Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 Jun 1956, p. 1

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COULD MEAN Slli anutlicr highly optlmlsli report at building pelmilaissucd 1950 nlalr oi thc Town Elanning noard again shows substantial increase over last year in the same month during lhie munttl oi May irom secretarytreasurer with 53 pcrmilsissucd in lh month oi Maythis cacltttvalu oi $551 530 as so year $433175 $113355 it Mr Blairs coth is that the prospects lor June lasfsre that it will be the greatest month on pi in securing mortgage loans Comparisons given are 50 dwe llng permits issued in May 1958 have lue of $515500while Mny 195 From Jan to May 31 use too permits issued ior dwellings were 8390000 or an increase in value dyer ild dwelling permits oi lan litu May Sl 1955with value oi oi $i02400 0niotal 987600 rmits of 210 issued mm Jan toAMay 31 load 1955 which had value or $1473 LDwellinsl Dwellings are ior is Web for builder self Eccies St builder szlf ton builder lacobs Harri 11 Toronto St for Valley hulidcr HomerE MacDonald 10Alired st inr wood SL erse Brennan115 Slit ior 63 Eugenia St se Square builder sell Stlvul tier Veltch 54 Sun 19 Worslcy St 34 Newton St builder at Jflflkitm 1M Duniop St Kcmpcnicll Driver bulldc al for 82 Dlindonald buiidcr Bail Soil Che iii name or all Main Walters as Map iorwnilington Onlz Department Toronto dwellingso Newton St builderItem De art ment Public Works sowttrsiey stio niins 185 diallingsmn el Bell builder rod to 81 last increase oi there were only 37 at 5310500 on increasa of 1452 with value oi Shmfidu an tnereaso isshown of 42528 over the some period of 22 there 44 Napier St or 77 Nelson St builder sell orbcll li Alfred St for 85 Mc ilellan Gunn St ior405 Codring Webb 91 Drury Lane for is some strontbuiider suit Cros lcy Construction Cu 54 Newton St in dwellings on Oakley Park Fisk 175 anfltlil St For 57 Vancouver st builder Clark zicba 138 Na er for 123 Dundonald Velich cson oust an it Lumber aarkeyoundon builder Public Ac RECORD at 143 Sunnitfiilc Road builder Alexander dc Son Sheiicr Sta ncr repairstadwolllng atlh Ade lai builder sci Miss re Owen St raise rooi at 132 Owen St bu dcr Parker Lunglturst 202 Brodion St re shingle at builder self Matthews so fiblgatchi ere shingle same builder sell Rowc it Puget St addition at same to dwelling builder Hood Cities Service Oil Co 150 Bradford SL alléntions lo scr vice station there builder Kultk McFadden 15 Frederick St Install bathroom st 17 Fred erick St builder sell Webb 212 Toronto Streshingle at same address builder CJacobs King 50 Grove St remoch var andnh there builder self Tay lor 51 St demolish dwelling and go Be at 213 Kcmpenielt Dr builder sell Hooker ldl Cum beriand St 161 Cumberland 5L builder sell Homer on Holgote st apply siding to dwelling at 65 Holgate builder sell MeLeaiill ier St conversion at 17 Foyntz builder ClurkW Blair aa Burton Averesh mile at same builder Allandale Lumber Lambert 4+Alircd unporch at salnev builder self Turner 125 Essa Road ire escape at same builder Barri Welding Mrl Walker 12aurton Ave re at same bullde Howie Kennedy andiord St sun room It so buildersclf Excu 142 Blake St repairs at samcpbulldei self Roberts miitiert St porch at same builder se gt Garages hcs at 246 Codrington 5L hulldcr self Dawson KG NelsonSt builder ac Wink worlh 30 Adelaide St builder self Monachern 130 Napier St builder self V1 DAmbrosiu 11Penetang so builder seii Wilson4 orchard Drive builder Goliath Construction Miseenaneous Supertest Oil Co 131 TiifinSt oilatomge tanks at as Tiiiin st builder sell Mlss Livingston 40 Amelia demolish green it ViauSaniord St garage at 17 Guwan 5L buliderD Homer Wilsons beveragess 519 Sherbourne St build new construtton Co Counciibn Monday night reprc sentativ ofthree firms uratodptypeszot Eaeh representatlvc gave ry cmonatzatio ithc ability install bathroom at hous at Eugenia St builder Toronto solely at 1st John St the new township olilcu to be paid tar withou ior warming the shelter it atson oi Barric precision tool that will be on display Air Force Day at Camp Borden Mrs Ciinrles rm Moverl Over 100 dclegalcsirom the 10 Womens institute branches oi Centre Simcoc district yesterday named Mrs Charles Newton oi Barrie