Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Jun 1956, p. 3

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ovely avol The home at Mn Rodgers Sunnldalc limit madea berth tllul setting or the annual June tea and hlke sale olthe Womens Auxiliary to the Kiwanis Club on Wednesday aitcrnoon Weather uroi prcd the event which was held on one ot the rare warm days ol the season Tulips and other spring lowers decorated the rooms and the tea table was ccntredwith Ill arrange ment oi pink shamingan and tulips and white narcissusthe work at one oi the Iltxiliary new bus Mrs Frcd Otlonillnked by all pinirtapers on lien cloth The hostess and the auxiliary president Mrs Charles Newton received round lao guest during the tea hour Mrs Rodgers was in navyrbiue ahantung trimmed with white and Mrs Newton who wcnr nip large white picture hat with it whiteranddrlaute printed silk dress Presiding at the tea table dur ing the ailernoon were Mrs Adamson ills Charles Brcslcy In nohertson Mrs Oltnn irs Clarke and Mrs lacDonald The tea convener Mrs Roy Christie was in charge oi the kit chcn where the workers were Mrs Bruce Wilson Mrs Stanfiuliock Mns Howey Mrs George Caldwell Mrs Leighton Clarke Painswick Wl Meeting Tuesday Night at School Painswick Womens institute will meet tomorrow evening at 730 oclock at the school Mn Campbell oi Stroud district president will be the aueaker Roll call is Bring Your Neighhor As it Is the last meeting until September good lore your tors with run er who matter and sell tun only Ind knows how to handle your furs during lhn summer MlNon norltlns FREE sKlvvanlsVTea MnAA Smith and Mmflarvcy Little Mn Horace Pratt and tits Jack Butler took tickets at the door ea assistants were Mrs Rosa Steph Hra McDowell Mn Allison Mn Hancock Mrs Aura Mrs John Otton Mrs Charles Rogers Mrs McKenzi Mrs Willivn Lang MrsGraydon Kohl Mrs William Malnomson Mrs Bobicr Mrs ltoy thbt icy Mrs Gordon Fred Smith Mrs Ross Nixon and Mrs William Salter Hosth in the living room were Mn Parsons Mrs Phillips Mrs Norrisplnd Mn Howard Felt Mrs Charles Kcargey and Mrs Charles Gritltn made the tea Mrs Full aoyrs who was in charge of the bake sale In the rclt creation room had as her assist Frank Perkins lira hilt Ted Nettleton Mrs George ltlcConkcy and Mrs Thomson Recent Vlsilorl Mr and Mrs George huncon and ltlr and Mrs Acheson Dundnlk visited with Ik and airs Andrew liliscampbeli Suns uy Cpl and Mrs Keith Weber Marilyn and Joyce spent the weekend at Exeter Mrnnd Mrs Douglas Kcarnan spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Bert Herd Lavender From Toronto Mr and Mrs John OConnor and iamiiy Toronto spont Sun day with their aunt Mrs OConnor Mr and Mrs Garnet Piaxtnn and Mrs Lorne arennnn Barrie spent Thursday evening with Mrs Jessie OConnor From Maple Mrs Gcorgc Bridge and throw lly Maple spent Sunday with her parenls Mr and Mrs Gordon Bush Mrs Bush spent two days at Maple Week In Torontor Rev and Mrs Paul ll rield and baby are spending this week in Toronto while Rev rtelrl is at tending conicrence Horticultural Anctlnn On Thursday May 24 the Angus Horticultural Society held an open mceting to members in the iorrn at plant auction which was enjoycd by all under the guiding hand at auctioneer Sandy Page ttlm was shown which cn lightened everyone present re garding weed poisons Another on the Canadian which in the new streamlined CPR passenger train dipicting modern day trad vol invcornlort and marvellous views that can he enjoyed while travelling front Coast to Coast in NowsrtowlNG THE LAltossT ssLECTlON lN swlcos COUNTY Aluminum Wicker Alumlnu 15 STyLnS TOCHOOSE mom outterny chairs rlrs Suncots Wrought iron Wood and restoring Genuine Harborlitc Lawn Furniturc Mrs Robert Hodges Ncedham Mn Recent Visitors Robert Palmer oi Toronto visi ted It Jomiesolts last week Miss Donna Hewson spent the weekend in lvy with Rev and Mrs Monks Deanery Conlerencc on Tuesday June cooler enco oi the clergy of South Slot cogDcancry under Archdeacon Lighthournemi Shanty Bay was held in St