public Vio ttcc brought in arecomtnendation or tbe permlnent surtaclng certain streetIll an apartment to deten mine poillble nvinginiinpixoat oi upkeep Reeve Willard Kinue pointed out thatlho cost otfnvlng wn greater than ailing chip but it was somelhlnf aunt lt would bealllremen eet to permhen pave street It one llmc PW unsibie todo some each year said Reeve Kiozle Deput tteevc Murray nun ed rsed the idea Alderman Robert Golds suggested that mlzlttloe good Idea to we on mun street in Each VI that the le payers could see cttcct IThey could then he Iskcd latci it they wished all the streets done in the same way gt Reeve Kluxie thought this was an excellent suggestion but point cd outlhat the street suggested or the experiment were probably used by al time and to follow the II would eliminate any patchwo Iving Aldermlll William wisln iavot oi the experiment hutrteit that there should he morecon crete and binding inn ao reï¬nnut he ditched gy future cl state their mmitte has invited the Recreation Committee toxin with them on Tuesday rolice Commission Recommendation gt alciierjocouncii the Police Commissioni recomtncndcd that unitary arrangements Inlhu wn policeeella sbould bé1oproucd A7lturther reeo mondation was psrking hould 9e prohibited 89 fee comers instead of the me the taxpayerantwnle Council agmdjtoibs lurfaeing of Sllneoe Street mm High Strkfl torost Ollie Square High Street lrom Bradford Street to 5imcoe Street Penelang and Naplcr streets troln Dundonald Street to Puget street The estimatedcoat would be $34000 th wtli raised by debentuins Sidewalk loo Under the Local Improve nt Act council have agreed on construction of the tulinwinx walltt Bradiord SiretiromDun lop to ngh Street DunlupStreet East north side from Owen Street to ltluleasler Clapperton Street east aide mm Tamhlyn Io Coi ller Street Owen Street cut tide from Dunlop StreetEIstto Collier Street and Muleaater Street West to side from Dunlop Street Collier Street No no Catcher tutu In recommending the purchase oi used nalttonpnnelftruelc Reeve Kinzie sold cutchcr we engaged quit beausc his cur got too smelly tor private use The heave estimated Illnl tbe truck should cost about $400 and the Council agreed thnt one should be purchased around this price Too Much For Rental While studying the Mild to he paid or the month Alderman HPaddlson commented the the Council was paying too muc or the rental oi equipment The Reeve was quick 011 tbnt this masontoller bun workscommittee had been sayin all Ilong but whenever they lskni in new equipment in their budge it bed to be cut token tax rate down closer inspection oi the bills under question showedihat only onmll portion wasv or the of equipment No More Night king The Councilhave greedto bring In bylaw which to other with the existinghyinl ii to hiblt parking on anystree Barrieduring the lllght between therhourdlol throughout the is to leave the streets oleprJor the new sweeperln thcwarluer months and for snow cleaning in The can Barrie have to advance the Council 51282 on rec sand oman Cslholt lies took part It the rosary rally at Midlands town palhon Sunde Among the clergyman pre RL Rev James Clnl St Marys Church Rev Costex Pa gllnfl idl ene is celehrnlhlgï¬le doth nnniversary 01 his ordination his year 11 Rev in dent ol the homalLCIt sion Society spoke dedicated you an pou nail skétéh Ilr The one rto llfycmol7llétl mlontletjn edueationnotr oniyrin tho thipn oi the se but hood Con nucd rom page one understand it is something ur whoiésolllillto Ior mutenoun and come WI nyslcul exhausted but irii ry retro ed gt ihdgainler should Otï¬leiely top tth vseuth wanted no as convey something beyond th letterioi whtt heeeshclore He has to convey Indieelingoi the seen landscape painter entailsstudy oi manyltlndo treeSretcn hefdc ciared as he dvocated the tilting of lltt te 0k with sketches oi nent prtsthat go whole of the pic Mike in lhcdetails partol the same thin not Just collec th spotticd around on the rtlsL many enm to the or pit rotten makes ILllumlr educlng to very simple terms 31 gt ery slitply finitely in mind the features of our lures hlnlted dwas introduced hyhir Electri Fry 7b $5rblsyr tomplete with lid ï¬lissquareiry Pan taboutJil 10 lusup to US more cooking mriaeo than conventionalround pans Features last heating 1500 watt waterscaled clem ent automatic thermostat heat control with dial regulaton Usahie on 25 30 cycles Enron Speclli Price each 3posltun gear sniit give wide speed range rum 2to Mmph on avenge gthuiis skegprnleeted propeller gal paeily weight nbout o7 lh help reduce motor virhra EATON price tutti HP Model Weight nitoul to lbs and develops speeds tmm to l2 rnpll on average boats Enron price each HP Model Forspccds oi about to in unit weight about 2d lbs EATON Price ench Builtto ink 11 lsueMolor From the st rdy oak lie to thospecial bo plate quality Amutctuls in the building or tblsbont Léngthislds with 50 beam and has capacity at ï¬ve comloriahie seats plus two removable hack restel Naturnlcednl long ï¬nish insideayld out at mommath looi boordti are removable and lulllength splash hoards give passenger protection Weight about iaflpoullds desuod Cosh once he lo In sum Roa tr in no madam munl Neeeuary tut uttnctlve Green Lawns TElilIulhl knew you lain ms and um nuluu um um ltua mum nectarunnat stuumd In ms mu mm Sprinhler nun no an or um no options mu any nmun nanny 1ch to me booml uvou en en hm ohzh so It pm sun on ruinAm ammu Lawn Spllnkel Spray on mun rnamciien oalvanlndg mm Watering Clns rumorbig tonntm Ileld Itunii umm rumor about lo ut use At 4000rpnl develops 75 miles per huur with speeds up to 17 mtpth on average cralt Neutral Reverse and Forward genr shill high andlow speed carburetoriets nutomatie type tuel stmin er and choke 331m CruiseadayYJuei llllk weight about 47 Each 15 13 model weight about so 50 Jul Each tuntn um Sprinklers renovated metal till about dlnmtu on my ind mu tom about sulnblm whirlingtype Bnasnzlted ans Jr wluulnx mtutlu mm to ihto Ipm as In of about in tluumlmun ttmtltu nlxe latained Otcenl 93 en lamln Itilithl lot we oer an to adorn unilateralan nu Itth citnllnx Kale vlusu um as unflnbned wood mm undo mu bun Ellion Specie Low Preasu tire each automl can um Noni cs ltronr be varied nom tum Brent to