Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 May 1956, p. 17

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Silurian Ciiilnty Womens lnsii trite iluseum hopes to have great many visitors this season hut one is more eagerly awaited than all the nlllers Part oi the credit or the new look the local storehouse ol historical articles took on last summer was due to this particular visitor Mrs New line Lommon at Richmond Viri gillia an experienced museum worker who more or less looklour local institution under her wing Mrs George Ottaway who began her second season as curator on Wednesday was lucky enough to have the slimmer resident of Shnn ty nay as volunleer assistant hourly all summer Slit sauntered into the old registry olilee build ing on Worslty Street out day at the beginning at July and asked the nelv curator it She would like some help From then on she was there to siuy ilnlil relurning oller holnei the States in the Mn Lemmon tlltl actualmaaual lobar at the milseum last year and she also contributed some things that were even more valualrlehcr knowledge at museum work an imaginative point at view and selective eye snllttolJeueher in the winter months and an accom pllslled artist she quickly noted such items as some fine pieces oi woodcorvingono styllsh lady equestrian mounted on delicater ly worked linrschasexomples or In good iilsie elegance and love oi nice things that our iorchoars brought with them irom Europe nvo Victorian molodians pre serveil lndinn ltead tvitlr leather hand nerussthe iorchead that should he sent to the lioyal lilus crrm ior inlorlnalion ironstone china and stoneware and other ehinas typical oi early county homes centuryold spinning wheel and ltlycnrdiltl babys cradle were amoni the basic dis play items cluttering rip the tiny rooms Last year Mrs Otlnlvaytvith airs Lemm ns assistancegot good start on the tremendous job oisorling and cataloguing that should eventually till the local museum into the tot tourist and educational attraction that ltlidlond and Penelang possess tn lluronia llouse and the old or ticcrsouartcrs They began il ng the glass tltioretl display ca nets with coral and aquamarine point which the if small amount money brought in min Mini MIRACLE FODD phone harnesses It the door lust paid for Ind made plans lor mgrouping tiny hrticlcs in one case they pinced pioneer cooking and household ar ticleHantllc molds wooden egg cups and spoons old lanterns horn spoons cedar wine glass berm pots maple sugar moldsctc Not at loss ior ideas the thought or an exhibit oi childrens toys and another Costumes The museums old dog churnthey saw us is or adiliry room and term implement play in the hack oi the building They tountl the museum las einatlng pluee lospend most ot their summer uiternnonsnnd lli guarantee that youll liml it pret ty interesting place to spend just one atlernoon or even an hour it might hi it good idea to drop in unyway Because what the mus eum in Barrie sadly lacksis itors hiy people wpre su clently interested last yeartd make the short trip for the milln street while ltiidlllnds llumnll nouse welcomed seventeen thous and visitors Quite axconlrast Apart lroln indications oi inten cst Ind appreciation visitors mean money The small admission lee multiplied suilicient times means moneyto spend on exhibits Themuscum is the iirst ing on the north side oi Worslcy Street enst oi ltlulcaster Street It is open betweenthc hours at two thirty and fivesthirty oclock on Wednesday Thursday Friday Slit ilrday and Sunday altornnons Joan McVeigh Si Josephs Grad Queen Miss Joan McVeigh was crown ed Queen the Grads It the Brown and Gold Ball on Wednes day evening in Ste Josephs Audi torium following St Josephs High School annual graduation cxerf cises Chosen by the boys of the school the pretty queen was crowned by Sam Canciilo Planned and directed by the Grade Xl Students in honor of the graduates the dance was attended hydryoung couples The auditor ium was decorated in the school eolors tor the occasion and there was receiving line composed of Mr and Mrs McBride Mr and ltrs John Woods Mr and Mrs Carron and Mr and Mls Goodwin Jnc MeNc lies Orchestra play edior dancing Reireshments were served by the Grade and Xi pu our on TltE INTERESTING examples or Victorian woodcorving tone found no the Simeoe County Womens institute Museum whichopened this week is displayed by ginln who was it volunteer workersiusi sum mer at the building on worsley street The museum opened Wednesdoy oiternoonior the summer months Dell Sigma Phi Sorority nstal led new executives in each othe local chapters and new city council executive this month hirs Joseph Wncln ll new pmsldent the Zi Alpha iota cx emphr group heading an excel live composed fit Misti Mildred Meredith vicepresident Miss Vl olet Wide Incrotary and Mix Martin Smith treasurer The in stlllntlon was held the homo or Mrs Ray Roberts Sophia Street West The ritual ol jewel group Ala phl Phi chapter has it ill new pmldent ills loan Siiso other rotilcers