nltogllinma is aytomsonn In cllyton Toronto Ind ill lu Hny ClAyton Shlllcn quid ted Ml Cazue WIS lnl tho slgn nlnyed mls Me Rcv June 5ch margin dur or Lhe regiillcr won Imported lawn of hwtvnl mica elimin The lmpo filling long eeved bisque in lulu Lllltlcework ramped Ind the full tractMle nilred Dlor ywccp imgll matching plateau cmhmldcrnd ln pearl hold ilcriingcrtlp veil oi milo llluslunl snecarriod cascade oi sweet heart mm whlle carnaiionl nod lily oi liq ynllcy llcr allrndnnu wcrc gnwncd alike In wlillo lice over 171 green chla They ware mlching han duux and cnlled pink mutations and anhanolls rmnlloh was held at Glen lhé 2m by Pourlnxlléi und servan lhEKflflutrfc Janetlll no Mn luau Arms II In In Wc The nqtlomulnot uni lmple inan or Einler Stoitilyt Wed ncsday was well attended Inn good prlccrwcre realized The dLF penalqu otme iio leiunerd til Boclikmoyd weddlng in Allis wlll lake illcc Arena Oakvllle on June the Innlllll donniclllocoo wedding at Elnn on Salurd may gemeller inn lhuljnltiillina Frldnylevenlng lnr ullc milvi or ma hwnshlpzuhnolrnnd whlch WI nondnctadrby lï¬n llclielvey day 1nd or her son Scott lln hll Illl hlflhdxy lnll Wndnnday in Guesll Mr noun Marvin Ind and Mlu Mary111ml wemgguuta ll ion menlly Mr Sundry Ginsu Fred dJnnk Mnrlln al Bee wn wtre guests at John Buynis on Sunniyr The ionnu sang two lovely solo durlng lhe regular mice 01 llurns Unllcd Church in ule allernlmn cpom nlcd by he church organlst Jalm All Caguc Mrs llnmld Gilchrlsl missionary superlnlcnllcnt conlrlbulod slnry ln observlng nilslonnry SunA day in he Sunday School Danna nnd linnlyn xc accnmnlnlco It the plane bylhclr other hlls Donald Kerr sang nus Wants Me or Sunbelt askring or can Ills Jun Dough win we and guest lid Mm Don Montgomery al Vlnnosplul Hrs Sam Ellery want In Talon on Friday where phc lll pallnnt Toronto General Hospital or nbslrvnlinn Ind lrcalmenL We wish hqr irpecdy recovery iicr tlnughlvr Mu Cccll Townes lelt on her there an SleudIy ineilond with rural lack Faqu OI llerslior Ipent IlIEVWLckend vllh hisv parent lore In Halley Saturdny andsundny IAslil Dlvldmn ls hume hillan eolnpieled the lam ll Tczchul Collugln Toronto Pnllkrflllm Barrie pen klqu with Mr Ind lln Rum lrldlllnlly Int week Reld nturned 085m wllh hll Ennd rather Thundny evening Inn rhy ed unlil Solurduy polledBu Np On Friday Juno the pupils and teacher 55 No Tiny look but 13 The ï¬rst stop was lllc F0 pllnt ln Dakvillt where he childmn were Inkcn on tour al the pllnt and could see the tan and lruclu belnz Insem hltd Then on lo Quacnslon Helglltlr when nnn nnd Ill enjoy ndhln1lynnlilerlnhvvin Emmi hydro nevulopnlml Nlllln ml was Ute nu pom ol lnlzrl esL hick llinz forced ungléd uun ol tour thruth tho dcd Wheat Inclory 0n Ihe rclurnlrly everyone en loyed hot menl It Burlinglun mil arrived home long past Mdllne wury but wigel lolpl puplll iluulsyiiir rrin Mr and illls iolm DHallcy mo i7er lo llunuvlllc on Sunday Local Lodge at Servlcn The local members at the Re but and Odd Fellow lodge of Bliillnnd lllcndcd morning service all lhB unpllfl Church Midland on Sunday llth ilawn smnt mupleint day with hrr cuusln Juan Stew Bnrl to Work nrl al Vasey In Week Rus Douglas relulned Io hls work tit Slrallurd jflbl spending the wanund alhls twine here it in Ell FREDEmCTON CF lbc wnndln held ct the norm oi um New anwa Iggismlm brldcs pnrenls llell Alllslon on inunlly allnndcd the plnnolorle re Salim vacd legislnllvn lncrcasmi nun cilal ln StrJohnu Chum Sundly lmllmycnlly salaries for conch Tmussczn To School momshAlllstnn lut Thur nry school and senior class clem Mgcaguc onigrinlnv llrl enlary school lencliuls by 5200 cd plcnlc lunch and alter