CLERKZINPIST nulliï¬ed Windy16 lhl name 31 hourwa EggI humansUm and mess paid holidays Lib znl watlnn ply Apply nmwlss CANADA If the 5501 Barrie OPPORTUNITY For conscienUous oung man age not to Joni rarge Cannglï¬ com men smog ydiploma drivers license Ind dflll to progress Excellent poulhilliirs or uiure advance menlél intilln salnarymmxo gr Inon ere uminer el594l Teachers lnaistll TovnstsipSchool Area No requires the new at two teachers ior duties in catember One or Senior Room at uelmy and one ior ungraded school at bothesda Snlury minimum sztoom Reply stating age experience and last inspector to bdgar Sturgeon sayTrees Churchill Ontario lsiioa EXPERIENCED PRINTER WANTED Most have knowledge at news ep er work Can be either or MnlttHrp man Excellent working conditions 44 hr week Full modi Cnl plan For further Iniomnllon contact RIDGWAY Mach Supt The Daily Packet Times ORlLLlA Ontario Rhonevxï¬sl 169 IMMEDIATE OPENINGS or Trained and Untrained YOUNG WOMEN in Clerlcul Electrical and Mechanlcul type or work nonemd include Excellent salary all days vaeatlon each year with pay opportunity to travel In Can ada and only Europe Free mcdical on dental care it on are between 4829 single me hnve grade education archet RCAF Womens tor vlslt Counsellor Flying Oilleer Holmes at the CAP Mobile Recruiting Unit Barrie Legion Hall 56 ll amO pJn 23 p50 WAlTRBS wnntcd Full bencllts Uniforms sup lied Prysons Grill Barrie 145 CLEAN neat women wanted or steady and parl time work Alma Lees Ten Room 15840 FARM Hand wanted single Inl mixcd garlln No Kmllkglï¬ Glamld err to8 pp 175980 BABY Sitter wanted log girls aged and Ilxpectnrll mother welcome Live inli required Phone 5093 15759 inï¬kgxgoodAmolneyi parreg Ll me DD aw emalo Montreal PR 159 MEN or Women with car wpnted to sell or Nava Home Utlthles Home Demonstrations Coll New market llaIR Mr neg Baker GRADUATE Under raduale and experienced prnetica nurses lb emeral duty inniswcod Convalcs cent Lodge Phone Miss Ereakwell Barrie 420a 150 RELIABLE Man single or wt ew er tor general work inlarge resi dence and to live In Year round employment and good wages Mr Sheppard Barrie 4m 15981 DOG GAMER require by ï¬le Town OI Barrie Vehicle ï¬nd equlfalnent Sllliglied by the11wn to Mr Dtmctor IPublleWorkS 24 RD ert Street Barrie 15900 MOTOR Mechanic with diversided qualiï¬cations and capability oi earning 000 yearly Also motor mechanic at basic rate at pay Ply rialt international Den er barrie loado EXPERIENCED body and lender man Ior local bod shop Aldo painter rim mint up day week State qualiï¬catllms and salary expecte to Box 38 Earlla miner 148 59 COOKGeneral Experienced Ex cellent salary private room mod em equipment ncludin dishwash er clnan iamlly imme leton until Oct to Toronto island Phone WA admit or UNIeWH eoUcct lsaal TEACHER required tor ss No1 Orb and Vesprn to teach junio 1rndea Duties tooommenoe Sept Apply stating experiencequal locations and name or instill tor to Drury scey treas ric RR tasoi MARRIED onmen wanted dol partequ Work maritian or alter noons in aekaging courtsheats lbghandle nqreasedmmer vol ume Apply in VISOn to Mr martin First mupentivefeck en afOnlnrlo Ltd 158 rum ImeJIY nble In BunIO Mimi St Rochgt our aner racto work 11le derLS 30 