Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 May 1956, p. 6

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ror oonacientloos on mm age £43 to join nu Canadian company heouiremano high optical diploma drivers llomgri and desire in pro Mien possibilities ior uture Idvlm merit Slnrli Siin 32w gr minim Applyhon Bard amincr Ioul Teachers Innisni Township Sehooi Are No requires the services ottwo teachers tor duties in Sept One inr Senior Room at iicmy nnd onelorungriided school at neurosdn Salary minimum $240000 Reply stilling no experience and last inspector to Edgar Slurgenn SecyTrcas Churchill Ontario 5960 POLICE RECRUITS WANTED 5vDaly Week Good Sillniy Vacation wlih Pay 10 Statutory Holldnyx Full Pension alter so years service Medical Service Included Ago II to under years Minimum Height 59 weight lilo lbs Also police women APPLY 1N PERSON To POLICE TRAINING SCHOOL TORONTO CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT its College Street Tommie Manda to Friday incl 100 GENERAL MACHINIST AND MECHANICV Quaiincd mlin who has had trade training or experience or both on lullm milling machine and surface nnd cylindrical grinders and who ran moire parts mili drawings us ing hand tools and the above ma stunts Forty hour week all benefit plans ellht paid holidays and two weeks vocation Wages $145 to start and $159 litter nine monlhs Write or phone collect lo MacArthur NATIONAL CARBON 10 WALKERTON ONTARIO 16061 PRESSER to run PanfiJf Pres xjvllh Clo ners on one wall Dry 16082 USEKEEPER or tamiiy ol gfit End Live out Phone 2059 or 8940 18062 WAITRESS wnnted ruii benefits Uniforms mulled Prysons Grill lanrric ltstl SERVICE Station nttendnnls want mi shit work ApplyVonlu Rar rle Ethiner ido TEACHER required lliiidos in rural school Write Mr Tracy RR Eimvale 160 GIRL or Woman for suda loun taln summer lodge at Balm Beach Phone Penetang Kingsdale 9311303 FARM lIand wanted single tor mixed iarm No milking Good wages Apply Jm Kerr RR lso ion 159 YOUNG ladies to train or cash lers Apply stare Manalicr Lob lnws Groceterin 52 Baytleld Earrl leo COMPANION Housekeeper tor elderly lady ii room Irioderri bun aiow at Big any Point Phone izari warnica Stroud zirla dz th young child Ior tour MAN to help ran at beach etc Shanty Bay Thursdays and Salli ays month July Reply Box 42 Barrie Drum iner 10052 MmUADE Under raduate and experienced pmctiea nursestor general duty Inniswood Convales ceni Lodge Phone Miss Breakwcli Barrie 426 61 SINGLE man tor tami ry ex erienee Top wages Statutory ho idnys allowed and every other sunday Apply IIubbelt Siroud ldniz iiiii RESPONSIBLE womfln or girl to look alter children while mother works leo in Na hmisekee ng required Phone 1234W Camp Orr lien nller Em 100 RELIABLE Man single or willwa er for general work in large rest dence and ¢to lidve Year raw crap oyrnen an goo wagcs Sheppard Barrie 4262i 15961 YOUNG man wanted interested in learning grocery husmpsseuooo salary oiiered to man with expert ence For lull particulars coil Maple Leas Services Camp Borden tan 160 51 DOG CATCHER required by the Town 01 Barrie Vehicle and equipment Siipglied by the frown Ap 1y In Mr La Director at gublic WDIIIS 24 R0 ert Street Barrie 15930 MOTOR Mechanic with diversided gunhncatioru and capability oi earning 34in yearly Also moto mechanic at basic rate oi pay ply llart International Den er Ba ri ioaw PENSIONER or wldnw with Small income whowouid apprecl to good home in return for scrvl housekee toroneml1= adui Preterab one who can drive car Phone zoo Wanna Beach iaoal COOKaGenerailkpei1=nued