ville Llo Vaohee Ind MrInd Verns Ind in the gt intend kept nearly 1000 hlismrlnl with nan Ind die 59 plan ii trikemlndiviilullilo phlu were presented to tum plum lune ode Gentle Greennde Doreen areenrlde 30 but GVWMPIM rumluldflw lawn with iheInnlui wallet and Formation QlJWlldl club 79 Ill Thundny evenan One hundred Indilll bowler13nd lhe mend Iilended IAIZIIE pruidént Bill lIrqulnr vmlded It Ihe dinner and pru prim Ml re Renal BruceRe old In Vern siahpe nullnun Writh prueniatlon olhe Consolntlon hophyelo len Gusttum uptIln RnyIlElue5 other trophy idam Srnllh Furnlulre Trophy ior ldlee high Ivenze bell Coltrell5even plenum Tueaday night It Barrio Aren In the ieIlurn bout of the eeth wmtllnz unL Drilllh epi ï¬ricilsed Ill hand of devilry on elunreut co venlon oi fruqu George one In elegant customer dup trdm Quebec Clly nun Lo The evil one mixed little lu inhisnluek and reduced no lo umlen Iublniulon with eeper hold It 2342 Llllu pin in the opening all Back ume theernbnllled Ln Io square matter It 3840 wl Uplmphy lor lIilJeI high lhree m1 Myrtle Jones CKBB Trophy for lIdleI high ringlezsleve Wisle Buns Glenn Trophy or menl high IverIge Doug Burnle Blrrle Bowllng AeIdemy Trophy loi menfx lah three Joe Tlminonn Dangerfield Motors lrophyjlor mens high sinner Mr FIrquhIr presented all to Mluvlluel Wright on behIli the league in appreciation ni duties In recreurytreuurerl Music or lhe dInclng thlt con cluded the evenlngr prognmwu flying drop kick In other liar The haul came in running cumn low minute lIier when the wrertlerq went lit it outalde the ring and in Ind out 01 the crowd Referee LIrry Knuhosklol North Boy disqualiï¬ed the pair then be ulne llllnM enllngled In the melee There WI generll pande monlum for spell dandy wind The semiinn oneiIll Ilia an won by DulchmIn Frank But who Look nlot oi Ihuutrom Mon IreIler lrlsh PIt OBrlen before mm Features repa merit Thin culled $315530 656000 865739 0235l 1324813 1573153 he ronl Aunt $333 gt 249246 $1 563 25878 23379 was 33489 363017 486039 71219 600614 eludinganrrie Mk roniiinnd meeting he Fri idllre Audlhrlummr the Golilen Hun Prlnclpll wanker Wilkbc Squadron Lend3 LI Search Ind Rescue Coordination Centre Trenton OntIrlor ownian Mexlnol Iurerooted hungde uendnntn oi North Mrlcon dour keyI Ire dwindling in numberI nil IIIP more mehlne Ire being used on minr mm OwnethlP $76300 12911 l7zs 245882 39680 iWithour obligation please send me furtherinférmatio Name vrovlded by Welly Perkins and hi Addr ss hestn nck Hnmllion was elected presi denl or the 195957 term He he been member of the luluinl most since iu lncepiion Ha wlil be ï¬ned by CH Travis vice preIidenl Ind Terry Hamilton new gecretlrylrensuror FAMOUS MUSEUM An imprudivc funds of col umn 37 feet high join the ellii and west wing or the Brimh Museum in Londo therlormer rose in his wnihlo quell the tonnemer inning linrt net13m with ruling ahgulder The opener between TImn llllllillS Pending St ritualinrs iso Essn Rd snvn notinn in nrnn newsn rnrrl Clisz Fordnrl7ully Warranled slip covers Qpenlnpï¬pcgnh 52 Plclilll one owner ready lo go to work snnnnnra om rnsnlo an $1495 1A SY UP 24 moms To PA UNDBB OUR 3W6 This one resemhles 112W HP of yours in dual Muropulliun rim oi niLhe rmarelnuy selected Beinrehin appointirlent every rare wa exercised to make sure that he bd the baxic qualities meniial ï¬othe drvnlnrn inmate Metropolilan Rehmcniativc He passed series oi selection delcnn He has been thorougth in begun arer an mung the wide varieties oi Metropolitana policz io iiidividunl changing needsand budge He studied family rupansl lldcs and upensee connected wiili than Company He learned how to bring the perich oi the whole team to the aid of we ndi dn pulicyhuldcr hisopti rlelortheposl Mr hletrupol also likely in ryou Chances arnie was born we average sumn lleiswell equi peg lnnnennd your pl You aihnninesn ny inccilng Mr Menu mnflAegiii fornnnnaiyris ni your insuranoe situation Vith he eimpolita team behind him you prompt and thorough midi baned oniyearerni adual nrpe lice Phone now no lir Motropnlikul Daiml listedbeloiv Give Mr Melmpolilnn the change in prove personally that or serlllé Is léticll ajs Main Sirael closé as our phonon ynn bull in your