college otuden ioaoo Bring In all clothing tht is see tonuble clean and in good repair we will try to sell tor Bontlnl Water IIIA Dunlap flat Count Ave Hwy 90 Anew out BEND LOCAL RR Enrrie FOR COCKSHUTI FARM VOLRA Elne LAWN BOY 18 cut cycle en glnc LAWN BOY 18 motal recoil starter lo cut SilDunlop st Eart soars bicycle Phone am SOD or rule RR Barrie one 2148 1944 FRIGIDAIRE Dell IL quiet glad efficient Phone 4230 Cheap 93011th M7 MANS Bicycle Sunï¬ine good Tan Tamil Phone 3763 Cheer eyeare old steel welded air pipe 59 ml WEAYMOUTHS BOOK STORE lHa lLACE BUY GOOD USED CLOTHING Mens udies Childrens Wear THE WARDROBE SERVICE TO stm YOUR USED CIMHING FOR YOU 2nd l1de Dunlap St Phone 5206 Bntnilce between CIIII Brown Ltd and Spnmnm Jewellery OIL 50lt38 OUTBOARDS Evnnunm Sales Service BOATS Codr Sill Mfluldkd stare aint Aluminullzb rt Supplies Lawn Boy Sale Service SPORTHAVEN ODD erlhtl Olenan Phone 30 78377 MOBILE HOME TRAILERS of Barrie the Inswer in YOUR lilan Ne and mobile home or ale New Line Down Putnam ochenper Finance Rates include lnxurlnce tor full term or your contract up ta yena Trade In inner ear tnhim ctr Parltlng lonte will be available or you Chdpmans Trailer Sales MANAGER 71064 BUY CANADIAN BUY COCKSHUTTI Ste CAMPBELL Phone 2148 On flAnghwny miles Stith MACHINERY IRRIGATION PROBLEMS HOWARD ROIAVATORS Insecticides Myers Sprayers Demonstrations Gladl Arran ed 743427 ROBINSON HARDWARE New ROIa ry Power Mowers 18 cut do en IIIeguiur $8300 4995 Regular $7450 5995 eat cycle 8995 swim CUI milixn cycle engine 9375 Robinson Hardware Phone 2431 74674 good condition 750 pl irnntomrr 759 12 Puget 75750 condition 75800 15 CU FI Freezer AI conditio St mat attics site in good condi ti 25 lead Phone 5m alter 75150 WESTINGHOUSE Retrieverates size pertect candlltilgté Bxlavbtï¬ ADI126NR el 74$ FILL Top oll Gravel In and radlng Phone Dennis Morin 757Ill GOAL bhd ylood lurnace Go in Ineh arcpot also cold and hat Apgly Leonqu usab rtzve est Burt1e 4839 all are tiig landward cute 35 Suï¬ ltwo HM Illlltl or all Iago North VIllttit EORISAILVE ICE mx 75 bl t7 Sull ltle or manner when allel ADIla 750 GURREY helly duty ellttrlo rill burner flood oven ex ceilmi er or NilICL Phone 4112 evenlnfll 7681 wooneu kitchen able nmng matching ohalls doubledoor light wlrdlvbe storm window with glass intact Phone 1m i055 MERCURY heavyqu Ilon truck mo mllel all cu cem mt mixer Apply oxen Re pair 120 Dunlop St East Barrie 76753 HAND emery stone grinder Not olnl Iron and custron tiltmen rink hon saw Bonny tub stand window shades Phone 3651 169 RUG Mu lo Savo up to onehall on beautilul broadloom rugs him in your old clrpeta clothing etc Phone 2535 zztl CRAIG Hunter can give you ser Ice on your Master Feed Frost hence Fertilizer Dtknulb Hybrid 10m and Farm Supplies Con rncts nvnllnblc la red your hoEs market Phone slroud 53r5 76850 SPARTON wllihlng machine kllr onditlnn let maternity INS size I2 Blur bcngbllne skirt Md ruse velvet 051 21 Motorola eon soiu TV all nerinl complele nionde wood Phase call at 41 Qunboc Loop Cumu Borden 75800 KITCHEN Stove good oth Elen lrlc rangclle while strong oak chairs smull retrlgeretor like new Hudson seal coat size to too small inr owner wicker arm chair loi Iet sets All In good eonditlon