Judes Anglican Church train am to 12 noon otter which the ladies at the WA served lunch in the basement WA SandY Next Sunday is WA Sunday when special service will bo held in St Judes Church The South Simone WA Deanery will meet at Cookstown Tuesday June 12 in st Johns Anglican Church Swimming Classes Those wishing to attend the swimming classes this summer are asked to register with Mrs McQuay beiore June 15 Tho swimming classes will commence on July Good Attendance Last tFridny June will long be remembered la the coldest June day ever experienced by the oldest residents But in spiteot the cold weather and VEBENEZEJR WMS News Ebenezer WMS met on Wed ncsday niternoon at Mrs Ernest Dales with an attendance of 21 Minutes were read and roll answered by verse coll the word grass or seed Two cards thanks were read and six hospital and sick calls made Mrs Lloyd xnceshuw citizen ship CONVEHQIIBEd Not As Stranger The Christian Stew ardship was given by Mrs Joe Hambly Mrs lluntbietook charge at the worship service The Scrip ture lesson was read by Mrs Dales Mrs Gordon Kneeshaw oiiered prayer or Miss mung our missionary tor prayer Mrs Rumble gave very in teresting talk on the hook Tr IS and Tales of the North ALaud Mrs Dales and Mrs John Kneeshaw song duet Gods vvay is the btst way Mrs Rumble read poem word with wise followed by In article on Working and Resting gtAlter singing hymn Mrs Gordon Knccshaw closed with prayer WA Business Meeting ThewA held short business meeting Lunchwus served by the hostess TIIE WOMENS AUXILIARY to the Kl wanls Club picked line June day tor its annual ten and bake sale held Wednesday at the home or Mrs Rodgers on Sun nidnie Rood Kightley the chilly Arena there was wondrrlul attendance music lestivai Bruits Arm Mrs Mooney had the mis torlune to all while going in her back door on nlcstlaymorning breaking her right arm Wedding Anniversary Tbe home oi Mr and Mrs John Scott Toronto was the scene at very happy gathering on Sundry afternoon when her parents Mr and Mrs Speersoi Thornton celebrated their 45th wedding anniversary Their family oi two daughters and two sons were all present or the occasion as well as Mrs Speers only sister Mrs Fletch at the Dr lloy Blackslock oi Willow Beach and Mrs Speers only hr thcr Harvey Speers oi Toront and number oi other relatives Thornton mends extend con gratulations and hope they will celebrate their golden anniver Sary Toronto Conirrcnce oev Gl3arnard is attending eonterenee in Torontolhisweek Recent Visitors Mr and Mrs Jack Specrs oi Midland spcn Saturday with Mr and Mrs Speers Attend Anniversary Mr and MrsGeorge Watson and Mr and Mrs Fletcher at tended the 45th anniversaryoi Mr and Mrs Specrs in To ronto on Sunday In Hospital Alter Fall Calvin Shaw had the misfor tune to tail while getting into his wheelchair on Thursday morn ing and is now patient in the Royal Victoria Hospital Sunday Schoolnnolversary Trinity United Sunday School are holding their anniversary on Sunday June 17 at It oclock with Rev Mr Love Bond Read in charge Special music bylthr iunior choir crown Hill Evening Circle will meet at the nomect Marjorie Gough on Wednesday June lii Kindiy note change oi date Devotionai will be givenby June Partridge Roll call Mrs Beuant DANGER SPOT Under present conditions the Middle East danger apol oi vast potentialities War starting there need not necessarily be con ilncdthcrc It can spread and golesner spread rapidly Huntlngdon left is Mrs Fred otton are Mrs Robert Hodges and Mrs Roy er oi Thornton her only brother district director heryrepo on the NBVQIIIIQBK MmEdWllfll presented two loves iy cups and singers to the retired and unlirinc presldcnt Mt Harry andali who was very much sun prised Mrs Morris Shelsweil live current events Mrs Bell and the food Conven cn served lunch to table Her assistants Presiding at nvrrn HAWKESTONE WI News The monthly meeting oi the Vo mens institute was held at Mrs Vic Bells on May 30 Despite the torrential rain and electric storm 23 members and nlll visitor turned