Recent Vlsitors urden Best nd Mrs Rus Id Hilbert pt Rountont visited at Angus Campbells last Wednesday Mlldlllld Presbyterinl Sevull members at Trinity Wt nun Auoehtion attended the ileum Presbytery annual on chv nuday uldiand Mr and Mrs Hartley Evans ot and were in the village here onedly last week with Mr and NH Frank llindle Back Home Again Their many trlends here are pleased to learn that ltlr and Mrs William Sharpe are back home again Ladies Night Those lrom here who attended the annual special ladies night cnnc dinner on Tuesday night oi this week report pleasant and pmlitnhle time ape Mr and Mrs Carr vtslted liu Mabel and Ernest carr Bah lepdurinp the weekend At Colllngwood Presbyterlal Rev Barnard vand Frank Kindle attended Presbytery at Cal llnzwood last week From Toronto Earl and Harold Burtt motored Ilp lroln Toronto last Saturday to be with relatives here Mr and Mrs Ivan Jennelt and daughtels iii Jennetts mother and brother at Tomato and Col Ien Jennett oi Cookstown craw lord and Hugh Ellis ot Grentel were recent visitors at Vernon Jennetts Saturdly Guests Mr and ilrs Wesley Ruddick Mr and Mrs William Henderson Ind Mr and Mrs James Me Knlght were guests at itlrs Alex Denney last Saturday ltt llaxter Mr and Mrs Vernon Jennett with Eleanor and Gloria were with relatives at Baxter during this last weekend WA News The meeting last Wednesday at ernoon at Mrs Thompsons conducted by Mrs Ceeil Brelhet was well attended There was the usual worship service Mrs Wilson gave talk on gardens telling those present or group at people in southern town who turmoil an organisation called The City Beaulitul Association and iron which sprang gardeneluhs all over the land or beautifica tion purposes The speaker said Christian liv ing is like garden which has al ways been considered special place Prayer is the trellis trail whereby the seeking soul climbs to the sky Mrs Purneil Carr sang God will Make the Roses Bloom or You Littlehllinrlc Elagk lnvnr with an instrumentaiseleetion lyrna Spencers piano solo as at ways was very much enjoyed Mrs EuMeKnight literature convener ior Simcne Presbytery WA was present and very grac imulyjulve lnlnrmatloneeneern mirth availablobooh tor church we Following the reading and Idoplt tlen oi the minutes at last months meeting by Mrs Henry the buslnese part was discussed Plans or the Presbytery annual were made bah sale was decided on tor Wednesday May 23 Plans were also discussed or the specs al fleeting in the church base in June Special parsonage vork which was being completed am up for special mention slung Hilth the results at eaterin Mlcr the close at very busy neetirlg the hostess assisted by ttrs Black served retresh dents Mission Band The Mission land held Its regu lar meeting Thursday alternoon in he basement or thechnrch The neeling opened with the Mission Jand hymn Frlends allowed the Purpose Roll enllwls an ered by naming bird Miuntes were read by Earl Lennex and the rensurerr report was given by ï¬nite lllaeli It was decided to invite the nolhers to tile lunc meeting Readings wereglven by Douglas hot and Cherie llunter piano into by MarloBlack and song by Erode girls Mrs Alimnn conducted the war ihlp service Mrs Maw Continued With the story The Boy with the Susy Walk The meeting closed with the ringing hymn and prayer by he president Frances Ann Maw From Toronto hlr and Mrs John Hill at Tov rohto spent day recently with llrs Hopkins Weekend in Toronto Mrs ltl Cunningham and Mrs Altman spent the weekend with relatives in Toronto From Camp Borden Sgt Gordon Altman ol Camp Borden spent the weekend with lir and Mrs Altman Simeoe Presbyterial Mrs Barnard iiirs wil Son and Mrs Lennox attend the Simeoc Presbyterlal in crime last week Mrs Wilson was elected Freshyterlal literature secretary Sunday Senlee Service in Trinity United Church Sunday morning at 1030 This will he Mothers Day sarvlen and Sunday Sunday combined WMS News WMS held their May meeting on Tuesday atternonn The themedot the meeting was Christian Stewardship which was In charge of Mrs Cunningham Alter the worsh service Mrs ham gave an interesting resum olthe Little Professorial Piney Woods Mrs Campbell the treasurer reported the receipts for the ï¬rst quarter and the Eas Arnolalhantidl wli among oral SlmeoeCounty dclelltta to attend the Ontario Runlion AI millioncommotion nt Sunflnrd the first met ht May In Illnle We wish Bnntlnaa pat ient in Royal Victorir Hospital Belrte