One or the nor Ingest IoIp companies bu ils Innlomy mixed up tlls headlxlilIfllhih AHtrt to be exact nun pmidenl oi Cnignlehimolive lnternItinnal Company Ind ccnlly elected to It Board Directon litthis company ls III examplc ol CInudinn country boy niakes goodand ill big wly Ralph Hurt hits never lost touch with his small town CInIdlIn be ginning either For years he Ind Tho Bushnw Allt Weekly Star ioliow hlm around the world so he could keep in touch with his hood friends No one needs In be shown hnw much we in Colgatelnlmolive be gov in advertising iAdverllsing the lite biood ui nur Mics icy he told this newspaper on Irtccnt trip to Toronto In con noctinn with his companys 150m Anniversary And no one need to convinco me either of the high readership ot the weekly Ind smaller daily papers which serve Canadas most important nonmetropolitan mur kcts Mr Hart added know We been regular subsc or it these papers could only develop in localized merchandisan service in cooperation with their rclIil advertisers moic andlmorc national advertisers would take advantage oi llint proven high readership he said Allhnugh now rnsilent oi snort iiili New Jersey Mr lian has many continuing Canadian ties His wife Laura is nutivl oi Amsterdam Saskatchewan the dcsccndilnt of pioneer settlers the QuAppcilc Volley Mrs Hurt nitcnilcd high school at Yorkton 35 miles south ol her home nnd later taught school at Kenorn One The ladies of the institute will meet in the church basement on Tucsdny evening June 12 at 515 pm Roll call will be Numc rose and ladies dont target art iclcs or the penny sale All are pleased to hear Percy Thompson has returned home from harm hospital following slight oporatlonior abscess Anniversary Service The United Church are observ ing their anniversary services on Sunday Junes at 11 mm and 73a pm Rev paisley of Thornbury atiormer pastor or the cllnrge wiii bethezspenker at both services Aurora United Church choir will have the service at praise in theeyeniag wï¬uiermaed Till WA of the United Church were entertained at the hnmeot Mrs William Kelly on Thursday evening with on attendance of 26 Appreciation was expressed in having the president Mrs laioyd Sawyer take over her office following an illness of almost Ihrcrmonths Minutes and roll to were observed by the secre tary Mrs Young Scripture orPsaim 19 was read by Mrs El Vin Flemming and the lesson thoughts with prayer taken by Mrs James need duet No Shndnws Yonder was sung by Mrs Elliot and Mrs William Nohle with Mrs Walter Reid ilt thlc piano who also gave piun so Four captains were nominuted ach having iollowlllfoi twelve more ladies of the congrega Ii including members and Id hcrents to form circles or meet lugs for the balance of the year ltwna arranged each circle would bc responsible for some specill evenbior one month during the period Also during the business period of thc meeting plans were made to buy one dozen new hymn arlesand lawn mower and serve in plate supper on June 21 530 78 as informeryears Com mittees were an arranged and Corner Mrs Preston fund irs Lloyd Sawyer helped to ve lunch because it rdl of their daughters wilmiyl mur riod to Dr Warrlner or Winni peg Five toot six inches In and weighing but 155 lbs Ralph lllll bls noncthnicss packed lnii ion of experience included nro Job Is junior inspector wltil the old Union Bunk inter Ihwrbed by the RoyIl which tookltim into many at the towns and viiigen at Western Cnnldn secondtravel ling post as western Izent or Smith and Corona typewriters stint as In nmnteurpilot in Ed monton during which time along with Grant McConnchle nowpres ident oi CPA he helped organize the Edmonton Flying Clu oven it try or two completely unsuccessiul he ndmlts in the hronc busting contests at the Cal gary Stampede Now llnlphliurt hns calmed down to modest game oi golt in the low nineties that is when he can spurt time from job which after 24 years with ColgateFlinn olive keeps hlmhopplug around Its 28 worldwide subsidiaries its long Vlly iromtheRocky Mountain foothills of Elohow Alv hertz to his present post but Mr Hurt has prov many times over his confession guess Im just born adve lirer Spee ng Finés As trItilc becomes heavier the problem at checking speeding has also grown but Provincial Police have been making use of bail bonds to be otjless trouble Ior motorists whose ehqmen are dish tnnt These are issued by experi enced traltic oiticers who their on traiiic siup Speeders and make out bail bond based upon the speed infraction asbeing moder ate or flagrant it the oilender cannot or does not want to appear in court he pays the nmountesti mated by theoflicer It is plld into court and evidence given by the otlicer and the Imount is ac ccpted as payment of theviinc in Magistrates Court Barrie yesterday PC Morris Scruggioi District HQ OPP Bnflle had number of convictions with bonds from $1250 to $37 while PC MacDonald Ilso District no had share onetor $2750 FIRST CONVOCAHON Donald cLarenQC ol MacLaren and ilson barristers who was recently elected Bench cr the Law Society at Upper Cnnadl attended his first convo cation as bencher on Mly il NOW WERNOW ha caseat mIglrtrates court theintomtatiou as to the Igc at the accused