nhone 0902 Barrio ailcr am isaoll woollen WANTED HIGHEST PRICES PAID SCRAP METALS BAlrEflm no 5331 Ph ml Ne lira Dell pipes beams lulle hlnnel Ind reInlorcinz rodJ INDUSTRIAL IRON AND METAL Ounlop St rcmdtu Phone 6331 or 8437 Ht Barrie Metal Salvage DEALERS 1N SCRAP mON MEIA15 runs amiss mus BATTERIES FEAIHERS LIVE POULTRY truck will tell hut flced pnld Speclll pricel pet livercdl hone Barrio or Humor DUIWI MAX PUSHKOFF AND COMPANY and and 01mg 204 man at atutt QUAKER hockey card No 33 wanted Will pay $5 R053 Camp bell phone 421 Siroud Hid59 sEEbANb FEED HAY and Show for Sale We de liver William Kali Gilford Phone LeImy IlrSZ 104960 Isl BAGS Potatoes Nimble for seed tar salo Nettcd acrn variety Willsbn as High so Phone 1963 1059 Is Accommodation Wanted SEISMAN ulres Ilngl room In Barrie or vclnity Apply Box 33 Barrie Examiner 59 00M and Board wnnted modern conveniences Stroud Pninswlck vlelniw Apply 10 Box 30 Barrie Examiner 115855 MIDDLE agedwldow desires un lurnished rooms suitable for light housekeeping refined homr centrally lamtcd Box 34 Barrie Exumlne ilï¬lloo AUIomoatLEs Buying or Selling We nnunee late model fl and uuckerry reasonable rate With complete Insurance STEVENSON ALLTYPES INSURANCE PHONESZ do Dunner 11 LATE MODEL USEDCAns runny Gumbo AUSTIN Sedan In good eon dltlon Radio Apply Gnvestuh age Cuddles phone 3533 135 tnsodxmwmc Coach radio Ilea er turn lights $150 Call Hickory ismmranto collect her prn 1358r60 1950 IPONTIAC Sedan lnmriect condition combo seen at al Essa Rodd Allandal er 956 Plymnuilh Plaza deliv No Runnable Apply 63 Bottles St uGUM PLYMOUIIH muslinAr sold all nine we no longer need in 21 decorative thud both Nlm level lot on Vlnoouver Street 75 eat ankle 500 Cull Al Rose 536 thr ED 700 EAST END IIvc room home lacted In that end lame monmwlflt three bed rooms ï¬lls home was Islam built and only aJew minim old Th amt Dayton we we at CODluNGroN ST overlooklnl the Inkx Ilvc room banslow with three bedroom and also has three tlnisaed room In basement and two piece wash room This is brick home equip ped with aluminum storms and screens The owner has been trans lerred and must be sold her an nppoinunmt ibsee this ham rau Al Rose 5290 anytime bu Bad DOWNTOWN LOCATION room house located one black tram post cities This Lt an ideal home tor rooming house or board ing house it is at brick construc tion and has very nice grounds new root Down payment $8500 Call Al osc 520a anytune BD size LOT 101 cot lrontnge localcd in an ex crUent msldenllnl area it you are looking tor lot with trees be sure and see this nne Call Al Rose 5790 $1000 DOWN PAYMENT ï¬ction tall price or this tour room ome located ust outside the town or barrio ls hours Is In good condition nnd only about years nld excellent we pressure sys tem toilet with septic tank but water tank lull basement deco lot this is good buy with stood down nyment and the balance carries $5000 per month Cnll Al Rose DOT PAM FOUNDATION bot 50x105 excavated withtho loot ings and about three hundred blocks luld house size 37x25 Full price qlmo Cull Al Rose 5208 TIFFIN STREET Home wllh income lull price $7500 with $3000 down p0 ment rc quind Two sold about cd ttnlls large lot located on few doors from stores Call Al use 5203 