FIVE BARRIE BOYS graduated at the begi month iromï¬yerson Institute of Technology were past students oi the BDCL Marshiiii Wicc sonoi Mr Barrie took his diploma in retail and MrsEdmn Wice merchandising graduating his lather ill business He was pup School and graduated to the oi the Camera Club and ser three years retailing on the SAC associate treasurer on the executiv At Ryerson More with hon nning this Toronto ours and has Joined ii at Prince oi Wales line where he was president ed on the student council for hall was the representative ior ior two years and his last year was council oi the SAC He Emery Roweson of Mr went to school at the PrlnC sident oi the band in 1652 Harold Taylor son oiMr 1hree young men irom Simcoe County received their Bachelor oi Science in Agriculture dcgreï¬ itnin Ontario Agricultural Colleget when the convocation was held May ill at Guelph The TI grad uatu Included Brothel Thornton Fraser Glcncai French icy The convocation Iddrcss delivered by Illa Excellency Douglas copland Iligh Comm sloner ior Australln lio orgy 1hcm to lake advan ge oi in and Mrs Fred Rowe Barrie at Wales school and later to the Collegiate where he played the trumpet and was prey Graduating from Ryerson he is now working with Stelco Steel Co at Hamilton and Mrs Taylor Barrie was it member at thebasket bail team when at the BDCI and also represented Ryerson research technology he now chemist with John Manville Co Ltd Toronto Dalton Maxwell no photo at this game Graduating in holds position us research son oi Mr and Mrs lilariI po tor adventure and cute prise in thc years ahead and co tribute to the better lie for th rlds growing millions Xvihe degree noclor oi Llwl has conferred on Graham pnty Minister of Agriculture Foul play has liten ruled an alter an autopsy on Paul lich whose body was found on iiiesd in locked ioit at an abandone iactory at Penclang He had bee missing six weeks It is believed that Iiyccn shareholder in iur processi recently entered the locked hulldr ing by climbing through window plant which went out oi business iji lty Hall Wednesday it common theme and cities rather than inrmer sketch ior his audience his assoc iation through the years wilh ihc MONDAY and rliloltv ome 300 rumors and their quet oi Slmcoe County Hon Drury wives in tho iirst annunl ban iarmcrs Union at Elmvalc Commun ight heard two points oiview on is speaking oi the siclt state oi agriculture in Canada suggested that ioriners organizations should con centratc on the education oi their opposite numbers in towns ask or privileges for themselves Albert Cormack speaking as president oi the Ontarioirar mers Union advooated militant organization and parity prices or iarmers Something Union The older grow the more appreciate pcopic oi the land said Mr orury Rural neighirorhoods are something unique In intci lgencc in character and in true culture the people oi the arms in Canada and on stand proemin ent Claiming lhatllc no longer it longed to any inrmcri organica nor was he any longer tlon Mr Drury wenton lo ï¬rming community Turning to urlaun services the speaker turned to the possible remedies There was the operation at supply and demand This Wu the economists viewbut he tell that term organ lutlons had done many ioollsll things to nullity this One was to ask or iloor prices for the corollary was rolling prices Frankly dont lilinkiarm or ganlutions can do much in the way oiloolilical pressure dont think they should go into pui tcn Mr orury advocated thatllle also represented the college in Badminton organizationa should try lonl Glen Swain son or Mr and MrsEmcrson Swain Barrie Maxwell orHoily received his primary education at vic torla School Holly School nndloter graduated to the Ti mi 55 mmcd by the proscnt time he said Dr Frederick isttc graduated in electronic technology and has secured pn sitlon as engineering technician with Northern Electric BDCI Successiul in his course at Eyersnn he has accepted position as laboratory technician with the Ontario De Company Bellevlllc iTo Lions and Kiwanis Main construction activity on the St Lawrence Power Pro lect will centre in 1956 on the powerhouse and iroouols Dam it was reported by Ontario Hydro information representative ed Joint meeting or Barrie Community House Channel improvements At the some time dyklng the new st Lawrence trans Long sauit Darn Wall or Toronto when he address Llons and Kiwanis Clubs at work will proceed on lormor station and rehabilitation His address was