dse 397 phs High School Severllli Church Sunday June Sunday school as usual at 1030 Refullrurvme ln theUnited at 730 Mldhunt WA are catering on lst golumnisi nnull ited church Cem etay bee lorrnerly Con gatien Il Oelnetery will Debt Monday IBDC 1Ey undoneat norrlegnlrtriot Collegiate Institute Miss Moira ï¬rm received the ohstetrlutand nmmiogicai prize at lustnights Toronto General llï¬spltll School evenlnx June Anyone lnteh cried is asked to try and be pres cut lng will be on Jun 12 holn Toronto Henry Forril llltl Mrs Gib Tuesday June The WA meet neéent vtuton in danci Just before Slit son Torontolre visiting Mr and Mrs Cantu KlritllndIAhe Friend Mr and Mrs Maurice Coulis en tertained Kirltland Latte friends over the holiday weekend wedding Anuivrlury vcrypleasitnt amily gathen ing was held uicw weeks ago In Midhurst Hall We occasion being the 25th wedding anniversary of Mr and Mrs Currie Sutton very pleasant evening was spent leavinl or the party Mrs Sultans Sun School class presented the It at 25 years ago with Mail liiul bouquet unique leature oi the reinsh ments was the heautitui anniver sary cakcmade and decorated or the occasion by Edward Sutton over us lnendrand neighbors oitcmd their congratulations Birth at San Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Lawrence Browne The cigars any tMrs Dicltcr and lumin at Mr and Mrs Strachan and Mr and Mrs Slemr or Drilliat it and Mrs ll arandon at Hillxdnle visited with friends here on Sunday With Parents Mrs ll Booth and baby vi To route vlsiting with her par ents and Mrs Strachan Mrs Shelswcil ls visiting in Toronto Sunday vttttorr His Link and Mrs Dicker visited on Sunday with Mr and Clowca The Sacrament at the Lords Supper will be nbscrvcd in Uni ted Church here next Sunday morning Mn Charles Degeer visited her daughter Mrs lobert Rich ardson who is patient in Strat nt Nursing graduation exercisesdn lotion Hall at tho Misti aroma GROAE lty at Toronto She has success tally completed the fourth year of her bachelor at nursingscleneo degree course havins attended the Unlversity at Western 0n tario Daughter oi Mr and Mrs Fred Gmat of Thornton sheis grand daughter of Mrs Luck Thornton WhileJt the collegiate she was BDC Eye columnist for The Ex airliner for two years and was lord General Harpltnl allowing an appendectomy last iiionday At Wl Annual Mrs Ward Goodlellow attended the South slmtoo Womens insti lute Diatrlct Annual at Tnttcnham also the East Simcae convention at Wrshnizo Sunday Villloru Mr and Mrs Glenn Atkinson Carol andLois Schnmberg visi tcd on Sunday with Mr and lits Its buy in Hospital Mrs George Smith is in hnspi lnl or two weeks Her many lricndswish her complete re covery Mother and Daughter Banquet On Tuesday evening theCGlT and the Explorer groups under the leadershipvot Misses Doris Ma son and Mavis Coutts held the int mother and daughter banquet rowiento right Barbara Joan MéVeih ï¬lm tison Shelia Mary McKeown Frances Ann Moore MaryFrances La Flame and Irene Ann McIsnae or Oriilta back row ieit to right Stephen Joseph Murphy William Raymond MoLinden John Anthony Saso George Juequemain or Shanty Bay and Edward Joseph Garrlty Plvein firmm Josephs High Schoolreceived diplomas tit last weeks graduation ex ercises Members or the Class or Isadore Front row left to right Anne Duneida Melsnac or Uptergrove Elizabeth Ann Wanamaker oi Orlillu Marilyn Ann Flanagan Noreen MurgnretMcKlnnon or Utopia Rush mnry Margaret Mcainn or Oriilia and Joananrie Heitzner Orllll Walkemvand Mrs Mcnary will make therandy Athletic Star rï¬proco oad rind Lumhor fetish or Brand mum the ion by treat tlï¬gflm mum to The cost of replacing your home and its furnishings is jllslabollt twice what it was IHIOJeals ayo amine your the protection nownot all the tireand ï¬nd out if oulc only half lmllNd It Pays To Kan You STATEFARM Again Kenlr Mircuru an Eugenia St Barrie Pit doze Election oi otiicers tor the coin ELECT