PKNETIANG STREET so our mam home large kit meflngjzndmped lot with garage close to schools and stares Call Rose 529 anytime OWNER TRANSFEERED $3000 full price Central large bedrooms and bath upstairs liv ing room dining room and large modern kitchen downstairs rull hasomcnl iumacc beaotuul oak tloors throughout garage Cull Al Rose 5293 anytime This home is lnlovely condition PKNEIANG STREEI $10700 brick bedrooms large kitchen ruli high basement with torccd air all heating close to schools and stores 516 mortgage about our years old Call Al Rose 5290 NBA RESALE filï¬no Three bedroom home with kitchen lull bright basement tvi med air all heatuaz Owner transterrcd to USA must be sold Call AI Rose 5298 TWO BATHROOM HOME $1500 bedrooms and bathroom upstairs one bedroom living room dining room and large chca downstairs plus two lace washroom iull basement nil cat ing trait cellar large lot ssxzoo garage This home ishrick con struction and flipped with storms Cali Al Nose we HAVE AN EXCELLENT 5m M10 on NEW NHA HOME CALL AL 110535293 FOR AN ArrotiijENTTo SEE m5 BEFORE YOU BUY TRY LIAC EIYL Sf NO OBLIGATION PHONE 5298 IHOMES IorAltm ICOMMEECIAL SUMMER PROPERm 1859 McGOEY TOUGH Real astute and Business brokers lCompeienl Real Estate service CExclusIVe er eonadential UsUngs Frivate AV NHA ï¬nancinxplans peclalty service on buyln and sculpg private income barrio Top selectionol iarmeand small dings business ropertles sold on can adentlai lacing service OFFICE la REPRESENTATIVES To saltyb You53m McGOEY It TOUGH THONE 3442 ia Essa Rd IOpp Bowling Green 1049121 0IIIY$99 FULL DOWN PAYMENT QIENEOR leP Elilil° pe unaow aluminium NltAatanliards or bedroom brick bungalow with 23 toot living room tile he allca modern lilt fhe p215 candltlprltelghwitih hilh vEry 171 bamsemcnt alumlnumbtnrm doo Why pa rcntl 950 mmediete possession See lam tttll oi in currentme rhon Barrle ml un in pm Each Ride silicone Lt experienced and qualiï¬ed alight your entire lie Esiale problem CENTRAL Rooms amok $0900 ntrllly located born with nod name Nillduni only 1500 own ow mo carry necllent invcetmcnt tart All Worthian at 25 NORTH END 513500 ilorey and hall brick with ipurlmcnt on second tloor hill account on heulln Two bath oana Close to llll crest School the home was built by one oi Annies best builders and is only ive ymr old For iurthcr lntor natlon contact Russell Carson at sarrie 2m SHANTYv BAY ROAD 30 Anne AND umnlNcs 54000 lhis Is exceptionally good land or gardening or part In tanning setenan house and two mull barns iast tour miles tram Bun nu med shown Contact Mr Snelswell nt Us 245 EAST END OF TOWN 311200 Five room modeln brick bunga ow two years old close to park and school low down grinnan no salary requirements or further Informntlon Contact Ildsell hir ion at 245i Barrie SEVEN ROOMS GOLF counsr AREA $5200 Dont its this exceptional family home situated on good let Just on the ed 13 BI lawn and mmmond mg vcw oi country beauty Will carr ior approximately $500 per mm Contncl Mr Slitirwcll at 2431 Barrie LUCRAIIVE BUSINESS $4500 Snle prlcc include all stock and equipment Low rent and living quarters ideal tor semhpensirmsr or semimired gentleman Buy now tor the summer rush Contact Coiling at zest Immediately VESPRA FARM $18000 90 acres 75 workable 15 bush storey brick house water Inside hydro two burns ImplEmcnt shod hog pen ihcn house garage public school on lawn high sdtool bus at door Canine Innmpwkwmun Mr Elliott 2451 Barrie lun ACRE FARM $12500 workable II bush level lend wire knees seven room two storey irnme house iumace three piece bathroom full bnsemtmt Earn 40 x60 wth hydro implement shed 35x20 remnant silo th house Owner leaving country ulck ï¬le Contact farm Salesman Elliott SPECIAL THIS $3900 $00000 down brand new 4room bungalow Large kltchcn living room and bedrooms Modern picee bath Largo lot Close to school One mile outside idle Town limits For darthcr lntormation ï¬gltaet Russell Carson at Barrie Consult Ridoul ON ALL NEAL EsTAre WhetherBuying or Selling CANAnAï¬s LARGEST Ange FOR COMPLETE REAL ESTATE SERVICE CpnsuII HENRY ELRICK MICHIE Nealtore 15 Owen St IBuyIng or Sellian OMortKnee Loan oNatlanal Housine sceneral insurance 168275 For 1094 older type olive fly I¢e our photocan on mac CUTE mm bows House year old Spanish architects dream bungalow Iii one ricot oll heated tin and uniquer decoratedat zbedrtxxnhomels Ideal tor retired mu or young maple starting out At tiled floor Ind bemuuy tiled Ind hitchen walls lazy comer ELI Elwin lcrv ll SEWsummit Dmstlmlly Reduced St 4117 swool district flarey Iull basement Good revenue mm up mlrx owners apartment nun loot now Ml $1500 THIS WONT LAST IE IT COOK STREEI Older typo hun Halow nsklnx SIDJIW bedrooms wme IlOMlz on Napier street extra large bcdroorne rag brick colored piece bath many extras tor the discriminative huyer slum Priced to cell NHA resale rm salary requirements ll unemlly decorated rooms picturesque brick bungalow with many extras See me tar slim EXTRA EXTRA Look at the extras finlolled recreation room knotty pine cued dining room well tcnced aek ynrd good gar awnings storms screens on just dont tind this type at iv storey oil healcd house vcry otter esking slam This home cxceplwnn LIKE LIVING ON 101 OF THE WORLD you can afford ts 317500 home this is It Tnls room rumbling ranch style bungav low commands an outstandingpan aramlc View at Lake Sumo House was bulll to ownerxspcc flzntlons and has many many ex tras Terraced gardcrr cascades down mm 20 out living room with ull picture window See this OUISIANDING VIEW storey brick home an exceptional lot R0x225 unit at room 51ch kitchen ISXM living room 22le three ovalsized bedrooms in real Inmlly type home Asking $17000 DUNGALOW WITH FIREPLACE commandm an outstanding view of Barrio All rooms gnod ilze IInlSh Is flawless NHA mortgage House was bull to owners speciï¬cations Call us GORDON STOUTT LIMII gt REAL ESTATE BROKERS OPEN UNTIL pm Dullle Street East Phone 2413 1659 Barrie ROOM BOARD ROOM nnd Board Ior or en tlemen In prlvale home In Alan dalc Phone 3802 1253430 COMFORTABLE mom with sep Unite entrance will provide cook ed menl Lady preferred 68 Don aid st IllGil PROPER WAN it FOR PROMPT and reliublvI service In the selling oi your home call AI Rose 5298 and list with Dicey Retailer WE DO HAVE CLIENIS WAITING 3345 TENDERS SEALED Tenders will be aecepted on or belore June less tor paint ing calling and walls in boaltatown Town Hall Work to be com pieted by Sept or an tender not not