Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 May 1956, p. 9

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Valiant PUPILS at rice Wales studying the habits and customs of the Canadian Indian in realistic fashion this year As their course proceeded their teacher Mrs Law had the children build teepee and make war bonneis to present pageant for the rest of the students at the school The young squuw with papoose left is elghtyearold Judy Rowe Sevenyearold David us Mixed Over High School We have talked with number of people who heard have been old about the Toy ship High School plan The meeting held at Churchill on Monday iollowing the one at Siroud had ahout the same attendance Reeve Gibbins and the committee did most of the talking The Reeve says that his council hat no interest in pushing the plan through it this is the case why allihe haste to get it before the County Council Thcr now to be held another township wide meeting which will endeavor to get an expression of opinion and it may be that will give the Council an indication as to what public opinion is on the matter The ratepayers and especially those 53 who have the paying of that portion oi the taxes should be allowed to express their desires They may not be users of the schools but they should be allowed the vilege nt theireopinione navotea the matter invol ng close to ball million expenditure Then we have the possible an ncxation at portion of the north part oi the township into Barrie This of courseWould nate those ratepayersme any interest in atnwnship school and slip from being considered part of the 16 sections that are required to make up di rict high school Exrceve Todd when asked about his opinions of the matter cit that it was something that should be given plenty of time ianeonsideration it should be left in abeyanee ntl avote taken at the polls this fall he felt when theiocation of the sehoolds given that is when the ehang mind of the supportersgwili de velop he thought Wa ch Speeding The Township Police have speed trap timer for demonstra on and this will Vhegiven trial View the coming weekend it ou are driving on township loud be alert tor the speed oi your vehicle especiallyxll you are in any of the limited speed zones or on the 8th line oi other heavily travelled roads There will be sigmpiscod warning thovmotorists hatmh electric timer is in one to of vehicle even it heiis not driving himself hetWillbe tha one whovgetsthe summons The machine was given trial on Tuesday afternoon oaths high woyfin stroud andth the police beenuctudily operating the llll chlne for purpose of trapping ape ders they would hnvc had bet first hund rldollars made to pay for the hina Whlch The root is up to the owner mmwmzmec QM row wooed tllis drops back to zero as soon ax the car is passed The otiicer must hove his eye trained on his dial to catch the top speed before thehnnd recedes He then radios ahead to mother cruise to have the car stopped With the electric timer there is time for an officer to flag the driver to the side of the road and he may come and see for himself the record on the dial and watch others being trapped Local Citizens In The News Noi much taks place in the district that some Innistil resident does not get either tops or near there Mrs Mira Gohcen of strand captured the electric dry er which was drawn for In the Epictt Electric contest This was the second prize and toils clothes dryer into home where it can he well appreciated Inthe roadeo eoniost held in Barrie sponsored by the Junior Chambercot Commerce the and bat driver there was from sli Allandackson whose address is RR Barri gives the town sort of old in on him like they have taken the fame for some of our famous sport leaders How ever Ailan was only 13 points he iiind the top winner Robert Ball who is also rural resident on 17 years age and has ng without an ac dent since allowed to have his license The tests these drivers were put through woul stump many of the older drivers that think Father knows best South niece Deanery gt Meeting The meeting of thcgreat chap ter the South Slmcoe Anglican Deanery was held at Beetoncoll Wednesday night There were abeut50 insattend incc Following the shonservice nthechuichlthc meeting ad lourncd to the communityhsli where supper served by the ladle of the par was enjoyed Followin is aspcuker Chambers rom Toronto repre lenting the Brotherhood otAngv ica churchmen gave talk on Ihe ced of men to give more pic ionalservleedo the church Following th lk the business it the tollewlng an opening prayer