Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 1 Jun 1956, p. 9

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YOUVR FINAL oPEORTUNlTY TO SEE THIS GRAND MUSICAL wnon these nnlnlng dance to cote Porters Wonderful FOX MOVIEIONE NEWS MllllllilY TlliiSililI lliliS till EVENING snows 650 pm THE SAGA OF THE GREATEST Min Mac Burrlss aorrner BGlteacher was recent guest oi two bi her tanner pupils Miss Nora Delart and Min Nell Chan ncn On her retirement lrom teaching in 1941 she was honored with ills membership In the On lIrio Toaehera Federation In rec ognition oi her prolwlonal and educational services great many or her lormcr BC pupils now hold prominent posi tions all across Canada Bobbie Fanny Rosenlelll Canadas ath lele nl the nllcuniury was one of Miss Burris early Barrie pu pils and protege But not only was Miss Burrlss an enthusiastic teacher she also took keen interest in civic ai ilirs church and Sunday School worlr wartime activities and war lous lilies oi sport Many Barrie tamllles may relt call the plays she staged lor Red Cross heneiit during World War One She herscil still chuckles over the many humorous inc ldcnis in her early days in Barrie when her help was sought or the minstrei shows As member oi the Canadian Authors Association MlSs nurrlss expressed her deilghttn the suc cess oi the play written by Mrs Elda Calloggn wiie ol editor Georgc Cadagan or The Durham Chronicle formerly news editor at The Barrie Examiner Throughout her ilictlme she has publicized the work of Canadian authors and has built up per sonal library or Canadians representative collection at some 1500 books which she is present ing to Canadas National Library projected or construction in 0t lawn Miss Burriss ioined the BC in 1915 at the same time as ll lieth who rctired from th it short while back and is Vlng ll Barrie Her suhiecis Were Eng llsh and physical training or the girls Just prior to her retire ment she was leaching at Ssrnla risa been WEST Servicesiii the Baptist Church orSunday June as allows Sunday School at 10 MIL church church Tannin Gerrard Sim scrvlce It ll ill at 780 pm oi the church sage burst 0R0 ST PAULS Final Meeting ier Paulettcs The June meetingoi the Paul cites will he held June church basement iinal meeting until September good attendance would he appr latcd Please bring in all qu blocks or send them with someonn As this Is iiv rig in Gelcrt in the highlands of Halihurtori where she still pursues rugged roamvs tion enterprises on the shores at Horseshoe Lake and continqu to befriend warvet ram and their Iamilica On her return mm winter time vacation in which she visited many places and saw number irieods she made only short stopoverin Barrie en route to the Hallburtun region where she planned to plant more Scotch and Austrian pine which had been talncd from Mid in the II Axontorieal Contest The May meeting at Burris Home and School proved to be one at the most interesting held during the year With the teachers Mrs Bellamy and Mrs Black in charge the program took the term of an oratorical contest with the senior pupils partlclpntiog in speeches and the juniors contributing recita lion Public School inspector Mr Clarke in giving the decision or the judges gave helplul sugges tions to the contestants The win ncrs will be eligible to compete It annual school lair in Septem lloceiving the last three slandr logs were Douglas Hand Sam Mledcma and Larry Swanson with Brian Jatiray Dianna Childl and Bruce Munroe being winners in nsv minister of Burton Avenue Uri ed Church Barrie who will he in ducted at Gienmount United malls 5mm East and Goltview Avenue on Johnson pastor June He has been minister of will bring the me All Peoples United Church Sudv It girls quartet trons Oril llla wilising at the evening serr ce bury since 1951 Mr Carder is graduate oi London