rily itc ceple For further particulars rin ly in Mrs Mayes or Mrs alker Cookstown Ont Haidasit FARM EQUIPMENI mmlIENG Machine and buck rake Apply Kett Hughes ailiord Phone aradiord 44rd 3953 ll CASE motor in good condition Usedsingle row potato digger and picker Zlttrmw drawn pin Set double disc Narrows New Hanson ruyor going at reduced cost to ear Craighurst Garage phone adorn 3959 PERSONAL LOT 50 180 Apply Zflrhunt 1559430 our home eal Estate WEHAVEcllents Ior Call us It 2451 Ridout Limited 1827tl IMPROVED lot with hydro water and sewer cheap Iorcnsll Apply Sdnultz Angus 1759 LARGE lakefront cottageeleetrielt Ity llLude conveniences and sandy beach Apply lit Dance Hall on Bench 135940 FOR PROMPT and reliable lervlce In the selling J71 your home all Al Rnse5298 and listle Lacey Realtor WE DO HAVE CLIENTS WAmmG 184 ml HOUSE mxfl in i0 132 $4 500 with down pay ment lat$2080Apply Mrs Henry Thompson An us or Lot so Essa Town in lt5159 VII1 SmREY lnmlIbrlc dweflln situated normwt lllngeflol rle rooms Titlemodem run otun Ind lnlg utility room Preo sarc stem and septic Iaalc Oil heat Can he buushtwlï¬li one mm more deesired Plum 61MB Andrew Cumman 105859 lam pLonon bmtsor sale Fhoheiolafl 4559 20 POEI carilng Sen birdbcanti iul condition 55 chnnan motor tall pricé 22 it dhlileiow lemma em IBartle Woo CONSIDERING murlnge DAINES MASSAGE SAUNA HEALTH BATHS AppolntmenI Phone 6861 ioJnilw WANTED Passengers Car leaving or crime daily phone 59 GENTLEMIAN driving to Calgary it Rom fie°slssreclgm on vy WANTED Transportation from Barrie to Strand vicinityIEBilnx Barrie around 7pm Apply to Box 31 Barslo Examiner ASHE59 eon sult marriagewgllare Specialist to mail Establahed 1906 Over am cats rich and poor married at Scru uioas secrecy Sim Dickens rut Oillca 3001 eddy nbtu Box allm net on 19wa wileon Wilson building barrio Ontario besldes deuctinl cacral Osteopathic Practice has been cart tor Fom Disorders inciudinzg removal oi Corns and linusea tor more years Telephone 2223 5931 MATRIMONIAL Opportunities Chm Sumner Msrlaze rWelflre Azgnsgédulgext Oldest Munici cl ems married Secrecy srantecd Positive Vno connec ilm wlth elub me Dds gt80 7l Dickens PO Winnipeg Mun 3040 data automation High Pay Adi trades any opportunities Can HEAThe Islands nth lAmc rica CS ENJOY rare ll lulu Writegsmion rle National moloyrn nlormatian 1020 Brod Newar NJ U5A 3069 Phone 3878 ed Letitia St 2TH riibrillï¬t=oit RENT URPERG LOWER Duplex Deslrabl lmtion In Barrie law er tar lm late ocuipancy availablemfllne Adulb pleasow Phone Stroud nrsl titwoo FURNISHED ROOM Phone 3245 l558n59 ROOM House iurnished Phone 3m l55fl60 ROOM Alxlrtmenl Phone 2718 anoi 550 155960 FURNISHED Bedroom Phone 4045 FURNISHH Bedrooms very cen tral Pilate 1119 or 2850 15604 Central 155930 flsl Ii5 11 PROjRI FORRENT lime and wollIurnlshed self mulesdepartmcat Suitable tor ldulu No dilldren zleclrle ï¬gmlor very central1 my FIRST Class upper duplex bed roorm llvin mom dinette kitah en sun part bathroom hardwood floats all heating Adults only Phone 2779 1559 NEWLY dimer mom apart menl private entrance bath lur nlshcd unturnlshcd Downtown Reasonable Available see It be ween to II pm 55 Mary St lsaran ROOM Apartment with sep arate entrance on county road mlles north