Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 28 May 1956, p. 1

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friction yiwsotissoitr and rilioKv ii etu uni enumerate noru olciqultltIil PagesTwo Sections lilite Ir lnundyutcrdny body at Anthony Vsn Stee Vdou41 Tomato who believed we have drowned on Slturdoy nllht in the Mosquosh River near Holley Harbour Van Stccdon crpuin nl yrcht owned by Jack Creed at Toronto in thrown from soul best In aisle alyvfifikhlhpidstgt at line qos ml smewu Light siidlsnd pllot hircd tie many growers were still busyln the marsh areas pgéégfilnvss Séfidcn the water catching up with late planting season is small crowd goth In but lnsnrgcd Dmufil loin ered outside the Eradiord municipal building to witness the boat Vnn stecdon dinppenrcd in unveiling at memorial to the man whose foresight and en orgy were the principal motors in thodaveloplnent oi the couv nd he 14 Holland Marsh gardens airslira is is Enid $6313 The bronze plaque to Prolessor Day presented by ihoiwo men had let out the the Tourist and industrial Committee of simcoe County Illll bolt to visit Pete bepnge at ouncil and mounted in is calm constructed through theco Pcnuuns npcrntion oi the townships at West thllinlbury and King Both lit Ind Leoso mixed and the village or Bradlord was unveiled by his eldest son William Doynt Niagara Frills other members of the Day éor rcvrrp hours on Saturday night mml ianlily including grandchildren were also present at the ceremony Steedon Ontario Provincial Police psiricd out dragging operations ycslcrdry contravene PShop it me Appll 5150 run from pm chncsony 03 pm Saturday 19 The retail mcrchrnts committee at the Barrie Chamber at Com cc shop 24Dun lop Street West Bsrrlc was iincd costs in moglstrates court on Friday or cnntrsvcning the shopping hours bylw As sales promotion scheme the shop hd remained open continuously May is mcrcc are considering the possibil les oi tightening up the present ell The censuslo betaken in June tion relic tbisvyelr will provide much in formation which will be useful to business tirms included in the ntatiowcountwillbelquestions sex marital status rela to head of household and The resultant information will furnish valuable clues to the change which has darken place In consumer market since 1951 Tltc sale oi diflerent kinds oi goods is related to the number oi people with dirt initc characteristics for example childrens shoes and age groups Census returns will show the num bet and location of Csnudian tame gtilies and since families rather than individuals are the Important consumer unit iorsnnie Iirms this inlormstion will be partlculnr whether living ondflalm value to them background for Marketing king policy nywltw is arts from the population ccnsus it is Easy to see lurnish an essential background rnr market Divo cities with equal population Will ditier in the mar ket potential for commodity be cause the average age the pop ulatlon of each diticrs Oncllty would be better mnrket itll chlldrcns clothing because the woraverage age ct its popula Ls the fact Iltut it has run Thevcily witli the rage age could be more chi higher better market commodities flEEdcdhylcluli£ This sort or spclyris can be ap plied broadly over the whole of Canada The constituent elements winch ninkc up our population have in important inliucncc the character of markets in tcrcrlt areas The fact that the 1958 census will provide count of the population ncccrding lo characteristics such its age sex and family and by small geogra phical areas means that event amount oi detailed informntlon will be available Ibout the popula tion to assist businessmen in the sun of potential murkctlthe organization of production and sales prognms locniion at retail outlets and thesrrangcrint Ii sslcs nnd advertising quotas ln order to plan intelligently or pro duction and sales business must know the size and salient charA ucteristics of its market andiun deriying every market survey is the censuslinformotion The con siderable shiils which have taken place in the location or thc Con adinn people since 185l have drastically changed the market picture The 1956 census will hrlrlgbiisic nspccis hi it up to dntc floralUrban Di rlbutlon Thclhfid census Williflllll in formation concerning the rural urban distribution oi the populai lion Urban populutiori will inv elude those who live in builtup vlolst wee bud SustVone hnl day Tuesday and nights have been not ruin fellSut urduy night Ind Sunday early leaves are tIII uncer tain Ind trIIIInrns andtulips wondcrInL Today indicates variable and cool Tempentnnl inter syzo ay 28 Ear places at 1000 population or more whether incorporated or The number of people say in the Incorporated city of Tom to will be known but what is more important for the business mun those who live in the recog nlzcd metropolitan area of Toron to will be counted also tiuns will be made of all people including those who live outside the city limits but Whose Work is cinselyconnected with the city The rural area beyond such boundaries will not include the ingesol large cities but will he genuinely nonurban Many cities however cover very large nrea Montreul has more thaniD square miles on each of which lives on average ol 20000 people To have the lacls about