Mrs lienunis oi wetland is visiting her sister stra Herb McClain Sale at Household Goods tinand Mrs George Wine were in Thornton on Saturday tor the tale household eitcets ol the lattera mother Mis John has ten who has snidher residence which was built by her lather the late George Green and his been in the tarnin iornurly 80 years Robert Lilly retired print er oi the Globe and Mail is the new owner From Goldwater Mrs Swaile and children at Coidwuter spent the past weekend with her parents air and Mrs ll Keogh air and Mrs Douglas iiiiilor and daughters at Coldwnter spent Sunday with the latters mother hirs Kaye Vaddling Back From Vancouver liir and lilrs Bart Keogh re turned Saturday tronr Winnipeg and Vancouver where they spent their honeymoon They made the trip by plant from hiaiton Holiday ivlth SisterlnLuw tiltss Christina Semple oi Tor onto spent the holiday with her sisterinlaw liirs Semple Sundry Visitors Mr and Mrs Waiter llurlbert visited Sunday with Mr and Mrs Harry Rinn Creemorc litr and Mrs Wakeï¬eld and daughter oi Toronto spent Monf day last witil Mr and ltlrs Her mie Patterson Totteuham Wedding Saturday May 12 at St Francis church Tottenham the marriage at Mary Teresa eldest daughter ot iiirand Mrs John McCullough and Burt Keogh son at Mr and Mrs Kit Keogh was solemnimd by Rev Frt FLX Oliciily Tile bride givenin marriage by her father was attired in waltz ieneth nylon organza gown with insets or late lter ilngertlp reil was caught to tweeiheart ban deau ot pearls and she carried nasegay ol red roses and stephanr Mrs Helen hikerd was her sisters matron or honorattired in yellow nylon and nosegay oi hltuh pink rusebuds Ind lily oi the valley Keogh supported the Krooinz Mr and Mrs McCullough rc eeived about cognate at the Maple Leat where dainty lunch was served The brides mother was attired In beige suit with navy accessories The grooms mother wore navy with white ac cessorics Later the bridal couple leit by car and plane or poinu west and Vancouver the bride travelling in navyi suit with pink accessories Guests were present trom Tor onto Hamilton and other points The young couple will be making their home in Tottenham Annual Convention The Sam annual Convention or South Simeon District Womens Institute was held in the town hall on Thursday May 17 with rer cord attendance the 20 branches being represented The rimming session opened with Mrs Campbell 01 Strand district president presid ing Alter the opening exercises the president made her remarks in very pleasing manner loilowed by community singing led hy htlst Anderson with Mrs titalliun at the piano Miss Dora Burke Department representative then addressed the gathering Miss Ituth Shaver and three at the girls with their leader oi Bradford were present with line display of the sewing they had done in their 4H Club hliss Sha ver explained the work and the interest taken hy the various clubs Mrs Guodteilow Federated usex ewe MINES wt red The Womens institute are hold ing an atternoon tea in the hate ment of the United Church Fri day alternoun Conï¬rmation Service On Wednesday evening htay id to candidates St Peters AM can Church tame tittare the Right Reverend Snail Sill ragen Bishop at Toronto and were conï¬rmed At the service reception was held In the hnil tor the congregation when all hm he privilege ot meeting the dishop English Visitor Mr and Mrs Harold Bowen lave been enjoying visit trout he farmers Iister tron England ihe and Mr Bowen made short rlsit to the West prior to her leaving tor England liirs Fred Tracy is spending ew weeks with her lricnllr and guilt nt Cornwall and Massenar Miss Stewart it Torontll rtnll ilrs Sollit Vinnlirtd Young have been itlng with liliss Ber tlec Youn Mrs William liizlw spent the weekend with her sister in To ronto representative at tlinesing con ducted the election at ofï¬cers The in