Normal School and Victoria College Beiore com ing to Barrie he was at Hearst in Northern Ontario it you are unable to attend There will he committee meeting to arrange lor servlng lunch at the Shorihorn field day the held at William News larm Also ec iit Stroud community hall committee meeting tor the cook ing school to he held June 15 in Watch for particulars in Coming Events Weekend llir and Mrs Harry Wilson and children oi Button and Miss Dor othy Ann Wilson Toronto spent the weekend at the home at their parents Mr and Mrs Wilson Visitors Reta opened her giits and thank ed her lricnds program oi games was enjoyed iollowcd by very dninly luneh snrvnd by the hostesses the recitation contest other features or the program were patriotic exercise and group songs by the pupils Mr Clarke also nddressedthc group nnd made the presentation oi lovely trophy to Dorothy Hand winner oi the provincial spelling bee or this inspectorate certiiicatewas also presented to the school and was accepted by Bruce King Grade pupil Peter Switler presided tor the opening exercises Routine busl ness was transacted and Mrs Kerr reported on the recent mcc inf oi the Barrie District Council committee and Mrs latiray concerning the swimming classes which will be held at the Alilston swimming pool this summer George Jaltray gave the report oi the nominating committee which was as ioliows resident Peter Switzer vicepresi cnt Marl vin Hand treasurer airs Lorne Buyers secretary Mrs Kerr assistant secretary Mrs Clare Hal er social hour and lunch lol lowed adjournment and the sing ing or the national anthem The June meeting will take the iorrn ui childrens party Retiring lroiri Ministry The large congregation at Burns United Church on Sunday alter noon was In indication of the high esteem held by the people at this community or tormer pastor and his wife Rev and Mrs James Dorrinn WI Meet In Barrie Womens Institute will meet at the entrance at the tenant Else tric plant on Wednesday June at three oclock tor tour or the building and will continue to Queens Park tor picnic supper Mr and Del Bates Shei burne vlaited Mr and Mrs Morris Partridge and Pay on Sunday Wedding Anniversary air and Mrs Morris Partridge entertained about 15 relatives and friends on Sunday alternoon and evening inhonor or Mrs Prrt rldges parents Mr and Mrs Ellis Hutchison who celebrated their wedding Ivtnary expresicd his wish or an enrich lltent oi the hearts oi the present pastor and his wlie Islliey serve this charge which will reach out to the congregation tor very happy future The sermon from the text lie not coniormed but rather trans formed to the will at our Lord wasa challenging one and the minister pointed out how gospel power can triumph over siniul power Any Christian who ex poses his Soul to sin will iind it will become shrivclicd In Its up ward climbii may breathe but will be void its strength The congregation were urged to have courage and lace life through laith to stir people up land make their lniluence tell in the community Faith is Gods gilt to us when our back is to the wall the mountains in our path are our lrlcnds and our faith will grow having had them to climb Mr Dorriln challenged the con gregation not to hide their Chris tisn witness and his closing thought was challenge to the large number or young eopie present Dont let the word get in hands on you but rather you get inside tho world and act as Christian lcavcn which will rise above the evil The choir contributed an apprd prin anthem with Miss Janet Mc ague presiding the min News at Aunts Death Mrs Russell Hood received word this week of the death oi her Ball lflnl Win our candles ball team went all out Monday nigbtrond won the game with Hilladale 19 James Quinlan right iielder was the star player with his outstanding ridding The pitcher Bob Chrls tie and