DI Bradford nottr sehool with union George Rogets New vivll phone 9IB9 155900 GARAGE suitable ior largc truch 125 Mary Phone W11 1553 ROOM to rent or room and board Apply I37 Essa Rd BanIo IHB noon suitable single girl Sammie bath Phone 2731 1558 ROOM redoconlted nunrtmcnt rel contained Phone 23 I5685D LARGE bright Mnlshed bedroom In quiet home Phone 23 557on 3W parlmenl to Seat Phone 5000 betac pm 1569433 FURNISHED bedroom central catian Gentleman prelerred Phant 3125 1559 ROOMY Garage New asphalt iloor Available Iunc at Worsicy St Ho ROOM House unfurnished north end Rent reasonable Phone 5173 alter pm 1569 ROOM lower duplex healed senttrain colluncle available JulK 1559430 APARTMENT rooms and bath Na children 124 Puget St Phone 6568 nilcr ti pm 1551940 No objection to child Available July phone am 1559 Rooms uninrnlshed mm Wired ior hcav duly stove Avail nbln June one 1559t APARTMENT modern room bath privnte entrance Availnhlo June Phone 2674 tiller DJ 1H759 ROOM furnished apartment Eris rmgcttc and cupboards AduILc On bus line Phone 2948 l55759 SELF contained apartment rooms available June limited Apply Anne Stl Home 155553 ROOMS furnished klldltn and bed sun room Adults Phone 91 or at 121 Burtml Avenue 1553611 APARTMENT larie livinzrmm small kitchenette cdrnom Avull nblc Immediately Phone 37lllt ROOM Apartment sclt contain privale entrance all treated East end barrio Pump 370a 155960 VACANT June roamed tum lshed apartment Adults Phone 2588 or apply 16 Reid Stl Barrie 55960 SIMLARGE ultrrncilve npnrt ment heated hcbutuul location wood burning ï¬replace Phone 2190 1549 NEW modern aroam apartment Tile bath private entrance separ ate laundry Very central Phone 0889 l56359 AIPARIMENT room And hath central Henyy wiring Suitable for businesh couple or girls Phone 3475 155960 ROOMED heated untamishcd upmment $70per mnntn N0 DI Icction to children Phone 4ts7 after III694i ARARTMENT Iurnlshed large livl room bedroom and kitchen in landale Low rent Apply 129 APAMMENT in modern apart ment block available June Iwo bedroom stove Irlgmlaundmnut Pthtmc solo ll568e80 ROOMH Apartmentmmlshed also housekeeping rooma doors tram main street All cnnvenlences phone 6702 1550430 UNFURNISHED Apartment bedrooms Private bahh newly de muted Apply 149 Pcnetnng Si phone 4858 155860 DUPLEC lamented rooms with private lbath separate tnlrunce Adults preterred Available Iune Phone ms 55359 CONVENIENT downtown apart ment mrnished heutedl2 rooms and bath newly decent Adults only Phone 3360 455863 FURNISHED heated bachelor apartment with private antralme eectricity and hot water supplied Phone Barrie mo lssaco st ROOMS heated nadurnlshed or partly lurnislted Suit huslm cou ï¬le or camera Light house eeping privileges Phone 3373 tssasa BRIGHT roomcd iumiahed apart ment hot and cold water5uit No children Abstriners Henry st phone 5754 1559 APARIIMENT ground floor sell contained 119 room bedroom kitchen bath blocks from Five Points Phone 22 1569 mm apart meat with balcony heated very eentral $75 with hydro Adults Abstnlncrlw Plbone 33M Iii6701 63 Applyzaqbunlop St West HOUSE flrooms pmtly Iumished ï¬ensgnanH rlrentét twicea Irwndnlï¬ are rentwna Pï¬gne New Lowoil 802 155800 HOUS rooms madern convEnI labcos Con 10 Vesprll