Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 May 1956, p. 5

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til servlee mi held on Mondly ulny 1956 It the Pethlek Funeral Home to Jun It Bowman of the prlnclpll ot Burl Dlstritt Collellate Inst llutc She dled It SLJ hl Hosplul In Brandord last lr dry In her 49th yen Mn Bowmn underwent turg ery Ion cancer In 1951 There ms recurrence ot the dlscuc In August 1955 rclldcnt ot the Barrie tllstrltt ulnee lode when her husband wu Appointh head at the cellulite Chlng stall she II Illuulllud by wIdc elrcl ol lrlend and two thlldreu WAS Ind Lenore zonlle Illurvlved by seven omen Ind our brqthen Mrs Dough IInnohlll Cnumloe Bnnttord whomlhe wuxhltlnz when the entered ltospltri leverl lgo Mrs Eredlloenchrtuun Guelph urn Wllllnln Hulett Hairy Fort WIIlhlll Mn II Jule Eldon Godeflch Hrs kooard KIcDonAltl Vlfile To ronto rm Chrll Sundl Vloll Seattle Wulv JothDelonz In celltornia Ind Keith Belong Mn Ted tnirhrldae Cora Glen Do lonK Ind Wmllm Delonu all on Fort Wllllim Rev MrJWIulcn ol Strolld con ducted the lullml Icrvlee Pall buten wele Dough Tnnllniill Fred locisch Godfrey Bowmnn Ind Wlllllm Bo III at Olthl Hlmld Welr OI London Ind How Ard Gnu at Columbus Ill bro therslullon the decotell In terment In Barrie Union Cem ctrry Among the many florllIrlhulu were thou troln the Rotary Club land the Inner Wheel the Burrle Art Club Blrrlu Publlc School Prlnclpllr Conimlttce Barrle Col lcfillto Bind the cllclnrll and custodian all ol the collegiate the collegiate Irt clasfl Ind havrtlr the collcglllc stall the Ill ot Hlllcrcst School the colleglille ol lee Stu collclhte students nlllvl School and Heron Pork on Scllrhorouzhr Rehitvep and Irlends Ittendlng funeral Included Mrs wlllllm One of her main Interests in own was the Burrlc Art Club hlch she helped to tound and which she was post prcsldent She taught nlght ulassns in or nl the nollcgiale untll this your Gordcning was nnothcrnt hcr Invaritc hobbies and she was member ol the Barrie Harticultur at and Town Improvement Soci Ely She was also an iirdcnt golfer before her illness and was it tamer member of the Barrlc Country Club member of lhe Church she had attended st James Church in Stroud since she and her tumin moved to farm outside the innlstii Totvnshlp vii lngq two years ago While rcsld ing in town she attended Collier fitreel United church ll Born at Fort William on July 1907 Mrs Bowman was the former daughter it Mr and Mrs Frln Delong Before hér marriage rh taught at North nay She and her husband came rom Sault St Marl Science shrinks Pileé New Way Without Surgery lipa rungsanun nm on Kelly hitSirloi llqruiH tannin onu Spielilk infirm £61 rfl to utility to shrink heliotrhnldl in re vo polo Thmuaudr Involve outraortwllum In use otter case olenfli llvlnxplln urinal rpduution he took Most amuin ai nllmulté mp no thorough at suntaan ulnniahinz mwmnnu like Ill by erased in be problerrtr 13h remt is new hosting lb was BioDynoldm rumpus octentlficlmtltuh Now you can get this on Jubatumo in nippoaltnry or ulntmmt tom culled Preparation Ask in It at all drug Italu mood or nanny rclunded munu Model Tractors tractor with hydrnull plow Good runditipn is Chalmers model tractor hroc turrow Internation ylow Dcarliorn tractor inoriltrei npreaden Unitrn but Mr and Mrs Dougln lllllhlll Mr and Mrs Fred cmh hlr Ind Mrsr Leonrd anonId Mrsr ll Jule Iilra Buwnlln OI Blackstlnk mother llr Bowmn Mr and Mrs rold Weir Mr Ind Mn How Gnu Mr Ind Mrs Godlre owml Mr and Mrs VIltrcd Bowman Mrr and Mrs Nichol son Clnnlniztnri Ind hlrnr Llllic Nlnhollon oI Mount Forest My tor servlce or tnlorntallon clll AI OConnor It coup 2m or evenlnp Anson Me Clulkle It Letroy or Jim allmuro ms Lelx Illll Iholll your ohloll EARLY lhll yur Mllrlrcd Jenn Dnlnntt AWNAt lhmllo a1 Ital mm on Java IW to Ind MG JIM At klnlun Tl Gown Inna BROWNAI the Royl Vldorlx Hos ltrll Barr on 1056 to Ind Wt um Brown Mldhursl Ian mm Al the Rail Vletorln MusnttI Blrrle on IN 10 Codrlxllton 5L dlulhter