catcher Pete Forget also were outstanding Monte Front Hospital Mrs Catt is home lrom hos pital convalesclng from an opera on Secured Job Elsie Boyd and Helen Walt have ilnished their business courses and have both secured jobs Engaged as Teachers June Milicrlnd lilarion Ferris are home lrom Teachers College and they have both been engaged as teachers tor the coming lcrm Congratulations aunt the late Mrs Robertson at Oshawa Birth oi Daugbtzr lit Stevenson Memorial liosplial Allision on SaturdIY May 26 to Mr and Mrs Pringle duin ler Mr and Mrs Vilttil and chil dren Jimmy and Nancy at Barrie visited Mr and Mrs Russell Hood on Sunday cheknd Viuiors Mr and Mrs Simpson anti David oi Ajax and Mrs Marguer itc Chopin ol Wingham visited Mr and Mrs Elmer Slolll over the weekend Sunday visitors at Mr and Mrs Henderson were Mr and Mrs Wesley Ruddick Miss Doris Ruli click and Bill Rickman at Baxter and the Misses Gwen and Patsy Small and lriends at Toronto ll Trade Fair Quite number lroin the corn muttliy attended Aiilstons Trade Fair at the Weekend Themcr chants and those in charge at the hair are to be congratulated upon their achievement OIL IN INDIA Surveys have indicated oil ro sources in lndia are capable or supplying about 7000000tons illllilm Since her retirement Miss Burlt Enumln wms Re ring from the active Mr and Mrs Jack Deiany and BOND HEAD Toronto Visit Delany Toronto guests at Mr and Mrs Delnnys Mrs Reynolds Wallace and At Home To Friends sons of Tomato and Miss Helen were weekend Rance Mrs James Drummond nntrn tained the wMS of Fraser Presr bytcriari Church on Monday eve hing May 23 with good attend flflCe ministry year they have serv ed at lottenllzm since leaving this charge eight years ago in his opening remarks Mr Dnnisn said although It was pleasure to be back yet at the thought oi his closing the door on Successful Recital lhe recital for the puple Miss Joy Dunning on Friday and Saturday evening last was very Mil ed visited Mr and Mrs Wllr ii in Show in Toronto on Sunday Visited at lnniswwotndge and Mrs James Smith and Alvin and Mrs William Brooks visited Mrs Gurnineison at In niswood Lodge Painswicii on Sunday Back Home Mr and Mrs Robert Glimmer son who spent the winter in To ronto have returned to their home Mr and Mrs George wice Tottcnlram will be at homo to th iriends neighbors and rclsA gvgjhlsgmyflg9 mnflfi successful The children in their various costumes presented pic 5hwnddng tore Mrs Lamlre new resid ent in lottenharn deserves much Sunday visit credit or her work on the scar Mrs Norman Archibald oi tum25 Lesskdale and Mrs an Joanne Smith and brim Edey hem gt cry or Schomherg spent Sunday of Barrie were in two numbers Bum Mm 0pm with Mrs Herh Walsh and Betty and captured the hearts at all Mr Broderick has recovered cankm AISOLinda Ccrswell and Peggy irorn his recent operation and is Ms Jams MC laid Richardson of Bond Head who at present with his daughter Mrs my 13 in Gamma muffin have attended the class during the Cecil Brethet at Thornton and Mrs chm year Leslie Gillespie oi Hawkestonc Last Dance Mrs John Burton of Barrie 32 Tim iw mm with marshesgrams lace an my In dme ms lltlle liil Johnson presented roses From Toronto to their teacher gt We mi Mr Ind Mu Georg pm Mrs Clarldge and Erma mp withiNsunANCiz its not what On Saturday aiternoon the Tom spa many Wm Mlison were pianier for the dies We its what ya GET that Brownies of this district held and may Simpson picnic in the park here About 45 and EEsmfih brownies with Commissioner We went rng es Webb hum mm nd Saturday with ends in Camp PM and the Emmi duet lriends eninyed an atternoon of Borden and Creearc The 99 mi guns in Mm 195 ergowine Tongv am rane omens it given iot races and for the best Mrs Anderson ms Rm Carter and Mrs Palmer spent dressed doll stitute wndnedsay last with Mrs iinry ltinnqucemore