Two travellers who lett or Europe during the 1a days will be doing some extensive tripping mono the co tillelltbetorethey return to Canada Mrs John fugue former Jean damsel bridenf on few days yesterday aboard the fEmpress ot Franc from Montie and will be meeting her husband ill England next rueid when he arrives to begin tour with the Royal Canadian Air Force Central Command Band The other European tourist is former Barrie resident Miss Margaret Einekstocir who lltlS become prominent in the book publishing field in Toronto she left by air tor Europe on Saturday and willbe spending short holidayabrond after attending pubiishers convention in Florence Italy Sergeant John Pogue who was ct soloist in the Barrie Col sauna andhis bride will be later in the season but changed theirplnns ln favor or European honeymoon They were married touring Germany Belgium and northern France until the middle of July withthc iamouspnnmlinn servieegband Theyiniend Iovlsit rclaiiveLof the bride lnScoiland rind it Switzerland France and ital threeweek honeymoon all close oi the tour They will be lcturning home an the Em press of Britain Daughter at Mrs Samsei and thLI lulu Emil Samsol RR Bar at quiet family ceremony at lendcd by ll tew trleoda in our lon Avenue United Church on Fri day evening ilev Trlmtlie ofiielaied at the ceremony and reception allowed at Boyatalrs Lodgc The bridal attendants were Miss Shirley Talbot of Bolton and Ser gcant Davld Drew from Van couvor who plays piccolo in the air force band rio young Mrs Poguc graduated this spring from Toronto Teachers allege and will be teaching in the city this iaiig Her husband sun of Mr andMra Pogue Sunniriaie Roan lsslniinnmi lt vnwnsvlew gt lie is flying to Europe with the hrlml tonight They were planning Only Canadian Miss Blackslock who is the daughter of Mrs WilliamJUCh urdsun or Barrie willbe the only Canadianamong the between low and five hundred delegates at lcnding the international conven ilon in Florence neitt month Wm mens editor willl British Books Publishing House in Toronto she will spend three weeks at the companys London office before uoing lo lialy She will be abroad for five or six weeks and Intends to visit relatives in Scotland on her this vcls Hockey Slar Marries big event at North Bay on Saturday was the marriage or Leo Labinl at Boston Bruins and form er Barrie Flycr lame to Miss Bet ty Soucie Among the hockey not ables on hand to see Leo end his bachelor status were three other now Boston team wcdd lna llyllrid and Field Corn Sudan Millet Sugar Cane Turnip ond Manch Seed Rape Seed For the Garden iormer Flyers Plants in large variety mates Doug Mohns Don McKen nnyrund Gerry Tnpoauini lhe grooms old coach Hap Emms who made speech Ted Sloan oero ronio Maple Leafs Bill Dineen oi Detroit Red Wing Boston coach unassuming llgc ala olChir REGULARIZlSi Hermann BEVITS PRICE 43 lerStreetUolted Ohurrh Caron mu MISSle LAURIE daugh ter 01 Dr odMrIN lauriE and receive bar diorama trom Stn Josepha Hospital School oi Nurs lng Hamilton at todays gradua tionexerelaes Agraduaie of St Jouoha High SchooL she was heldjlrl olthe aludrnt body at thugI training school tor the year BeeIeKL amnion cage Black Hawks tormer NHL star GuaBodnar and Bob Ann sirurlg ullthe Bruins Murray Costello no with De troit was an usher vihere was even refereeLou iIrelliT among lhegusls Attend Graduation Miss Mary RayulurIEoi Worn lngton DC and Miss Elizabeth 94 Laurie oi Monlreal will be in Hamilton today for the graduation at their sister Miss Judy Laurie from SLJoaéphs Hospital School of Nursing The grad alcspar enls Dr and Mrs Laurie and her sister Miss Penny Laurie of 40 Letitia Streetywill also be among thelgroduatian guests Judy isthc third member of the family to graduate from the Hamilton hospital training school Her mother and Mary are St Josephs alumnae New York Holiday Dr and Mrs Bruce John lion and their daughters Donna and Darryl have returned from two weeks vacation in New York City VON Tag Ddy About ten moth anddaughter twosomes will be tagg during one Friday afternoon shlit for the Victorian Order of Nurses this my col Received Guests Lewu Mn ll Nesbiil Mrs Font Mn Gerald Quinn Mi Carol Shepherd and Mia Judy Bataioue Mn Alien Mlsa Margaret Smith Mrs Ronald Pile and Mrs Ferris presided at the in table Mrs Ncsbitt Minion Band super intendent was tea convener in charge 01 the kitchen wo or were Mn Maxwell Parsons Mrs Mlllward and mm outBiu approp uee ol tbebaekyurd er then na Query itilttie to ooaektroln in the way oi eolorful been to decorate the recreation of the church SaturdayIter TheJhortage at blooma did not dim the enthusiasm of the young members however When the saw lhal there wouldnt he enoua to sell corn es they decided to tell lower Young Hostesses Thirtytwo children workedlas hostesses at the lea24 six to nineycaMlds actually serving at lbe tea tables lud clam fiveyear old boyl and girls aellin flower plniry convener lud Mn EuWut erman was in charge of flower