Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 May 1956, p. 15

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Ind dlulhters but and Lyndu Suturdly thdn Mr Ind Mrs Elmer Atkinsnn line were Saturday vilitnrs with Mr and Hrs Clarence Atkinson Ind trmily Mr Ind Mrs HIITY lllwltins and Syl ot Stayner were lit ther Day visitors of Mrs Kirk patrick nndltoss supper Guest and Mrs Aleelinlay llitl Gaunt fienulno Seal Oil Sell oil in been llmuux tar en rum in it penttuilhl léullilte helps or clentltcOlllelllvuruld err on jute lhvolt rm mummipnuAtdruruom itll 92 run Md Tbe Mnyflueeunx nt i3 WMS vln held lt streamre llttrays on Thursdly ntternoan with tints attendnee Mm Marx vln llnd presided Incl therneel lng openedwlth the singing or the prayer hynln allowed by hymn Ind prayer by Mrs Swltur llmlly were rupper guest on Shu dny ot the htterr mother Mrs George Filthy Mldhllflt Specthl Service Quite number tram here at tended the YPS service held Sun duyveveolnz atr Knox Church arentrid vvllcrc Rev nur gen iormer pastor was the speaker In nuptial Mrs Alec Finlay is patient in the ll iiospiuli Coilingwood iollowtng an operation tor nppcnd Icitis tinMonday nttcrnoon airs Norman nnwn at Stnyncr spent Friday at the home at her ElsterMrS Sieve Rawn Sundin Guests Mr and Mrs Jack Cameron were supper guests on Sunday at the Iattcrs nunt Mrs Thomas Revnoids Waverley Mr find him Cline Rawu and tarnin spent Wednesday at Schomherg with Mr and Mrs John Wilson Mme amt tn cut mi malty rnr gnnzcri thilmnlmut nninrin it immense rlrtmity In smtlhtrn rxhrmlly ill on iht nnrlllrru alilnrnlu Yo In Car Illirililll Mnn In iiu ttll xi Am in Um nmlli Inns rimm danu parallel of latitude to Ontario louclim lhr Ami omv um mi llpllltlli uunrtinuml nmi industrial domain in with Ihr lienti all Al mutinyIll mlnuirs takes into which the rimmrx ltutv nut yet punburnt wnnr viiu mill call ya ya 0r Klull muttan Name two FltnM mun tn pnlnr beam lnll whilortlmurfiyoucfln mmhutl nonturinzlnunweu shorter tn you can leave the brunt ur hurtling uretrupuliu nrld much the quiut and pencil oftile virgin wililrrnuus Exuullunt ucuounnudutiun in nuuly rur yuu And Untitripu aver cxplthliin highwle cirque vuv Room 377 67 akmnnv cum proprurn rnttlutt linior more piellmlnt Lrlwel Ontnriou Itiuilwnyn villa uxcullrut butt ruil Witltl und nir serviced minke every part of Province mudin nccensihl Pleuue use the con on or colourful litemtum iuh will lrulp to Know DNiAltltJ IiiiiftJ El ultopt St armr uni mm nun unipolarth lnlu MJSGII iettg Iraq lodJIrs thely contributed poemthe Chimrs Roll call was responded with verse eon tnlning Worship nautinrbuslnrss was transacted and committee was lilde to act upon proposed mleetr short talk was given by Mrs Small Christian Stewerdship ke rotary and very interesting re port of the Presbytertl sesltml held recently In Orillil wujillfln by Mrs lattray and Mrs Kerr it was lnterestinz Ind encouraging to note that Burn Mission Bend contributed the lamest amount to ltilsslnna of any of the Minion Bands reporting this yur Illd the second highest in their division The Mother Society also had ll very good year skit SocinlDrinking was nrranged by theflhrlsttnn Citizen ship converter and presented by llrs Buyers Mrs Kerr and Mrs Butchers hirs Crosbit very ably led thB wnlshin service on the theme Wolsllip with Mrs Munroe reading the Scripture reading and in il vocul min The meeting adjourned with ihl singing oi Day is dying in the west llnri benediction It social hour tollnwed Christin Fiimily Week Christin Family Week was olr served with it combined Sunday School and church service in Burns United Church on Mothers Day Rev Shilton presided and Scripture readings were given by inm lnitrny and John Buy ers with lilrs Butchers leading the responsive prayer Appropri ate rccitntions were given by Russ Miller Marian Gilchrist and Dung lus llnnd Mrs George lilchguc very 1th presented the story Gods Room and the choir enn irihutcd the anthem We thunk Thee or our Mothers The Sacrament ul Baptism was administered to Gloria illay inA innt daughter 01 Mr and Mrs Earl Smith Peter Adriunlls infant son oi Mr and Mrs Evert Butters re eelved Holy Baptism at the reg ltllil service at the Christian Rb intmed Church near Ailislon on Sunday nttcrnoon Enterinln Chnlr Mr and Mrs Harold Gilchrist entertained members at nurns United Church Choir at their home tor the regular rehearsal recently Perinrlns at Recital