speedy rceovery Sympathy at carnnlnnlty The syln athy ot the continually ls extend to Davi and teln tr wuter Brill oi Fatrlawa New Jersey ere visiting with the Ilttcra sister In June Held and sully ly in the death pt Mrs Davis lily Mn Hurry heating is convaleneJ ing at her home in lvy alter engthy stay in Barrie hospiul Recent Visitors Mr and hire William coxwortn at Owen Sound spent two weeks with Mr and Mrs Arthur Cox Iorth All those who are nteresled in Boy Scout work come to the Glee Club concert in Mldhurst Hall on Monday May 14 at 930 This is very worthwhile concert to enjoy ind also you are helping Lawrence Brown and his troop in many worthwhile enterprises Frohl rort Credit Mr and lira lilel wilman and llelen oi Port Credit spent th weekend with Mr and Mrs Allah nonney Mr and Mrs Adamson Patsy and Peggy spent the wee end with Kirkland Lake triend They attended the wedding thclr nephew on Saturday In Toronto Mr and lips Day Ellen the weekend with Toronto lriondn Virus Inleetlon Rev Vcnls was eoniincd l0 hetl with virus inieetion and was unable to lake the service Sundayi evening Mothers nay Servlee On May 13 speelal Mothers Day sclVlec was held in the United Church CGIT Convention Miss Mason and the nine corn girls attended the convention in Stayner on saturday All repqu very proiltable time In Hospital ltlrs Harley Howie and lae Cameron are patients in Royal made for the atternoon tea whit is to be held in June Sundly Guoatr lilr and Mrs linhert McKenzi at New Toronto spent Sunday wit Mrs McKenzie Mr and Mr McKenzie have just returned lro tripl to Calitornia and BC noyal victorin Hospital where ter thanknliering nbovethat at th me last year Plans were was operated on tor appendinitli on Monday He is progressingi iavorabl Ball Toronto nt Mn Wl um eve Frame Toronto ter with the Gross lure Mn Frank Martin ol eNY spent rew and Mrs James El weelreud visitors Mr and Mrs ank Rose and ren ot Peterhorvugh spent the eleekend with Mn Corner and lamiiy Rm wean eheirma ot the royal commission investigatan radio andteleylsion hroadcuting The commission no ened in hearing at Ottawa and Mt lrom there will travel throll western Canada Hearings then be held in the Maritimes Quebec and OntHo tall series or hear ings will be held in Ottawa CP PHOTO vï¬torl llosplta All their lriends as was News The WMSotLthe United Church will hold their May meeting on the Iflernoon ol May 15 at Mrs Harry Stewarts at 230 Members ere nested to remember the hour Itll ladies welcome Weekend Guest Miss Stella McBride at Toronto was weekend guest at Mr and Mrs Normn Gilmore Annlversnry Services The nsrelltlnn ol the United avother rni Indeveli with Rcha Enlightnorhlibury In their do Mar particular at ï¬elder Hunld then escorted to the trout ol the hall here an address read by Jerry Donneiiy The gills were brought in by Eye Ford and Jerry Donnelly There were many belu titul and mtnl gills Lunch we We teem sorry to hear Mrs Hnlnlesis under the doctors care hope all will soon be feeling tter niehtrorn Holland Mrs Joseph goal has return ed homo tron Hollend having lendedher parents golden wed ding anniversary Shanty Day Wedding Congratulations to Harold Me Master end Ann Simpson who were married on Saturday May it Shanty bay Special Service The Sunday School Joined with the congregation on Sunday May 13 at nln tor special Mothers Day service shower tar Couple Greniel Community Centretas tetully decanted with pink and white streemersand wedding hells was the scene or large gathering at neiahbon and lriends on Mon day evenlns MI to honor Har old McMaater nd it served hyttle lldlmhringing an enjoyable evening to close Chair Irena Toronto large convention was pres ent Sunday morning to hear the Junior choir trout Globe Rand Un ited Church Toronto it was with regret they arncd their leader Jim Patten all been taken suds denly ill was unable to be presan Rev Paul Field led the chair with Mrs Cramp omn 15L it was much appreciated by eon Wroclawam cuts Intrepid ultyheulnvintnrhotggg vnu med radio eommalllltcntion be tween rlneennd England is VUIING SYSTEMS it is more then interesting to note that Alberta has scrapped the tranterable vet and thepro portlonal representation system which it his used in it elections since im it now has been dine urded in every province where It had been in cileetEstovanaler eury all we SYSTEM Some 4700 trains run daily on the lndln railway system 500 more than at the end or 1952 xvxnm