1th ucceod The enlarged and redecorated nerhy president ardent Bell and club house at the Barrie Country Mrs Bay Livingston president of Club hail its formal opening on the ladies section Arthur Pow Saturday evening The tint dance ell mens captain and In all within ld mole new onionsi ieve ts second session dry eye lug sails MImwtvedfllmrfltfl xylem mine sure of getting Fifi an high mm mm Eleaflhgmï¬kcigdmn gfnerillc Juneuil undilnumi them to he in em latching aa listening to Glen Pawrchmion Sum Frag 50 no New pprnxlirlately so members or Barrie hwn bowling Club tcslcd out the greenrsalurday evening thelrlcag eluding Norton ad lice For yuuas iiolimdh handicappedhy shortage of players and hurtctedlnbo by team in the league this was in the realm oftho 00 as coming home tirst this only to astray and shot tilat mediumswore the liner rrle Soccer Club carried rally of those days when phases go pass widen the goal There was no question team but the winners proved agnln thattliéfnpiislngtotzthfunderdog when mixed with rpirltts the tap esttumbling luguko hadehyfdrwud left rooted pinyinghoclt Indï¬hllfnorlï¬ll PO inflimm pï¬lgh his inspired icy Le argue 11 ultimllelv msltlig the didactic despite the fichlhltBlnie SC had real oirdu ottenslvelyï¬nn boo Hollandlo the tory scnrin ning effort well fashion min the Inn whistle with olhndis hanging an den rsth prepared to tory at tie thc heat tradition bu it was xcltlngwith overconiidene Barrie so through to it The losgrs red dint Ibout midway in th opening period From nneotntaoy Mb scrambles tn tmnt of the Hoiidndhgoal Bill Street dribbléd from Bob Burgess motnen fenders and ham through thelettride lluit pria lino counter the nnors no opportunity to incl mill centre 1th Jun wide The Halls forward tied his oi the post Five minutes gt ratios to push the rent ridln haltovér the line for theta was forced to sit of theitalr Alter the turnover trend of play continued in favor of Barrie 50 with Hollandil defending rtuhhornly nnd impircd to hang on for possible tie Wllb just tettt minutes rcmlining the game seemed to tie up the inseta award ed penalty shot called for push ing Usually reliable hard kick ing BiliStrtct took the 12 yard If tempt Indinexplicably bounded low shot wide of the loft post thus evening matter or the missed lint halt penalty shot and giving Hoilantila new lease on life was sent down the right side moved out to Abbott who hrough it in on tho right side and let rising Shot from about 30 feet on that Just iohbed over the outstre ched lingers of Thomson and won Ia under the crossbar Time tor centre kickoff and the match was over Dangerfleideioveli Tw some Wins Opening Event Mrs John Lovell and George Dangerlicld were the lap twosoma in the tourball better ball tour some event on opening day It the Barrie Country Club There were only about 25 entries in who of the line weather Satur day alternoon The loursomc pre coded the opening Lilnner and dance in the club house Second and third prize winners were Mrs NSlnith and Bill Dyment anti Mrs Dangerfield and Ab Jansen Stator SOFTBALL RCAF SPLIT PAIR As part of Air rorre Day pro ceedlrlgs on Sunday two Barrie and District senior sottball games ware pluycdmn the main diamond RCAF Camp Borden and agood crowd saw the RCAF nine down DcVilbiss NJ in the liternoon game and drop tingier to Angus in tho evening contest 32 The Camp Borden airmen bomb ed DcVilbiss in the opener with l5lthit attack established an early lead and wun going away For Devilbiss Danny Gefucia was the batting star cmcking out two home runs as part at the 10 hits garnered hy the loserg Angus iurnished the surprise in the second game with the issue in doubt till the last man was out Expected oft early season form or luck at slimeto fall easy prey to RCAF the winners played spir lted boll behind the hurling otn brand new pitcher who kept the dinner in check most of the way Dutch Foster was almost equally as Effective on the mound for the Camp Borden team Behind 30 going into the seven th and final inning RCAF rallied tor two runs and had the bases loaded with two out The linal batter was turned to groundto second to end the game mum wnmcaw teui welterweight champion mak Ilig his professional debut tonight at Maple Lcat Gardens Toronto against tough 30 pro light cam paigner Chick Hogan Hamilton This could he the beginning great career for the ruggcdyhard punching snpthpew from Stroud FLYgRs tors LADIES BALL Barrie Fiye entry in the Ear rie and District Ludies Softballl League added to theirJeague lead ing edge Saturday evening postponed game played ugsiru Newmarket Dixons on the litters diamond Finll Score of the nine inning contest was 93 for the vip liars Dot Miller hurled ntrhii norun bail for six and third innings tore giving up bingle Eventual ly the Dixons managed seven New market were obviously weakened or the match with thrcc regulars missing On the other hand Fly crs were in is hitting mood crack Ing into the deliveries of Sarah Barradell for it including twobase blows by Beth McLean and Lorna McLean Barrie played errorless ball with the ham team committing three mlscues Fiyers opened the scoring with hits then exploded