Ex ceuentsalary private room od ern equipment nciudln disiswash mil iamiiy Oct to Toronto Island WA 373010 or it Venn1 to teach junior nune lately until Ill unmounted fior nipoi log oonnunenwith line oi household neocositiu You can easily earn from tap to 15 weekly ramilex Dev Station CMnintrul lm PART Tune allendanoeotiieer Position miuhie tor retired per son prelernniy with trainln in social wane or teaching uni pr plieallon to Georgc Longxm Business Administrator Public School Board iiillerest School Barrie ieo krictim assistant or camp Boldderwood on Gull Lake Grav enhunt Main responsibilin is to help cook Room and board found 51 or the Nmmer Good position Ior puiaioner or widow or poiIon not permanently em Played Avgy in wrilln to David Crliclaley niveulty tuemrnt Grange Road Toronto 16063 mums in independence an aboveaverage income security 50 your own host Manage your own husiness Sell nationally ad vnnised products necessitiex or both horn and rum No invest mLm needed rrce insurance plan ll you want to get ahead are be tween 25 and 55 have or could obtain car wrile today to Dept obvéA 350 SI Roch Sircot Mon lltal 160 POSITIONS WANTED WILL mind or children in my home Monday to Friday Sii week ly mg backyard Phone anyiime m1 259lt62 WOMAN to look lifter children any age in own home out in the county ly Mrs Hayes RR Anton 115 24360 BACHELOR Farmer requims cau ple lor weak on modem diury lnrm near Barrie Evciylhin sup led Good wages Good omc goody employment Box Bar rie Examiner 24mm BOOKKEEPER lully qualiiicd complete set at books good at iy ing Energetic reliable so ycnrs th one ilrm reconii pensioned Desires hill or part tme position Moderntc sauna Phone lilo anno piy Bolt arm Examiner 20041 MoaiLE HQMES 40 MOBILE Ham your old turn iturtI in trade Good terms Ciln tnct Cpl Weber lICAF Cnnrp Bor den local 232 460 BOATS MOTORS OUTBOARD Molar Juhnmn hp perfect running cundilion Phone 4360 20 PORT Curling Sen aird beauti Iul condition 85 hp tier Buchanan motor Speeds up to 23 mph Price $1500 Phone 2817 llansfll zitFT RUNABOUT Boat with no hp conversion vs at or Front cockpit and rear This boat is in good condition price $800 Appig to Sristow as Duniop St est Barrie 435940 LIVESTOCK EORSALE 10 PIGS weeks old rApply Har ry Perkins Shanty Bay 900 GRADE Sharihorn Cow trash weeks Bell RR Barrie phone 2503 960 lu YORK and Tim Figs week old Howard Carter phone Z7r1 Conitsiown 950 WEANLTNGPlgs Yorkshire Ap ply Crawford it Son Ora Sta tion Phone lilla oro 960 HOISIEIN Cow due to treshen iune Apply Murray Greaves phone Barrie 845r12 M5940 GOOD young team horses also Clydesdae Stallion rising years registered and enmlled John Gagen RR Alliston 900 sow with 12 Pigs weeksoid also Holstein lierier 11 months Maple Irattle hrcedin Apply 01i ver Conneil Strou phone 23m Hitiii REGISTERED British Yorlshire Boardrnierviceabler tiller Dam 1m orted from Scotland last year el Hudgin Moonstone phone was 96061 parish and Springer Hohteins grade and purebred vaccinated also Dion cutiing box nearly new Buck lnke Allis Chalmers earn bine Rubber tlred wagon and newhliy rack Would exchange tor livestock Joseph Coohrane and Sons RR Burie Phone urn Simod assm WANIED HIGHEST PRICES PAID SCRAPMriTALS we plansell pipes beams lull channels and reinioroing rosin iNDUSiRiAi iRQixi ANDMETAL Dunlap St Fernan Phone 6331 6487 Barrie Metal Er Salvage DEALEBSJN gradesnnntieuo oomrnen Applyatntlngzcype gig onus dcduonsandhmerot torwc Drur Woman unqul yfltpl ta elfEARS neonilitlon church hit eLPhtme first It Site and PLACE TO BUY GOOD