liev Lionel Rowenrral dean Rowe told of macho son yiccho beheld latcrjnthe sums uer whichiwoul ave special worker who wold rally tor the fall moctingot the Great Chapter This will be held rlyw in woedil and Harrisffar igh his bow and arrow Grouped around the teepee in the cen tre are left to right Jimmy Rankin VKeith charicsworth Mark Buckiewlcz standing Frances Hollett Medicine Mali Keith Rompf and Linda Eberhardt Parean oi the children volunteered to make their costumes The lynx and bearskins and the mooschide rifle case are ull genuine Elect WavuBJauéilené 9m Cant Understand Nom de Plume Criticize Others Barrie May 15 1958 To The Editor The Barrie Ex mlncr Sir Having read and avi Noni de Plumes letter in May issue The Barrie Examinerl am still wondering how anyone could so severely criticize other people for having their letters printed anonymously and then not love the courage to sign his own ettcr Certs ly he had no right to criticize those persons who wished to express thelr poiulpf view on the actions of council understand lt council is elected by the people to dovthe will oi the people lllost of us agree that the Town Fathers do very good lab in solving most problems But surely Nomvde Plume does not expect 17000 people to agree toner cent with alloi councils decisions it would be strange settlement of people if they did lien de Plume mentioned the nerati received by council to partlyreimburse ex lenses involved would like to ow what expenses would he nvolved in attending council meetings it councillor lives in sin do hope they are tivcs coiild bring an ccbuat itlll the larishcs undfinslly wind up with Ill Bar citizens lrdo not know low long council is in session lot it seems to me though may to wrong that they are receiving lbout $3 an hour How many of hese men receive $3 an hour on heir jobs for which they are spec ticallytralned vtThe are not diked to have any spec training become Council member daybc they should Many of in same men who areonvthn ouncil Ire also members ot ser lice clubs They say they join hose for the betterment ot the Sommunlty There they are willing to pay membership fec paystohttend dinner meeting every week and vhcn they hold carnival or other unctlon for the purpose of raising unds they oilhc tlme un nudgingly But to be on council tor the good of the town they do nand the highest remuneration lnd take it withoutleven consid ring thc will oithe people It is my opinion that tone layera association should be ormed They could hold mcct Lngs periodically and appolnt dl lerent members to attend all coun cil mectlngs Tiles represents proceedings of councli the next meetingundcouid also present to council any grievances which the players 11ch they have Yours truly cuprrrNlcnots Believes Barrie ToThc Editor Burrlehxs Dearslr have My sion to deny the fact tha idExsmlncrreportltitl Indianmadearticies from the Yukon The animals were egliiu would be needed shotvin the PellyRiver Distribt by Baker mining longincer funlrospectors Airways and relative of Mrs Law and the rifle case was squnw tanned nnd sewn by hand by Hravrn WoménWA President Mrs misborough of Waubau shone was elected presidents Slmcoc Presbytery Womans Asst elation of the United Churchs the sixth annual mceting lIIMid land succeeding Mrs ET Jory of Barrie Speaker at the gathering of 165 delegates representing til nicmbcrs oi the do atmfai associations in the presbytery was Mrs Scarlc vicevpresl dent of Dominion Council WA Working Together at the Grass Roots was the topic at her ad dress Newlixccutivc officers installed by nonw Auld who brought greetings from Midland United Church oificial board include Mrs MaeKenzie and Mrs it Dsborne Orillia past presidents Mrs Trace Elmvale lst viceprcsidenf Mrs Bert French Waverley no vice president Mrs Aberdeen Allis ton 3rd vicepresldent Mrs Jory recording secretary Mrs Gillbanl Aliarric corresponding secretary Mrs Caswell Mid land treasurer Mrs Marquis Orillia literature sberetary Mn Cook Drill pres secretary lilrsCaldwc shantyBay pro gram Mrs Trace assistant Mrs Chisholm Barrie pianist Mr Osborne devotional conven 2r Mrs Elmer French Waverley hristian citizenship and temper ince Mrs Doldge Barrio United Church training school Mrs wumot Wllson Waubaus ne Christian education and girls york Mrs Chisholmparsonsgc McKnight Barrie Victor secretary Mrs Mackenzie onimittee on nominations Mr is clichriat Shanty Bay issue lnt Mr Osborne organization Vlrs Husband Orooverseus re ief Mrs Bert French Elmvale Jolted Nat ns Mrs RoyG Hawkestone visiting ollingwood flower