orticians tag year was highlight oi the May meeting at anter Home and School Association The singing or Canada open ed the meeting with Mrs ll Edgar at the piano Scripture was read by Mrs Gauley sh tollow ed by the Lordstruyer in unison Minutes oi the last meeting were read by Mrs Cochrane and the trcasurers report was read by Mrs McLachlan in the absence oi Mrs Turnauli The junior room pup swon the treat lor this month Mrs imitation rysizsi 2015 Plusl ERAS STAYS GIEEN Under Hnr summersun Needt Lln water Imnrovu with Ann Taking Cnnntln and It Morin mew it texture Chicken on culturith and wech Stun GREEN in hottest Hummer weather Ilnflulnel Make the enclave lawn Brut planted by our in widn hy tn deep ruin of living nod Pluntnhle old lnwnu or new or grown la IiylirldI HARD ne awn flown at or nullEars Developed all Green Anon and Dept oi Alcr loony to lent In Plum does lull rlll lullt It spurt each will or it Thu desire notion in nutin on Win now to flowing reanana pm ueu or more lor each into Allin crow oesarlp until ouarnnlecd to Fluflulnu root Almvn are liestr it dlan rlcen zovsu ntltertiserl lor elm likely in plug which are nnl neommendml Immediate sht men 59 new with All Orderl an roar zitti puns our ing 17were cnnlirtnad into mom Pauls Mrs Walkem read poem The Boy who Didnt Pass singsong was led by Mrs Dui Hit The meeting was In charge Mrs it Menary who had arranged tor panel discussion on TV Those on the panel were Gor don Cochranc ateLaehian Mrs Denny Ruddick and 13 Thompson To sum Mrs Data in read story Maggie Can itead Mm Wulkem thanked those who had taken part Mrs cauiey conducted value tion group meeting Each group was to decide ch meeting they liked best during lluddick Mr Thompson and Edgar speakers were also discussed Installationrot the new officers or the year 95357 was conduct cd by Mrs Walkem Oiiiccrs are as allows presi lent Mrs Gauley ict presldents Mrs it nenrryund Mrs Coehritnc secretary Mrs Cnchranc treasurer Mrs Turnbull Committee chairmen are pro gram Mrs Waikcm parent education Mrs Edgar Found us Day Mrs McLachian Relig education Mrs Mcuary Mrs McAtc health Mrs Dulli lathcrs night Edgar civil defence McLachlan sociai Mrs Mclt Knight Mrs Denny Mrs Gordon Thompson McAice and Ruddick are members at the ex ecutive committee CHURCHILL Mrs Frank Robertson has sold her home New owners are mov ing in immediately Mr and Mrs Sloan and Gail til Gait spent the weekend of May 19and Mr and Mrs Richardson Irene and Ann of Weston spent last weekend with Mr and Mrs Sloan Sympathy of Community Sincere sympathy is extended to lack Hughes in thE sudden deathof hismother Mrs Hughes ol Toronto Contlrnuttoa Service Confirmation service was held in St Peters on tuesdayrevens bership of St Peters and St Receptionwas held in the Parish Hall after the service to shake hands with the Candi dates and meet the newBishop Miscellaneous Shower The ladies of the United Church held miscellaneous shower on Friday evening It Mrs Todd Shirley Todd the guest at honor reee ed many uselui gifts Admitted As Eldera At sinOrdination service held in the United Church on Sunday May 27 Robert Campheii8eys to he held in itiidhurst United poem Day with God were leaders litz ses sions panel discussions limit and the year Mr Miss BEIIlMcLEAN daughter of Mr and Mrs lvan McLean cl Cu was one at the honor graduates in modern languages who received their degrees at the University of Western Ontario convociition in London last Sat urday Active in sports when she was attending Barrie District Col ieizlate Institute she was awarded The White Blanket umbigmatie of her contributions to sports while at tern This was oniy the second me that such an award had been made to student in the history of the university She was captain oi the basket ball team that won the Ontario intercollegiate title this year Her other mai sport at university was voiieyuaii Miss McLean has accepted position teat ng languages