Attained Weddlu Mr uid Mn Kenneth unwlord attended on Saturday the Clutt Shannon wedding in Thornton Un died Church The bride is niece pt Bin antord In Bnnilord Mr and Mrs Albert Erwin spent Sundry wllh relatives at Bruno lard hemmed to Hospital MisslJoan Wilson nursein trnlnlnzat Kingston hospital has mlurnedto her duties aitcr spending three weeks Vacation with her parents Mr and Mrs in Wilson Vllilon in town Mist Bessie Hunter nurseint training at Royal Victoria Hospi tut Annrric spent the weekend with her piren land in Torrent Hunter weekend guest with Hinnnd Mu Thom Williams was Mn Dries at Toronto Mr and flu Jack Kidd and son David were Sunday gutxi with the IormerI parents Mr and Mrs Art Kidd Wiiiirrn Lawrence or spent Saturday at his home in lawn rrnni iiunuviiie Weekend zucsLs with Mr and Mrs McMastcr were atrium lira Jack Finley ol Huntsville Mist lrene Hemmer returned home with them ior several days visit In Ilmplui Kent Miller son at Mr and The New BAKRIE COLLINGwoon MIDLAND erErHoNE doOK is on its way to ynlil All the new BARRIE nuinbers become attentive June 17th and Toronto In Tibb Miller Is patient In Sick Childrens Emitti Toronto Moved to New Home Mr and Mn Norman Simon and daughter Sandra who have sold their service station moved this week Into Mm Gordon Sellers home Institute Mflunl The Womens institutewlil meet on Thursday evening June at me town hall Bereavement Westluiie miniAt his hornr iiunhiy Avo Toronio on Fri dleray 25 1956 husband at his thcr Duiir lnlcrmenl at Aurora Cemetery Conï¬rmation Service on Wednesday evening May 23 the Bishop the lit Rev Wllkinsan administcrcdthc sacra menl conï¬rmation to nine enn didntes at St Johns Angiicnn Church The candidates were pre senth by Canon Chaperlln and were Mr and Mrs Dun rive Em erson Clive Frank Bro ey iliss Pat Beach hirsr Frank Vchb Miss Shirley Powell hllï¬ Jnycc Suin innn and hello Solomon The Bishops message to the unndldnies and in the congregation was clear and easily comprehend ed Mrs anny the orgnnisl wan in charge at the music At the close at the service the lltiies oi theenngmgatinn served ten and lunch in the parish hail 1053 Social Group The floss social group met at Mrs William Milliguns on Wed ncsdny hluy 30 with members ondthree guests present Mrn Nixon acting secretary rlntl the minutes llcgulnr business was conducted and reports given Thank you card was received mm Mrfld ll Lemon and cord sent to Mrs Ramsay wishing her speedy recovery inc quilt was completed during the aiiornoon This was for Mrs lilllliganr The next meeting will he at Mrs Butters on June 13 Lunch was served byihe hostess assisted by Mrs Braden Mrs Nixon Mrs Lowe Mrs Butters and Mrs Dermott Music Festival large number at palunis relu tivcs and friends rum Cookstnwn attended the very enjoyable lllh annual spring music lcsllvnl hy the public schnol pupils of Esxn Township under the direction ii Paul McKclvoy supervisor oi mils ic at he Thornton Arena on Fri day evening Juno Old Boys Picnic Wait McLean oi Toronto one oi SEE THE NEW convertible coinage Now oN DISPLAY very pretty June weddinl took Blue at Dalston United Churchon Saturday line when Iii Joan Bennm and Norman Cinrk were married by Rev Mr Dingwall ct llillsdlle Weekend nllh rnéenu Mr Ind airs II Schwenler Toronto spent the weekend with thelntlers parents here Mr and Er Gale oore nd the oldest members 01 the Cooks town Old Bays Aswcintion ex lends un Invitullnna welcome to all Conkstown ol boys to his homean Klugslon Road and Dam forth on Saturday Juno 23 Lunch provided llme two oclock on Everyone welcome Please contact Walter Beltty or Kcn Cruwiord Ie number going Baseball Game The