USED CLOTHING Men Lu ildréoa Weir THEWARDROBE smvicr SELL yoim USED chIDNG FORYOU 2nd moon54 Dunlap St Phone 5203 Entrance between cuu Drown Ltd and Spamin iewe tiring in 111 eiotbiug that is re smattlecielln and in load repair uv will try to Mil or yloil ooaa OUTBOARDS EVINRUDE Sales Service BOATS Sirl Moulded hill Slaps Aluminulhl Boatlnlz In Water Sport Supplies Lawn Boy Sales do Service SPORTHAVEN Opp Wrights Ciedners WA Dunlap Eml Phone 301 738 77 MOBILE HOME TRAILERS 0t Barrie are the lnlwrr to YOUR robin New and mobile home at Illa Chew Low Down Payment Ichenper Flnlnce Rates include insurance ior iuu term oieyour contract up la yetua Trade in inner ear tinnihue eta Parking space will be lvolilhil tor you Chopmans Tr Sales Cohan AVEa Rwy DO Am out Elmo LOCAL MANAGE lloaioa ORDER TODAYI swanloit TaliAco ZOiiS STOVE FURNACE Meter Tank Truekdelivery with Ticket Piinter SIMCOE PETROLEUM EDSON WICE pzprletor Phone 2563 line Bruce Driver Salesman 71 Youve Seen TheREST Now Buy The BEST Koo venl 10th Anniversary Sale SPECIAL PRICES Dasy Payment Plan All colors at no extra eastawnings storm vlrlndows doorsliletime Ignoran tee For lnformatinncall JONES Barrie Phone 5628 758801 BUY CANADIANa VBUY COCKSHUTTI See CAMPBELL BR Barrie Phane mil On 21 Highway miles South F9i COCKSHUTTsFARM MACHINERY iRRiGATibN PROBLEMS HowARD ROTAVATORS Insecticides Myers sprayer strations Gladi Arran ed 97° 70147 Twin fOrBdling from COop Iigh ouaiit Europeanmine at geuhaanywlier ower Cast augnln available early rorn Coop Coop dealers Baiesfllsoo Biilglerf $9 50 ASSIMSLIHI genarouo uantity and ash discounts So you have Inlerrusin pales ll binder twine II nu oiind vlli eontact Coop WI Dr in days Ne have an alientor you Mild nciudsil lidcePLUS lon Ie lermso paymeptond riviieg of return extra bolts or th oui Ipronttto you depends on our lydellvarlnd your twine direct at the Torim Dnck fire week Mimimi Stove DINING Ronm Guito niahoranyhnishedzmou ova miles palatalrad clothing etc FORfsAie RQaiNSoid VilARDWARE New Rotary Power 18 cut cycle enll Regular $6900 LAWN BOY 5995 lr cut cycle engine negulnr $1450 LAWN Dov ia wt MAXWELL Swirl Cul Denote ia cycle engine COMPLETE STOCK Hand Mowers PnlCEsrAImNG AT 1295 Robinson Hardvéare Si DunlopSt East Phone 2431 ieoos SUMME SALE lilo amp Ac Welder inewl IM nrnp AC Welders Demon straw 250 amp Dc Ermine Driven Wei dcr 3995 cycle cnxine 9815 cut loll amp Weider These Illneoln melting are all complete with accessories RENIA15 PRICES REASON ABLE TERMS AVAILABLE Quantity of new Dnuhle shalt 5h totally enclosed Fraclionill Motors All of arc welding equipment and eotrodes Combination woodelectric Moltnt Iiapgc condition guaranteed Large ounniii oi pi and angles sullnhli tor abrlenl on welding Eelciricul and Plumbing Supplies SEE Andrade Sons RR Strand Ph lurid miles east Hwy 11 Alcona Beach Road 76 15 cu Pr Fremr Ai condo Cheap Phone sis 758w woons Deep Freezer is cu it Phone 3533 aiicr 51pm 76082 700gt01 OUTBOARD Molar Johnson 1117 periect running condition Phone 5828 760 STEM lattice safe in good nondi tlon 25 38 Phone 5809 alter para 14750 Excavat FILL Top Soil Gravel log and grading Phone Dennis Moran 2901 ioitt duty MOCLARY burner lrenv table top electric range eason llbie Phone 2003 otter v760 BICYCLBS used $19 Ind upUrry Bros Elc Cies and Sportinfi Goods 36 Bayfle Si Phone 3374 7131031 vaD Aluminum baby earrings last years model gray with pin lining and trim 535 Phone 4007 COMPLETE Wardrobe sin lil also ocs 7AAAlirsL lass eon dIIion No air oiior relused Gain south Phone 8213 133 USED Electrolux