fund crossbow Thciay of the Womans Asso lation is tbeioyot the common ask that binds our hearts toge bcr Mrs Scarlegtold the WA representatives We Chrlstlans need to be able lodo the impose Lblefi We noted women to develop cmpathy our task is to take hc large toskjnto local ac Va and this is not easy We musthe Chrlatv lug and dealing in love ourwi he is weaker when fail to beChrlstlikc We mus herring ing to he bounduogcth grass roots and translatcl momentous tusks into action lithe believe first that the world needs Unltcd Church womcn5ec ond thcrcis greater opportunity thanever before Third nd Christ an teliowsblp and Mrs Coles lie work cannon to work out His Purpose and it she tails He will raise up another nation to brlng about His Worn Will Canada fail fWc areynot blameless ior con dldons of the world about us Work is not done when you have attended meeting Work starts me disarm Worship Servlcc Mrs Jury opened the meeting with the call to worship and de votional service on Ihe theme Womans Cause ls Man based on Proverbs 31 1031 was con ducted by Mrs James Lennox Mrs Bernard and Mrs Wil son of Thornton Mrs Perkins Midland welcomed the delegated Annual reports indicated suc cessful year in the presbytery un der Mrs Jorya leadership The sale of literature had almost doub led and Guthrie United Church now has 44 scholars taking the temperance course The needior young adults to become nursesteachers and ChfLi tlaa leaders was stressed Present Greetings slursJfl cKay preside ented gr tings from Womans Association and Mrs Hanna presented greetings troln Toronto WestPresbytery wa Mrs Perkins representing the president Mrs Mcbaren oi Creemore presented greetings from the prcsbytcry was Mrs Gordon Smith and Mrs Vernon Sweating of Midland sang two solos The Blind Ploughman By SUSAN WHEELER The sin and students oi BDCI were saddened to hear of the dcuth of the Wlfc at our principal Mr Bowman Mrs Bowman was no stranger to us as she always took Such an lntcrest in all our activities Our sincere sympathy lsmtcnded totMriwhowmun Lenore and Richard Cadet Inspection This year alter shorter period of practice than usual because at the rainy season BDCIVStudents were readyto go on parade The colorful procession icit the municipal building at seven pm and arrived in plenty of time for the eight oclock rogranl The arena was filled most to capac ity with very appreciative uuli iellce Ceremonial formation ior in accompanicdbby Mrs Broad of Midland Mrs Searle was introduced to the gathering by Mrs MacKenzle member of the DominionCoun cil WA Mrs Chisholm was pian ist in the absence of Mrs Smart of Collingwood An invitation from Thornton WA to hold the semiannual pres bytery meeting in Thornton Uni ted Church insociober was ac cepted Midland WAwservcd close or the sessions Mrs MacKcnzlo presented Mrs Jory with gift expressing the thanks of the executive thatJlad tea at the and Hear Forest Praying JUNIOR learn how to the Bible lsvthc Word otfioddoroui trusts heworld to The launch urno lo dlf ldin months throughout the28th it Bimcoe orestera served under her tor thepast inspection party were Capt John Possible oilllio Sets New CDLDWATEE Growth 0r lllla and prospects of adding to the town by annexation resulted in discuslion unong trustees of Orillia District Collegiate Board at the May meeting that the time was not tar off when new call Wiiliam Robinson of Wuhsgo chairman of the transportation committee of the Board contended that Orillia would be the lallcnl location for another school due to its central position committee of chairman Harry Tlssinglon and trustees Par naby and Dr Paul Williams was appointed to study the problem and the logical course at action rcqulred by the approaching need for additional educational facili ties Two bus loads at students from Goldwater are attending 0r illla Collcglatc at present Various grants were acknowa ledgcd Provincial grant for yo catlnnui students was $40212 and llic academic grant $457932 Gcn ernl legislative grant tntllled $75000 Central headquarters Oskvillc of the Department of Do fence set grant of $1185 towards Section 2clges to J4 An eXcltlon Cellegiqté Problem csdei work Dominion goveroe merit grant for Rania students was 51120 parent Wrote the Board com plaining about girl students being required to take part in calls ihcnlu demonstration in cold rain This future at the cadet exercises wu lilo last event nut doors beiure the balance ol the program was cancelled Following recommendation by the prlnclpl the Board is consId crlng Ippolnling full