Continued from page lilac lrountl the hall when flight Wor oy Allcn made his last oi visit In the district complai in his tour at oiticla lnapeclion Following this lilc member ihlp was presented to Bro vil liam Rcld by D9 Ind is fifty car ntcdal pinned an ilim by his son Douglas Also past mantel5 jewel was prsccnted to not will Er llill by RW Bro George Mars tin War Master oi Minerva llro Russell Cross presented Bro Allan DGM with token gilt from the niiiccr oI ltllncrva The members and Ihcir visitorsthcn adjourned to the community hall where banquet had been pro pared and where theadditional seating capacity allowed all to be sealed Among the notable Masonic Brethren urcscnt were visiting Fast DGhls RW Bro Wilmer Palmer Tottcnltam RWB Golxlnn Watson Cleemorci llW Bro Arc lhur Blackburn Stayncr Vcry Eros Lornc Arnold Cookstown George Clemencc5layncr llarry Ri Tollenhnm William Warn Siroud The spcaker at the banquet was llro Elmer Webster oi Kcmn cntelt Lotlgo Barrie who tnlkcd on Masonic landmarks llc od monishcd Masons lo ltlkc an ac iivc part In their church lilo Masonry is not religion but none without II could be at Ma son he advised his listeners Poultry House Catches Fire The poultry house on th ranch oi Cecil Anderson on top oi the 7th line hiii narrowly escaped being dcstroycd by tire on Wed nesdny night when the was dis covcred burning through the iloor in the broader room Quick re spouse and work on the part at Ihe lnnlsiil tirc brigade rcsultcd in gettinthc iire undcr control bclorc it had iirlnly caught into the walls which were at wood blocks and the ceiling lined with shavings The result at the dam age was about 00 baby chicks de slroycd and some damage to the room to which the tire was con lined lir Anderson had dis eovercd tho tire and worked on it with water hose until arriv al ot the tire lighting equipment APEIOX Mrs Chandler Copper cliii visited her parents Mr and Mrs 11 Richardson recently and with ltrsnichardson also visited relatives in Pctcrborougll Mr and Mrs Howard and lirs Albert Hughson To ronto visited with Mr and Mrs Clarence Carson on Sunday Sunday Visitors Mr Ind Mrs Hall and any ily Uxbrldge ware Sunday Vi iorS with lr nds here Mrs Wicks and son Orville and granddaughters Pauline andCllrul Church Midland Visited with Miss mi 25 glass oon page nine gnu for outstanding marksman June Ayerst Commander oi No Platoon wu presented with the at Harrison Trophy by rcter ll Sinclair short wcll attendch lane was held in the gymnasium for all the students Cadet oillccn Olliccr Commanding Cadet Lt Col Brian Weatherllcad Second In Commlad Cidetllljor Robert Quinlan Company Commander Cadet Capt hints Edwards Complny Commander Cadet Capt Ed Tlcluk Platoon Commanders No Cadet LieuL Al Name No Cadet Lleul Robert Mlllar No Cldct LICuL Jack Clrpenlcr No Cadet Llcut Glrlh Small wood No Cadet Licut Clar ence Rlncharl No Cadet Licut Robert Altchlson Sergeants Sgt lohn nonsmore Sgt Al Money SgL Allin Jackso Sgt Robert Ball Sgt Russ Brad Sgt John Richardson Sgt Ralph Rowe AmbiilIncc £3ch Llcut Robbins Band Cadet Lieut Don Mew Kinnon Flag PIrtyCadct Llcut Rich ard Brett Cadet Lieul Thomas Garner Sgthlaior Kcn Pratt Quarter master Altx noth Glrll Company Commander Caldwell Platoon Commanders No Anne bradloy No June Ayersl trioï¬a norohty Davis No 4toan il Company Sgt llaior taclrie Lau Corby Joyce Chccilcadenl The students at BDCi by school vole have decided that next ycars cheerleaders will he rune Gable Srily éonsf Jackie Lou Corb SALE or Nellie Hositin on Saturday pOernON RQYAL GUARDS GOO16 nr 67015 only 1145 four In