and Goblin vaclt iiumi elemlets ireconditioned Guarnnteed Cheap Phone 120 Le irny or 3482 Barr 75860 194338115 Swtian Wagon in good running oondition $175 electric saw table and molor $35 Apply to 17 Ross St 76 Gilth heavy duty range burner good even ex cellent or cottage Best otter Phone m2 evenings 758 We HP WATERLOO garden trac tor complete with iough cultiva tor Ind 24 sickle 31 Good con dition Jack Webster Phone Sign RUG Mafiie Save up to onehalt on heaut ui broadioom rugs Turn your old rarpets woolicns 24 decorative shades Phone 253 122ti MOBILHOME 42foni new Con dition months old $800 less than cost also 1954 Pontiac Sedan De livbfll $950 Apply Chafimneau 138 Bunion Ave 760 CRALGliunler Mn give you ser vicefln yonrMaster Feed Frost Fence Fertilizer Dekilitl Hybrid Corn and Farm Supplies Con tracts available to feed our 11ng lo market Phone Stroll 58rd 743439 rnmmms nines maenin portlbled adding machines elsil egiaters raise and service 11x Gomey phone tiis Box 233 ona representative SOLD Wain Clllna Hespeles Fine Furnitur walnut coflee table gilttrained Ion mir ror St Carlton rodo Ifld recordilflayer Cabinet only table lamp Witll crysta Phone 2852 SPAnToNwashing snaohine rair candliion2 ietc maturnlty dress size 12 Blue oen hlittersklrtand rosevelvet top 21 Motorola can sole an nerialoomolete blonde woo Please callnt Quebec Loop Camp Bord Smith Core 700tfi Cabinet od oven Elec angette will strong Imallrelzlgelmlgsgilka new 31 in neural Wlait nrm chilllziy the anal Inblt June eieeliiTc 17 France StBlrrig noting Rail UPPER LOWER Duplex bulimia lWTIllm in BurritJAw or or mcducocui oil nvnliable June Ami pkg Phone Stroud 21x 156000 ROOM House furnished Phnna 3H1 155660 ROOM Apartment Phone 2113 ollcr 540 1m FURNISHED Bedroom OuttriiL one 4648 1N4 ROOM urnishod nparunent with bath Phone to 1560 VACANT room nnnrtnrsnt priv ate halh Phone 3720 560 FURNISHED Bedrooms very Mn Irnl Phone 4719 or 7356 156960 LIGHT fiausekupin room ly Box till Barrie Exnrellncr Hutpm noon suitable tor singrc iri Separate bath Phone 2434 ti ROOM House oil heated unim nished bedrooms Phone 5573 156062 BEDROOM house untumlshed Available June Phone 815 RDDMED unturnishod heated apartment Adults only Phone 1068 1500411 Tftoonl Apartment new decor ated partl tarnished Adu on Phone 151 1580 COTTAGE rooms wellherimd water inside Avllliable June Phone 6631 1560 FURNISHED Bedroom in new home central Apply Box 38 Bar rle Examiner 156042 ROOM lower duplex htiited Separate entrance available slumI Phone 387d 1569430 APARTMENT rooms and bath No dilidren 124 Puget Phone 05M mu pm 1559430 ROOMED Aptinment lurnLleed Apply I19 John St or 101 Victoria 5L or phone 6353 15410 FURNISHED heated room and bath depamte entriince Central Adults Phone 3536 1560di matte 500 268 Pohne RRoPiltrv FSR RENT 30031 floor mnmmt mod I19 Entrance Suimble Ibo Ioi attic Corner Collier Ind CllPDEfltm 51 Phone 2067 1560 in wound to Lt needed 61 Mary 51 keel rig mm and well rumiahed tell moiloco apartment Suitable Ior adults No children Electrie re Rigelliar Vcry central Phone at 156960 SIM complete furnished nmrlnrent In mom TV laun dromll dryer lApp between and lo pm Adults on Phone lid Vincent St Apt 1540 noéMm Apartment with sop IIBIQ entnnce an eotmty road miles north at Emdlord near school with finial George Rogers New twil phone 9159 1559450 ROOM upstnir lplrlment riv nlc bath and entrance oak 05 mph cupboards and stnrnle spare llme Iundeck Avnililble June Apply In Box 110 Barrie er lNNlSWOOD Apartments modcrn rooms aodbatlaroom iurnisneu or unmmlshcd all