his active ministry it was with mixed lcelings that he faced the congregation as tomorrownnd lli bring colour SUSAN CABOT AUDIE MURPHY CARTOON RIVER KIMBEE SERIAL COLUMBIA CHAPTER RIDING WITH BUFFALO BILL Mlllll INNIt fillet Elli Ill IAILS Illlllillll PRICES OF ALL ABOVE PICTURES ovones spams 15c TAXINCLUDED MAriNclzs sousrs so CHILDREN ALI TIME 25 Taxmenunao Well yeve cohvineed ins Men ViSri Visiom HiCDLOUlt DIANE CILENTE GEORGE BAKER CARTOON 0H SAY CAN YOU SUE NEWS MON dc TillIS liens lllliliTllli est Dales and oneiroin Mrs Mans licid Harrison The impressive service was very well attended and the ladies of the WA served tcs altervmrds From the States Any cheap insurancewill do un til you have 1055 and than YOU need the BEST We aim to From Oshawa Mr and Mrs ilorace Gibbs or Oshawa were recent Visitors with Mrs Gibbs mother and tather THUBsg FRI JUNE AFFAIR WITH STRANIGER BATILING BIGFISH CARTOON MAGOO SLEEPMERE ivians The Womens institute heidils May meeting in tile hsll Mrs gt Sunday In lllliston Rev and Mrs James Derrion were in Ailiston Sunday taking and Mrs Metcaii in Port Credit Miss Marian Harrison spent the Fort Credit holiday weekend withrreiatives in out of Hospital Russ Hughes is up and well again otter his stay in ewmarket hos nil Confirmation Service This years confirmation service was held at St Pauls Anglican Church Coulsons Hill last week with applicants from Holland Landing Bradford and Coulsons Mr and Mrs Harold Bell had as their guests Mr andMrs Walter Rousscy of Philadelphia over the holiday weekend mde Patsy Gail Hughes Marian Har rison Doug Hughes and Margaret Hughes all had birthdays this weekend Mr and Mr Ewart Bakerwcre Sunday visitors at the1t Hughe Community Sympathy The sympathy of this column ily is extended to Jack Hughes lII Broderick president was in charge Roll call was answered by Iprojetti or the coming year Minutes at last meeting were read and business discussed Mrs nreedon and Mrs Bradley report ed the district annual meeting rs Usher told about the girls sewing cluh which was very sue caste Some oi their sewing and workhookswere on display Mrs Usher and Mrs Breedon were ap pointed leaders for thceoming lad were pleased have as their guest Mrs Orville Hughes who gave splendid talk on the duties or jury malt or woman An Enioyabie Evenln Ailnumber of friends or Miss hula OLcary gathered in the recreation room or St Francis Churchlfor misecilaacous show eron Monday oi the services oiAlllston and Burns United Churches Rev Shlltop of Allisloh was in charge of the services here stlotteniiam and Richlliii no it sitr on FALO BILLSERIAL anr SAT IBLACKIlIORSE CANYON lime in cniiroon MYSjro iox M0 runs gt rusuo JUNE iilz News and nonovwooi LAUGH flwoi aliens rrAcqunr WIZARDS Fm SAT rlNNocnio CARTQDN SCARY itiliribilr UilAli7 cuowsi was 1515 the passing nf his mother At the cioscoivcerefmoniesthe bishop dedicated three gifts to Vityhc Chureb one rigor st rumors Mrs Hughes was the first woman to he called to act on the jury lli Barrie sire gov the women some idea what they will have to do they are ever called on Hughes receive hear vote at SERIAL RIDINGWITH narrow in 611er From onrrie Arms Mr and Mrs Harold Matthews with Mr and Mrs ltoy Bell liar Willionr Saturday From Hamilton Mr andItirs Stewsrt and Lynda of Hamilton visited Mrs rris last week and Mrs Matthews visited In Brampton on Sunday with Mr Ewhn was in in LEADERVTOF THE SALVATION ARMY ivovvs CARTOON snowmen ihiiiiriwiiinm Sutherlandgave FOR CANADA AND BERMUDA onrnun comical reading Mrs Andrews was asked to auction the bulbs and CAiiriioANvY lowers brought for the rainmm lil SAT cuss SEVEN ANGRY MEN ri AIR PATROL ANGAROO COIIRllN were 13 members presen Mrs Kcithtlinecshaw and Mrs John Rnbinso rved variety cookie andtea EXAMINER

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