was given as at the year only His Worship Magistrate Easter QC did not hcslut He is Ilst live years younger th am he said undris 45 muml at our IIIr hm uomi no auto An nh too In up nit nud uu cumsn or min on in nun nisniiuu no unimin onuun in Minium ruiniltr ntnina um uutiq in it Nllhl mu sod sauna news sport seam Elrn on Ind WcIlnrr was us Bill on news Eud unn Ind welthu uo Mullcfl Clock sha new slap on it mmjwru seam Miami Wellhcr haw cm loartI Round no 30 News nailsoat Epnlllrht on in Ms ml at to week loot News to wuura lltt rndt um um mu aluItYor um ram 10 Military umo Plsi untilany not not ism neaiiliata lam Jinnwa oat iiie iiiifl lieuit hit us 9° can trustsl limo losn nan um um MacLEOD Scott Taylor CLU provin cial director State Farm Agency Dnhrioltd Richmond Hill In pounced the appointment at MncLeod as district manager in the Georgian area Mr MacLeod was formerly an agent in Barrie and will herespon sihlE tor development at husinBs tor the three State Farm insuri rrelud to plants npur um Hamlin new at soon and sport IUNDAV vi I35 Bin oa llnu Ind Ion Baum may run one wondtrm warn Iranun mil Mciodlclflr You llilIll 1010 min runni uoo Cnunh Benico prurient sunny nil ms Moon In unis ms weekend coo as nu count 21 Lou Inuio as italshrine no flirtation neiomto alums uo chI flrldlinu no ance CompaniesState Farm Mut unl Automobile insurance Com pany State Farm Lite insurance Company and State Farm Fire qnsunlty Companyin the noun tics of Bruce GreygtMuskoka Par rv Sound and simeoe Mr Ma Lcod will operate hisarea tro headquarters in Barrie it Heywnrth tonnerly is Lrlctmiinager in the Georgiif area has been Ippointed districtj manager in the larger Euro area lt ï¬cdlvonvinoccnsnv cushioningl phnoié lou grandior summer flouting white red bluerbolg tor thud wuubiivï¬puttr not hi lair mumv wanna ms worth lelm in tinit as Iannlor minds sou uuadu um mo 30 girl Tbl Hull mar Lin Billy armu no aunt in salads ocean Illn until no onertgcondueiar us mien hon Tm coo PIII west in Your company sport nauad In can 53 out luau no gt 700 enureh cents liradent us spansr cnaat uo limo nay witn iar to luau em nan no any unharda aim to llle 00 us apart sear aaa wnuur 05 Bill on motion All ilzs III on new nua unea and wrnlblr can stream tor nu Do is new uo Illuth clock noo 100 Punt uamia iia mu no sport aroru up ntxlaaal WeIthIr murludl stun tun nailspod Dantllum um man to lrIdlnl Port nu ma Murmur varietie moo chI loo namemalrem Clinil nun rrnm Fort um um no xi mum Jo nuns country ltyb BAD HABIT Disrespect or other peoples he iongings is prevalent iniling but to disregard onea own property is sign oi something inciting This thought occurs to us every time we narrowly miss running ovcraf bicycle laidcumicssly across the Lonhute tone hnla vx COMMANDS TAKE TO AIR Light airplanes are taking over more and moreof the dulic til the ranch bronco in the US nnd herding of livestock by plane al most doubled in lost The annual recital by pupils niltn lager AInon Weds nesdIy evening in thesundu School Iuditorium oi Coll ISL nlted Church WII dell tlnl event as usual Pupils at varying degrees in rtlidyslndiuled intlo iticlory progress and culilndivld uIl performance An flied out him with melodic precision Mn Anson Vlt the close wu presented with bouquetoi red msesirom all Iiudents she chose the moment to single out our who hld been studying with hector some yes11 hutwere lering It the end oi is term for newtlaldl oi caduvnrEliubsth wildmIn Susan Jones Mtrion Ferris Ind Sunnnc Wills To etch them sentcd gilt Assisting artists were NormI nayliss pupil at Mrs John Dob son who sang the FlowerSon iroln Faust and wa ncmmpnni by Frances Wlldma Ind youthlul violinist Gordon Ferris upll at John Montague secomptnicd by his sister Ann It the piano Thu ntlmbcls were ry muchjninyed and brought varitncc to the other wise alipiaao program There were two dutipllnoaelao lions Susan Jones and Sunnne Walls plIying Jimtun RhumhI JeannsMcKcnzle Ind CarolOIser playing the nmliiiir Noll by Felix Arndt mIde anions some years ago hyVincent Lapel OneplInn ducts were plIyed by Mnric Millar and Nlncy Orler Carolyn Smlll and Wil Help Janet McKcnzie Ind Michael Hen leison Each soloist came through with lying colors in presenting their chosen selections for the in audience or parents and lrl Thnso taking Pnit were Judy Sturdy Suitable tor camp and cot donut lulchinock th Ritchie JInct fllnrrunn humus Ruth Bloke Snelzrove Ned from striations grove IlIrl ilobllcpllttl rlinmy snelmv John litCortlndal mnluigh Wiim ilu Kuhn Carolyn SmI tnetOuxh JInet Mate ohnllulchinock Christl Illrinn Fol iconic Doyle Young thleen KennyUlle tilt Judith Mottt Ann Fe iKltleJonos DonnNude Mun Nancy Drier Lyn snelgrove vi thorni Coulis ClmlAnnKCIM goi mlmil lur and Mrs Jonupertormed in the re Andith were numerous tinny oombinItions ale though or similar numbers uornu mom om some Cunlfllnn corporI tinnsillabiotor federIl income hit in 1053 2369 operated It loss tintqu nd MWoperatcd It new airniit miaiit extendedraaps Mubtbode and laptops Zenith flaunip on uniope and cllrily Indium amaqu 2mm earphone Anolhu gltcpag Zealtbrcrusldeor beiler lmy eonme mphm mannerssamu warrantedqu Gomblnplooflertnily nmlrknblc