as their president ior the forthcoming year She succeeds Wyebridgo woman Mrs Meclmgwho JiaLbaconia Lita orary president oi the district The gathering oi harrie Alien Veapra Fins Crosslnnd Cundlcs Edenvale Mlnesing Now Has Painswlck Saurln Silver Maple Van Vllek Waverley andWyl bridge women was held in the new East End Anglican Parish Hallon Cook Street representative Womens institute branch oi the Ontario Department of Agricul ture Mrs Hamilton was pres entvto addresstho delegates and conduct the election Each branch had hobbiesin cluding several fine oilpaintings ondisplay at the iront of the hall The most striking items of members handiwork however were modelled by the branch representatives many oi whoin were wearing the smart spring Eesllval Publici school pup of Essa Township presented their 17th on nunl music ieslival tor large Must udlence in Thornton Arena on rlday evening vUndeflrthE1dlrcction 0fthl township school music supervisor Paul McKeivey the program lea tured lolk songs and the music of Dvorak Handel and Brahms Special numbers were selections by rhythm band immBoxter School under the direction oi Lynn Donglio jDisneylandI medley oi Walt Disney iavoritcs sung by the massed chair with Miss lngrid Blair as soloist and two numbers by boys choir irom Angus Public School accompanied Miss Sally Lewis Miss Miriam McMann accompam led the choir During the evening girls en semble was heard in lovely rendir lions oi Early One Morning and The Halls of ivy The Angus boys choir selections were the Newioundland Iolk aong JWcli Rant andWell Ron and Ham dels lle Shalileed llis Flock Alunior choir sangtour selec tion Tha Circus Clown The ttie Sandman by aruhms The and The courses this year New Executive Mrs Newton heads an exec tlve composed of Mrs It Crosb RR Barrie lst yicepreslde Mrs Harry Dawson 111 Cook 2nd vicepresldcnt Mrs Rusaell McEl aio Rh Pbelpston seclt rotarytreasurer and Mrs Ward Goodiellow nit Minuing rwio honrdmember Mrs George Dnsto oi Minesing isaltarnate Federated represent ative Conveners of district standing committees torthe coming year arezv Mrs Curry Midland age ricultnro and Canadian indus tries Mrs lleg Adains Barrie citiwnship and education Mrs Foyston Mineslng comm jty actlv es Ind public relations re Yonngl lllt Barrie tb massed choir German folk by Davidson by Dvorak Nuln era by 34mg Hunting song Hunters Horn Going to the Flair All the Birds Blue Bells of Scotland Flow Gently Sweet Afton nd osephs Lovely Garden An address of weicom was giv en at the start oi the program by Reeve GeorgeW kinson oi Essa ale home economics and health Mrs eritttml Elmvalc r24 olutions gt rs Cccll French and Elliott at Ellnvfle were med Wm The report the nominating mittce whichwas chaired by also is King aarrle twns br ghtin Mrs oi Barrie oompleledh studies at Osgoodo Hail en months articlingr pcr looked as sweet as she played Noe irom the hats made at institutemililncry At the regularqmectlnl Township Council onMonday it in dccidedllo lclntbc tender 313 Scott of Rugby The ardtltcct or the new of lice ls Stuart Keyu of Orliila The building will be situated on Highway west oi concession andswill cost $23630 which will the issue of debentures it is hoped the outmydll by only by early the tint warning that the gate keeper had soon aitcr midnight last night that the roof at his allel lerlat the ONE lave crossing on Essa Road Al lndlle VIII oollre While be salvaged the loci on lndlampa from the small house passing taxi driver called Barrie tire brigade whonnlckiy doused lhe smouldering roof timbers It Is thou that the ilre was started by overheated mctoi chironey oi the coal stove used YDUTHFUL STAR WOODSTOCK CPFlveycar old piano soloist Jayne Cliilon oi lngeraoll scored 90 points stthc pxiord County musicieltival The adjudicator commented that she of Barrie enl gt was Mrs rrank Spearlug ol Iayner dislrict president ior west Slmcoe Agenda chegates wero welcomed at the morning session by thercctor Trinity Anglican Church Rev hA Read Mran Wildli guire oi Mineslng rep ed Roll call reviewed hlgbllgbtx ottbe past year in the many branches Miss Ruth shoves county home economist who gave report on girls work and Misc Louise Colic tor were among the speakers Mrs Goodicllow presented