tor tivocoun tors In the fourth double play snuffed out New mark seventh inning rally when Smith lined to Dowiiflg who flred to McLean at first picking oil the Newmarkct runner Hclcn Watt asrrie completed their scoring with counter in the fifth and two more in the seventh Newmarket broke Into the race with tworuns in the eighth on three hits and required threclnore safeties fur final last name run Mona Dean backstop for the home team played line game defens ively handling seven unassisted pulouis flawlessly Helen Granger Barrie lclt field er was one the Victors stars playing gooddeiensive hall co lecting three hits scoring titre runs and credited with stolen base Muise Bus and Pat bowling also had threeblls tor Banievlth bowling the hitting ace driving i1 our runs One other stolen are was snitched hy Dorian Park Line scores tor Barrie hree runs seven hits three errors Another postponed game Erom 17 was finally put on ths re vale when the locel Comets defeat ed Orillla Merchants inaclos thriller Lineups VtBAllRlEB McLeanHowc Parker ans Jehltina McLean Miller NEWARKET Presto GODI Jill VINESS on soil CltEEKBC CP he Dawson Creek Cooperallv store for 1955 recorded ales saaaotio anchor the 1677 aha ceivc six per Trui one run in the ï¬rst inning ontwo runs 16 hits no errors Newlrflr curdsSoturday afternoon at Elm Wheie you rt suchhumor this Gleason is trying to learn heir to icygnu in twodsys So bNgok ï¬rdingxtanhlnstru cum mi ijrl on ourowa Sunfl butJnoreiiltely hy coiled lien Anyway the it states you inust address the ball Gleason asks Norton tht that main 50 Norton leans over club in hlndlod sly Hello ball new put you very conï¬dential lyclnt you even get hoarse chuckleout or that Oh will switching something more serious was rudng Saturday In the time budgeted tar that most important aspect of iivlnnghcrej minister from thew2st was com plainlng the Qnmll5£mllly of theKirkIbout music at wed dings He was hurtin sick he stated at that busily wedding songs Because and Love You agree wilh the reverend gentcm There men wide chuice in musical compositions those days it ll not necessary to restrict your wedding to the same old lavorlles ror change why not eliminate illcrc Comes the Bride during the um act The organist could play Swinging Down the Lane During the signing of the regislcr the soloist could render You ile long to ltlc thé bride orto be right in the current groove Honoymoon Hotel which should rock roll the guests dont suppose anyone will adopt these suggestions In this bridal month at June but if the old standbys aregulng to be sub ice to athck it least let us have some substitutions on deck Among other things have been asked if DchlhisS dont send In pictures any moroninterring that this department has been lacking in brightness or said reason lne deed they do and so directly bl iow is plug for our lllr Shep herds commercial printing divis ion This is Miss StickUp and you may detect samples of gummed labels and stickers which Shop with designs byC Word pro duces annul ustomers heavy hitting formalinn ï¬e Poiteo club thumped Barrla Tannery idlz 61 were cit in hit ting output by HEPC 1140 but the wl one each by John llslnney John Donovan HowardvPorbes nd Len Wilsonto casurejlseir margln oi victory AlexltacPherson hit twpbagger and Wilson the leading slugger added pIiLof twohare bits to his round ripper HEPC replied with ahomerun by Earl Lain and extra hug blows all twoNuns by Jack Beaver Lindy Knappand loord Glpp Hydro IllJy tint threatened General Electfla ludwu lauded otu bychltiing coming on in re lie Donovan to retire the side andnrnnd three runners 0n the other hand CGS illd opportunity to malte run away of the contest in the fifth inning centre fielder Gapp racing far back to haul in long drive for ing Lineups CGEMsionsy Tcrsigni Tuckey lllaclhorwn Howcroft Wiison Forbes May Hickling Donovan IlEICleeigh Knlpp biting Gonorllenver Milne McMahon Thompson Minnes Llscombe EormerBarrie Boy Pllo Dakota Continued from page one With the Medical Corps standing by to lettison it To esch ham per was attached and the rip cord was attached inside the planeso that as the package left the parachute was opencd heading to the target area now We could sec thick smoke below us our height was 400 foot and speed 130 mph The first bolland the man got rea dy to throw ouitlle load Second bellload away There was rush air and rt putt otsmolte as We passed over the target The sergeant in charge of the dropping crow threw himself on the floor or the plane and peered out of the open door trying to see where thé load had gone Ilc signalled with his thumb it wasail right Both cbllter had bpcnfld and the load had dropped within the area The pilot circled the plilno and we were hack over the area for the second drop cue helltwo bollload away and mission com pictcdr And as we circled the camp priorio coming into landtve not iced aflmushroomcioud develop ing over the target area Fi round list of cloud which Mitihurst Cemetery Bea Will be held on June is at pm 67 Dancing churcltlll Community Hall Tuesday June 12 94230 Music by Paul Myers anthe Rhythm Valley pays 07 Paulettes WA present cnsdi Packers Cooking