heating contin uous hotwatcr laundry Ineiiilios and lockers Adults Phone harric issaiii UNFURNISHED new decanted room apartment wii stove and trip balcony Star and laundry room but water healed Quill private Iind Iiiet Adults AibsLiin l559tl FURNEHED ed room apartment with kitchenette in All mdiiie Relrlgenllor Hindilie and slltk Business orwnrkin couple prctcrrcd Absiainers Adu is only Available now Phone ma iii53m ROOM summer collage to earn Able handyman and family Insido work to be done as part ayment ibr rent Overlooking Liitc who Apply to ii Johnston its Lake shore Drive New Toronto 155941 hflDERN bedroom bungalow un tumilhed an quiet Street near Pnir Grounds in Allnndnle Prcltr once lo yeararound tenant at $85 monthi well worth it Phone 8187 hurled Rogers Realtor Sterling Trusts Bldg 1560 DUPLEX large bedroom live lng room kitchen Modern convem lenees Phan 302r42 155830 l1 ROOM house telephone hydro and wnter Apply ORciiiy Midhulst Phoneloarfl 156051 ROOMS unfurnished central Wired or huv duly stave Avail lone silo lHlm WILL soblet ior Iuiynnnd August lovely bedroom iiv room kit ohen bath npantmtnt Dundaa Roynl York Convenient shoppln centre Bus Service to Elder and Jane Apply iir nenhlii Conn Toronto in Phone BE iiniii issn FRUIT vEGErAstes ROOMS lurnished kltdien and bed slttin room Adults Phone 3494 or call at in Burton Avenue 155980 ROOM Apartment sell contain ed private entrance oil heated But end Barrie Phone 3788 isoatiii VACANT June 100de litm lshed apartment Adults Phone 2583 or apply 18 Reid St Barrie 15594 LARGE healed unturnlshed rpofsklwxl agi7d CCold brfitei wilh sn am ve 156062 SELF Contained room apart rnoni healed Adults only Avail able June 15 Phone Stroud 22m 1540 BRIGHT unfurnished rooms downstairs newly decorated Cam lral Adulls please Phone 5014 156062 BEDROOM or bedsitting mum in apartment very central Privileges it desired Phone 5744 otter Pm 1580168 SIMLARGE ment heated benutitul location $336 burning fireplace Phone APARTMENT room with bath modernselfcnntuined Oil heated Partly turnished ll desired Phone 2112 1540 APARTMW roomrnndbnth central Heavy wiring SultahleIor business cwhle or is Phone 3475 155961 LARGE furnished housekeeping morn on bath flat oil heated hot and cold water Contra Phone 5730 156061 ROOM selfeontainlxl panmnt Private entrance gun Available Apply Box Barrie Ex 55880 ROOM Lower Apartment oil heated own entrance laundry mom on iceloaatlon Phone 3675 arises isdtiltlz APAltiiliilmr dumished large iivin room bedroom and kitchen in lahdale Low root Apply 12v isosoil Letitia St APARIMENT in modern apart ment block available June Two bedrooms stove lrig Laundromat Rhone saw ROQMED Apartment finished almhousekeeplng room doors from main stre All conveniences Phone 6702 1559sdll BEDROOM Apartment eieetric nlly equi ped ardge central locus tiun help wateig heated jA ply 14 Sophia St West Ovfll FURNISHED heated bachelor apartment with private entrance arotrioity and hot water supplied Phone Barrie 2720 lHDEfl BRIGHT roomed dornished apart meni hot and cold water Sui No children Abstaincrs Phone 01 1559490 MODmN room bungalow bed ronnrs A11 conveniences ML base ment Available June Apply Box 41 Barrie Examin 1560 r¢ HOUSEKE rooml PM unlisth Rmsmable rent twice monthly Apply Miliell Store antwood PilanneNew Lowell3027 1555849 LARGE brlzllt rant am and clothes closet tarnished Suitable tor il hrhousekee ng Hotwater nndi ht Overioo in bay Phone 1945 1560 ROOMED uniurnished apart private baihrooin and Avlilnbielut woelt Apply and Dunlapst west APARTMENT hr to with