illustrated with color slides projected by Ron liir Wail state th rs alcc Aug 101954 when the vast project oliiclaily got underway much pro grcss has been made by Ontario Hydro and its partner the Power Authority oi the State oivNew York Up to thepresent time Hy dro has awarded contiacts totalling many millions or do lure or con struction work and the supply oi material and equipment associated with the Canadian powerhouse other contracts are due to be awrirtied shorin as the two agen rles work towards the goal oi plac ingthc tirst generating units in service mid195ii acterring tonydros vast post var expansion program Mr Wall said that with it at 20 new power sources placed in service since the end of World War ii in both the hydraulic and iuclselcctric ilelds 40mm Hydro is today one oi the iEFECSLvDuthflï¬ed electrical utility operations in the worl Ki Dec 31 1955 Hydros total de pendabie peak capacity was 4531 kilowattsan increase otm per cent over uremia iigure one or the name Reg station and stretching from thc upper end oi Barnhart Minding the United States mainland will be located the Long Sault Dam The purpose oi lhls structure will be to control the amount oi water in the headpond allowing is neces sary any excess amounts to by pass thepowcrhousc This dam and the power plant will combine to obtain the head oi water requir cd to operate the turbines Thc Long Sault Dam will be concrete gravity curvedaxis spill Way structure some 2250 ieet long partment oi Health Scouis Paper ll rrle on Scouts will collecting paper salvage tor marrow Magazines and papers should be tied In bundles and plaecdon inc boulevard not later than prn lhe Seauta are very cop scious that on previous was Ions sllvage has been missed and they Ire making as in coverage as possible on this drive Householder can help by making sure that the on deeply apprch hi or the sup port of Barrie ellllensin there driver and rcgret lncoiavcatr lencc caused where salvage has been missed on previous drives Thil with the last drive tintll the latter plrt oi Sep lembcr us not above the ionndation will have discharge capacity in excess oi the maximum thc river The spiilwdy liftgates being givcn to the problem keeping the gates and guides of ieebyappaoprlaiewhcatlng sangemcnts iroliuols Control Dam The third structure with maximum height oi about now oi will have an output wide vertical acctuse oi low winter temperatures special attention is control ll rai catcdaiong highway northei loll Barrie on May 13 struck two across iieid was described as being criminally negligent by Crown Attorney Thompson at hlagigraiojs Court Wednedsay Ray scoi szfiiawkestonn wah sentenced to two months imprisr onment for driving willieintoxi cated withone month concurrent oi ree cars and ran over In embankment son will Unveil Prof Day risque Bradford su day late Pmicssor II Day will un veil plaque to the memory at his lather at Bradiord this Sunday at tcrnnnn Proiessor buy was In sirumentjal in making Holland Marsh the critic growing area iris today He came to liradiord in 1923 his retirement from OAC and be gait campaigntor the adoption oi drainage rcclsmsticnscheme tor the mnrsh ily 1930 which grossed $25000 was gr ontherccioimcdIund nd semi acres had hecnsold oii Among those who ll bevattend mg the ceremony winch begins at pm will be Dr Graham deputy ministcr oi agriculiurc who will be the speaker Dr IiincLachIan and Protessor Moiial representingDtc dens oi Simcoe and Yorkcoun reeves oi Eradiortl West Gwi iniry and King townships legisiav lure membersloi Simcoe Centre and York North George John ston and Le Freak tong Distance TV ICrics oi onestation rv reccp taonin Barrie were coniounded Wednesday night when program originating some 1500 miles away lvgs received clearly here due to Ireilr conditi Walter Corruihcrs Peel StreeL said he received Reginaclcarly William Day cider sonoi the Toronto There will be no nquest Tile class pl 11 boys and girls thc largest In the history oiSt Josephs High Schoolthat receiv ed dlploinfls at the seventh annual graduation exercises Wednesday afternoon was advised to do what ever the chose as their Job in life well an or the love oi Cod Anything done ior the ove oi God will be done well larcd Rev Fournier oi St Augustines Seminaryuin his address to the graham He told the young peane to fol low the example oi St There The Little Flower who dldordi ary things in an extraordinary way by doing Ilttle everyday tasks throughout life well The advic ven to