TradeIn Tilc SET or 4500 Wllll0li TRADE1N 130016 67015 TERMSos low as $lis ower TIRE 1395 1495 continued hourme nthl and wholly Credit lnuxl be given also to the ï¬ne edltorials which have been printed now and then Plainly The Examiner ls giving in people oi Barrio Ill they deserve and apparently all they wanL Docs no one find it more than interesting tonolo that only one person dont do as do do as say type answered publicly the entirely provocative letters which were printcd earlier Even that lonc peflon apparcntly didnt have enough taitll In his convic lions to Sign the letter Person ally hope never innt to Wllil anything to whleh am either ashamed or afraid to Sign my name dont mind saying liked tn letter writtcn by Mr Klnlle though he madc it apparent that what he wrote wore the opinions of the llccvc and hence Town Council and notncccssarlly his own personal opinions Has Reece lnxie thl Interest of the town at heart when he Indicates he will personally nominate the authors til the above mentioned anonymous letters would Mr Klnllc nonl inalc hunt or an alcoholic lust occaus he wrote thosc apparcnlly too Cl cal Iettcrs Surciy cvcryonc has opinions on these and other mailers con ccrning our town and just as surcly some at those people have Inc courage to voice lhcnl public ly Let us show that we have some interest in his lawn Yours slncorcly THOMAS TOBl Coleman Hcathcr hieNabb and Evallnl liiccl COSSA Champlain On May ll the Barrie riiir lealll won the noylc trophy in he COSSA rlile competition at Midland Members of lilo team had ll vlll per cent average lols lowcd by Colllngwooil Mldlllntl ilnd Orillia Pat Jamlcson Gary Powell Jocelyn Guest Ed Nchll and Gary lngram vcr the sharp CLARKS HOME FURNISHINGS ANNEX 45 MAPLE AVENUE Next to Illé ballinw Parking Lot SAr MAY 261 pm 951 Chrstcrttcld Sullcs Arnl Chairs Kitchen suites ehrcrne chairs bod springs baby carriages butlets dining room stiitcs section II bookcases bookcases desks bedroomsultés rugs dressers TERMS CASH hND Cnilllv 11 moxs man mm sllm than two sum llol srroo moo um man saoo ma JERRY coucuumlmeti wMKQN 8Ttlboless The choice ot car malt crs llcrcs Provincial spcrial tubeicss otlc Your proscnt tircs are worth Based on Remaining Trcau Depth aJ sari 412snlootn HERES THE MOST SIENSATIONAL DEVEhOlMENTlN TRUCK TlllE HISTORY Dominion noyal Fleetway with Sclct SlcciShicltl WHAT IS SAFETY STEEL strand in nutshell 40000 strands oi iiexiblc high carbon steel undcr Ithe tread when combined with the provcn tortures oradvancou Super Royalon provides for the llrst timc truck tire that suc crsslully combats rupture latiures groovc cracking growth cat dalnllgc attire iailurcs road delays tread seplrltion andresultjng broken schedules prc naryhcw tires are availablé Now in limited ted quart cs volitional rayon tires Phone beglad you did and thecost is only more han con today and order trial sct youll Cannichael oi the Ontario Department 01 Lands Ind Form stall at Angus was elected prest dcrll at tho Brennan ricld erur allsta Club rt thc lilth annual mcctlng at the home or Mr Irld litrs tv Bell Other members of the now ex ccutlvc Ire Honour president Dr Ives Slzyncr past presi dull ll Coekburn vicoprcsi denl Mrs Lewis secretary treasurer bliss HughEs Dimlors lrc Mrs MncLeaa ltuF Smllh Mr Bell Ransom and hlltchincr The club decided to comply with rcqucst trotn the Allnndlle Girl Guides to help number at guides obtain the knowledge rcquisile l0 ohlain the nirdwatchers Badge Mrs Westinn wns appointed conventr tor this project As It customary at club mcct ings the members prnVldcd tho Program