr and Mrs Dlchinnon and their son Donald were guesls at the wedding at Miss Joan Mathe to John anbach in Lea slde United Church on Saturday The bride who it the daughter ol Blaln Mathe anpyGangviolin Isl and Mrs Malhe at Toronto is niece of Mr MeKinnon Scottish Visitors The Misses Elizabeth and Mal garet Tyrrcll have arrived from Edinburgh Scotland to aoenddhe summer in Canada and the Unit ed states They are presently visiting their sister Mrs AM Knox and thcir niece Mrs Corbett at their home on Duck wuth Street and will be making Barrie their headquarters during their Itay on this continent The Scottish visitors made the trip to Canada on the Lismorla docking In Montreal Thry arriv ed In Barrie on Friday evening Playwright Award Formorharric resident llirs Elda cadogan has become iirst winner at the hits Farquharsan Award established by the Top onto branchol the Canadian Womens Press Club tor har one act plays The Invisible Warm and Rise and shine The hundred dollar award is being presented annually to the Canadian woman playwright who has made some worthwhile coll tributlon to humorus drama Mrs Cadogans work has won her recognition as wrller ol amusing drama hall the plays were presenlcd at this years pro vlncial oneact play iestlval in Toronto Bridal Showers Jlelure her June wedding Trlnlty Anglican Church in Or val Elliott the iormer Patricia Lennox was entertained by many lriends Mrs ontcc Gray and Mrs Michael Baker held miscellan ebua shower at Mrs Bakers home on Newton Street allend cd by twenty guests The bride wasae2lcd under decorated archway as gllts were presented Mrs Ray Smith and Mrs Don ald Tomllnson were hostesses at shower at Ille Tomlinson home on Owen Street About twont iive friends and neighbors ga ered to honor the bride who was seated under dccorated umbrella and showered with con letti Mrs Frank Lennox entertained at trousseau tea in honor of her daughter hetero her anal rlage Presiding at the tea table titliior sitouldel fipcarn asteriybqnd displayed Tea minunuwerojln It Tomlioaon Mn ll 81 Mrs Baker Mn Smithllrl Hoskm and Mn Beaver Trotisseau Tea Mn Kenneth uclLellan enters Iaincd ll her home 51 William Street alt lrousaeau tea in honor oi her dauzbter Lorna belorc hermarrlage early thla monthtn Burton Avenue United Church to Stewart Belmlsll The hosteu MuVelnltlr Bcamish oi St Pauls another at the groom received the gun Presiding It the tea table which was ccnlrcd with an arrange merit ol anapdragona and urna tluns liven Mrs Wailcrwild long at Preston greataunt oi the brideyand Mrs Waller tBali ol SI Catharincs Assistants were the brldes ulster Norma who answered the door and Mrs Goring Mrs James Kennedy MasCamphell Mrs Wlltred EldEI Mrs William Johnston Miu Done in Goring Miss Doreen Spear Miss Lida Balmish MIL Sandra Funecolt Miss Roberta Elder and Miss Palsy Heare The bride was alsoenterlalncd by many friendsbelore her wed ding The girls at Lh industrial Acceptance Corporation statt held miscellaneous shower at the homeol Mrs John Scoles Ross Street and Mrs Kennedy and Mrs Goring were hostessca at miscellaneous ahowcr held at the Kennedy ruldenee53 William Street with about lilt guests in Ittcndlnce Miss Spearn entertained at personal shower It hcl home 11 Burton Avcnue attended by about twenty school friends bride and Mrs Spurn held miscellaneous shower in her honor atlended by thirtylive triends and neighbors Birthday Party recent Goldwater social event was the lllth birlhday par ty of Debra Galbraith daughter at Mr and Mrs Archie Galbraith Celebrating the event with the small hoslcss were eleven playv mates Kathy and Linda Peterson Shelley and Terry chb Elaine and Connie Galbraith Wanda and Wendy PiphEl Anna May Rnblnson Terry Sallows and Brian Kinnear The adull guests were Mrs Fred Kiuricar Mrs Morley Kin near Miss Hazel Volllck Mrs Horace Sallows Mrs Alvin oat1 braith and Mrs Bruce Piphcr Barrie Institute Bazaar and Tea Very Successful The Loyal True EiuatHall was the setting for successful linear and tea held under the auspices oi Barrie Womens Institute Mrs Pringle and Mrs George Bowles were the conveners draw on pair or bath tow els donated by Mrs Baleskyr was won bylllrs ngle and draw on an orange chiffon cakt donated by Mrs Jack Creighton was won by Mrs Corbett Convener oi the bakc table was Mrsquselnan assisted by Mrsi Dunn Convener of the bazaar table was Mrs 11 Adams assiste by Mrs Holmes Touchandtak table was in charge at Mrs Harperg and Mrs Rogers Candy table can vener was Mrs Wage assistalétslwere Mrs Biliiér ca Preston Mrs Loy and Mrs Ly Kitchen Convener were Mra Creighton Mrs Hill and Mrs Young Pouring ten were bett and Mrs iacob The June meeting at Mrs Melton Ellylield Street Mrs Beiesky be hrltl home on Hpslesses art Mrs Campbell Mrs Prlngle