Archbishop Richard Cus ing as oung man by his lather hcidto at the grad uates no matter what career they chose hoieit Carry on young men and women oi St Josephs Do the but you can Thats all God asks lIcll do the rest Prizes and Awards Several prizes and awards were presented to the students ioiiow Ing the conierring oi honors on the graduates layitL Rev James Clair pastor oi St Mary Roman Catholic church Miss Sheila McKcuvm was award ed the Cathollc Womens League pm by Mrs Rob rt ciiiton as the girl ranking first an the graduat ingrclassrand nonclairspre sentcd Valedictorian Stephen Mus play with the Knights oi Columbus Miss Frances Moore received the prizodonatcd and prescnicd by Monsignor Clair to the girl with the highest marks in religion and the pastor presented George Iac quemain oi Shanty Bay with the prize donated by Dr iii pauric lo the outstanding allround stu dent in the graduating class The prize or the girl with high est standing in Grade XI donated by Charles Saso was pre riled by MHS€0to MISS Ciro DAm brosio and rain Ford received the Parentrreacher Association award to the boy with the highest stand ing in Grade Xi presented by Mrs Iii Kelly Miss Patricia Crossliand the stu dent ranking ilrst in Grade was presented with the Mrs liar greaves prizoby Monsignor Clair and Miss loAnn Murphy who ranked second was presénlcd with the Christian Mothers Society prize by Mrs Edward Lallunlc Miss Joan Woods received the Holy Name Society prize as the student ranking iirst in Grade ix presented by Rev Thomls Manley and Miss Margaret McVeigh re ceived the Miss Birdie Iiinds prize presented by Monsignor C1 to thcstudent ranking secoa Oratorital Winners The iirst prize and tinniist award and the second and third prizes in the public speaking con tcstsgrmsorcd byrthc Lions Club were pre ed tors Fordllllss Margaret mom and Miss Mary Frances LaIlanlcby II Gable You are an occupational organ ization You are organized to iorward by every proper manner the interest oi Canadian agricul ture is there need iui such an organization think there is Sure Test oi Prosperity Iill lirnry gave all sure test at the prosperity or any occupa tion the How ui people in that occupation For years Canadian iarms had been dopopulated and there WIS also the evidence at the partly deserted iarins farms with empty barns The last census Ilrlil shown that only 20 oi the Canadian pop tions were on the land in Onto this tignre was 14 Sociologists agreed that health economy re quired 30 on the land Despite this depletion of arm population there was surplus oi produce and the speaker pointed nut one cause tor the surplus which was overlooked the di placing oi the horse by gasoline In his day he estimated it cost 20 25 at his produce to iccil ills working horses Vonturin to prophesy hil Drury Sui Within ten years Canada will be importing iood ptuiis along all lines with the ccptionoi grain ruin the west iiccngnrnng the tall iniarrn in he rise in priccs ul Ill Tangled Romance leads to Crime tangled lowlife was the ex cuse given by young airman caught attempting to open with screw river LAC Joseph Boutlier was caug by police trying to pry on sale in actictcrispost price at the RCAF Station Camp lJordcn Boucher pleaded guilty to the chargef1ndiMnglstrate Gordon Foster remanded him or one week ucatc lhe urban communities in iorrn them oi the true state iii farming and the importance oi the farm in the general economy oi the land For this the help at tins fintclllgcnt prcss and lur haps even the church shoui he enlisted Commenting that he was not certain there was solution to the problem Mr Drury concluded You are taking up the chills lenge You will have to follow your own course Be sure oi your ground and God bless your ciiorls Aims of ancra Union In opening his address Albert Cormack stated the objtois oi the Turn to page two please meoling with the ilnance coins mitten oi the council lnli night intimated that thcy were not pre pared locarry on unless council could tits way clear to meet in lull in estimated budget in pro arlng the town budget courts till all cut the committees esti mates by $1200 allowing them only$850ti to meet their various expenses or the year Newton speaking ior the recreation committee stated that they were only running skeleton Program at the present time and conncll insisted on maintaining the cut It would ue Just weli to run no recreation programat all Increased numbers or children had brought about an increase in opers atloll