and physicaleduc at Fort William Hlnh school iri September She will be taking summer teachers course at the Ontario Collegiate of Education GRENFEI Silver Wedding Several from here called on Mr andMrs Ellis Hutchinson on Sun dayMly 27 I0 ï¬ller congratula tions on the occasion at the cele oration of their silver wedding anniversary Work has again started on the 10th concession They have start ed ditching at the south end at the 10th all No on highway They in tendeutting the hills down Some day we hope to have pavement WAvMeetlng TheWA will meet at Mrs Farrs Wednesday June at it pm uRecenLVlsluirs Mrs West and Herbert ni Hugh Ellis on Suturd air and Mrs MeMuster Communion Service Communion will ll observed in incur KeliandEdg Sturgeon the Grentel United Church Su dayJune Barrie called on erowiord onttt Mraad Mrs Henry Michellol Markham vi ted on Sundaywi WA News The Womens Association met at Mrs Knawles Mrs Mc Quay opened the meeting with Mrs Glen Murray read from the Psalms Mrs Wes Bates con ducted the devotional topic Wow tler Love and Adoration loll owed by prayer MrsDny gavea very interest ing report on the WMS annual meeting at Oriliia Mrs Mm Quay also ave tow hlghlighu on the meeting Final plans were made for tho Central United Church Barrie entertainment which will be pre scnted in New Lowell Church on June 12 Mrs Thorpe gave most inter esting address about places Lunch was served by the hostesses Mrs Martin airs Bates and Mrs Mc Quay Next mecting at Mrs Slaintons truth Son Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Vernon alumaersan on the arrival or baby boy horn Monday alay 28 in MM Hospital Coilingwood Angus Vlrlt MrsE Paddison spent tow days lastweek with Mr and Mrs Piaxlon Angus Weekend in Toronto Mrs Knowles and Mrs McLeod spent the weekend In Toronto Miss Nnrine unit has taken position in Barrie We wish her every success Creunorc holly number of the VLadiesAuxil iary attended the rally atCrae more on Wednesday evening All report an enjoyable evnlng lllr and Mrs riaxtonand Sharyn of Angus spent Sunday enby Mrs William Dulf and son Jamie arrived home alter spend ing some time Raymond Ward Miss Myrtle Elrlck Toronto is visiting Mr and Mrs Maw church Dell Gain Playing ball is the order ot the day in lllitlhurst with two teams lunlor and scni Morley Schlnd Ien Is again coaching the juniors Congratulations to the seniors on winning their game last week Agenda for Meeting Rugman Also Mr and Mrs Bcn Bird at Ottawa are on holiday with their parents your T0 The June meeting at the WA will be held at Mrs Percy Suttans on Tuesday evening June 12 Devotional Mrs Bertram roll call exchange at plant slips program missionary Mrs Prince hostesses Mrs Coutts and Mrs Nash raroato Vlalt Mr and Mrs Lynn Russell wily ac and Lynda visited in Toronto last weekend st Pauls Service Starting June St Pauls Church service will he at 930 am Mr and Mrs Harry Mayes vls itcd In Ottawa tor the weeken Wecltcnd Visitors Mr and Mrs Everett Rugmln and son hiehm Hill andJerry Rugman Painsw it weekend with Mr nd with Mrs Paddisori and Mrs Alis lnour business werlearnrto hpprg ciate the value oi forests and otten forcedto witness the data Mbnnoty are oiiorlng auto uter tree rand ltorlncliiet oi Overtones the cols egiate year hook inher final year tor rervlee or intormoitou call Al oconnor at coop 2425 or evenings Anson Mr Ciusltle at Leiroy or dial Gilmore 2135 Lets totk lhontyonr eaten month year dnight saturday new cycle Power plate with the in nulacturcrsguarantec Dont miss this timely acid seeithernan to women ed can Yourgnittteryprmirisoner F1 our top notch recharging servicev AN turn lights heautliul green llllill Replies raat Wam outaittery sm rt buckskin brown linish new oneawner mileage re dy wo Itc Wner wroom condition so nocosion FQRDOR tw MA outtwo locations nd tor better performance the only gasoline that Ily hav attuedytaulme udyola no tries the regular monthlypyh