tor the coming yctr in stalled at it meeting lit the home Mrs Arthur Todd on Bernzy Street ire Miss Joy Christian vicepresldcnt Miss Sandro Me nn corresponding secretary Miss Ruth fieldnhn secretary and Miss Marie Voir treasure Mrs Oliver Cameron L1 rpon sor and Mrs Leighton Clarke is director The city can executive in stalled at meeting Wednesday evening ntiMrs thlans home on Eugenia Street is composed of Miss ltiiirion Lowe preside Miss Greta VWelsh vimpresident Miss Jockle son an secretary treusurer and hits Wholenpublt licity Pllins oi the sorority sisters or the ulnlner include it pot iuck at Mrs Camera cottage rtma South Simeon 4H Homemaking Club members have the auswcr tn the everlasting tomini pros blem Whit Shall Wear motor part oi theirprojcct year has consisted ot milking blouse hut in addition each girl studied wardrobe planning learn lng that clothes should be selected from the standpoint suitability to the person and Lllerligure har mnny oi design anduxture At Achievement Day in Avon lng Community all on Saturday the girls exhibited theirlhiouses and wardrobe or eostltmu charts They judgedaelass of blousesl gave reasons ior their plncings May BrideElect is Enieriained Before Wedding Miss Beverley Duvai Whose marriage to Robert Alvin Vurey will Inke place tomorrow ulter noonat three oclock in Trinity Anglican Church has been enter ined by several lorrliervsehool ates at Barrie District Collegiate lnstitu before her wedding Miss Tory Thompson antlhilss Dorothy Byles who is to he ti bridal nttendnn were hostesses at miscellaneous shower in her honor at the Thompson residence on Collier street Mrs Jack nu nl mother oi the hrideelect and Mrs Thompson were imong the guests Mrs Duvol entertained at troussenu len in honor at her daughter at her home on Clapper ton streeton Saturday nitcrn and evening LGuesLs werereceiv edvhy the brideeleet and mother Pr ing at the tea table which hnd centrepiece oi dlflodils and narcissus were MrsDavi Mnn ehestcr and Mrsluck Mitch so Mrs Douglas MInCheStEryslSlEi or the hridcwho is to liean at tendant atihe wedding Miss Thompson and ltiiss Byles were tea assistantsdsnd displayed weil ding gifts and lrousscau ar cles Among the outonown gucsta re Mrs Varcy and Mrs Bnncroit mother and mi mother of the groomelect and rs Ma Mrs Djenune Lemrnon orhtlchmgnd Vir Prohiemoi Wear sAnswéréd WhaiTo judged class costume charts and selected irorn agnumhcr oi blouse materials one that would he sultlttile to wear with the skirt materials and styles displayed Nine girls prepared an exhibit on the tonic Well Planned Costume tor Certain occasion nd one member immeach clith gave brief comment explaining the exhibits Skifiand domonstr tions were alsopresented topics Includin no Planned Shopping Tripa Lines to Suit the Figures Sixrirls received county honor certincates and pins on comp tion six club projects Mrs Spencerlhoruton vieeprcsi cat dl Southsimcoe District Womens Institute made the presentation to Helen Kell and Grace Sawyer ot Giltord Madeline Bell oi Sim hnmptnn loan Robinson oi Cloverlco and iutio5idcy and Marlon Tilden oi crecmorc number of girls recei eer ieotcs oi nehlcvemehtior complct lng two projects Two local leaders received spe cial recognitiongiroin the Clinnd iau council in the tormTrrlcrdcr llip award certiitcatcs altir5lt ilnle oi Slnghompion and Mr llobert wilhec oiAvtninE Special in ilomcmak teaspoons arebeing designed tor club members an will be pro sonted to them at luter doteThe ioeal leaders also receive this tea spoon in recognition or their con trihution to club work venetian blind tirtrn buuliild became it my cleui hoistper Ind nylon and wonilldn our PM WP oisclenluhliru nods toolmoot mnehani illilpouihililiu INDEPENDENT STORES LEAD Retail stores in Carla dldro record total ol$129 llion oi business ln 1955 independent stores accounted for $108 billion chain stores for $23 hillio hav int tor um ruins Stimson liARthz and possibly Owen Sound cilan ter is being planned Becluro at to sums oltho mutt sorority lilywln Tu and wlener roast The torthcolninz Visit of Mill Dorothy Taylor at Windsor inter nationalrrcpiesentativo of Beta SimuPhi in the all was also disclosed district gnthrrlng iodsty Petcrborough and golt party three boys will he sent to this summer by the turn chapters it had revloluly been phnneddo send on two EDUCATION cosrs Our government mike giant to the unlversltiel but do not pro wide or the cducltlfln ot individ uals It has beensuggested that men education should be provided along the Hill oi that used inure use of veterans oi the lost wonr Runtingiion Gleaner was completely lolnininn Cotton $250 Nylon $295 in Maple Ave rhoor sisz figure soil oontic eoria loveliness Exclusivn hits out Velaslic panels plotant ll up up Gleninls nnw triplehook adiuslmnnl ptvcs smooth unorohop linaSo tipnt sheer duilnry Dilu Flee Nylon Gallo Belt withtho pulchnsn oi two new Kaross eras nilhur nylon ol potion Ask us about lhiolinl

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