bath stairs nevfly °m upilt and wlh MW TADLEPointoes or sale lleason nhie price at lam Apply Wiinur oobson phone ails 20well APPDES Cpgk nnd oathlg Fill tree for It ova Also barn or sale Ph 3H3 Oltawny Fruit Flrin 2000132 nttirocttve Bpart 1549 l55Hll OIIIF May PLANTSD FLOWERS CHINESEELM i2 $300pér 100 BEZZANT GREENHOUSES as iatmsan St Barrie 275350 LAWN Rolleritor rent 75 per day Eeualit Greenhouse Johnson SLr Barrie 2758411 FIELD grown well rooted pansy plants in bud so eenis bolt Drdor or more delivered 11 ohnsan phone 255a 27dadi FARM TOR SALE SLESSOR REAL ESTATE clapperton St Barrie QNEISQMV V150 ACRES miles irom Barrie mile irom mghwxyylight to heavy loam steel stabilnz cement slab silo also ioailng loamgoroom house equal city home ruii price only slam with terms 50 cans miies train Barrie zit miles irom Lake Simeoe clay loam soil bank ham irame 1mm room brick no in and condition Full price $1 in terms on ACRES miles irom Barrie miles irom highway heavy ciay soil lrame barn and house Fiiu priee$i350i with terms JISLESSOR REAL ESTATE Gnopemn St Just call asaianytiine LACEY REAL ESTATE we have clients wnnting good larrns with modern houses List with us Call Les Pope 29a 19000 dull price 512000 down 100 acres very prnduc 10 room brick house hat ating bath large ham with water Silo Iwol driving On hlzhway Close school church Always Call Les $21000 tuli price halt oashre ouired 10015125 Cl loam well donned on Di ny Point Itoad Large barn an house Close to aahool Cali Les Enizt szllil 510000lull price hnif cash Elm vnie district loo acres so sores lowed plenty oi water 10room rich house bank barn Cali Les Pape5298 $6000 ant land all workable Near Ear rie oloae to 27 ill Call sasii PHONE 2013 53 Owen St 0rd Station MISCELLANEOUS SIMCOE CONTRACTINGI No lnto too small mrteililvc prices EXIERIOR SIUWO mugttoast outside plastering wink stucco repairs stucco painting CONCRETKE driveways sidewalksncurhs septic unit systems etc Concrete barn yards for the Inn oleIOR AND EXTERIOR PAINTING Special rule for kitchen hzlthralmls conAcr 0R HOURLY nAiix FREE 25TH ATES PHONE 5782 BARRIE 55637 COLLECTIONS No collectionNo ebul Cretlii Bureau uI Barrie Phone 4752 til MnrySSL DASH ELECTRIC MOTORS 1011055 Si Enrilc PHONE 3507 559 nAv mt NIGHT iNNISFIL ELECTRONICS TV AND RADIO REPtill Basil anhry Confii lnnism fir45AM SOD YOUR LAWNS NOW Clinice green illllivzilcil iiiId still Well iLrlililiiI 1i ivired lil your ilonr lllilm ullltll iilr prices FLEMING SOD SUIILY Allisllill 283112 MUSKOKA WELL DRILLERS COMPA NY Wclis drilled and cased by licensed drillers INQUIRIES TO BOX THE BARRIE EXAMINER 532 FLOOR COVERING IArmstronxs Floor Covering Linoleum Dubber Ind Asphalt Pllltlc WIllTlII Materinls Supplied nnd Installed Free Estimates WOLFENDEN ziu Toronto Sl Phone ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE For New Molar needs rcwinding and repair see HAROLD BLIHART Barrie Electric Molors Ph 2206 MiSCELLANEbils LAWN MOWERS SmVICED AND SHARPENED Called or unit delivered Phone 5046 01 3K Reconditioned LIIVin Mower lar sale Darrin lion warn SW GilSop Aulomdlic Oil Furnaces ALSO GIISON COAL VOOD FURNACES BALFE SON 12 Ilayileld St Phone 3001 5600 LANDSCAPE GARDENING Manure black loam by load or bushel Setline Sotidinl Crash culling Flower Beds Frlo FAIIm ales We deliver PHONE 816R5 56883 and 112 Lakeshore School Safe Driving dial 2759 Six Years or Sale Driving Inslnlc lien sw EDMP Truck tor hire Send and gravel mr snic Phone 4351 558 GARDENS ploughed dissed In cultivated Rensomnin rated Sid VDOdWDlll plume 2135 50053 WlLL