iiiemoriain was conduct by Mrs Ritchie 01 Beetun branch The luncheon was served in the United Church basement The Toltenhain branch appre ciate the etiort made by the ladies to serve 50 many and by doing so helped to make the Visitors irom the other branches eomtortahle The ilternoon session opened with nssemltly singing MrsAG che Tollenham gave the address at welcomcnwhlch was replied to by Mrs Ralph Houghton oi Tec WcGwili followed by the roll call How ourhraneh can improve our commupityJ Mrs Gondv teiiuw then addressed the meeting skit by 10 women at the Tot lenharn branch entitled Pluileer women who made Canadian hist ory was presented under the dir ection ot Iiirs Charles liiorrow and merited the applause receiv ed Reports of conveners and Guelph Conterence were heard out at Hospital HIS Charter Parker has come iromanontn Western Hospital to copulate at the home at her daughter Mrs Sturgeon The good wishes conveyed to her by irienda in this community over much appreciated gt Sunday Ginsu Mr and lint Sun Fletcher were Sunday ï¬ttest with hlr and Mn Ernest Dales Weekend cunts Miss Mer Parker ot Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Linwood Sturgeon Holiday Company Sunday and holiday company with Mr and Mrs Douglas Kirkup were Mr and Mrs Hulse Stoddnrt Brudtord air and Mrs neg Drys borough Toronto and Jack Kirk up Suitinrdvlile airs cooree Dales Toronto spent the holiday with her sister Mrs Ernest pairs Saturday guests lit and Earl Daies were Mr and Mrs Walter Cook Mrs iiamnroml and tire Sprague all or Toronto and air and Mrs Al Liberty and iam iiy oi Barrie From Churchill Mr and lilrs Gregg Davis and inmily oi Churchill visited with Mrs Porritt and boys on Sunday and attended anniversary services at Glitorti United Church other visitors at the same home were Mr and Mrs Quinlan Shcl hnrne iiir and ilrs iloctor Polrill and tamlly Toronto Mr and Mrs Earl Dates and tnmily Giltord Holiday with Cousin Muster Terry Davis otCtturehili spent the holiday with his cousins John Mary and Betty Ann Dales AlPiiIt TABLETS Rural Lite Sunday via observed in Unitedchureh huennISuoday morning Revo Yeah bondqu ed special prognmprepared it the Board at Home Minions Sunday Villton lilr and In Bert Maw Brett and Carol tpent Sunday with triends at Menard From Toronto hir and Mrs Gus Bonn and Amity Toronto Ipent theyeek end with Mr and Mrs Doug iilr and Mrs Walter Middleio Elmvaie visited on Sunday with Mr Ind Mrs McNIbb litr and Mrs liarry Gitten viah led on Sunday withhlr and Mn Eigin Waller Toronto tlr Ind iirn Cecil Atkinro Schotnherz visited Mr and Mn Joseph liin on Tuesday Fishermen Wm that The bank or the Noluwasal ltiver were lined with lithermerr over the weekend lir and Mrs Clarke Middleton and children Carley visited It Dixons on Sunday WA ï¬lletitll The Womens Association will meet on Wednesday Mly 30 It Mrs Herb Dickinsona Anyone having Quaker box tops kindly bring them to the meeting tor Aï¬hliiic or 60 Eli ll Rheumatic gt nl ntPiit mains moral powdered carrier or amazing AirAtrA plant pltu in world pens re in Igmts otter eitmive some day relief iron Igniting ARTHlUTtQ NEURtTlC RHEUMATIC AND NEURALGlcpnnt 4mm mums raid at on bark 5m cius bin Sunbeam Bulls add ffpibnie innit meal ime we now ElUt JAR iirt 01 an ion or JAR 25¢ ileStyie ckle 29 rxozen room opens 539c res steam tsox 7x0 ogrth 3rvounntto39° now AVAILABLE nturto Grown rennin TASTYI ragus All GREEN RE INIE SEEDS retirement Annex iLn In IIEEHIT naciuicl when when cucxen wnur DELHWS DAYED itl atican on nastiest neuron PACKAGE OILAWS MONEY SAVER in All tohlaw Store nerums on DISPLAY INAtL tOBlAwslORES THROUGHOUT oniAitio 1v FEATURE or tHE WEEKI erciALl ital rrltmxinn IMESE NAIionAt IIANBS out INSVANI run ewes lNGERSOH Mo cpss wax Kurt Milt AClE WHiP SAIAD DRESSING All nun GEle Artnza name ii amiss an uoum DEYEIGEN onto MEDAL noun