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or seed at sale Nellcd Gem vluleU mm Hull 51 none lobOm illlmrm nl rain 45 MAPL VE BAklllE next 39 ublam Parklrrg All lo selllry publlc nuellon nn SATURDAY MAY 26 In prn SllARP mar THE FOLLOWING Chclllerfleld sullcs arm clulrr chrome mus bed springs bulk cls dlnlng room sulles muonal bookcases desks bedroom sums rugs dmsszls elm TERMS an ND unruly Jerry crurhlln Allcllugotesla Mouser EEPA ES awe HEATING VUHLbï¬sTREE mm 37 7o Wï¬m 3w Hullmr sle round Men loal Comm fluidly ll Auclinn ï¬le 01 hold died for the xeculors the estate of the lnle Clnrence Sproule Aucuonter Suntan June Aucudn Ale mile east Shyner oneHl Sale It Nx In Jr Sm of ustdjnd Ill Clrll Hume mllngs Annex Mlple Avenue Bllrll nut to Winï¬awfllrkhgl MD Term album at mu Yefly Coughlln Amflmuoï¬s Wm Auellon Illa 01 ill Is film mlchlne and 21 far Elmer 10111 Lab 0311 To In wlasmnlght ll rm Alllslon fll Ibové llsl Includes 191011 th madlme arcade Ind ull Inc or equipment Term cash SIle jun DST Jerry Auclioneer 5153 lnrm flock lmplemenls Ind house snrlry Norm Hull Con la lnn sill Mush on Na 2n mar Terms end my Sale jun 5761 am slack lmplemenls Ind house hold alkali for Edward Eulnn Can Nullawrsrgu rowrulrlp no wy 26 pm mm No marlr Terms cash Jerry Caugh lln Auclloneer 5641 gallium Aucuon Sula at farm stock llnplnmlnll Imd lmusc huld ween lor cnru Bums nl Can lnrusnl mllu west of Glh Llne Cemetery Snl pm slr nsr Terms Snra Allefloneer 5954 slnrdu June Aucuun ml or househnd lumllure include rnuny lnlluuell tor me Kalle tale met of Well glen and MoeDonnld Stream Alllnnn Terms alle Sal at pm 551 Jerry Caughlln Aucdoneer 59 Frllh lulu Auan sale mn stock implements nnd some household one In the estate IE lute Herbert Mg nl Lo Can 13 West llllrnbury Townshlp Wxllllles cast at HUI wryn or xnlles won or mull way 400 Terms cash No resem Sale ALI pm 351 Jerry Candl lln Amunneer alltn mmplel prrmlurn Blrrï¬evmropeidel mm lumen napalmalarm Hal ml 011er lmm WHEY molar good new roman lnelor land new Small Tudor load re 50 Md Tumor Dlsc 18 gm 1m um Truck mm and out and new Maliann with rack Tractor rruller wmr dual eeLr 333 53 Mm on SM 3005 slel nl Km or lehl Slelgrln boxz MoCDCom Planar brand new complete never hzenused MacD Power Mower an cut tractor tractor McCD molur vSpmdlelu wifllpowurrukeUfl 03 69 wllh ambu xood rl Mueller 284G lhredder and grain Olruwer chaff blower¢ood repair MH lML Sfrlng Toolh Cummor yower ll new in Set 5452c wkh slotl draw Mr Hny Toddcrl lll WHI lnz older Turn Drul Walking Plo Hny llnk Quanlll olScrnp lro Paulo der lee WM erlng Trough Rolls at Sam Fence Number 01 Sleel Pas 100 ll al llnnh lhrcslllrlg Bell land Pack new yenm no Exlenslnn Pipes for McCD hush lng mdclnlrz Sal at 45 MLCn Drag Cultivator new 1955 Mï¬m 155 Dlsc seedFarllllzer Drlll as new MIKED Sldc Delivery 4ba and newrMocn Hay Lunde good as new MEGD Binder 84L Gul good 81 new McCD aFurraw Tractor Plnw with large trash callllzr new med ium comm McCD SvFurroW Trac lor Plow medlum collon trash canker lznod replflr 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Cull Les Paperairrlg we OH LACEY gt REAL ESTATE ea Buylléld suéel Burl1 Unliéd Cllllrth Wondeml Ille Ind bud IlrL lanky Ruth Burk wfllo nnnwnco lha ul memsntu Mr dluzlxlar an Junvtbwlllllm Ivan McCull nd Ian marl3e lo mm mm on Sammy June 56 ll pm In Colller sum Themenu ls annnunced all Jenn Doluldwn daughter nun hbofllnd hm rmtu dumped Peungrex Iron Spmy anlu rm vllunu com Wlllh you Add Infllrlu ulnarl min vrmlll or mm dullInna man In IveIna lau ror 1mm and Mn k1 nu Manual mm Inmuu an nu um mm num Km III1 lan runlull mu um rn emulain mum one um all ma mu bow run mum no urn mil will rIinl ll lllll am snllrellrrdlnnhle llr morn sylall lnlln Emll Salluel In Iahn Dlvld Fugue ran Mr Ind Mn lohn Ander son Pozue llle llllnllle to lake pllrr Prldly my 25 me no pJn ln Burton AVHIIIE lulled Church Barrlel 00 Mr und Mn Heclllr FunnelL 60 Hldhulsl vlllll unnounce the enxqemult ol lnrlr dgughler 25 ups mm In inn of Mr Indiumnurry MlnhallMldhllnl lhe MB to uke pllce June 10 $30 nélnck ln Mldllursl Unlled Chunhé About qu Her the loul rm ol Jnmlu in the Brltlsh Wes lndlu covered by 1991 speclal off many ancl mqst modern housewlves today Is the all new Genernl Elecmc Revolvlngshefl Ref ï¬gment re ls your chance to buy that greatly needed appliance ï¬remendnunsavlnga Enqulre about thls Conp Budget 1ng can be arranged chlller tray hundy stilry Vegetable crisp draéversl tlQandtorgetll temper GErBealed In system Colour styled in higher priced mo dthilreezer ull wldth red ube lée rays butle compartment