irnrio console model TV value $300 months old tor lot near Barrie Phone 1911 55EA60 CHICKS CiilCKS We have Barred Rock iiam Rock and Dtktlih Chlcks Ini etlcr livability more eggs and lower cod hills Hunters Poultry Farm stroud phone 53r5 245859 BARRED Rocks Still hard heat for eggs llncl meiiI Iillrty llve years personal selection be hind our closed Iioeir send or prlce list Tom Kenny Shinin Elly Phone 852d Harrie 2456451 LOOK ahead in your egg or broiler markets SE2 youve chicks lo satlsly those markets hillside chicks available now mixcd null ell cockerels Dayold started Broilers Ask us ior iuli iniormn linn prices 3040 years Hatchery experience behind Hillside Dave Miller Oro Sinii 2454 STARTED Pullets ay Hatchery suggests you order in advance shipment date Righi now th can give ialriy prompt shipni on mixed chicks puliels in wide choice oi breed cross or some at the speeinis Ask tor lull lne formation price list rcm4igent Copeland RR Breton Phone 55r12 2445i 5135 Wt sfiu SPECIALIZED TRiM WORK momma Housrs comm RECREATION ROOMS BUILTl CUPBOARDS REMODELLI NG PORCHES SHINGLING IMMEDIATE SERVICE BRUCE CAMERON ailiLDEn Phonevfia 82 Bllfl ALTERATIONS STORE FRoNrs AND EXTENSIONS Can that house be turned lnto ch apartments ESTIMATES FREE 35 YEARS EXPERIENCE RVCSCOTT SON Phone Ora 82 520 Air compressor wnrlr LOWER RATES Ioit mm WORK Whiln ERGUSONREID Floor Service TILE PEASTICWALL TIL FIRSTS 31 all hot Timoan FLOOR Tm iso per liie ALDTYPESFIpDn WALLnu FLDOR NDDIG FREE ESTIMATES ev Concrete Products Alter bana dinlflli Drills IRNO 01mm musing this PERSONAL GENTLEMAN driving to Calgary end at May requires passengers able to drive Phone Ivy arzi ENE60 HYGLENIC supplies rubber goods mailed postgaid in plain sealed envelope wit price list samples 25 24 samples $100 Mail order Dept wz NovRubber CD Box 9i Hamilton Ontario ailto IF CONSIDERING mania earn suit Marriage Wellare spec alist mail Btnhllshed 1905 Over aim clients rich and poor married ai rendy Scrupuious Secrecy 51 hand Box 71 Dinkenl Fist Ottlc winnioos DR EDWIN Wilson on Building Barrie ontnrio besides conducting general Osteopathlc Prneticc has been caring lor rant Dkorders including the removal at Cams and Caiiuuses Iar more than 20 years Telephone 2293 Itualti ME MATRIMONIAL Opportuniii Simmons Mariage Weliare Agency Largesi Oldest MosISel Oct 6000 client married Secrecy guaranteed Po lveiy nn connec tion with elnu methods Box 7i Dickens P0 Winnipeg Man 30 as FARM EQUIPMENT WELL DUG TILED OLD whites RECONDITIONED oncreie tile tor welis culverts ind storm sewers Weeping tile ShhTIC TANK UNITS MADE AND INSTALLED FORAGECROPS Dont let late spring season or poor stand at new seeding prevent you trorn tending in same number oI cattle next winter Iner your stocks otwinrer read with sorghum and Soynbenn silage mixture Yonean plant it with seed drill using all the spouts An acre will produce the same tonnage as no is an hi her in tem and best ntal Me cc Shredder harvester will no le eiopt rsfirghum étiglh lln sugar con eri once iv and hard to blow McKee dgr Harvesterr has 13 disuhfllfie pipe to overcome this didiiculty Send tor plans lor an economical horizo tai silo or let us build it tor you rite lol details on how to select the seednnd to plant hary vest and stored crop Plant the 15 of June harvest in early Se temher Mexhzhhos LlIVI Eirpira0ntaria HMF THRrSImiG Machine and buelr rake Apply Ken Hughes Gillord Phone Drndidrd lo Jib5380 MABSEYulIIirrls mirrow plow render sprays Phone mmz Furies 56950

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