Tc table Convener was Mrs Parry Mrs Smith acted as treasurer and lhe hostages were Mrs Smith anti Mn Walls Handyman durioglhe whole afternoon Reeeiving the guests were lira Mrs rlools Mrs Quinn was or in ms spilled Not one cup Prize Winners Min Davm shepherd won the rise tor the most money turned and His Debbie Craig hlii sold the most llckeis Runnerup was Miss Peggy Westerman Prue will be awarded at picnic in SLVin cent Fark being held on June the weather la warm enoug Otherwise there will be meeting at the rhureh gt Among the oulotrtown guest at the tea were Mrs Gordon Buthet at Tattenbam secretary at mis sion bands for Toronto Conference branch Mrs Watt mission band su rlnlendent in Alliston Hrs RD Inaon of Bond Head and Miss Luella Dnnneny of Leiroy corsages andaeeds in gaiydecorr ated basketl An added note at colilr was the redandwhile tabl of omemadc candy opcmicd the Expiomrs group which was completely sold out shortly aticr four oclock Streamer In the rea colors as well as flowers adorned the ten roomei the Mission Band Pur pose decorated the door Pieces mission band member Was nandy man looking after ihe children before the tea the record player which played music all afternoon and misting In the pantry and with flowers Miss Carol Quinna former Graduates taking charge nf The alternoon huxillary or the womens ersionllry Society gave cash donations and supplied food and worked in the kilnhen While much of the success oi the Mr at work doneatmceilngs were on displ around the room The SKam ShiBlla onihe piano at lracted great deal at attention The steady low at guests includ eseveral visitors from olher churches in Iown and the waiting chairs were tilled or most oi the two hours during which tea was served tea was due to the cooperation between the mission band and oth er organlaallons oi the church and lhe willing cooperation at mission band leaders and mothers great deal of it Will credited to the young membersallbctween the age of fch and ninewho cheer fully worked hard or two hours at being good hosts and hoslesscs canvasrers on the main street be tween our and live oclock The annual tag day is being held him parts this year on iriduy olternoon and Saturday morning The canvas will be con fincd to the downtown area and cilizena are urged to generously support the communlty nursing service with their donations Coronation Trip ls DescribedTo Kiwanis Women new member of the Womens Auxiliary to thc Kiwanis Club Mrs GraydonKohl gave detail ed description ofher trip to Erlf land loritheCoronatlon in 1958 at the May meeting of the group on Thursday evening in sCommuniiy House Conveners ofthe program were Mrs Harris and Mrs Royr Klghtiey Members were also ev tertainedby two dance numbers performed by Miss Anne Kightlay hourly danceand aDutch clog both in custom llNEN TROUSSEAU The modem bride no longer expects to start married life with Tea Honors Graduate Following the four oclock gra uation exercises of St Michaels Hospital School of Nursing at Con vocation Hall University ol To ronto yesterday afternoon Mrs Patrick Denamore ers Earl Densmore and Mrs Maloneyl at Toronto entertained at tea in honor of their niece Miss Mary Helen McVeigh of Barr who was one oi the gradual Mr and Mrs McVeigh parents aless McVeigh her sir tera the Misses Elizabeth Joan Margaret and Tania McVeigh an her greatuncle and greataunt and Mrs Andrew Skclto were in Toronto for her graduar Three pillow casts for each pillow is considered satisfactory hile six sheets for each bet and basic stock That leaves two for the bed two on the shell and tw attbe laundry treasure niil carcmlt that goes everywhere £995 over verythlng too tr dresses shirts to slacks lt comics In shades of binge yellow blue or black of est waterrepellentnopl linedwitll ndsprimi and waterpm sealedin idTug Josephs High School il MISS MARY HELEN McVElGll daughter at Mr andMrs McVeigh 13 Penetang Street was among thegraduatcs who received diplomas at yesterday afternoons St Michaels Hospitalsschool at Nursing graduation wrenches in Convocation Hall University of Toronto She is graduate at St Barrie PM enough linens to list laminar BLOUSES To Breihwood The Woolaoa Auxiliary Brentwnod United Church met month at the home of Mn Geo gt Falconer Therc were read by Falcon Itra Cousins read an lng paper Religion Ind Lite and Mrs orner gave reading Young People of the Churrh LAUNDER LINENS lta valse is who has llnen trouaseau laundered bel ahe ever use llln her nelhom Laundering lmproveslhe eye ap peel of linens and nrovlder more Veomtortr from the first minute they Ireuredlayr or departure sheatha strokeoi genius Our Junior Ensemble Town in Stripes Bright bold slrlpes splnsllcu wlln loyaus obundnli on sinuous bow topped sheath paired with solid pelalpanrlled box coat The taller lng meticulous demonstration oi virtuosity in linen Sizes lo 20 in black and whlle and nnvy and while COMPLETE oumr 1993 0mm liLousns 40 Slrmrs an rglllwyme royal nunrina or mini anneal alla slarv