Montrealas whole is not sncisisctury for many marketing studies or for various purposes grocery chain for example might be Interested in knowing where population and trrttic are concentrated and wouldlike to obtain census data areas as small as blocks While it is not Turn to page live please lily Tnbula reclamation scheme coiiurc tor constructionoi the additions to Collier Street Unilch Church has been signed with Enl ory EngineeringnBarric coming within the budget of $4500 raised byvthe building campaign of last year With certain rcvisiuns the ol iiciol Board has approved plans whereby the Sumlay School build ing remains inlactnnd the new gymnasiumauditorium tilclng Cole icr sr with etc gouge ncFhn ah cic playi or ssxasxw isuprrcti the sums Is in the original plan Main cbrngo is in the connect ing wingwhlch will he one storey and contain kitchen washrooms stairway space as in oriclnulplan and room about 20x20 on the south side and main about 12x20 on the north it is expected construction will start early In July with comple tion by the end of the year To Fisher BA head of the history department and director of instrumentsl music Barrie his trict Collegiate will speak at the Kiwanis Club dinner todny on Muslcsl Prospects For Barrie John Allason will beplanosalolst group at Kiwanishs tire plan ning locompletepainting the lit Morrison Memorial Cottage at Blue Mountain Camp hcsr Coiling wood on Wednesday afternoon Club members were informed that past Yresident Frcd slump who had major operation in Royal Victori Hospital recently was making slactory progress altlio no tors yet lied sbronze plaques or hisltuther through diord yesterday to whoseenergetie cumpnign druiniige was started with the eooperdtion of col municipalities for Holland Marsh Aritong those who attended the ceremony were Dr president OAC oil the stall oi which Protessor ny was engaged prior to retirement leit above and Pro rssor Moliut ulso ot 0A0 ed with Professor Day Get Msnbérs speclnl gonoral meeting lltc lllll membership at arrie Chamber otCommerce ill be held Tuesday evening It oclock at the studios at ciivurv An interesting agenda has been planned and will Include topical film Lets Go To Town whleb oncerns trans rtstio media Through the courtesy oi Ralph Snclgrnvc president and manager at CKVitTV tour at the television and rdlo lieiliiler has been pian chthcr conditions hnvc still been favorable to tire protection staff in the Lakevslmcoe districts withfrequcnt showers and cool wenthcr keeping the hazard in the low and medium bracket There were indications idly weekend that the danger rating was rising and oifieisls anticipated medium to high hazard conditions during the next two weeks before new growth Is well established Every oilort should be made by fishermen and others travelling in the woods to observe every pre caution with camp res and smok lng materials to inliminaic danger of tire as fully as possible Only onc lire has been reported loxdate in incrircnistrict burn ing slightly over an here train the CPR rightoiway Matchcdosh Township Punt Capsizes on Ldké flln parkingin the wabutmi who was personally ncquplnt Vvcrn Mon Drowned Harold Term 42 st Burling ton was drowned on Saturday ni ht in outing accldLnl on Orr La north or sarii2 He and iricnd Thomas Cairns also of Burlington were fishing from the rear of punt some 150 feet from tho shore when is sharp wind caused theiralt to cépsiztu rvis who was nonswimmer amouneledcinuhcilshing lines and disappeared in the mat tcr otmlnutes His triendchung on to the capsized puntuntil res cued by Alec Morton and Henry Kaiuk at Toronto The body was recovered nnhour later hisfaii age inaI paper Shivach drive of the Boy Scouts scion late summer hold on Saturday with trucks slartlnguut at 100 was quite successtul with ex lent weather and good working temperature Thirtyone Junior and senior Scouts were on the job with Fred Wright Asst Scout master with the new Cook Street area troop in charge stone IIS Mr MoClyrnont Mr Westgath Tsylor Mr Willis and Mr Mo Eeamlng were all nwsy Between 45 nnd 50 tons were loaded by Strathdce Trnnspurt at the CGE plant arsdlorll Street Trucks and drivers were supplied through the customary tree service by Beaver LumberCon Beers Tire Service CsnadaGcncrsl Electric Brewers Warehousing Do Vilbiss attack while working In Tilelain Professor Day died on July 1933 sulierlng heart his garden in the Brudtord Harsh area Gold iiiedl graduate in physics at Toronto Unlvcrslly in 1903 he joined the stall at OAC nuclph mil in 1906 he was made head of the physics department there Its early as lino he be came interested in the swamp area at llolland Marsh interest Authorities But it was not until 1923 when he retired tram 0A0 and came to live at Bradfordpthat he began anonergetic campaign to interest the authorities in drainage re clamation scheme for this area lie gathered around him others who were strong supporters of his Ideas many oi whom are not alive today to witness the ultimate squ cess oi the scheme An idea which has now made possible it miIiInn dollar business in vege tables reclamation scheme which hits produced such fertile land as to deservedly earn the title Garden of Ontario Personally Connected Among those who were person any connected with Professor Days