School Stroud Community Hall Friday June is Many prizes mall or ration Day service will he held in Angus Community Cemv the lhird out with the baies huig parachute our was 8pc in the club rooms where coiiee and doughnuts were served The omelet opening tor the 1an km mm mm will be Saturday evening NR5 Agrees new lraclj Engineers nna ian National Railways llIlLl the brotherhood oi Locomotive Engineers have agreed on new twoyear contract providing lolll ling increase of it per cent and other benefits Sorns 30 CNR engineers are covered by the new contract which came Intocitrct on my They meivcd six per cent wage boost elicctive on that date with provision for anolhcr two per ccnt increase on Nuvi and further three per cent cticclivc next June The contract also calls for pay ment by the company of 5425 per month to each employee rain manning Jan l957 itLilou of ii lleallll and weltaro plan ln lroaching agreement railway and brotherhood ot flattened out like the top of mushroom and taper down in slum which Scorned grow out at the ground it was perfect iyshilped simulated atom bomb ottlh season attracted large crowd with at least 130 enjoying the new clublncliitie and done ing to the niuric ot threepiece orchestra The turnout was smallaround 55 for the opening dinner that preceded the dance and there were only about entries in the siternoen mixed ourrbzlll better bail foursome Speechés were given at the din expressed gratification that mu tually satislactory settlement been reached across the bargain ing table But George this isnt out bnby Youve got the wrong carriage Shut up ltz or better pity girl shotvn above but she wasnt included as part at thewl ncrs spoils The handsome trophy however was presented by the Manufacturers Life Insurance Company to the district scoring tho most points in the AllOntario Interscholasticlrack and Field Championships at lake Couchiching June Winning district and proud possessor of the trophy Is the lam representing Toronto District Schools Thcy piled up total of 91 districts points Io beat out teams trom such other Ontario school Smith ladies captain also spoke along with Julian lLFer gums MP who was present with his wile number of new members were among the guests the dance Individual tattle had been set around the edge 01 the floor for the dinner and remained there for the evening Bouquets or flows the new drapes which are beige in color and abstract in design and new lighting tix tum made an attractive setting The new steward Ken kill was congratulated on the fins lab of entering done in the hastily opened kitchen area iicidlng thi houie committee inchnrge ot the dance arrgnge meals was ack Corby SE LL SOUTH SIMCOK LEAGUE Alligamcs at pin Tuesday June 12 Aillston at Barrie Bolton at Everett Lisle at Boston New Lowell II ivy Thointnn ot Palgruve stroud ll Churchill Thursday June 14 Barrio at New Lowell Ivy at Lislo Ever ctt It Bolton Breton at Thorn ton Churchill at Alllltoo Pli grave at Stroud Barrie home game at Agricultural Park SOETEALL JBARRIE DlSTIlICl Stanton MENS parlour Motility Junedl Bradford at Barrie Legion Angus at RCAF Dovilblss lit Mineslng chntsdly June 13 Barrie Le gion It Eradiard RCAF at De rVilhiss Minesing nt Angus Barrie games Queens Park FARR DISTRICT LADIES Monday June It Barrie utzEim vale Tuesday June 12 Elmvale at Barrie Newmrket at Orilllz Thursday June 14 Orillla at NewmarkcL Barrie games Queens Park gt SOCCER DAanE DISTRICT sit LEAGUE lborodiyÂ¥tih ll 5Colllngwood at Eorden Midland at Newr Low Thursday Juno If Barrie Iloli India vs Barrio Soccer Club Queens Park pm YES Canada is growing rapidly and all Canadians mustthink of tomorrow Canadas fu liure headers are heing trained Now And Scouting is playing very importantrolein thlr train ing Through Cubs scouts timers and Scout Leaders 51mm Childhood Manhood progressive training is provided through Scouting An opportunity tor every pry without regard for mcehcolr our or creed to enjoy pleasant comradeslup to earn and to learn to think To understand and appreciate Seildiscip nynxmt to develop new skills line low and order to understand to meaning or brotherly love honour loyalty and good citizenshipnn appreciate the joys and we tiers of our great outdoors To do his best lo obey the Scout Law to daJlis duty to God and Country to help others In the Barrie District we have 10 Scout and Cub Groups 51in Barrie in Aiiandale in Angus in Shim Leadem Weoi the Local Association hiIVB ty Bay and in Midhurst with membership of has Cubs couts Rovers and llingly accepted the that of assisting tho Boy Scout 0rg anlzation in this rnpidlyexpanding district and the demandslol We must Be Prepared To provide proper facilities at Scout Camp Wildman and to complete construction ofva Headquarters Building iaBarrie which are ilnancial assistance Our objective is Do on our Funds briveopenr on Saturday June all Your HnPPy Scout will call and leave anenvelape gt Wonzt yourend his in sngenndlet your heart decide who uatrtwo otlnany ur dnt requirements we must have pport you can of No canvasser will bother you your contribution will been irer voluntary nd ifsHindi stout doesfnot ind his mall outcontribution