mumid manag out the number It is hoped many at wridtlaena will takeadvantage at theopportunlty St John is pro villlng to be prepared tor eaten uncles No hourI training may Illle llteandthis training ta uaetttl it other ways toonr St John point out that 40 per cent org from tires are train up on clung will he held at the local St John Itmhuianceheadquartm ia the town hall this week lhaae wanting to take the Instruction are requested to phone Mrs Hood 2818 Rev Rowe allowed with aimlla protests on hahalt oi the Anglican ministry Mr nowc maintained that the town should be inting plans to reduce dut lets rather than increateisame social Welfare Vespra reeve and armor war don at Simcoe County iloy chk ling next tendered objection and claimed that hotel beverage out eta were currently fthe hlgizeat problem at social welfare He went on to give examples and sup plemented lengthy talk by claim ing that more outlets merely in creased the burden on the tax payer hy intreasing the weltare problem William Gihbins lnnistil move me next in opposition and dc arcd that his council had been unanimous In passing motion op Ezsing the petition hciorc lhtl Itd Rev NewtonSmith concluded the objections on weir lure traiiie and mural grounds Rebuttal Counsellor tor the applicants Boys replied by listing all the hotels In Barrie and their re ipectivn accommodations stating that they did not come up to the necessary standards Mr Bays went on in rehuttal to say that new modern licensed otel would attract desirable busi ness to Barrie and with the elim ination of the Brewcrs Warehouse traitic bottleneck the tralllc paobietri there would he ciiminal Several letters in objection were then cited and it was conclusion at the solicitor that contents of the majority were repetitious and sisting at untounded allega and worry Mr Boys turthar tail ed to see thatintroduclng nother outlet would increase consumption pi licensed beverages rather it would tendJu spread outcurrent patronage and theaddod number would be at negligible Increase Counsellor claimed that it was moot point whether social wel fare and moral tcrpitudd could be attributable to have gt through licensed outle Atter rehuttal decision on the application was withhold and noti fication will he made at acceptance or denial Within period oi one new nan many any is Proceeds tor ro Cgmhlngs 5961 rCryataliChapter No 51 Spring tea and hate sale Wedheaday May la Allandale Onnge Ha 5556 Florence Nightingale tea deadly May pm Nurses Residence Wellington SL West illary Admlsrlon 25c use The ChilllWilli Juniar Farms era Variety Night in Churchill Community Hall on Tuesday May l5 at 815 pm Admission 5012 and 75c Everyone welcome 5556 Annual meeting Earrio Skating Club Wednesday May 18 830 pm Council Chambers Munic pal Buildingl This meeting for election at otticers and general business Members and anyone in tcreated cordially invited to at tend 5450 the First column leaniinu ism one charge at this Intormatlan which goes with your suhscriptio People keep liltlnl so once again here is why newspapers are called the Fourth Estate it was Edmund Burke in London who said in this Parliament are three Estates thnLords Spiritual the Lords Temporal and the Commons hut in the Reportcra Gallery yan der there sits FourthEstate more important tar than al To the above quotation we reler the various councils with which this newspaper has to deal To night our Mr Barnett will bear this in mind while sitting in the town hall tor the weighty deliberv ations at our august body Mr is requesting that we send large copy at Mr Burkes declar atlan to he hung in prominent place In innisiil township hall iustva question how long it would stay there though ay skip it wont be long now we hope we hope reputbeiore the weath er warms up suiiteiently to let the grass grow he flowers bloom the pods rrt and the notary Cluh out water in their wading pool location Queens ark south end This reminds us