ln speclcd Brockn manuman Some ll more amhlllous pupils rllmbcd the xiifly step to the lop 01 Ill monument The next slap Eilrupcs bluesl nuwsnrlnl in lhc Slr Adam fleck Building chine vllll dnily olllplfl 01 300 The brldc was glvcn marrilge hy htrlnlhn and he Ilkndfllfll were Mlss lrantts rnpinnnal lndsayl Mrs Berk Cnlnell Ind lulu Joanparuso or Tom ncrk vIColneu was arminsmnn it were allori lzlgn lilo nomo ol the brlduii parents Mlcr wedding Irlp to lhe Southern SlnlLs Mr and Mrs cilylon will live in To rpnlo rillniortc llnllalv Quliu ailinncr Ilmn tin cnmr BIG MACHINE uccrol Guist Mr and Mrs James Crnml Torvnlg ï¬rmmus mlsslnm wan rcccivll Nor ZIwherc Ihey were Inkcn on lons aims operatinn Swrden and till yonr ncautliullycrnltcdurn Ilr sbylcdfi venelir cnblnets Wlth handsome Goldcolour Lrlm liAlpN Summer Sale calll New Swlvcllop igature allows cleaning lll wide circle wllhuul mnvlng vnéuum cleaner Tonawny paper bags ellmlnnlc dusly cmpllng and lllmiivcnlcncc Set at nllachmnnu for spcclllc nccds rcrcvlcc nnl sninll drapcry hrlishf lonr thusll upholstery nozzle and wide nonic lor genv crnl use Use on 25 or no cycle Eurran in nncw qlrénmlinedwerticql chassis npcclully dcslgn cd or greater slgnnlpulling power and presented for the ï¬rst time in this blgncw 21 consolu TONS IM Tm Wm gt Cicaurr All controls are conveniently placed upIron It the top No Down PAYMENT ol the enhlncl no banding or awkward reaching 21 Pic 1° WWW WW 51 lure Tuba Aluminizud or sharper lnlogcs90ocgrgu spherical tube give greater picture area without addition n1 dcpthl CaschcTuner providcs remarkable dlsLintlita tinnpullingvpowarwllh amlnlmuni nf botflcpsnmeinlcr Icrcnw new lnlcrfcrcnceFroc inicrstngc Fri nutncy llclps screen out litany types at annoying outsldn illtcrlcrcnoc Ynu will apprcclale lilo lnany quality lun lure dont delay Slmp Today ot thlr Saving Sale gt Altornntlo ayen Control ensures ever temperalnrcs llnnnrwiie drlllhll Aulomnliu Deiqu lunxn utumpnclen to nllnl tnkn mar Instzml roorln uven puhhulwn lint controlu Iutnmllli lmrvior orcn llxnurul1R nck mlm ior lrln hullllu lllhl on luck man iloodl nnkln Iurllcz um um ion clrmc nrli uod cool Ivlflly llmrfllvvlllncn ouuct lnr mrcnlltnrl rtc lllunulne dllll nlrnui lmu lo inuluuc unrn clement on NI belulmllly liuivnro in llumlnx Whfln Illlnlum normin rnrmzi lnterlnr lo nl Mk pcrctilln rnumol Drum 24 Ildln ails hzllhl an to minor curl anon summr illy mil No now uvnzm 21 liiontllly Payments or 1101 ElanaIll runinu iindynwouctl control it un Hunt the ion or In comm sionlnn Yinled IelrLlnn cor on munincl vittwin mvnjnlum naylnn rell Lightweight Suncots rnnlrucllom ldluluhlc In tllicr EAIDN urn mounxoo nnJl linu lnl wood ouiilc lllu lullildcllty PM lounu Wellp ortloilga wand 5L Folding Chairs mny euonl ol luldyiuniéc nro ilullt Inla Wmmflnu mm mm my mm lltfnrizmmm curtmm lo ullcct nlunlnl view over bulkl munul Dl cauchl nr kn Is tanninï¬rming thl stitncllltIl colour dclllo EATON Summer Salli clch conlrnroly nrvu nlturll vnmllhed lo lulu any to till REGULAR PRICE AvnlInlu in Human Whltu Plnk nd nnlrd cuminc coglno luuouc unvli waver to us yarns cliortlcrrly nnd oulculyr who in oulnnlcoc lncludu nccoll mug taro slow our ml Note these nldn pill helladult but no ovlucilliolioei cuttlnl blldu lhlnz Incl tuning or mine nu mm um slum ductyou uncoll Ihnul lav ululoolnr witll Wliquelfl runner tire ciulcll control inloltl levurnccoll nt control nnuior Ike hlndlnIllh plum ixer noon on mo Insoluan onlio Drlvlnl Ihecl mulde with Timon llcllnlu uno wnorln hnve brmilnbllnl lll hu media illling rlbla vy uni iruln ind hell viola imuy lululed cutting hoist purehnsn brlngs you ualll Tpcéw re