time regise tercd nurse for the collegiate staff Elghi teachers have beca added to the collegiate stat tor the new lull term This brings lbs num ber oi teachers up min 42 to 50 Seventeen ncw teachers were hired Nina had resigned and eight new ones wore needed owe ing to the vocalionnl Idditlon Prlnelpll Winch pointed out that those planning to take shop course this fall cannot ig norc academic training altogether For the first two years only about one quarter of the school time would be in the shop with more time given to manual training in the last two years Town Meyers Told Plans For NaiUrcll Gas Pipeline East Orillia Packet and Times Mayors ot Orillia Blrric Grayl cnhurst ilnd uraccbridgo along with members of their councils met in Orillia last night the guests oi the Northern Ontario Natural Gas Company Limited Foilowin dinner at the Orillia liotel municipal repmscntae tivcs heard company oiilcials tcll of the prospects tor natural gas in this area and the advantages whlch would accrue to towns which granted their franchise Mayor Wilbur Cramp ol Orilc lia welcomed the visitors who in cludcd Mayor Wanda Miller of Gravcnhurst Mayor Eldon Greer oi Barrie and mayor Glen Coatcs of Braccbrldgc IThe gas com pany was represented by its gen cral manager ChesterCray and company spection was then taken up with the Inspecting otflcer this year Sherriilg MC VD from aiorriaon 0alcviuewitN assisting inspector MIan the Howard Peter inclair chalrmsn the board MrT it aowman principal Lieut Cockburn general convener and cadet instructor Capt Nes bitt The commanding oificer Cadct LLCol Brian Weathcrhead assisted in inspecting the cadeteq while Company Commander Joyce Caldwell and atlas Hilda Taylor joined the inspection party to in npect the girlsvplatoons Cadet instructor Fisher and Cadet Lieut Don McKinnon inspected the band The platoons marched through their paces lneltleient military style the boys in competition for the Major ll Rodgers Trophy the girls or the Morrls soanrophy The audience then sat back and swayede with theCrade Xi girls in Rhythm Ball listened to the ex cellent BDCl pipers and tried to keep their eyes onthe Ambulance Corps doing First Aid BrenGun and Fieldcratt demonstrations all going on at the same time The Twirlcrcttcs of 1956 with their precision and beauty were tolv lowed by the boys physical educa tion demonstration The Grade xn girls waltzcd sev year Ncio is m6 Reserve Recently articlpatitlgl tructorsare an engineer Jack Tomlinson Al so present was if Clifford Deans president at Bankers Bond Cor paration Limited of Toronto Prospects that lhe area will re celvc natural gas from is trans Cansda pipe line by about 1953 wcrc good the municipal repre sentatives were told Mr Tomline son stressed the olntthat there would be sutiic ent market for natural gas in Canada to make the allCanadian roqu economically feasible The company rcprcscnlativcs ill so said thcy iolt confldcnt that it given the franchise for this area their fuel would not only be com gotttlve in price to pruent tuels ut would be lower in cost than natural gas altered by cumpctlng companies Principle rcason for this is that Northern Ontario has alrcady received the franchises from an Northern V0niarlo com munities By selling consider able quantity of offpeak and in terruptiblo gas to the mining and pulpnand pgp udustries in the north they werocoliiident that they could supply gas to this arc at not more than $125 athollsarid cubic feet tor domestic consump tlon The mayors stressed the import ance of all four municipalities working together and agreeing to award the franchise to the some company audience topping their toes in time to the music selection by the band led by Mr Fisher filled the short inter mission betorc the daring tests of the gym teamtumbiing and per forming tinthe hox horse and parallel bars The least or these exercises demands perfect muscle coordination and wit waadm possible not to gssp at the ulnar ing turnsgleaps somersauits and pyramids performed by this amp The finale allowed the Grade 1X and girls exhibition at physs ical trainingu Lieut Cockan introduced Col Sherring who gave short and inspiring address to the students The Major Rodgers Trophy waspresented to No5 Platoon Commander Cadci Lieut Clarence hinchart The Strutbcona Crest was prclt sented idGary Powell and the Jack GarnerTropby to Jocelyn era dilferent waysand hid the ai testskweremeld at therEarrie Arlnoury with Turn to pagefourteen please couRsEAi BARRIE ARMouRYg

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