costs Deputy iiceve Murray Mills chairman oi ï¬nance held out no hope iol an increase in comini lees budget since the mill rate had been struck but he assured thccommittoedhat their Ms would be brought orizc donated totheboy ranking ding probation oir Iie hoped that some solution would dun is hing built 25 mlles ior ailing to remain at thescene wedmd it ers rmrt with the useoi colored slides and charts the speaker illustrated what has been accomplished since August 1954 by Hydro and its con tractors on the St Lawrence prir Now completed andnuany ia ES personnel quarters modern hos pilal two noctsstunncis under the Cornwall Canal iield soils iabor atory and retractable Bailey Bridge at Dock 19 on the Corn wall Canal rhotask ofdewater ing the power site has been com pleted following thecoialpletion at two coilerdams aileron long earth and rockfill type sealing on the north channel of the river be tween Sheekand oarnhart Island and nftï¬tiodoot long steelccll type below the powerhouse site be tvvecnt Canadianmalnland and Barnh island Powerhouse Harrie thcbuild of two powerhouse and two dams all oiwhich will in largest nature 01 the projectwill be bisected bythe international liqu daryadd wiilapan the tween the caste and lie west oi etu ewhleh outsell will will have ieet above at P0 wlli he produced hy 32 generating unltsldin each ha pi own stream train the Long sanlt Dam in the vicinity oi lroquois Point on the Canadian side and Point hock main Junction will be to perm regula oi the outflow of ter lrom Lake Oyntario in addi an to construction of these tour strue ttrres about 36 milesoi dyking will be built on the Canadian shore west of the Canadian powerhouse This will require someiive way on tileUnited Statexvsidc ts in the Ire extending north and lion cubic yards oi caithaad about oi the accident Iltd was deprived at his license or three years It was estimated that he hnd done szoo worthoi damlge to the two vehicles with which he collided 17 mlllle to the river requires to Expose 330000cubie yards at stone size of the power rojeei is vealed inthe tactt at about This will requ Pr area to Februarytlsss rowcmio 555 site has been mlwat red and caution til ly ompieteo ih placed ah Onta oHyd An indication oi the immense million oublc yards of concrete Willvhe required for all the rut titres on both sidcspt thEriver approximately sand and 27 mil wh verburden rock in lies larg class at Codrington dergarteo Barri will necessiute sc pol tour classes at this schoolin the fall The total enrolment in the Barrie public schools area soii In alightiybelow lastvryelrs IgureaEnrolment at each school is as iollowsflddringlon Bl Oak Iey Park 43 Ki Edward ii nce oi ales32 Hillcres re 27 proximaler 75 per cent complete and speciï¬cations for thetrack EInd ballastingiwiii be issued shortly The rai ttea bridges etc have all been contracted tor and lseiipccted that trnlflc Will is diverted to the new line early InlD57 RELOCATION HIGHWAY AP proximate seven miles which di verts trait tram the concentrat ed powerheusearu has been coln pleted and placed in service Rehabilitation laoouoxs water sewers roads power and other services innew townsiteshave jbeen constructed over 100houses have been relocat ed and nbualnesa cen alder construction Iienvy registration in thekin Channel rhc signerwas so strong it pushed Buttan out The telecasts were delayed programs which most cases had been seen reviousiyin Barrie on Chan nel Thc television set used in outdoor aerial rig was used Mr Carrutncrsclnims that on other occasions he hasrreceived programs irom rioriaa soulyears old and an ordinary in the graduating cias Seventh at was the innocent cause tire which completely destroyed tram cottage at Barrie icrraee oii Shantynayitoad esrlyyrsv terday morning airs LC Therrien was rctue lingthe space heater Train due when she stepped on vhereats tail The animals yowi start her and she dropped the jug Smashing it with floor and spill noor The oil eanghtaligbt and Within momenuthz whole house was ablaze ers 1iherrien the sole occupant atfthe time managed to escape up so did the cut but nothing was saved rain the house harrle re Brigadawaicalied but did not attendInnd since the cottage was outside towa li Shanty pay giro service was called but arrived too late to save lghbor attempted the blaze without suo taput and this was only am ingthe oil over the heater and ts 0e55 Loss to estimatedat $8000 Turn to page two please noel GraduationExer as 51 Joseph be ionod