If mile north flighwby ND Apply Charles Caner am menl pllvlto Mulroant nnden renee Available 155 week In Me Bari mf 559 ms nmlly mild don Iyflllfll pdvdrlolki ttedakc 559 155960 UNFURNISHED Apartment rooms and bath new private enl rancc modern sell contined all heating ground fluor Available June Adults Phonic AMI to 981 ROOM upslalr Apartment riv alc bath and entrltme oak foals ample cllpbonrds nnd slomge splice luree sundecku Available June Awiy to Bent lln Barrie Exnml er lssd lNlelvoon Apartments moderk rooms and hillhroom lurnishrll or unfurnished oil hunting contin uous hot Wflltr laundry lacililies and lockers Adults Phone Eflfllfl 4258 155981 LARGE bedroom older style house ccntrnll localod on Dunlap West neur Arena 90 with sub letting privileges Phone m7 Cher lcs Rogers Realtor Sierlln Trusts Bids lss UNrUitNisnlm ncwl decorated room apartment wll slave and trig balcony stor nnd laundry room not water at heated Quite private and quiet Adults Mswln crs Pohne 38 thi FURNISHED heatcd room apartment with kitchenette In All nndaie Refrigerator rangelie and sink Business or workin couple preferred Ahslnlnnrs Adu Ls onlyl AltlllllkI now Phone 2389 IHam MORTGAG ES FIRST Mortgage funds wanted for premium Barrie properties Cur rent interest rules Contact Ridout Pilate LId hone 245i en 42411 Property for Sale or Rent DANCE Hull with snack bar Ilsa housekec lug colleges with and moms electricity and Inside conveniences Apply at Dance Hall Om Beach 196960 SUMMER COTTAGES FOR Sale or Rent Cottage at Big Ely Point Also extra building lots well located Phone 45 255901 LAKEFRONT Cottage at Your Beach or the seasun bedrooms convcnicnccs Call Lennon 18281 or am lino 286860 sliANrY Bay attractive selt ean 4ained tarnished apartment three rooms and screened spa room ideal location close to swimming here Available land Phone 4322 2340 PLANTS CV FLOWER CHINESE ELIle ll $300 per I00 BEzzANT GREENHOUSES 69 Johnson SL Burrle 275800 LAWN Roller inr rent 75¢ per day Eeuanl Greenhouse Johnson so 27585l FARMS FOR SALE HERB SILLs REALESIjam lSACRIFICE loo ACRES MODERN notiii Situated on Highway 27 miles south oi Barrie New ham good driving shed and garage com lctcly modern 2starey room nme with piece bath plIE extra washroom Only $21000 ALEX HOOD REPRESENTATIVE Cookstown Phone 73121 85840 CHICKS CHICKSL We have named Rocks lime Rock and Dekalb clients or ener livability more egg and lower Iced mills Hunters Pauli Earm Strand hone 5315 244889 BARRED nooks Still hard to heat tor eggs and meat flvlurty dvc yenrs pErsonalselectlon ber ltlad our closed nock send or price list Tom Kenny Shanty Bay Phon 35m mull LIVESTOCK roarsALtt SmCKER Calves Apply Ear Moradyen mt coakstown D57 HogsTEiN Cow due toiresbcn June Apply Murmylelvs phone Barre 845r12 9694 HOG purebred En lish Yorkshire ly Keu saw an lzrhdiard oncisilrltbrndtor 058259 REGISTERED Holstein bull months sired by SellingSovue Achilles 7055 IIIII Era Strand sow with l2 PI weeks old also Holstein Heler at months Maple cattle breedings Apply on sonnets Stmud phone mm range broader capacit Bosorrgworth aradtord FRESH and Sp ri ade nd roareder grlsobign Euglu rake blue Rubberudlmlv womvand ior livestock ondiilsmllr rel st newhny alouckaila weKIIW anti rd Phone