Inna ttu one run tuu Vlmlllnu mater ter to Mr smi Mn wwngmlmsyl GUTHRIEJAI the nayl Vletarh lost Harpth name on Nantut outh WNW Iorln Ho ltnl Bartlet on Mly ID to OZJnd Mrl Reme Jfln ve Imp Camp Borg den Gregory Lloyd TlBBmAt the Royal Vlctorll Hospltal Bank on my 15 ID miniman Vuo won llll mo to pin nd Mrs Wllllull when Vernon St All WHEEDERAI Hosvltll Borrlc on 23 to ML and Mrs Howl Whaler Rd tourmal BRUNIONAt the Beltcvlllc Gell erul Hospital on Wednesdry May 35k Doullni Brunlnn Arth Idcnt cl Trlmton husband or the loll Ado Ann Brunton other at Lllllan Mr Fred Cunllltc aI Torunlol1rcd pt Bruvenhurat Douglal at Bellevlllc rind brother NHL Margret Holmn OI Barrio ln hlr 87Ih your Reut ing It the summit Funeral Ilom Bnrrle for ervlm on Saturda May 25 at pm lntemn Bnrrlo Unlon Ccrmtcry GREAVfiAI the Ruyill Vlctorlu Hos91th Bantu on Wednesda May 23 will Jimcljdlrdlll Grooves ln llLI 03th year the lull lltr Groovel Restlnu It hlilatl res tdenco Cm hurstr tor scrvlce on Snlurdly ay no ut 2io pm Interment St Johns Cemetery Crillzhurst RAflAMAt her home Del orugle first Emu on nosy uy Mnry Grlham ln hcrlmnd yclr wl dnw at Frederlek Archlbold Gra ihilm our mother at Gold1e MIL Pnokmnni Ethel Moment IMrI chrymull csttn It the Troll Funral Home YongeSl Servlcl In the chapel Eridaynt ll urn Intelmutt Bur rle Union cometary pm on Frlday 50 II Banal Vlclorll BARKERHarold Barker nmllyex run their lrultode everyone ar the kindness on Ind flower mcclwd ur Inelr meat bereavement esveclnl ly tlmnklng Rev Brenn lithiumWe wlih to our pur most hurttclt ihrnhs for th ktrld deed and messages at rym prihy drawn by our netahba Honor and relatives rise in th Rev Rowe tar his mmtartin words In our recent sud hereuv inan Mr and Mrs Corm HIndle nnd tomlly JAhlIBSONThe Inmlly or lite rand Jamleson wish thank thlllr frlends relntlves on net hlxrrs and expects at no Salve klitu le gar the man in it lies to or lnrendlpg boklng and grmlti lu floral tributes during thalr rt cont hercnvemcnt In the loss at lovln husband nnd other nlso llnccre thanks to Rev charter Carter Dis Palette und Itcholl and and Mr Wllllum Hulohlson iitrs Chorlcs tillnlcson Stewart hair and Murray PIONEER MEMORIAL MEDICINE HATICPFA lickl stone ulrn wlll hu bullt here to honor district plonccrs lt wlll be tapped by granlieliku boulder About tour not ln height be iteet rev lnl douhie mmv column or BEAVER LUMIIEII WILL BE GLAD T0 IIELP YDUI your home mutilul snd eolntorhlllo utlon spot lhls summer wlll Iew Inexpensdi outdoor home lm provemcnts whatever your pllnl we Belvcr Lumber tor rclllhlc Icrvlce Ind dependable quality YOUIKV VISIT ALWAYS WELCOME lintalt riteCur It is my togivls your nut jplcture expe five and cosy tocrect Beaver nll procut ln sectlons rirltei lunch hull or modemBIskct Weave them today at Butler or phoner lnx MM 31 two STORE WILL llEBPEN utter having been closed lor the tint part ot the week The that too one hundred cuslonlcls on eoch at the tint three days Irpcclve tree gins There wlll illso be door prim draw or In lceuichy Qulck Blll ten ready to hulld Gothlc suc 1le lulu or CYCLECLINTON ENGINES Immonf mlljriali OITIDNAL mulls WITHINllg orvllnhbs HER OBS venous so our madman 451995 ltdtor ro ruched locludlnl wrench channels him upon year end lheuezuml extends 03 miles mm the fledllerranelu lo the The exclusive ti joint wlll lllt more weight it Just Easier self nllgn onnlln booms or other loads doubl pins tor rrtcty ileversll post corrosion resistant cnli el Inlsh REG rsc um It all standard dour wnys lilac $195 linth gratin ml localltuiyyour iluwpr $199 Elllo nstcrloN Gllllll llVTllELlrlS all7m 14 lo WALL roams 23s ilssmlluua CANOIIED COMBINATION gt Scnnm moon to it 39c Lin Ft FL ll $6244 Aunlversary peelnl yrllowernrtil 2333 lantand build the move ems youwalit for your homc all in soon and létgucaver you Nuw tsugopdtime to start hecluso now you our make liege llnproyenlellts lln enter lnthe hlg 525000 BE GAItDENSr lm

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