Savazc gave an In lormulivc Illll Interesting account oi research work he bas carried out over number oi years tor the department at lands and iorosts llc concluded his talk by reading an article which he had written BearFaced Robber hum nus account oi meals prcprrcd and catcnhy bears in the Savage summer collage one winter lllrs Wesllnall told about the many birds which she his had at hcr ieedlng station during the winter months rillrl lpefldlllï¬ pauzhllnr bin ltussel Boyd and eblldrcn had been daily visitor Mr Savlgc Mr Mllchlncr Dr Billicy and Miss Hughes showed colored slider As usual at lhis tlmo oi Ihc yearille number of lield lripsls increased The following schedulc was planned It not Sat urday Mly to Ind June spcclll Illday trip hasbccn ari rangetl to go to Coilingwood lo mtlrrow mccling at The mcellng pllcc ll the oulhclst corner oI Quccns Park or or Toronto uni spending net It Pinecrut cottage Mn Barron returned home alter month with her dauxlr ter in our York MixEdith Newlon and bird Murray at Toronto visited over the weekend at Newlons Morley and Clarence Hayes of Amherslburg spent the holiday at their home ltcrc Mr and Mr Walter Fleming and Ilmliy at Toronto spent the weekend ll their home Busy flll Land The farmers arc busy on the land this week wcllhcr will iavor thorn Mrs Kirk Dyment and daughter at Bulillo Mr and Mn Dicker Clowes nd Cecil Hiya Ban ric visited onSundIy It ll Haycs Home ovla lmslol ctr IAINIING nadir tonal build wimplctncntr cl Ftttllurés Fast Frien Farm Service sum rlANtINo 5rmyl tuttim rcca tlvrsvuclt Poullry zollll houcr map us likc to rnnlra loans to lumen cosh promptly Bankobln security not rcqu ed Or phitn ï¬rst or ytlild smét Write tor Ioo entirely by mail Mlulnln suet int Floor mines IY Anolttmtm our EVENING hours must limit itsml so We hope the 17chin or control puts Clnvlls Awnings in class by thcmulvcs Cooling shade under the hot sun un obstructed light when skies are gray Our service include every type of awning widcsr varicty oi iabrics and colors Our scrvlct assures your satisfaction Prices are Moderate Scrvlrc ls Tops Complete Service from Estimation to lasuliatioo Wc Work on PREDETERMINED PRICES N0 EXTRAS BlililllE rliiiir ilWll liefco 34 hurtlst ST Budget Terms PHONE Aim FOR RESULTS USE EXAMINER WANT ADS cusloultut FOKDOI SEDAN fCaaadafs snow respOnside 937popuilairstafliin wagoiis1 V8 IVSHp to 225Hp With traditionally ï¬ller pcrformilncc ill any model Or you can choose the industrys most modcrn Six thc l37Hp lblock Mileage Makcrwin any Mainline or Customlinc model and in theVRanch WagonCustomRanCh Wagon and SixPassengcn Country Sedan The Mileage Maker Siltï¬lcads tilt ï¬eld in engineering advancements in lively spirited performance in smoothness ruggedness anilcconomy ll oilcrs you short roke power which means longer service ltd higher gas mileage Whatever your choiceV8 or Si youll get the lines in For tltc ill STYLING rfcrmancc lcadér vttlltsix ullllltins ill tin mill very Ford modcl carries the proud stamp of is Thundcrbild lllllciltal1€c in its crisplclcancut Iincs And every Fordollcrsyou the builtin safety of Lifeguard Des Irwith safety steering whccl SEE rout VERAth on television cvcrylrrtrlay omisymmntawmoumuuum hrwurmmuzooumtnrrmnlrsatm xv towns You lOVSlT YOUR FOR ï¬t vr DMONARCH DEALER and safety doorlatches and with Scat belts and plastic padding for instrument parteiand sun visors at very modal cxtril cost Yes Whatcvcr you chooscmodel for trioch price for priccfyou ct more inFord No wonder Ford is Canadas valllclcader buyll worth marc ltllcll you so we SUREAYOU CA