Mrs McLean The salvation Army originated in London in only 1865when wiulum anoth an avangeiistbeld lentmceting in onetime graveA yard lle iormed congregation oi the men and womeniwllu were oveii by his Words of salvation of the Mrs Barron Mrs Cor Mr and Mrs Albert Duck nl Thornton were honorcti guests at agulden wedding reception at their sons home in Toronto They were showered with gills cards flowers and best wishes from over 100 Hand and relatives The rcgeption was heldat thc rcqucst at many friends and rela liver who would have been un able to attend the celebration at lhcir home As thcy entered the house they were grecled with the strains oi the wedding march played by their granddaughter Gain on her accordion On the dining room table was threetier wedding cake surrounded by huge baskets ol flowers and numerous bou qttels in place of honor among them was basket of 50 roses the gilt at their three grandsons corsllge and buttonicle oi yal low roscbuds was included for the bride and groom so years ago gilt llnm their two granddaugh tcra Mr Ducka entire lamin of one brother and live sisters were in attendance wllh their families Hlsybrother and one sister were jAbrrtlon 3149115 flauntt attendants It the wedding at Maldslonc Kent England in 1906 Mr and Mrs Duck sailed to Canada later the ham yur lho only living member oi Mrs Ducka Iamlly her brother and his wife were also present Tea and lunch was served by their daughter Velma and their sona wile Doris Mr and Mrs Duck have son and daughter and live grandchlltircnt Hazel their granddaughter took charge the guest book Mr and Mrs Duck renewed friendship with many at their old lrlcnda lrom Weston Emery and woodbrldge They larmcd at Emcry or over 20 years be fore moving to their present home at Thornton Among the many beautllul orescnls was gold clock from Mr Dlleks lamA iiy and blanket from the Enlcry WA where Mrs Duck was member or over 20 years Dur ing the alterneon special deliv ery message at congratulations was received The celebration cime to close with Mra Mabel Peters guld 51 Ge rl Udited Church ill Toronio nu the setting tor the marriage 01 Min Melva Jean Ad also daughter at fir and Mrs William Addisob Tomato to Richard Walter Klrkpatrick aim at Mr and Mn Kirkpatrick oi Barrie Rev John short elli eiated at the ceremony Given to marriage by hu lath er tbebrltie wore long grace lulgown ol while lace and net vcr white ntln enhanced with Monauralpearl mains Her ilnv crtip vcll Vila held by tiara matching sequins and the ca rlcd white sweetheart roses wilh valley lilies Her attendanu were the Mine mlyn Edmiaon maid oi not medal aecordlonlst playing tav orlies of Mr and Mrs Duck reception wu also held in Thornton tar neighbors and iricnda Mrs Hugh Henry Mrs Poland Mr and Mrs BatcA man Ind Wtilougbhy made presentation on behalf ot friends and neighbors at beautilul arm choir and toolsttml Thornton Unlted Church wa also sent beautltlll gilt telegram was received message of congratulations lrorn Chicago Illinois from their son who was holidaying there Mr and Mrs Ducks daughter Vclnll and her husband were up Iroln Toronto to assist with the enter talnlnli CGlT Members Entertain Their Mothers Collier Street United Church CGlT rounded nit its year with an enjoyable Mother and Daugh ter banquet last Wednesday Tribute was paid to the leader ship of Miss nuth Aarson Mrs Allin Sarjeant Mrs Rosa Staph ens Miss Marilyn Haslett Miss Myrna Synnoti and Miss Margaret Smith the superintendent Miss oorltt Bent ot the Jamaica YWCA gave an address and bang several donut uriurie Barker Virginia Furna ery and Marcella McKay their gowns of porcelain blue allk coi Ion were made enormous unu with lull waltblcngth thrla and the carriedwlalte and blue tum mu flowers Ray Kirkpatrick wu groom man and the usher were Rich ard unnatural nom Reg inald Garrett Gordon Ad den match that llttle extralb 14a4JLAJJd age one gll The amounts added tonlull icipairoll are tollws Oro Townhip Land $6500 Buildings $151919 Toawroatio Land $11100 Buildings mam Essa Township Land $78 Buildings $1335109 This Department oi Finance Ottawa has approved Illt use meats in respect oi 0m Town ship but are questioning the is aeumenu In respect at Essa and Tossorontlo ralruiatlngSummtr cotton Prints with jacket to at glvcjsour Sun Dresses more lookvllue and yet so inexpensive In blue Avodaco green and black apts ill to marge MODE tslllnrllrllosrf ocautitul in portormance as well as con vanience this b2cu it retrigerator ideal tor the iamtty at or Has all th tamous and mostwanted RCA features pitta eyecatching styling in gleamin white p5 XAMINER strata has alyl nly lines smart copper lone glvetthts 111 IL model handsome appearance Has an the ant

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