that Unity Sas katchewan has wading pool project thereof the Lions only they call it paddling pool Last year the local weekly The Cour ierHerald announced the opening slyr Mothers can now send their children to the Lions piddling pool Might nathaveheen typo er ror It thllli gt gt month Nine Others The nine other applications tor licensing were also heard along with objections and decision like wise reserved until study has been made at the individual merits of each application plus arguments pro and con Verdict Will he de llvsrtd within reasonable per io Applicants in or were Mr McCullough tor tle Woodhridge Soil and Country Club Sunniltï¬a Golf Club nritannia Hotel Lake of Boys Muskolra Canadian Leg ion No 2621Elnivale Ever Ho tnlTraut CiEekV Little Norway Muskoka Allan SI uels applicant Joseph Sedgch noted Toronto barristerprcsenttng case Gate way Hate Gravenhurst Camp Muskoka Lodge Ltd Hand ler president Killarney Country Club borne Park 0nt Crowe president RATING fFXCELLENT Bond Haven Scepter Crusader who was Alicanadlan Senior Yearling in 1954 and AllCanadian twoyeaMld in lasstor Cars wail Beetonhas ho class led Exec lent gtth highest rating at talnuhle tor aniortnatia cru saderwiii thus carry his rat ing at Excellent when helsship an Fm the Holgitll Burl to gt IMHJI mn ltaLEaAlil is gwï¬r Ind MflsAl labrlndL NBAt the ital Barrie on Mrs 72 Borden son Emmitat erenow Vision ital Barrie an May 1m to IanointClevelaiAdllgfen lul of the R0 aiVit1irll ital Barrie on ay 12 1950 to and Mn Patrick Mc Grath at Surname rive daughter mxgitsoNAt the Royal Vlclt tnrla nuptial Harrie on May l2 1m to Mr and Mrs Avery glclgrn Fraser 5L Angus au er snsssoRM the Raynl Victoria not ital Barrie on May l2 lose and Mrs Dallas Slessor Shanty Bay daughter Hope Alberta he Rogal Victoria Hospital Barrie an undayMny is 1556 Atll Gill wile in late Alfred Baxter dear mother at John in her 95th year Rut ing at the Patrick runml Hana Bayflcld St Service in the chapel on Wednesday it pm Interment Barrie Union Cente tery BARKERAt Kirkland lathe oh min on srldry May ll 1950 Christina Denlr beloved with the late rred Barker dear rno er oi tirrold oi Kirkland Lake Resting it Pnthlck Funeral Home in BaytlaldSL Barrie tor ser vice in theehapthwiandig pm interment rrle nlon Cemetery lnLLAt Cornwall Ontario on Saturday May 1956 Violet MuNabb beloved wite or the late Norman Hill of noiton Allan Gordan Mar orle and Donalda Hosting at the rethink Funeral Home 121 Baytleld St Service in chapel Tuesday at pint Interment Barrie Union Cemeth MAPMuddcnl at is home Cookstorwn on nturday May l2 1956 Herbert Sydney Moors in No5an yror beloved hmbund oi Elimbetta Cummlns drur lath er niAudre Eileen Mr nimnoson clen Mrs Me Gratin and Doris Mrs Hal uod Resting It his late residence whore service will be held Nesday May at 230 mm Interment Coohstown Lntgd Church Cemetery Ile Arrhrcuitloiv wish to extend sincere thanks and apprltiation our ï¬le ma kindnessea floral institnd ca ruceived durin recent illness lhcrtitises n1 yni Victoria HUS pitai Mary Scott 50 LEIGHlONin loving memory or our little ton Terry Wayne who passed away May 15 mm Alwnys remembered by dagé mumV Bever Brian nmsrenin loving memory or dear husband and tether Sandtard awoy May is 148 its lonesome here without may We miss you more eouh day Somehow litc does not seem the 5311 Since you were Called away Our henna still ache with sadness Our eyes shed man God alone knows rnlsa on As this en another year Sltdly missed hut tondly re membered by Mia Maggie org tear aw much we 10W loving memory of Ja £4905 who pmed away May severe To part with one we loved dear Sometimes its harditto understand Why some things have to he Eutvin ins wlltlom God harplnrtned Beyond our power to see God gave tsstrength to it And cnuia to bear the how But what tmeant to lose him No one will ever know So missed wile Mororet ï¬dmd sis in ped to his awowner William oinn dear mother Dempster