Miss Sally Swipcr participated in the pinnu recital given in Allis ton last Wednesday evening by life 13 easiet phlllttnpn and tlyitn turtxl Hue the venetlln blind till nu bunlttui ileum it Hey dun mumps Ind uh oordl wipe Ipollul wont tide Ibrink or Anemia Murpml implant Ilulnionrn lint nukelee uohm qu quell toolpupal reenlllnlsm decoru pullbiiitiu him Iliad tn tie your burri layman minim SAILEStirYARRIEv 31 Maple AvePhone 9452 El ti muwxuifitlym local Boby Bonds giving were the mile at Miufllrhln Itof Mann Bmhrflel Mrs Mirvilt Hind enterulned few bay chum or her son Dour lu last nlesdey oh the occuton or his 12th birth Ind on Wed nesdny evenlht enlemtned group at young people honoring her doughttr Dorothy on her 14th birthdry Seveni 1mm this eolnrounity nt tendeti the recent meeting at the Banting illemorlll Home Ind School Associetion Open Hamil Bolulhl Quite number from flumyw tied Stevenson Hernorinhilupiui the occasion ortlielritonen Houselustsuurduyung non Recent Gout Mr nnd Mrs Ernest Steppler oi Manltou Manitoba and Miss Lena Shelby at Toronto were guests at Mr Ind Mrs Elmer Sloltz 011 Wed ncsduy om Thursdny at last week Weekend guests or Mr and Mrs Amy pt woulqu Nuilpcylnthlmntlibnhllm pull Mil you MirI all lentI In novpon int in unto you vault nu unfunfi Citylean Atmv Auraurn rm 11 Clerc Filbertwm Mn illtnk alga llu Eileen Wilsonrend Do it Pinkerton at Toronto Mn Pinkerton remnlned to lpend this week with her daughter Itedtchvllte Vllit Mr Ind Mrs Mervin Hind Dob nthy IndyDougiu Iccompmied by Mn lilnd at Ailhtoo Ind Mrs Johnston oi Shelhurne visited It the home oi Mr end MHBT LOOK AHEAD Babe Rochlulu Ind Stan stead Ire Iprutilnlvwzut The trouble is the expansion is not nllnned Ind there is no thoulht being given to the iuture lndusr triel mu we may not need now But who know what will he need ed 50 year trotn now TStnn stead Que Journal ol Juno it Canadian Army will wot Ilmikd nonava rt phylkaliy ru to not at with mode motion and train than durum In run trod radii Imlnlw will mum at tw mrmm binning In swans wt unload tr mututh Soldier Awnnlitl um ihn with gulls will Only limited numb ampud Intervied uvntlrnnll rnul Ml all Mail tit with Italian Anny rttmlllrr sullen surml Slletl mun out in sun Amy rrrmltlut smart in Wetliutnn st In Anny Irclttlllnl station at lichmdnd strut it it Hunt titan wrintry amtx tixlovd mural st lute lrinhdnl lth ideal 135 tiny urtrultlur Sillitfll utm nnr nrriuiriur Slatlnn ill run st Ls Mrs Kennethtilnd It fledtck ville on Sunday Weekend With Muller ur and Misha Switur Ind Sully spenttherweekend with his mother Mrs Peter Swim at emanate Mr and dirt ElmerBlnltely spent Mothers Day withrher pir enLl Mr and Mrs Wriflht at Cookstown ALL START Cnnndn rst census in 1868 showed 3215 inhabitants not counting lndltins tint iil mi MII and dulll hnhhy on raw lll vi and amttn In Milmm ls lr this runuiou tHINK flu ear yoliilurt the easier it is incomejn your retirement years flm tittlulelf nnnl 0n lrllifi plyruoutb dents he 73 yourtq it dompetitors The BARRIE rings ynun unique comhimtiouofstnndnrdsnfery natures that help preventocgl you uur duller nhow yw cunvmcing uptuty mmpurioonbi plyinoutb and or the lowp tluuel Fol up 240 turythe nil starbunrmlrrutiun nndthelpeetlrecordalorimclmi Economical tr nvuilublp too 7115s your1mm youiHymputh dealer7 deolainhigher valuesfinegtclusive féatureéthéit otberjcurp stilt lucir in nutprises galore to celebrate merits better than any other car Why Plymoiithti soaring sales not stop totinyL nufdglttred in Connie by Chrysler Corporcitimroj Canada Limited ball you want new car éhovv you to yourrequire If youre looking for SIZE Feast your eyed on Plymouth In car at the lowprice three on than halln font longer than ther at its major Plymouth in lde rnporlnnt comfort dimensionsbigger in it spacious trunk ti nnenutom crammntbut combines fingertip drivuig ease numb ppqmtio iii ruupome Sim mechanical countructlL unturuu truub mewfinnu lffyq cpn rned uncut LOW cost Plyrnuutliuupbnytug sales meun better denial Plyrnouth in cur to buy economical to own rihndwith the lapse Plymouth bp thoriookoheod styling and qunliry thnt menu limiter resale vnluu outbzujonnuw buck the malpdweruicor absorbers turn bumpy mgr intq boulevards Plymnu thee he curinilr luxuriant ototretc ot arqdmiat groun in the Pi mouth recently broke redurdl AT valui clinmenmnuuru rhiltiti brunt

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