out The president Mrs Gray open cd the mcctlng with the Ode and Mary Stewart Collect Alter the business and correspondence had been dealt with Mrs MeArthur Weeltrnd Guexu Mr and Mrs Garnet Litster and slim oi Toronto and Mr and Mrs CcciiLllster and son oi rarest Home were wockcnd visitors at Mr and Mrs llrli Wedding Anniversary Mr and Mrs Ru Gray and lim tly attended the 25th wedding an niversary at home oi Mr and Mrs Angus Lewis at Athcricy on June Weekend Visit Mr and Mrs Kcn MrCrau Ind Miss Wanda Gracie oi Toronto spent the wcekrnd with Mr and ltlrs Gerry Cmit hiiss Connie Fletcher spent lew days in Toronto and attended the wedding ni Jordan Richardson on Saturday Recrnt Visitors Mr and Mrs Hilliard Prophet ol Ferris were rcccnt visitors oi Mr and Mrs lloy Gray and other relatives June Vrdtlinlt Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Jordon Richardson who were nutr rled in Toronto on Saturday June Mrs Frank llnrrison Frances and Tommy spent low days in Toronto last week Mr and Mrs lnvin Westlruzlon attended the wedding oi their granddaughter in Toronto on Sat urday June From rlllla Mrs rurvls oi crillis visited her sister Mrs ll Crawiord tor iew lays Back Home Mrs Richardson returned home attcr visiting her daughter Mrs Wright in Chailtam tor the past month Mr and Mrs John Woodrow and granddaughter Sharon oi Bond Ms Ilii consolidation service shame ma Itow to clean up bills and restore monthly rnents that were too high And thinin linglo via lent me the nah to It th Startl You too can got cash loan in just visit to rho ofice it You whom first Or it more convonient will or enrol in 19ml no stsoo no undiesown motion Auto convention officeswhich ls ncnrut your nanntnts Baytleld Stunt 2nd Floor 32 Mississan Strut cast and Floor DillLIA Phone arm EVENIan av APPOINMENrIHON or EVENING nouns Mem wowI Two MEMBERS Mi eslng Wornens Institutewerep slanted with lire membership pins last week at the branch meeting honoring grandmothers Mrs George Johnston ion and Mrs Dun Campbell at Toronto who has remained it member of the Institute during her years awaylrom the community have both been members continuously due 1008 Mrs Johnston served as president irom lszl to 1923 and mm 1931 to 1934 and was secretary in 1300 and rum lull to 1921 President lrom 1925 to 1027 Mrs Cnmpbell was secretary irom 1029 to i933 Mrs Harry Foyston president made the presentation and Mrs Magtltre oonvenerol community activities and public relations read an address Twentyrive grandmothers were honored at the meeting which took the form of community celebration Each re ceived red rose Corsage ravrru llead Mr and Mrs George llclt Load of Mitchell Square and Mr and Mrs James Barr and Janet 0i Hottan were recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Edgar Johnston Entomologistsiigurc there are 6000 pests or polenlinl pests among the 700000 varieties 01 in scets identified to date in Canada up iili flPPilillllNliY Filli SALES CAltEEn tvtlh Future Security Prestige With No Calling on Earnings with illghly Specialised Training With Guaranteed gt lncome up to $5000 while training With ai Future in ManV agcment it qualilled TO THIS MAN Between 21 anti Senior Matriculation Succession Business Background Wllllng and little to undergo Intensive Training Program Selection will be made on competitive basis or one of the most prominent iinunclal institutions on the continent It you eel you can qualify submit application including till tails ol experience education address and telephone numbc to BOX BARBIE EXAMINER Manes No other car in its class oven cornea close Studebakers275 hpatandnrd in the Golden Hawk leader of the tour ohmiqu Studebaker Hawks Priees start at the bottom of the low price heldrand savings start with theiirfit mila you dfivmStudebnker has won 17 Mobil gna Eeonerny Runfiraii From thehundsonra Champion Sedanet right on up through hi nroa Studebaker gives you the choice that suits your needs as well as yourpeelsotbooir

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