tirst baseball game oi lhl season will he played in Coolin lown on Friday evening June ll the Agricultural Park The local team will be host to Tatian haln Game will start at oclock The boys hope to have good crowd lit this opening game nun Moores Church service willhe um nnSundayJunn Inna Toronto con Ire Rev Ball is ultepdin con ference inraronto this week Wrrimni in Barrie Mln Ruth Bull spe the week endwith her sitter Barrie Leavlul Commit Frank Perkins ls leaving our community to reside it On St lion 0n Thufldly evlnln the neighbors gathered at the church hasement Alter short program Frank was preunted with ii floor lamp smoking stand and an electric clock Prank thanked eve one Lunch was served by the lIdlEL Under Doctorn Core Handy is under the doc tnrs tnre Mist iiyrnn Brown oi ioronin was It her hmne herelnrthe weekend Minionnry train Alrin On Sunday Mr Weppler mis sionary imm Attica spoke tn the vii systematic way with lilo lnxumnco ond oniny the added ndvantnda ol protection ionicn 1min nro nan nir mier controlHons Crown nui nnd BARRIE momma nonicr met ll the church on Sundownoiling crown nui member were gum and no Doldge OLEHie was the speaker Slidesyerp noun Ind explained byrll Ileullnnm Geraldine Fame at Barrie went the weekend duh pusoniige DISTIHCIWB ARK More and moron nre tuhlon in our livcsonvthe pattern ad minle or not which has been set by tradition Moutllde thile Yellowknife lhmlld Idle nym bol which would be rerognmfl everywhere Is representative at this settlement lull in Calgary hrs adopted the tengallon hal Ycilowlmlfe NWT News of theNort WEDNESDAY JUNE ll 1956 15 SOON REFILL WIS empty for the tint time in CEREAL Alta CPRA nun we yearn Then delivery quotu clcntor operator in thin central yer litted Indlhe grain poured Alberta town reported hid elevator ruin Its real thrill to see the big league stars in action Enioy sightseeing all thewuy go by bus NEELWK 2555 1700 iszis 345 ROUND iuizsuuecr to CHANGE riinvrii iNiilimAriiln rNI FDR It BUS all the new MIDLAND numbers hecome directive nny 15th thntodr rig Dodge in travelling treat Oï¬tlow shock nbsorhérs smooth Witches rand nndthose deep cushioned seats feel like your Here your chance to step to the bigearnings out vent squeeze onjybur budget Step into Dad and driving than igges lowrpriceï¬eld oeiuodgo the sieouv in drlv LNothing compdren tdpunhhutmnlowerltlile for slow driving em Just much nnioon step on the gun nnd gn Met nnical npemtiun of tho punhhution cont in llli° in simple smooth dusuren looting ironingtree Sixpower in the Sign It up almostn foo anger makes Stretch ouf nside room to spare because lusbeautya abigcarinsde Inke thewhe bigcur rid Yd for yourself how edge into your budget Your Dodgeydenler hna uorna goad newsfor ght ndwi Get Dodge the BIG in safety Bongo puts your inlety iirat You not du Icylindur rroniwheoi brakes Snfetvahn wheels electric wind shield wipers plus 12 other lazy features an htnndnrd edulplnenl we our youd be nor prilpeld Tana number yo on OHIan 32an Kogilfllt it you dnoiwnoyouuu Ir 10 Weve you to be amnbzrionnombu incu vnjhnve in our nincu mdauvlaCsnsdI All numbers rinrtinglwil 4or odd PArkwny EXAMPLE 3m becomes PArkway M197 Manufactured in Canadaby 5dr All numbers startan with PArkWIY GhmdlerCarv auoilomemduLimiied ERAMPLE ouo iiecarnos PArkway mum on 113an nous oniythe live iignres need be used on 0N LONG DiSTArlCEICALLSthE umberKPArkwoyund live tlgures must be used FULL NUMBERS should nlsoheysed or businésspurposcs riderundr our money problem leadly if you seed aint it to marrow non you ka rri rum 33 mu owe onmny var you in safely Ltmw infra mm nigh to honor dell dun yo ireerl lnqulrgwoa no