who passed its end ettlala tbwlllilud the canail Government count Canadlan name at the pen ha are run nlng thefcenrur ntttirarea This interviewiwi heard on Wed nesday afternoon 330 andiwill he mlghty interesting Speaking at ldtervlevn it is hopedthat this weekthe CKDB portable tape recorder vllll he used we take lookat day Back tron toronta Miss Mabelturner turned to her home hcreatter spending the winter In Toronto lteéeutvllltor1 Mr and Mn Grant Dunn spent weekend recently wlthMr and Mn Bill Parker at Georgetown tevtDaya with Sister Mrs Gillespie Victoria Har hnr spout nl2w days with her star ter Miss Mitbcl Turner WMS New The wus meeting was hnldon Tuesday evening at Mrsllerhort Goddardswilh Mrs Russell Tum or presiding Devotional reading given by Mn Robert Martin Mission study war in charge ol Mrsilerhert Goddard The ladies aimto reach an allocation at $200 or more Meeting closed with prayer by Mrs larold Martin Mr and Mrs Robert Hudson and Family and Fred McClung at Mid land were Visitors with Miss Mabel Turner last week Much to the regret at the con grcgatlon Mr and Mrs Murphy nnd Paul willioave shortly tar Ills gag mission told in Victoria WA Neva The United Church WA meeting was held Tuesday evening at the home at Mrs Fisher Gantan Wycvale Vlalt Mr andJMrs nohertMartln and Mr and Mrs Gordon ltowat visit ed Mr and Mrs George Slolt at Wyevale on Sunday alrth of Son lilr and Mrs Lloyd Johnston are proud parents at it baby boy Mrs Johnston and sun came home Saturday Graduate in Knox College David Murphy who came to this country from lrelnnil attendi ed the University at Toronto Eraduated with his then attended Knox one at in 1953 graduate Ion allege was aria iLlaten to events as happen gaining in popularity Starting in third week today no ale hi¢€flllnly¢hlflnld igood ly portion at the morning audience withtrls gonu tram hillbillyta the man modern andrvti is bright earthy humor nt caught the lcnnuse vErnie show yet youre misting sure pick up treat in the rooming little ho andjirli on ruasday alternoo May birthday party or human Bllliewhowaa rlx years old Angus Rawn spent the wecliend at the Wolfe Rivér Hunt Clula an the Wanlpiatae mvrr Ross Dduglasot Toronto and Jean tDouglas at Midland were home or the Weekend good crowd enjoyed pot Iuck supper at the hall on Satur day evenlus Congratulations to Sam Ellery who celebrrtnd his aznd birthriny last Thursday Mr and Mrs Bill Hounsomn and tnmlly at Gait visited with tho tormers parents Mr and Mrs Charles Hounwmn on Sundnyand Monday Dianne Carrulhers entertained law at her triends at party on Friday evening The sympathy at the Community goes out to the tamiiy at the late Mrs Levi loner who passed away suddenlyhn Friday morning Mrs Jones had lived in the Wychridge comm for many years Sunday visitors with hint Tuesday May Graduation cert molllï¬ were held tin Convocation Hall David Murphy has een the minister otthe Hillsdale stunt nnd Cnlghurstacharge He also spent two summers on mission fluids in Saskatchewan and Nova Seotl son lavidPaul have open the gait year at the mouse no It you have almuocl Slma entertained in Raw children were Mr air and urihun Jones were Hrslnnk Ram and Mr and Mrs PhiiLItnh ot Barrie and Mr and ievnungoi Toronto Frank Drinkwlne Ipent Sunday and Monday with her lip tcr Mn Lorne Camithen gtand amily Weekend Guest Weekend visitors with Mr and Mrs Raymond Eakley wcreM and Mrs Gordon Maxwel andM an in nuiitin Verna Buiialo weekend utsLl at Mr and Mrs Charles Robina Proved Faiths Etliclent cum Service Modern six month Pollcy Plan Competitive Rates Auto Personal Liability and Accident insurance See your Cool Agent MRS ALISON RANSOM V438 steelmsmet one 4000 Barrie Win and umbon Leonard and baby son and Mlle Beth Leonardv visited at Charles Haunsotnea rains spent Saturday in frursoavaAY is Em mi Baptist Church mar MAY3is tigers have corner Canllrence and Church Plattnrrns In TATivE rLAN RESERVE LounLAKrsuoaemr Now