line report as Federated repres entative An in Memoriam service was conducted by Mrs Harvey John aton of Silver Maple branch Mrs John Sturgess of Pain wick branch sang solo atrlhe morning session and little Gor don Ferris ot undleaplaycd violin solo in the afternoon ace companied at the piano by his sister An Nln diplomas this evenings Ito al Victoria Ho pitILSchnol Nurse lug annual graduation exercises in ionic District Collegiate inst itute Auditorium Thecereinonies begin at 830 oclock Rev James Ferguson iormer chairmnopi the localhoa pltal board of husteeaand dir ector oi liteOntarioliospital Air soclatlonlwi give the address to tbcgradu es Members of the training school classes 1955 areMlss June Lor na churohu Midland Miss Barbara Harriet Duke oi Kirk land LakeMlss LolatA Glenn oi Hoathcote Miss Busbard Anne Hones oi Midland lulxs Bessie Anne Hunte of cookstowo Miss Bettolu hyigno 91 Sudbury Miss Sylvia Doreen Th napsonv Cieer county recreation direc Flying oi MustangdiMs opening oi the 10th den on Saturday tunc an hours display wiilvbe most realia preach is being staged through the co particuiarlyapp priate to or displays and exhibits MéuiiiirjTgwtoutsoAv airmen 7Air roe my program at Camp Bor pm The climax olthe three tic battle scene sum moral times The whole program operation oi meneennioai Training school Armament Train ing School 132 Deppt RCAF Station Edgar Barrie Ground Observer Corps Ground Defence School and llre Fighters School Traditional Parade The traditional Galiithumpian Parade WiliJlIn the bail rollinl at pan This coloriul procusion oi ilqu which has bccna ico turent Camp Bordcnslnco um promises to be more original an entertaining than ever and is very good reason ior arriving ear ly at the station The grade of athlctes which iollows medlatcly alter will have touch of the Olympic Games in oonccptThero will be relay team of torch bearers and the County Councd 18 AdVertise For Welfare Off or The special weliare committee oi Simcoe County Council at rccclitmccllng decided to advcn tlso for welfare oiiiccr or the County The committee has no power to appoint such an outear but It can bring in recommen dullon to the council it is poss iblo that this will be done at the next sitting of County Council commencing Monday June II rcoonimendatiun by the com mittee to the CA5 that the CA5 should close one branch office as an experiment was not at cepted by the CA5 it is under stood that the County committee made no stipulations as to any particular ofllce but felt that such an experiment would be precession will be headed with banner naming it tho Camp Bor dcu Olympiad the fch tradit ional circles being replaced by live our wheels in the two large hangcra on the Ecrimctcr til the lying ilcld will the usual display oi the latest in aircralt and technical equip ment some oi which will be seen by the public for the iirat timc Crashltucue new and exciting lectureis display put on by the Fire Fighters School showing the latest method 01 rescue irons crashed aircraft The public will we biasing nir crzft and the rescue squad drlvc Elisht into the wreckage to do their Two Themes Two themes predominate throughout the show this year civil dctcncc and sale driving civil dciencc display has been im New Appointment At CampBo en Following the retirement last week 01 colonel ll Clark 1750 an at Camp aordcn Coloncl it wittstord CD has been ap pointed Acting Commander Col oncl Waltsiord was Chlei of Staff Central Command and was Com mandant RCAC School Borden for several years No stranger to Camp Borden or Bar justiiledstouseeuwhat eiiect it laid havu on the sociatys work and its running cost to at rainstorm Sunday morning put sudden stop to the drumhead service of the Grey and Slincoe Foresters Assnciatlon in Victoria Parksnt crulia and sent the regimentmarching at double to the nearby community cen where the service was held in stead Rain threatened iroln edrly morning but hold all while the Foresters paraded down the main street to the Soldiers Memorial Hospital There wreath was laid before the Cenotaph plaque in the memorial chamber while the as sociation veterans stood at atten tion ondthe Last Post was sound ed The rain llowed the mento llnish their march toVietoria Park where they