scheme in its early stages and present It the ceremony were Ilecvc Percy Selby West Gwil limbury Township and Alexander Baird who was the engineer in charge of the scheme SyEVmpHQC sonot the late WiEvous QCrecn1Ied how his father then the township Present 1W rigs Filter centre l3X RCAFJune Wings Presentation or bar rIc Filter Centre will be held at the Combined IllcssRCAl 13X Depot Angus on Friday June OIIIcIaI ceremony commence pt 830 pm The Detachment Command er FIIgbtLicutenrnt Swlnton will give the welcnm ing rerunskn Ind Introductions including Mayornidon Greci Barrie who will reply Wings will be presented by Group Cnptaln II Gwlnn MBECI Senior Ground Ev vironroent Dtncer Mr De fence Command no 5t nu hart Quebec and also by Iiildhlirst Forestry who in addi on brought in their own supply paper The First Allundsie St Georges troop have been busy In cleaning up the church grounds and assisting the Churchmens Club in the excavation and eonj struetlon or th new basement solicitor hnd guided the scheme through thclegni problems die also read II letter at appreciation trom Ibo hov vsug DI the minister It the church It which Proicssor hay and lustme lly attended but who was unable so be present at Bradlord yester ny Tributes to the Pioneer Tributes were spoken by Wur dcn John Smell Slmcoc County Warden licherchie York County George Johnston MPF Simcoe Centre Dr Miter Lachlrin president 0A0 and PW lessor bloifut of GAG who knew Protessnr Dsy personally having worked under him at OAC Ho was into at tho most energetic men have ever had Ihc privilege to work under an exacting boss but never unfair The first crop lrom the drained marsh land was grown in 1927 and by 1930 Protcssor Day reported to the councils that crop which grossed $26000 had bccnsold oil 31 acres oi Marsh garden land Today some 7000 acres urc un der cultivation and gurden vog elables sales are estimated in mil lions of dollars and several pre pockins plants are located In the ares other industries connected with vegetable growing have also come to the marsh such as iortil izcr companies wholesale buyers ices andcrato and box tuc Tb Dne Mn Our grogress In civilization can usually traced back tothciew said Dr Jr Macmcblan it takes one man or it takes few tolnlliate aprogram tor society The late Protessor Diiy was the one man whose torc sight brought prosperity to tho wastelands Holland Marsh Ow en Sound Fire David Réxlord Cruickshank 11 and his fouryearold brother Nor man Richard perished In it tire which destroyed their arm home near Owen Sound on Saturday after all attempts by their mother to waited them tailed The mother was severely burnt and her back broken when she leli from second storey window after her rescue attempt She was taken to hospital in critical con dition Anoider daughter Faith car ried sister to it bedroom window and escaped by woodshed rout below gt Meanwhile the father had been attempting to fight the blue which completely destroyed the frame building in 20 minutes downstairs with an extinguisher lt iuxlomstic that it you have nothing to say dontoayIt VToo often artcr dinner spcskcrs tail intothis category It appilcsto gt editotoo The Canndion Amateur Hockey Association has decided Incllmmalétpzgsfiffi tosend an allstar team tojepresent Canudn in theWorld toeziimiddte iirii golumn torpthe H09 Champinxuhlps next Winter in Moscow This is on time being ant we led wept important step because the world must leornhgnill where havo something to ss And so let the bestlhookey players come from cm The CA should have no trouble in selecting the coach hhruizovzinilfipliflm for this team of allstars The CAIIA in tact should haverno or ma rhesltatio Theeonc we refer to is is resident or Barrie Ont smut to to ct er so ul Shncoc Countyun tswcrlr in Zgitcihe iactutghst cfnrdlsrihc Emm tunnell slam during thrust printmills arevrunning at at or The basis on whichythe coach will be selected should rest the 15 than 100 caprclty Th dc onrabllltyrcharacter and record Dealing with the lost what men mphnfflptfl in 13 ufifiyguztgfnéhe$r$rz if amateurhocireyeoach in Canada has better record In it sentcd unusual whys Lust err mm LThc hug mmmpomm years Idap Emms hastakenhis EnrrleFiyers to two Memor homemade tilln was This dpuicp have new Alluch pup iai Cup championsh 115 three EastErn Canada titles and ion lielesfiQfilfifllil drflm hey swallow thousands uttpns pcr Ontariowin frnts postseason histeant with littleratingx Engageggsglbgmgragga knocked or two more iavored clubsln the playoffs before in pusopprl nsrlu is the major pourccor losing to theohampiorl Marlboros in the ilnol This coach autumn wirlte will tfpsper andlibofitllmffiiioifiour hn owinn greeord lightogothsuggoggr oupulocssou aure ere on in enlist °° Zhit°f°tlfiiti°zi nd2llghting rhcgrending nl appropriateverscs to recount 1th ill accompan ital cc Night of the Slmcoc County Re crcntiolf Service will be held gtln Barrie District Collegiate Institute gyggnusium Imnorrow evening ut This will be the seventh recren tion review night and providesean opportunity for the counlycrocrca tion board to roporlvto the people wellknown tuctthnt no laye its said athlete hos bee ondu ng himseir lays breaking tro lisbtretresbmen in twin sins

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