had just formed up in readlncsa for the service whcnthe storm broke drenching marchers and the large orade oi spectators in lhe community centre the servicth taken by Capt the Rev Downer oi nuutaonn Speaker at thetootarlo Legislature and also the regimental padre About 275 Grey ndSimcoe Foresters veterans gathered an Orillintor the fourth reunion They came on Drillia Kirkland Lake Tiln rleColbnel wuttstord took up his appointment on June alternoon eonsl these meetings and continuous showings oi the regimental film The reunion haanuat was held in the Armoury Saturday EVenlng Head nblegueats re lvor wag ner of Owen Soun association president Aldnrnaan Jack McDon ald oi Orluia Ken Craig president at the mulls Legion Ken Brown rcpresc the commanding ol leer at If Drillil unit Hugh Taylor at mulls like Livingstone TM Fisher of Sault Ste Iurlc mpresideols Jack Sargent secretary and Alan stew art treasurer both or Owen Sound Arrangements tor the reunion were under thedirectioo oi Hugh Taylor Orilila rlst vicepresident oi the association nlstluguiabedouest Brigadier Lhutherlord war time comm ng officer of the regiment was present but Fin ance Minister Waller Harris wartlma oiiiccr was unable to at tend Brief speeches were made by head table guests and Entertain mentms prpvided by Toronto by locals Cheavers patad tormod in the marketsquare under lowering sky onuia Klitic aaadaad owen Sound ripenzand provided music forthe parodeand large crowd ow Kl uring Saturday siternnonthe Arllloluy was the scene oi count less reun ons as old comrades met to register and grectdheirlends more and Murle is Wilson or Midland The BARRI EXAMINER ol spectatorslined the streets as marched past rt business meeting held Sunday alternoongrth assoolalion reelected thepreaent slate oi oi itcars and eclded that the next or theryears For many rat regimental reunion they Camp The march ported aster There will he machlncrv on hand for the public to test liieir drivan ability the laicst machine to text persons reactions and judgement in an emergent Many oi lhcald Icatnr Ill ioycd by the crowds lllzll have ul lcnded this opcn iiousc it vious occasions have been ICla ed and brought upltldate arru batlc lying by ilarlarda tiiti Vain plrcsrnodttl acrnrltmc flying and the activities or till aznalcur ratllo club In addition many of lilo buildings on the sLlalion will be open ior public Inspection No Chances 0n Weather lull three hour program out era labeling intcrcst lt and till RCAF arc kingno chances on the weather Percy Saltunan lllc weaiherman on CBC Tabloid is scheduled to come to Camp unr den to judge the Callithumpian parade and to ensure the host weather depicting national dis ES FERGUSON ndrcws Prosh in Barrie will be commissioner fromthe preshyw tery oi Barrie at the General Assembly the Presbyterian Church in Canada which con venea Lilia evening in Vicloria Presbyterian Church Toronto Sessions will he held throughout the following week Mr Ferguson has been inVilcd to give scrmon to the General Asembly on Sunday evening June 10 Splendid Concert cl Banclsln Orillia on Sunday The fine concert of musscd hands arranged for Sunday June at Orillll was well worthy ol much larger attendance it was held in the Community Centre on West Street instead oi Coucllicll ing Park becausc oi unfavorable weather The throebands made up at no musicians came from three luwnn Orillia Band was conducted by Harry Peacock Stayner by line Jones and Barrie by Jul Mchililc and Alfred Shepherd Allmusic was massed and started with the march imperial Echoes conv ducted by Joe McNeiilie selection Junior High Mac Jones mnrcii lnvercargill Harry Peacock selecth The Veteran Joe Mc The Lonely Mill llarry Peaeoc 9Land oi the lltallmr Alfred hepherd conducting and than threcold iavnrile nymns unlt der the batoooi Mac Jones Colonel incr wasalso conducted by AllSilcp the select it The Cham the march by Harry Pea cock also conducted the ilnal numberthe liaiionai Anthem concluding an unusual program or excellenthand music sMémbera and bandmnslers are hoping that there will be rcaival tendaneeior the repeat entrustl planiledvby the same bands anti samedirectors ior Barries Qucenr pajrlt on Sunday June 24

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